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    Cool Update.........

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  2. #28272
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    Experts question ideas in leaked memo
    McClatchy Newspapers
    WASHINGTON — It would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to implement most of the key ideas for quelling the Iraqi civil war that are outlined in a classified Nov. 8 memo to President Bush from national security adviser Stephen Hadley, experts said Wednesday.

    In the memo, Hadley expressed doubts about Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s ability or willingness to go beyond the Shiite sectarian agenda and forge a unity government. But he also recommended steps that al-Maliki could take to curb the violence and U.S. measures to strengthen him, including sending more forces into Baghdad.

    His central suggestion was to bring al-Maliki’s political reliance on anti-U.S. Shiite Muslim cleric Muqtada al-Sadr “to closure.”

    But experts said trying to push out al-Sadr would be throwing gasoline on a fire.

    Al-Sadr’s party is the largest in parliament, with 32 seats, and al-Maliki became prime minister only with his support. Al-Sadr’s Mahdi Army militia controls large parts of Baghdad and southern Iraq, and many Iraqi Shiites hail him as their only protection from attacks by rival Sunni Muslims.

    “Sadr is aware of the considerable extent to which his forces ... constitute a significant part of the power in the streets, and there is no reason why he would simply want to surrender that leverage,” said Paul Pillar, the former top U.S. intelligence analyst on the Middle East.

    Hadley’s memo was leaked to The New York Times on the eve of the talks in Jordan. He wrote the five-page classified document after meeting with al-Maliki on Oct. 30 in Baghdad.

    In it, Hadley also suggested al-Maliki overhaul his Cabinet by replacing key members of Shiite and Sunni religious parties with “nonsectarian, capable technocrats.”

    But the Iraqi Constitution requires new ministers be approved by two-thirds of parliament, a vote that al-Sadr could block. A Cabinet shake-up also would unravel the power-sharing deal that took the religious parties months to negotiate.

    Experts also were skeptical of a proposal that the U.S. provide “monetary support” for forming a new coalition of moderate Shiite, Sunni and ethnic Kurdish parliamentarians. Several experts wondered what moderates Hadley was referring to.
    The State | 11/30/2006 | Experts question ideas in leaked memo

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    Here's an article from Al Sabbah... economic section....

    Economic :Iraq intends to offer oil and gas to foreign investment economic report Baghdad-morning news reports reported that the Ministry of Oil intends to offer oil and gas discovered to invest before the oil companies to increase the rates of global crude oil production in the country for the coming years. An official in the oil sector "that the Ministry 520 oil and gas fields Gazia hitherto in different regions of the country and that the ministry had prepared a plan to invest in large part in the next stage especially that it now invest up only about 20 of them. "He added that "the ministry has prepared a plan for the investment of large numbers of these fields, which will contribute to increasing rates of crude oil production, which will have a positive impact on increasing the volume of oil exports for the next stage."The official in charge of saying that "the development of oil fields discovered continue for a period of five years, and this escalated and the Ministry of Oil of the pace of submission of studies and presentations for the purpose of promising investment fields."He said :"The Oil Ministry is now investing 20 A-520 because of the lack of financial resources and lack of spare parts to increase production rates."The report to the Ministry of Oil revealed that Iraq has lost the financial returns of up to 24 billion dollars due to the problems facing the production and export of crude oil during the period between 2004 and the middle of this year.The report "Transparency III" issued by the Office of the Inspector General of the Ministry of Oil that the rates of crude oil production planned for 2004 was at 2.686 million barrels per day achieved in the actual production of 1.995 million barrels per day, a difference of up to 691 thousand barrels per day.The report attributed the reasons for the low levels of crude oil production in Iraq during this period to the total problems and obstacles, including the lack of implementation of the relevant investment plans to increase production as well as the low productivity of wells producing oil and the failure to develop new oilfields and the depletion of existing wells.Among the reasons for the losses by the oil sector Yemeni state security chaos and wreckage of attacks on oil installations, according to the latest statistics of the Ministry of Oil that Iraq possesses announcing reserve of oil estimated at 115 billion barrels, in addition to another undisclosed reserve estimated at 214 billion barrels.

  4. #28274
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    Default Panel reaches deal on U.S.-Iraq policy

    Panel reaches deal on U.S.-Iraq policy - Yahoo! News
    Panel reaches deal on U.S.-Iraq policy
    By PAULINE JELINEK, Associated Press Writer
    36 minutes ago

    WASHINGTON - A bipartisan commission, under pressure to offer a U.S. exit strategy for the increasingly unpopular war in Iraq, has reached a consensus and will announce its recommendations next week, the group's co-chairman said Wednesday.

    Former Rep. Lee Hamilton, D-Ind., declined to disclose any specifics about the Iraq Study Group's decisions. The report, much anticipated by the Bush administration and members of Congress, is coming out next Wednesday amid the spiraling violence in Iraq that has raised questions about the viability of the Iraqi government.

    "This afternoon, we reached a consensus ... and we will announce that on Dec. 6," Hamilton told a forum on national security at the Center for American Progress, a liberal group.

    "We're making recommendations," said Hamilton, who led the group with former Secretary of State James A. Baker III.

    The New York Times reported on its Web site Wednesday night that the study group will call for a gradual pullback of the 15 American brigades now in Iraq, but will stop short of setting a specific timetable for their withdrawal.

    The Times, citing unidentified people familiar with the report, said it does not state whether the brigades, numbering 3,000 to 5,000 troops each, should be pulled back to bases in Iraq or in neighboring countries.

    The commission members — five Democrats and five Republicans — had been split over the appropriate U.S. troop levels in Iraq, and whether and how to pull American forces out, one official close to the panel's deliberations told The Associated Press.

    (Read more news at the site; hopefully they get it right and get the RV out!)

  5. #28275
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    here's another good one from Al Sabahh economic...

    Draft International Covenant with Iraq stressed the cancellation of all types of government support for the advancement of economic Baghdad Haider spring had drafted the International Covenant with Iraq from the Iraqi side submitted to the preparatory conference that was held recently in Kuwait and is aimed at establishing a new partnership with the international community and to achieve the aspirations of the people inall areas either security or social or economic thing, which will focus on in this report,.Put several of the points, which was considered futuristic visions (draft) would revitalize the Iraqi economy and infrastructure development so that it can promote and contribute effectively to the improvement of living conditions for all segments of society to contribute to the provision of the requirements of sustainable development according to market well as creating an economy open to the world and integrated with the rest of the economies in the region, especially the neighboring countries.The draft also pointed out the importance of allowing the private sector to play a leading role in economic activity,with the special role of the government to regulate this activity and protection.In addition to that document, or (draft) identified the government's program of action on the economic level, through the development of policy initiatives and expanded Chairperson him,in the framework of a focus (economic policies) Chairperson on the sectors that have been identified in the national strategic development, including the management of public resources and the introduction of economic reforms and reforms in the social sector and investment, energy and agriculture.The draft economic reform to the desired goal of this reform is to create an enabling environment for public and private investment, domestic and foreign engine for sustained economic growth, diversified and create jobs,and to create the appropriate conditions to achieve maximum benefit from foreign aid, investment and integration into the global economy.In regard to the reform of government support for the draft recommended that the government abolish governmental support programs destruction, which lacks efficiency (in the words of the draft) and in stages,at a time when (the government) to ensure the protection of vulnerable groups through the introduction of all types of financial support in the proposed manner that reflects the full costs and the establishment of a transition from aid to the protection networks target efficient and capable of providing full protection for the vulnerable and poor,with the need for public awareness and consultation to ensure access to broad participation and promote reforms of the government support,as well as the direction of the reform process to support economic diversification.Confirmed at the same time (the draft) the importance of supporting the petroleum products gradually, in accordance with standby arrangements in a tandem with the development of social protection and other compensation mechanisms.The government is aware of the need to reform the ration-card system in order to improve the effectiveness and equity shares of public resources, but their commitment to support the estimated 25% of Iraqi families that rely heavily on the ration card system..Therefore, it will replace the ration card system, many of the social services programs, income and employment in particular targeting individuals who do not have the ability to access to the labor market,.In this context, the government will discuss the possibility of introducing the principle oil quota with the International Monetary Fund within the framework of compensation for aid canceled.The development of the private sector and encourage investment in this context, the draft has a number of points necessary for the advancement of this vital aspect in the forefront of creating an enabling environment for private investment and job creation and strengthening of the rule of law in commercial and financial activities and the importance of the development of the judicial system and legal possibilities in thisarea to ensure the protection of private property and the sanctity of contracts.And that the application of the law of investment and the adoption of a new commercial code and its application,in addition to the importance of improving and facilitating the establishment of businesses and employing workers and the registration of ownership and access to loans and dealing with the licensing and cross-border trade and the implementation of contracts with a focus on topics related to quality and opportunities,and simplify entry procedures in the business and exit from the introduction of regulatory reforms, procedural and financial incentives to businesses,in addition to formulating strategic restructuring and privatization of public companies and management on commercial basis, including the establishment of the State Property Fund of the Department of government property on a commercial basis and attract investors and encourage entrepreneurship.The draft also stressed the importance of finding solutions (to depend on the private sector) to stimulate housing construction,and to improve the availability of funding for private businesses,particularly for small and medium enterprises, including guarantees of funding,, as well as facilitate the allocation of funds to encourage the private sector within the legislation and the rules on public procurement..It also recommended that accession to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in the Middle East and North Africa.The draft that of the private sector needs to develop and promote change is to provide appropriate security, the rule of law and the regulatory regime efficient and transparent,State should also provide other public goods necessary for the development of a vibrant private sector including energy,and basic services,The President and infrastructure improvements in human capital through education and training.Financial sector restructuring draft stressed encourage savings and investment,In light of this and in order to create an enabling environment for investment, the government will continue its progress in reforming the financial sector through restructuring government banks and the creation of appropriate conditions for the strengthening of the financial system in Iraq and to increase access to credit by businesses and well as creating an enabling environment for the development of the banking sector,the restructuring of private banks, unification,to create space for the banking system in general.In addition to facilitating participation in the accounts of government payments, such as payroll and retirement through private banks.The foundation of electronic payment system.

  6. #28276
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    Cool Hummm I Like this Find.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Rizzo View Post
    Here's an article from Al Sabbah... economic section....

    Economic :Iraq intends to offer oil and gas to foreign investment
    economic report Baghdad-morning news reports reported that the Ministry of Oil intends to offer oil and gas discovered to invest before the oil companies to increase the rates of global crude oil production in the country for the coming years.[/b]

    An official in the oil sector "that the Ministry 520 oil and gas fields Gazia hitherto in different regions of the country and that the ministry had prepared a plan to invest in large part in the next stage especially that it now invest up only about 20 of them. "He added that "the ministry has prepared a plan for the investment of large numbers of these fields, which will contribute to increasing rates of crude oil production, which will have a positive impact on increasing the volume of oil exports for the next stage.

    "The official in charge of saying that "the development of oil fields discovered continue for a period of five years, and this escalated and the Ministry of Oil of the pace of submission of studies and presentations for the purpose of promising investment fields."He said :"The Oil Ministry is now investing 20 A-520 because of the lack of financial resources and lack of spare parts to increase production rates.

    "The report to the Ministry of Oil revealed that Iraq has lost the financial returns of up to 24 billion dollars due to the problems facing the production and export of crude oil during the period between 2004 and the middle of this year.

    The report "Transparency III" issued by the Office of the Inspector General of the Ministry of Oil that the rates of crude oil production planned for 2004 was at 2.686 million barrels per day achieved in the actual production of 1.995 million barrels per day, a difference of up to 691 thousand barrels per day.

    The report attributed the reasons for the low levels of crude oil production in Iraq during this period to the total problems and obstacles, including the lack of implementation of the relevant investment plans to increase production as well as the low productivity of wells producing oil and the failure to develop new oilfields and the depletion of existing wells.

    Among the reasons for the losses by the oil sector Yemeni state security chaos and wreckage of attacks on oil installations, according to the latest statistics of the Ministry of Oil that Iraq possesses announcing reserve of oil estimated at 115 billion barrels,

    in addition to another undisclosed reserve estimated at 214 billion barrels.

    Means they are ready for money and to enact the FIL as well as the HCL. IMHO this sounds like a r/v at anytime.
    Last edited by neno; 30-11-2006 at 06:43 AM.

  7. #28277
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    Quote Originally Posted by twins0203 View Post
    Anyone know what the current exchange rate is for Jordan's currency vs. USD?
    No offense to you personally but i've read some really easy questions lately...

    It would have taken you less time to google "Jordan currency" and find your answer than post your question here...

    BTW, 1 Jordanian Dinar (JOD) = 1.40164 US Dollar (USD) according to Oanda.
    Last edited by webinvestor; 30-11-2006 at 06:52 AM.
    A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, "Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face... then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position the blood doesn't run into my feet?"
    A little fellow shouted, "Cause your feet ain't empty."

  8. #28278
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    Default More security progress.

    Sorry. I don't have MS Word on this PC. Otherwise, I would have removed all the squigglies.

    The arrest of 11 officials from the Ansar Al-Sunnah «» in Iraq

    (صوت العراق) - 30-11-2006(Voice of Iraq) - 11-30-2006
    ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديقThis issue was sent to a friend

    بغداد ـ ا.ف.ب: اعلنت قوات التحالف امس اعتقال 11 من مسؤولي تنظيم «انصار السنة» الاصولي في مناطق متفرقة من العراق خلال عمليات دهم استمرت حوالي اسبوع انتهت منتصف الشهر الحالي.A Baghdad. P. B : Coalition forces announced yesterday the arrest of 11 officials from the organization «» fundamentalist group Ansar al-Sunna in various parts of Iraq during a raid lasted about a week over the middle of this month.
    واوضح بيان عسكري ان عمليات الدهم اسفرت عن «اعتقال امراء التنظيم الارهابي في الرمادي وبعقوبة وتكريت والقائم وبيجي وبغداد وكذلك خبير متفجرات وأحد الممولين فضلا عن اثنين من الاشخاص الذين يساعدون هؤلاء» في تحركاتهم.The military statement that the raid operations resulted in the arrest of the alleged «terrorist organization in Ramadi and Baquba, Tikrit and Baiji and the existing and Baghdad, as well as an explosives expert and one of the taxpayers as well as two of the people who assist them in their movements». وتابع ان «عملية الاعتقال هذه توجه ضربة قوية الى شبكة التنظيم المسؤول عن هجمات بواسطة العبوات الناسفة وأخرى انتحارية وعمليات خطف وجرائم اخرى».He went on to say that «this arrest directed a strong blow to the organization responsible for the attacks by booby traps and other suicide operations, kidnappings and other crimes». وكانت مجموعة انصار السنة قد تبنت العديد من الهجمات وعمليات قتل رهائن في العراق منذ الغزو الاميركي في مارس (آذار) 2003.The group, Ansar Al-Sunnah has adopted a number of attacks and killings of hostages in Iraq since the American invasion in March 2003 (March).
    Translated version of
    Last edited by Vipor; 30-11-2006 at 06:55 AM.

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    Default Three strategic water projects

    29 November 2006 (Al-Sabaah)
    General mechanical and engineering company of water resources ministry has completed three strategic projects in three provinces within projects allocated to ministry's companies.

    General director of the company said to al-Sabah that these projects are within projects allocated to the company according to allocations of last year and include mechanical and electric works for pumping station of general mouth which include setting up 12 big electric pump to drainage 20 cubic meter per second for each pump and they work together as one station with final drainage of 230 cubic meter per second , in addition to set up and operate pushing systems and plankton cleaning with bridge cranes with final loud of 75 tones.
    Three strategic water projects | Iraq Updates

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    Default The Central Bank raises interest rates to 16%

    29 November 2006 (Iraq Directory)
    The Iraqi Central Bank uncovered the high inflation last October by 2.7% from the previous month, pointing out to the adoption of a strict policy on interest rates and lift them to 16% to motivate commercial banks to make fundamental adjustments in various bank interest rates to deal with this inflation.

    A statement issued by the Central Bank said: "the index of consumer prices in Iraq in October 2006, express increase in the inflation rate by nearly 2.7% compared with September of the same year".

    The statement added that the increase showed "diverse rises in the prices of all goods and services, reflected in one form or another at the level of annual inflation which witnessed a remarkable increase of about 9.52% according to the indicators of October compared to last September, about 6.51%".

    The Central Bank noted that «in spite of the slight decline in the annual rate of inflation last October 2006, which was the index of consumer prices, and from which the items of fuel, lighting, transport and communications were excluded, it recorded nearly 32% after it witnessed a rise of 33.1% in September of this year

    The Central Bank raises interest rates to 16% | Iraq Updates
    Wasn't sure if this was posted so just in case here it is.

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