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    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    The first political summit : Oman half difficult negotiations :

    News about joining Hakim and Hashemi and the fierce talks, Bush and Abdullah Al-Maliki Baghdad-Sabah Co resume Nuri al-Maliki, and George Bush, the Amman summit, which began yesterday, sponsored by King Abdullah bin Al-Hussein, King of Jordan. A particular source of the "morning" that a meeting between the two sides was brief Royal Palace yesterday evening to resume talks between Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and American President George Bush Four seasons Hotel in the center of Amman today. The news to join Eminence, Mr. Abdel Aziz al-Hakim, head of the Coalition to summit talks, which are expected participation of the Vice-President Tariq Al-Hashmi, Sheikh Harith al-Dhari located in Amman, in addition to the members of the delegation accompanying the Prime Minister were the Minister of Foreign Affairs Hoshyar Zebari, the national security adviser Muwaffaq Rubaie and Deputy Sami military. An official of the Amiri Royal Jordanian summit will be an Iraqi-American-Jordanian. The Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki after arriving in Amman that he would support the government and given full powers and support the draft reconciliation as important mechanism to emerge from the crisis, as well as the claim the protection of the unity of Iraq. Sources Co to hold a closed meeting Thursday, The news agencies said they would meet to work before breakfast held a joint press conference. hopes observers speculate, to succeed this summit to prevent slips Iraq to the brink of civil war in particular, the presence of actors and Khakim Hashemi and Dari would have a great effect on them to succeed. In Baghdad, Dr. Adnan Al-Dulaimi telephone call with the (morning) that the Vice-President Tarek Hashemi delivered a letter from the Accord Front to King Abdullah II belonging to the difficult conditions in pointing out that His Majesty the King Siosalha part to President Bush, He Dulaimi hoped the successful summit in ousting Iraq from the bitter reality. Before the summit yesterday, the White House announced that he still supports the government-Maliki, He said spokesman Tony Snow : The government is determined to continue to support al-Maliki to achieve its political, economic, diplomatic and security, He said : Our goal and our desire assistance Maliki has not changed. The statements Snowe is published in The New York Times on the memo Stephen Hadley national security adviser questioned the ability of the Iraqi government to control sectarian violence, but at the same time, the Department advised the White House more support to the owners, He said Tony Snow : note that the goal of (support Maliki and strengthen its capacity) and described in the American State Department officials as a crucial summit on the militias. They said in statements to the media : President Bush will ask Maliki identify the obstacles preventing the government from disbanding. It also wants to listen to the viewpoint of last respect to the situation in Iraq before making a final decision on the report of the Committee on Baker. The summit is co-extensive attention, especially in Iraq because of deteriorating conditions that citizens hoped to reach the summit to find solutions to them. As they were surrounded statements and projections indicate the danger of the situation in Iraq threatened by civil war that could erupt at any moment if there was no urgency to address the situation, as the Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan, While the Vice President Tariq Al-Hashmi that what is happening in the country, security trouble might lead to civil war. With President Nouri Al-Maliki reiterated that the crisis in Iraq is political, not security, the Followers believe the presence of the parties from various entities, especially Accord Front might lead to the establishment of arrangements for the benefit of stability and security, these observers said that the meeting between King Abdullah bin Al-Hussein, Sheikh Harith al-Dhari might lead to reconciliation would end the discord caused by the arrest of a judicial onslaught, which call evolution by the United Nations and the Arab League to withdraw its support from the Iraqi government. He says media delegation accompanying Prime Minister Al-Maliki will discuss several axes, and that he will present several conditions, However, they did not talk about what those terms and what is required of them, but analysts said earlier that Mr. al-Maliki will need to give absolute powers of the government and handed over the security file. The United Nations News said yesterday that the Security Council approved the extension of the stay of multinational forces for another year and give the powers of the Iraqi government request to end their presence at any time they wanted. It seems that the Prime Minister, many of the securities that would be put up for discussion. this at a time when the aspiration of the Iraqi security file to give the necessary priority to extinguish the flames marching into Iraq without mercy.
    جريدة الصباح - قمة عمان : مفاوضات الشوط الصعب

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  2. #28292
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Economic : in the poll conducted by (morning) on the increases in staff salaries

    Some believe the increase is necessary to cope with the troubles of life Baghdad Imad Principality The Iraqi economy suffers from the problem of insufficient demand, not inadequate supply and this inexplicable that the Iraqi markets filled with goods from different species and approval of related items, but the problem lies in the increase in prices can not (Iraqi family) to meet all their needs, Since the (Iraqi government) is the main sponsor for citizens, including a slice of staff has taken the decision Raising living standards by increasing staff salaries and the Ministry of Finance prepared the new peaceful applied at the beginning of the year (2007) and included increases of up to 60 by 40% of the nominal salary and have an impact on the utilitarian blocks (retired), and here things appear good, but the fear is that accompany such an increase, if applied on the scheduled date and the question Is maintain important Iraqi market on the prices of various commodities? Or the opposite will happen whether receive increases in the index chart of inflation, which is already in a remarkable rise, when this had to be told (morning) to conduct a survey on this subject with various segments of (Iraqi society), where we met Mr. (Mohamed Din al) teacher with the service (35) years and reached the limits of his salary (500) thousand dinars, and asked him what you mean this increase? speaking saying : prior to the issue of increasing the salaries to be reference to the phenomenon of the rise in market prices, which have become commercial Iraqi inherent to all goods and commodities, particularly imported and we do not see little of the goods in the Iraqi market has delivered this situation overshadows the Iraqi consumer and the other is that we suffer is the retreat of services (public) and private medical owing to the deteriorating security situation in the case of a citizen to the National Medical Services found high prices as an employee could not bear the burdens of those price rises for staff salaries has been on the scale of salary increases after the events of 2003 / September 4, and was the first staff but did not enjoy the this increase only for a few months after the incident, then started the Iraqi market by being progressive and sometimes abrupt and steep for a variety of reasons Everybody knows no room to mention that has absorbed price increases increase in the salary scales, In many cases, staff members with the average salary to the multiple financial problems, forcing them to work theme (cash advances) within the remedy temporary and limited to inadequate salary. He (Muhammad) that the proposed increase in staff salaries peace is undoubtedly yes, but remain good legitimate fears that accompanied those increases price rises again in the Iraqi market, which is already suffering from high prices in this area call stakeholders and the political decision, which is a reflection of economic reality to together the plethora of crises from its roots, which has caused the President of price rises and through the permanency of decisive action taken by the government to control the causes of the crisis and preventing and dealing with the phenomenon of administrative corruption rampant in the sectors of the state in general. Agricultural Engineer (Haidar Abdaljbar) spoke about the increase in salaries, saying : before this must first activate the real activity of the Iraqi economy, through the activity of the industrial sector, agriculture and who are the foundation pillar of the Iraqi economy, which we see today is the opposite where we see that all the joints Iraqi industry idle through (closed doors) to the factories and laboratories and the government sector only Does that have reached nearly prepared (30.000) lab and factory government and people of this closed and almost completely disrupt economic life of the facilities, thus opening the door to the flow of foreign goods, which plunged the Iraqi market, as well as the lack of quality, this situation combined with other factors, led to the (Iraqi capital flight) towards abroad, which weakened the value of (Iraqi dinar), therefore, I believe I can say that no economic feasibility of the salary increases if there were no treatments for the factors of the weakness of (the Iraqi economy) and the rise of the index graph of inflation, The agricultural sector, we see neglected completely and especially after the fall of the regime is no longer in the Principles of the government role in the revitalization of this vital sector and its lifetime has come to import most vegetables, for example (a tomato and onion) from the neighboring countries and this in itself constitutes a failure of the Iraqi economy completely and if it lasted this situation, the increases in staff salaries peace will be subject to the problems of price rises and inflation was rampant in the structure of the Iraqi economy. Economic stakeholders who had a vision in this matter was to address the theme (food security), which is the basis for the consumer and for the Iraqi to be the achievement of food security through the revitalization of the agricultural sector and not to rely entirely on imported agricultural goods to arrive at the price policy, which plays the role of a significant contribution to achieving substantial growth in the agriculture and food production Finally, we have to work on the integration of agricultural pricing policies with other pricing policies with the rest of fiscal and monetary policies and other treatments, and measures leading to an Iraqi economy will become solid increases for staff-impact player to improve living standards, and movement towards social welfare.
    جريدة الصباح - في استطلاع أجرته ( الصباح ) بشأن الزيادات في رواتب الموظفين

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  3. #28293
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    Economic : resentment of the rising prices of fuel in Basra

    Basra-Sabah Emerged to the surface once again the phenomenon of the rise article / kerosine / in Basra raised concern about a number of citizens, including the owners of the professions related to this article. He said Nassif Jassem Al-Abbadi vice president of the Basra Governorate, : "The increase in the prices of fuels and reached 100% as a major cause of discontent among farmers and fishermen Fish and the self-employed. " He added : "The tomato farmers who export of a million tons of Basra farms this year would halt the agriculture and looking for other professions after continuous rises in the prices of fuels needed in agriculture machinery and transport is also preparing hundreds of fishermen to call a strike and demonstrations in protest at the exit of this increase, which u it paralyzed the labor movement in the province, which had affected curtail Iraqi citizens in general, through the work stopped in the tomato farms or fishing. " Ebadi demanded the government : "reconsideration of this matter and reviewing the increase in the prices of fuels and support professions affecting people's food daily." It is noteworthy that in Basra more than three thousand farm tomato spread in Safwan and Zubayr, and other areas in Basra and that there are more than two thousand, 500 boat and the plot freely fishing in Iraqi territorial waters and response R. production.
    جريدة الصباح - إستياء من ارتفاع أسعار الوقود في البصرة

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  4. #28294
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    Economic : Water Resources : support projects in Kurdistan

    Baghdad-Sabah The Ministry of Water Resources as : full support will be needed by engineering and technical teams working on the territory of Kurdistan. A source in the ministry in a press statement : The ministry asked the engineers supervising the projects in the Kurdistan region and to use the opportunity of security and stability, which cut its territory to accomplish Enterprise of the Ministry before the deadlines. He added : The ministry asked the engineers to provide lists of the needs of the projects of machinery and equipment for the purpose of considering and provide the necessary ones. And : The minister asked the officials in the city of Kirkuk to make the necessary efforts to complete the irrigation projects being implemented by the ministry. He pointed out : The ministry carried out a number of vital projects in the Kurdistan region, such is the infrastructure for the start of the future in the implementation of service projects, , which is considered a service and provide many benefits to a number of areas.
    جريدة الصباح - الموارد المائيــة : دعم المشــاريع في كردســتان

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  5. #28295
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    Economic : the Cabinet granted licenses lifting materials scrapyard

    Baghdad-Sabah The Cabinet decision was circulated to district councils to grant permits for the disposal of scrap metal materials in the streets, squares and residential areas in large quantities. A source at the Directorate of Environment Maysan : (scrapyard materials that spread in different areas of the province and regencies and the surrounding areas and main roads remnants of previous wars, is the manifestation Unesthetic as well as the radiation effects of some of the disposal of very necessary). It is noteworthy that there is a big project to be implemented by the General Company for Iron and Steel for dealing with these materials and invest in recycling operations, according to the investment plans.
    جريدة الصباح - مجلس الوزراء يمنح تراخيص رفع مواد السكراب

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  6. #28296
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    Economic : financial control recognized the new law to the House of Representatives

    Baghdad-Sabah The Office of Financial Supervision handed to the House of Representatives a new bill to the Cabinet for discussion and approval. He said Dr. Abdul Basit Turki Said Chief of Staff : (The new law expands the powers of the collection and ensure the right to refer the investigation of corruption cases to the judiciary directly). He added : (that the new law will reduce the damage of public money because the delay referral of the investigation to eliminate so harmful to the fight against corruption). He explained : (The investigation of corruption as a deterrent to those who think in the exercise of the future, but delays punishment draw the wrong signal to those who think in the exercise). It is noteworthy that the Office of Financial Supervision before 1985 had a right to the investigation and referral to the judiciary was robbed of this right after the events of 4-9-2003).
    جريدة الصباح - الرقابة المالية سلمت قانونها الجديد الى مجلس النواب

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  7. #28297
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    Economic : assignment of 115 construction projects for implementation in Wasit

    Al-Sabah Construction Committee announced in the Wasit governorate today referred 115 construction projects within accelerate reconstruction projects for implementation in the Wasit governorate. Her sincerity Fleih Council member : "The cost of project Which has been sent to the executing companies hit 52 billion and 500 million Iraqi dinars and included the preservation addition to the city of Kut and the surrounding districts to maintain all. " She added : (These projects included the establishment of new schools and add classrooms in other schools and extending networks purified water and sewage networks and the surfacing of a number of streets and subsidiary President addition to memorial pools for water purification capacities ranging between / 200 cubic meters - 50 cubic meters). She Fleih to : (The service sectors, which included projects to accelerate reconstruction and education are the municipalities, water and sewage, roads and water resources).
    جريدة الصباح - إحالة 115 مشروعاً إعمارياً للتنفيذ في واسط

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  8. #28298
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    Economic : policies and strategies needed to support the flow of foreign direct investment

    Muhannad spring The former Iraqi economic policy gives priority to the public sector, The focus on political issues and sectors that do not give the required production-oriented manufacturing and the production of military weapons, as well as allocating less time to solve economic problems accumulated, especially during the period of economic sanctions In the 1990s of the last century, with the postponement of any fundamental changes in the economic policy and institutional framework within which the rule of the political system in Iraq. another has to implement economic reform programs in Iraq. Have been some minor repairs, but on the whole, came as a reaction to the deteriorating economic conditions in the country. It can be said that failure to implement economic reform programs in Iraq due to the significant factors. first, is the focus on political issues, as mentioned above, second, the presence of oil, despite the cessation depend largely at the beginning of the 1990s, the main source of income has contributed directly or indirectly in the economic development process. The lack of implementation of economic reform programs, in addition to political factors, lack of access to investment flows to various kinds to the Iraqi economy. After considerable political change in 2003, which included a change in the political system in Iraq Governor, , attracted attention to the substance of economic change that will be political change. And at that the process of economic change in Iraq in the transition to a free-market system and the introduction of economic reform programs and to take the necessary measures to join the World Trade Organization and the construction of such fundamental changes in the Iraqi economy. This change requires reconsidering the many things that were unwanted or subject to severe restrictions. At the forefront of the issue of privatization and the role of foreign direct investment in economic development. In the past, Iraq. As is the case in most developing countries and the Arab, depended primarily on the activities of the public sector the engine of economic development and provide employment while giving secondary role limited to the private sector or to restrict its role in most cases. This has led to the expansion of the economic role of the State to include the issues of production, distribution and pricing, while shrinking the role of the private sector to a large extent. Due to the lack of efficiency of the public sector on one hand, , and helplessness on the other hand, as well as the special economic conditions experienced by the Iraqi economy during the 1980s and 1990s two and the beginning of the new millennium, the accumulation of domestic and external debt accumulated economic problems, In no longer be tolerated by the political transition following the fall of Iraq. The reform aims to increase the economic efficiency of the economic factors of production and economic diversification and expansion of the productive base instead of the heavy reliance on the oil and gas sector. As the production efficiency requires modern technical means and sophisticated production, management and conscious, There is a need to change the perception of the role played by foreign direct investment in the economy. consideration of the doubt to encourage and restrictions on the activities of the liberation of these activities. The above applies to the role of multinational corporations, which are the main source of investment flows and control of modern technology and advanced means of production, , which must be provided to increase the competitiveness of local products so that they can compete in global markets. In order to achieve the government policy to increase foreign direct investment objectives desired, it is necessary to be a part of the general policy of the State. Determining economic objectives of the State Assembly which determines the strategy needed, including the financial aspects necessary for the implementation of that strategy. This includes turn the state's policy towards foreign direct investment, both in terms of type or size or sectors, which should be invested in any of the priority sectors open to the flow of foreign direct investment. It should be noted that the policy of opening the door to foreign direct investment is not an end in itself but a means to achieve the objectives of economic unable local resources, whether financial, technical or administrative achieved. Since the policy of supporting the flow of foreign direct investment involving the cost of the national economy, it is necessary that the final result be positive, any return to the flow of foreign direct investment must be greater than the loss incurred by the public treasury of the State as a result of tax exemptions or customs and government support for the influx. In general, the State must determine whether the policies to attract foreign direct investment is the most appropriate policy to achieve the goals set. Moreover, the policy of the Iraqi government to attract foreign direct investment must be flexible according to the conditions of economic and financial and technical resources in the period, that would change if they changed all or some of these conditions. Every stage of economic objectives and tools to achieve these goals, If the aim example, the exploitation of natural resources available from the expertise and technical, It differs from that investment, which seeks behind the large market and the manufacturing example, Thus, the incentives and facilities provided must be in line with the objective to be achieved. In the case of exploitation of natural resources must be directed towards investment incentives that achieves the goal of economic, that is the policy of the State to support the flow of foreign direct investment must focus on the state's priorities and economic development and give priority to incentives and facilities for the kind of investment that achieves these objectives at minimum cost. In addition, the successful policy to attract foreign direct investment are those that focus not only on financial incentives granted by the State to this investment, but but also on the comparative advantages enjoyed by the national economy, The definition of these privileges, through the provision of information and statistical data minute. So it would not be the real motive for the foreign investor is benefiting from the advantages and facilities financial, monetary and otherwise, but benefiting from the exploitation of such comparative advantage, This achieves the purpose of attracting foreign direct investment in the achievement of the Millennium development of the country.
    جريدة الصباح - السياسات والاستراتيجيات اللازمة لدعم تدفق الاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر

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    Iraq : tourism confirm the existence of the excesses of new archaeological sites
    Baghdad morning Informed of the Ministry of State for Tourism and the ministries of Public Service of the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers excesses new developments on the Iraqi antiquities. An official source in the ministry statement to the press : The new transcended by the multinational forces got Tel Dhabai archaeological south of Baghdad, He added that these forces have removed the fence cable Pacific Tree Hill, as well as crafts fence on the Canal Street and breaking the door and threw the debris fence within the site, He stressed that cases of abuse of this site is no longer repeated correspondence futile. The other source said that the General Authority for Antiquities and Heritage, which is one of the organizations were informed by the ministry received information from the Directorate of Combat Economic Crime in the province of Maysan reports that the British forces stationed in stripes Alktarath in hand Sayed Ahmed Rifai, He said : already the Ministry of State for Tourism and the warning of foreign forces from closer to archaeological sites or set up camps where because it affects the nature of these sites, and destroying the relics in the subsoil. The ministry also warned of the presence of heavy military vehicles at these sites for their negative effects on archaeological treasures in the ground. The spokesman stressed that the feasibility of addressing the Senior Adviser of the Office of Iraq reconstruction (IRMO), of the ministry for not reacting positively to the solution of any of the previous problems that have been asked of him. It is noteworthy that the multinational forces had left the site Alathariin Babylon and Samarra, and pledged not to waive any palaeoseismological sites, it has not fulfilled the promise given responsibility for the destruction of many Iraqi antiquities.
    جريدة الصباح - السياحة تؤكد وجود تجاوزات جديدة على المواقع الأثرية

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    Iraq : Bank of blood cost of 500 million dinars

    The first of its kind in Karbala Karbala morning Oversee technical and engineering capabilities of the Health Department on the implementation of Karbala, the first draft of a blood bank in the province and cost more than 500 million dinars. This announcement was told (morning) : Dr Muhammad al-Jaafari General Director of the Department of Health Karbala adding : The project comes within the framework of regional development projects and accelerate reconstruction and cooperation with the reconstruction of Iraq and to maintain the ratio of achievement which exceeded 50%, explained that the project area of 1250 square meters and consists of two floors of the building divided between a variety of people, including two for the withdrawal of the blood of men, women and the other to separate the components of blood and Immune Deficiency examination rooms for the management and staffing of health, administrative and lounge to wait and the refrigerator storage, He added that he hoped the project would be completed during the next three months to equip all medical devices after confirming that it is enough to meet the needs of the citizens of tests hepatitis and Immune Deficiency (AIDS). He said that the aim of the project is the increase in population of the province to increase the demand for blood and the recent developments that have occurred in the separation of hemoglobin, as well as to conduct laboratory tests needed to provide equipment and medical supplies modern required the establishment of such a project, which is located near the hospital sensory n Karbala General Hospital for Children, which is located near the site of the roads to the town and that it contributes to the support and assigning medical and health care of a special chamber in visits Almlioneh witnessed by the province.
    جريدة الصباح - مصرف للدم بكلفة 500 مليون دينار

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