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    Default Ansar Al Sunna commanders arrested

    Ansar Al Sunna commanders arrested
    Baghdad, 30 November 2006 (Gulf News)

    US-led coalition forces have rounded up 11 of the most senior commanders of the Ansar Al Sunna "terror organisation" in a series of raids in Iraq over the past week, the military said on Tuesday.

    A statement from US headquarters said that troops had captured Al Sunna's "emirs" for Baghdad, Ramadi, Baquba, Tikrit, Al Qaim, Baiji and for Iraq as a whole, along with a courier, an explosives expert and a financier.

    Ansar Al Sunna is a Sunni militant network that has been blamed for some of the most deadly attacks in recent years on US forces in Iraq and the country's embattled Shiite-led coalition government.

    The statement said the people were taken "during a series of raids in north-central Iraq during mid-November".

    Ansar Al Sunna commanders arrested | Iraq Updates

  2. #28312
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    Writer describes Maliki meetings with the Jordanian monarch and the Prime Minister positive
    Description member of the delegation accompanying the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to Jordan MP Ali Adib al-Maliki meetings he conducted with the Jordanian monarch King Abdullah II and his Prime Minister positive. Novelist and explained in a press statement that the two sides explored files economic, political and financial. The renewed emphasis on the writer that a meeting with the Jordanian monarch, al-Maliki was to discuss issues between the two countries, He pointed out that Jordanian officials confirmed that the discussion with the Iraqis discuss political prisoners far from interfering Iraq's internal affairs. The writer stressed that the security file will be at the center of the topics to be addressed by the American and Iraqi sides, He pointed out that the extension of the presence of multinational forces in Iraq for certain periods will be accompanied by the equally rehabilitation and equipping of Iraqi forces to be able to hold the security file to compensate for the vacuum to be set up by the departure of those forces.

    (8:36 Baghdad time)
    Abdullah II and Maliki looking developments of the situation in Iraq
    The Jordanian monarch, King Abdullah II talks in Amman yesterday, Wednesday, with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on the latest situation in Iraq. According to the official Jordanian news agency (Petra) reported that during the meeting, al-Maliki introduced developments of the situation in Iraq. He stressed that the government had gone "a long way in the march of democracy and that there is no room for the return them." He Maliki hoped the support of the Arab states for the political process in Iraq. He continued coordination between Iraq and Jordan in all fields to serve the interests of the two peoples. Meanwhile, the Jordanian monarch, his country's support and support for the political process led by the current government in Iraq. He said, "The success of the government of Maliki in control violence in Iraq. Jordan is a priority for them. " The Jordanian monarch called on all components of the Iraqi people to unite ranks more than ever, and to renounce differences to overcome attempts to stoke sow discord and differences among them. He stressed the responsibility of the nation's scholars Year is being Shiaghm, and the need for adopting a unified stand deprives shedding the blood of Muslims.

    (7:43 Baghdad time)
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 30-11-2006 at 10:35 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #28313
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    No CBI auction yet!

  4. #28314
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    Talabani ends visit to Iran and described Balnajehh 100th%
    The President Jalal Talabani yesterday, Wednesday, his visit to Tehran, Iranian officials assured him during their support for the establishment of stability in Iraq and called on Washington to get out of this country. He said Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad directed his talk to the Americans at the end of his visit to Iran, Talabani, which lasted three days, "advise you to leave Iraq to preserve what remains of your reputation." He added during a joint press conference, "handed over responsibilities to the Iraqi government, according to a specific timetable because the Iraqis are able to manage the situation and restore security." For his part, Talabani said that "this visit was successful and 100th% say to the Iraqi people that the results will soon be felt."
    (7:33 Baghdad time)
    أخبار راديو دجلة

    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #28315
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    Transfer items ration card to the families of Khan Bani Saad
    Department of Commerce announced that the ministry has intensified the transfer of items of the ration card to the families of Khan Bani Saad, where trucks have productivity necessary to carry out this task in the context of the overall effort to mobilize for the ministry to face the security situation in the region. The ministry explained in a statement that the commercial and financial control has 22 truck where contributed to the moves of materials and goods included food ration (rice, soap, powders, sugar, milk children, tea, Adass, edible oil). It is noteworthy that the ministry and guidance of the Trade Minister Abdel Sudanese farmer had taken all necessary measures for the transport of food and supply to the country and the provinces of Diyala, Anbar, Salah al-Din and delivery to the families smoothly despite the extraordinary security situation in those regions.
    أخبار راديو دجلة

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #28316
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    Lightbulb Like this, but GR do hate SA!

    Quote Originally Posted by kiko View Post
    Saudi prepares to intervene in Iraq
    WASHINGTON, 30 November 2006 (Middle East Online)

    Using money, weapons or its oil power, Saudi Arabia will intervene to prevent Iranian-backed Shiite militias from massacring Iraqi Sunni Muslims once the United States begins pulling out of Iraq, a security adviser to the Saudi government said on Wednesday.

    Diplomats and analysts say Iraq's Sunni Arab neighbors, led by heavyweight Saudi Arabia, fear that the sectarian violence could spill into large-scale civil war between Shiites and Sunnis and set off a political earthquake far beyond Iraq.

    Nawaf Obaid, writing in The Washington Post, said the Saudi leadership was preparing to revise its Iraq policy to deal with the aftermath of a possible US pullout, and is considering options including flooding the oil market to crash prices and thus limit Iran's ability to finance Shiite militias in Iraq.

    "To be sure, Saudi engagement in Iraq carries great risks - it could spark a regional war. So be it: The consequences of inaction are far worse," Obaid said.

    The article said the opinions expressed were Obaid's own and not those of the Saudi government.

    "To turn a blind eye to the massacre of Iraqi Sunnis would be to abandon the principles upon which the kingdom was founded. It would undermine Saudi Arabia's credibility in the Sunni world and would be a capitulation to Iran's militarist actions in the region," he said.

    An official Arab source sought to play down the comments.

    "Saudi Arabia is worried about a new Iran imposing its political agenda on the region. We don't want Iran and its allies to have a free hand and free control," he said.

    "Iran knows that it is vulnerable and that Saudi Arabia has the upper hand and maintains real weight and power."

    Three options

    A Western diplomat based in Riyadh said Saudi Arabia was already funding Sunni tribes in Iraq.

    "I don't doubt for a second that they do pump money to the tribes, that's the Saudi way of doing things. But if they sent in troops it would be a bloodbath," he said.

    President Bush will meet Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in Jordan on Wednesday to discuss a surge in Sunni-Shiite violence in Iraq.

    Bush has said he does not support calls for a US pullout from Iraq, but he is expected soon to receive proposals for possible changes in US policy in Iraq from a bipartisan panel.

    Saudi Arabia, the world's biggest oil exporter and a close US ally, fears Shiite Iran has been gaining influence since the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq ousted Saddam Hussein.

    Obaid said if the United States begins withdrawing from Iraq, "one of the first consequences will be massive Saudi intervention to stop Iranian-backed Shiite militias from butchering Iraqi Sunnis."

    Anthony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies said any intervention could only be determined by the course of events.

    "Until we see what happens and how the situation is going to develop and the implications for those countries it is important to consider the possibilities but who will do what will be determined by the course of events," he said.

    Obaid listed three options being considered by the Saudi government:

    - providing "Sunni military leaders (primarily ex-Baathist members of the former Iraqi officer corps, who make up the backbone of the insurgency) with the same types of assistance," including funding and arms.

    - establishing new Sunni brigades to combat the Iranian-backed militias.

    - or the Saudi king "may decide to strangle Iranian funding of the militias through oil policy. If Saudi Arabia boosted production and cut the price of oil in half ... it would be devastating to Iran ... The result would be to limit Tehran's ability to continue funneling hundreds of millions each year to Shiite militias in Iraq and elsewhere."

    Saudi prepares to intervene in Iraq | Iraq Updates
    This is pretty cool, sticking up for the Sunni brothers! This actually, if anything will save Iraq from Iran & associates.................

  7. #28317
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    Voices of Iraq: Maliki-Bush
    Posted by: nadioshka on Thursday, November 30, 2006 - 09:05 AM
    Maliki-BushBush: U.S. to stay in Iraq until mission done, Maliki a strong leader Amman, Nov 30, (VOI) – U.S. President George W. Bush told a joint news conference with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in Amman on Thursday that his country would keep its troops in Iraq as long as Maliki's government wanted and praised Maliki as a strong leader.Speaking after a summit with Maliki, Bush said his troops would stay in Iraq until mission is done.He described Maliki as a strong leader and said he has the support of the United States which is ready to help him establish a strong Iraq.Bush told the news conference Maliki told him that any partition of Iraq will only escalate violence and make thongs worse.
    Maliki-Bush :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #28318
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    Key : Iraqi group launched a huge real estate investments in Kurdistan
    A Dubai. P. B : Group announced "Umpire Holdings" Iraqi Monday launch a huge real estate project worth 350 million dollars in Irbil, the capital of the Kurdistan region in northern Iraq, in order to show some hope and some opportunities in this region. At a press conference in Dubai. Michel said Eber Executive Director of the group "owned 100% of the Iraqi quarters, The disclosure of the "Umpire WorldCom" is to show some hope and some opportunities in the Kurdish region, while other parts of Iraq to sink in factional fighting since. The Eber that the project which was introduced last June at a cost of the estimated $ 350 million over eight years, which include the establishment of a hotel and commercial towers in addition to the luxurious villas and apartments, and a shopping center in the "mini-city" covers an area of 750 thousand square meters. and a few kilometers from the center of Irbil and airport. He stressed that this Eber investment in Kurdistan is at the entrance to Iraq as a whole, He highlighted the possibilities of investment in the province, which he described as security and protected environment for investment with a promising and diversified economy. Eber also stressed that the Iraqi Kurdistan region enjoys tourism sector was rapidly growing as the region enjoyed "a very beautiful environment" with the mountains, snow and high-quality agriculture, It is a gateway for trade in other parts of Iraq. He also pointed to contact with the Kurdistan of Iraq and Turkey, Iran and Syria Qaida roads in addition to the existence of Irbil International Airport, which connects directly territory capitals and many cities in the region and the world. So, The Eber Canadian origin that investment in Kurdistan where the risks are slim. on the basis of a study conducted by the "Ernst & Young" to the group's expense of Iraq. He noted Eber greatly encouraged granted by the local government of Kurdistan, which seeks to be a model in the region, prompting, according to the Executive Director, many of the companies to come to Irbil, especially from the Gulf states, Jordan and Lebanon. For his part, The head of the group Chuan publicly that the Kurdistan region enjoys the benefits of a special mission after the law stimulate investment, which provides a package of incentives to investors, including the tax exemption on income and real estate for a period of ten years, and equality between domestic and foreign investors. So, Mullah called on the private sector and the Arab world because seize investment opportunities with high returns and limited risks for the implementation of projects the highest international levels in Kurdistan. And living in the province Assyrian and Chaldean minorities, Syriac and Turkoman and includes three provinces of Arbil, Sulaymaniyah and Dahuk. And when the "Umpire Holdings" in early 2006, It is owned by the Bureau Iraqi consultancy and construction group and the Iraqi planes, which runs the largest private company for the security and protection in Iraq, as well as working in the field of contracting.
    جريدة الصباح الجديد - مجموعة عراقية تطلق استثمارات عقارية ضخمة في اقليم كردستان

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #28319
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    Key : the expanded Religious Authorities to achieve peace and reconciliation
    Najaf Haidarnzar : Al-Sabah "new" from sources close to the religious authority in Najaf that contacts were underway with a number of parties to the Iraqi religious leaders to organize a conference of the more expansive Mecca held in an Arab country neighboring Iraq. The sources confirmed that attend the conference will include influential religious leaders to put an end to the killings and ongoing violence in Iraq and to achieve peace and reconciliation among Iraqis. It is hoped that participate in this conference, which is in intensive consultations to the success of a number of religious leaders in Najaf. It has been a great effort to bridge the gap in viewpoints and to achieve effective participation and influential religious figures.

    franny, were almost there!!

  10. #28320
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    Default ANALYSIS-Iraq's oil industry in grip of despair

    ANALYSIS-Iraq's oil industry in grip of despair
    LONDON, 30 November 2006 (Reuters)

    The present state of Iraq's collapsing oil sector, its economic lifeline, is bleak and its future looks far worse, despairing officials say.

    Another damaging oil attack this week, the prospect of British troops handing over the oil city of Basra and virtual civil war have all but crushed hope for Iraqi officials battling to keep exports flowing to world markets.

    "One thing is sure. The worst is yet to come," an Iraqi oil industry source said by telephone from Baghdad.

    His task is made harder still by gross mismanagement at the oil ministry and chronic underinvestment in the vital sector -- already neglected for decades due to sanctions and wars.

    "There is no line of authority at the oil ministry," said an oil official in the capital. "We are crippled. We have the resources and the finances and we are still failing."

    With Baghdad in chaos, technocrats fear the oil producing regions in the Shi'ite south and in the north near Kurdistan may seize control of exports and effectively dismember the country that holds the world's third biggest oil reserves.

    "Our country may be dismantled -- farewell to central government," the oil source said. "This is the danger."

    Salvation, in the form of an eagerly-awaited oil law designed to unify the country and lure foreign investment, is unlikely to arrive by the end of the year.

    Control of the oilfields is dividing Iraq's three main communities, the Arab Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims and ethnic Kurds. Sunnis fear autonomous deals by Shi'ites in the south and Kurds in the north will cut them out of Iraq's oil wealth.

    They, along with the Kurds and Turkmen, are disputing the status of Kirkuk and its giant oilfield. A December 2007 referendum will decide whether Kirkuk city and the surrounding area should be controlled by the Kurdistan regional government.

    "That's the real flashpoint," said Peter Khalil of Eurasia Group. "The Kurds have de facto taken control of Kirkuk."

    Whoever does lay claim to Kirkuk will inherit an 80-year-old oilfield that pumped 800,000 bpd or nearly a third of Iraq's output under Saddam Hussein.

    Rates have slowed to a trickle since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003 as relentless sabotage along the northern export pipeline to Turkey has kept exports mostly idle.

    The field was dealt another blow on Monday when a mortar attack ignited nearby oil tanks and cut Kirkuk production to about 100,000 bpd from 300,000 bpd.


    Though plagued by factional fighting, mainly Shi'ite Basra has largely escaped the sectarian violence.

    The southern Rumaila oilfields have provided steady exports of around 1.5 million bpd for close to a year.

    "The oil flow from the south has been sacrosanct even with Baghdad falling apart," said a Western executive at a major oil company. "But will it last?"

    Although more than 7,000 British troops are in the region, they plan to leave by the end of 2007.

    Eurasia Group's Khalil said there was an outside chance of an attack on oil facilities when British troops start their hand over. He said, however, the decrepit state of the south's oil network posed a bigger risk to oil flows.

    "Even if the security situation gets worse, I don't see the Shi'ites deliberately targeting the oil infrastructure," he said. "They're not going to attack their lifeline."

    Iraq's production is stuck at around 2 million bpd, well down on the nearly 3 million bpd hit in the final days of Saddam and even further from the 3.7 million pumped in 1979, prior to the Iran-Iraq war.

    A modest amount of foreign cash could swiftly boost flows towards four million bpd. But multinationals will not act without a legal framework and peace restored.

    Senior Iraqi officials were to resume talks to resolve a dispute over the energy legislation last Thursday, when bombing in the capital killed 200. There was no word on progress.

    Oil Minister Hussain Shahristani wants to retain a strong grip with only participation by the provinces, officials said.

    "From a technical and economic standpoint, this is a reasonable solution," said a senior Iraqi executive. "But whether that's acceptable to all parties remains to be seen."

    They better can get their shite together or nobody in Iraq will profit from the oil revenues.

    Open that facking doors!!

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