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  1. #28721
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    Exclamation A little more please!

    Quote Originally Posted by goldraker View Post
    The confusing thing is that there have been foreign investors. In the ISX now for years. So when the dinar dose RV. From my understanding, is that all the stocks will split. So in the end the ISX investor will be no better off. Than before the RV! Also I thought the ISX would not be open Internationally until some time in 2007! Anyone else care to take a stab.
    OK, I think the main reason for dinar appreciation. Is that the entire stock exchange right now is only worth (?) so much. I lost those numbers, so what this means. Is that, it is a very low ceiling. So the way things stand right now. Is that 1 to 5 billionaires could go in there and own it lock stock & barrel!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now who here, really knows. What there talking about on this subject. This should be pretty cut & dry.....................
    Last edited by goldraker; 01-12-2006 at 04:53 AM.

  2. #28722
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    Well what a great day this has been for us all. With all this excitment we must have broke a BaJillion of Neno's rule's for this thread, but hey it's all our day and we all, Neno included, played in our great Cyber Sandbox. Well it's off to bed for me. Sleep well all. Tomorrow I think is our day.


  3. #28723
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    Default Thank you

    Quote Originally Posted by goldraker View Post
    OK, I think the main reason for dinar appreciation. Is that the entire stock exchange right now is only worth (?) so much. I lost those numbers, so what this means. Is that, it is a very low ceiling. So the way things stand right now. Is that 1 to 5 billionaires could go in there and own it lock stock & barrol!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now who here, really knows. What there talking about on this subjuct. This should be pretty cut & dry.....................

    I agree that there will be protections that will prevent Iraq from being "bought up for pennies". The ISX is where things get dicey. As you said the stock price is the stock price, and where physical items can be price adjusted accordingly, a stock is a part of a company, and that company is only worth what it is worth, therefore stock prices should not change, so at 1437:1 we could as a group buy a TON of stocks.

  4. #28724
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    Cool They have been RELAXED some what.

    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    Read the rules for this thread, before posting in this "THREAD"!! tks-neno
    Baghdad Time: 08:55pm, 11/30/2006 ~ market is closed | $1 USD = 1436.64 IQD ^ Site. not updated since 10/09/06 Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1433

    This is the "Think Tank" "Latest Iraq/Dinar News Thread". Continue the quest for the reval with rules followed. Have a Great Future.

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    Thats It Gang. Lets "Rock this Baby'. Oh yeah Thank someone with the Feature RC has so there is not a bunch of Thank You Post. Have Fun!!

    PS. Subject to Change at anytime, by Admin or Mod's.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gloribee View Post
    Well what a great day this has been for us all. With all this excitment we must have broke a BaJillion of Neno's rule's for this thread, but hey it's all our day and we all, Neno included, played in our great Cyber Sandbox. Well it's off to bed for me. Sleep well all. Tomorrow I think is our day.


  5. #28725
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    Well I listened to that call and of course its alot of what we've been reading here all week Except the ratifying of the FIL but I had just got home & I thought that people were allready investing in the ISX do they not have these accts. in there own name at this point & that is what this Warka thing is all about ?

  6. #28726
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    Quote Originally Posted by goldraker View Post
    OK, I think the main reason for dinar appreciation. Is that the entire stock exchange right now is only worth (?) so much. I lost those numbers, so what this means. Is that, it is a very low ceiling. So the way things stand right now. Is that 1 to 5 billionaires could go in there and own it lock stock & barrel!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now who here, really knows. What there talking about on this subject. This should be pretty cut & dry.....................
    It took me 5 months and 10+ stock orders to get the stock I have now. I was never able to get the orders filled completely because you can only buy what is available for sale. For the 5 billionaires to buy up the ISX somebody has to sell their stock. I don’t know if it would be possible for someone or a small group to buy all the stock on the exchange. That being said, why would they have to revalue before foreign investors come in the market? If they are limited to what investors sell, prices would go up, but I don’t think they would have the opportunity to buy a majority of the ISX. I’m not selling to a bunch of billionaires till I hit my goals.
    Last edited by explorerhot; 01-12-2006 at 05:27 AM.

  7. #28727
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    NBK Kuwait still showing 1,348.1048

  8. #28728
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    Quote Originally Posted by goldraker View Post
    The confusing thing is that there have been foreign investors. In the ISX now for years. So when the dinar dose RV. From my understanding, is that all the stocks will split. So in the end the ISX investor will be no better off. Than before the RV! Also I thought the ISX would not be open Internationally until some time in 2007! Anyone else care to take a stab.

    What are you talking about???

    If a stock does a reverse split you have lesser shares at a better price (they do this to increase the value of a stock) if they split it 1 for 1 or 1 for two you are in essence doubling your holdings (not your Value) and the price is split accordingly.

    However this allows for either faster growth or a slow down in growth. It can be a HUGE BLESSING and it can also lead to huge losses if it goes south.

    For example: Lets compare a $800 investment.

    You bought a million dinar with that 800. You purchased a stock and the share price was 100 dinars per share. You now own 10,000 shares. If there is a revalue in the currency now and they split the stock 1 for 1 you now own 20,000 shares @ 50 dinar per share.

    However because of the RV (at 1 even) your shares are now worth $1,000,000 US. And that is saying that the stock never moved from the day you bought it. If the stock price has increased say 10% since purchase you are talking about an additional 100,000 going into that investors pocket for getting in early!!!!! Not bad for 800 invested.

    Now lets say that some of the institutional traders get involved. Even if they were only to drop a cool million US into that stock they would OWN the company. You can see where the returns would just be simply uncomprehensible.

    They (the investor) will profit significantly. Any dividends are going to increase exponentialy. They will truly profit.

    These companies will be held by foriegn stockholders if they don't RV the currency before the ISX opens for trading. What was the point for the Iraqi's then???

    I am not sure how they can allow this to happen without an RV!!!!!!
    Last edited by Cyberkhan; 01-12-2006 at 05:11 AM.
    I just need $1.47.

  9. #28729
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOM2TWO View Post
    I am soooo frippen excited, and dh just called and asked me a question. He too is excited, but stuck in some small city with a broken airplane. He wanted me to explain why an r/v is eminent or the ISX/all of Iraq could be bought for pennies on the US dollar? Will anyone of you brilliant investors, help me real terms PLLLLLEEEASE...(don't need him calling the men in white coats...'cause forgot to put my orders in for diamond buckles)

    Thanks in advance, but please hurry....his airplane may be ready to go!
    The below was copied from a post at another site. Hope it helps.

    I think it may be benificial to take a different look at the way a country could be bought out if the exchange rate was too low. In my opinion, the CBI needs to worry about the Soros's of the world buying up all of the available circulated dinar at 1435. If the CBI numbers of 9 trillion in circ hold true, then theoretically, all of the money currently in circulation could be bought for around $6.3 Billion USD. I realize that in reality there is no way for any single entity to obtain all of the 9 trillion in circulation but.... if they purchased as much as was available, there would be a shortage in the country which would have two possible side affects. The CBI would have to release more currency into circulation in affect increasing the amount of currency which the reserves and other programs must backstop....this would lead to a devaluation of the currency in my opinion since they have x amount of reserves which have to support an increased money supply. This is not good for the Iraqi people. The other possibility is that they do not increase the amount of Dinar in circulation, which would likely lead to an appreciation of the dinar which could lead to a deflationary period of people hording money and may set off a deflationary spiral, where businesses and consumers slow or stop investing or consuming, because the investment risk, or the 'risk' of the consumable dropping in price, is perceived as higher than just letting the money appreciate due to deflation.

    In either scenario, the entity holding the currency is setting the monetary policy of the country, not the central bank! Dave, does it make sense now why the CBI can't allow a foreign entity to buy up and control the countries money supply?

  10. #28730
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    theres an interesting debate going on over at the "other" forum. In the "Breaking news: FIL ratified" thread. interesting to see the view of davedinar. He says a 1:1 reval is impossible due to the 20trill in circulation, but i was under the impression CBI had been taking heaps out of circulation in recent auctions, is this right?

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