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  1. #28791
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    Hey SGS - the smoke going up my shorts was not a problem. It was the grin from ear to ear that was the problem. Guess where I am going to whack a note on the counter when this baby comes home. Not that I will let her have it. Just want to see the look on her face.

  2. #28792
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    Quote Originally Posted by twins0203 View Post
    Same here :)
    They are expencive Dong dealer.
    I could sell 1100 000 for $100 + shipping if interesed;-)
    Last edited by DLMCFX; 01-12-2006 at 11:27 AM.

  3. #28793
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    20 members on here not posted a nationality yet......come on Sus, CP, Tony......4 hours to go..........bit of fun and you could win 1k of dinars or more.....
    This is my first post and would like to say that I am VERY HAPPY to be part of the RolClub family. I've learned so much in a short period of time that I can de-bunk anyone of laughs at the mention of the Dinar.
    And a THANK YOU VERY MUCH to CP, SGS, OSW, Wm, and the ADSTER.
    Looking forward to toasting each and everyone of you in the Caymens!!!

  4. #28794
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    Say Hi to all my dinar friends in Hawaii

  5. #28795
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    Government agrees to Kurdish demands on the budget, oil

    (Voice of Iraq) - 01-12-2006
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    Irbil (December 1) and the agency (Lucky) Italian News-A high-ranking source in the government of the Kurdistan region, "the Iraqi government agreed to meet most of the demands that are being Kurdish government delegation headed by Najirfan Barzani talks in Baghdad with senior officials in the government." He said Emad Ahmed, Minister of Public Works and reconstruction in the territorial government member of the Kurdish delegation in a press statement that "the Iraqi government agreed to reinstate the additional amount of 482 million dollars resulting from the sale of oil price differentials in world markets to the territorial government and added to the 2007 budget next next." With regard to the crisis in electricity Territory suffers from a severe shortage where, he said, "on the crisis of electricity rampant in the province are several important meetings attended by Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih has been agreed to increase the region's share of the national network and the provision of engineering cadres necessary for the territory to oversee the control stations." And on the most important issue in the talks the two sides - the case of oil, Ahmed that "it was decided to hold a series of joint meetings between the delegation of Kurdish

    All the Oil Ministry and the Central Bank of Iraq to a new law of oil to meet Kurdish demands on oil investment."

    The file was one of the most important oil files which provoked sharp disagreements between the two governments insist the Iraqi government to dispose of the natural resources and mineral wealth in Iraq and subject to the control of the central government. With calls the Kurdish side to retain control within the territorial authorities in accordance with the Iraqi constitution to ensure attract foreign investment projects in the field of oil to the province.

    (Shs / Aki)

  6. #28796
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    Okay, so what are we waiting for? The FIL is enacted (we think), CBI had an auction that did not happen due to a general lack of interest, everyone and their uncle has basically said that raising interest rates and salaries is not enough to solve inflation, that the dinar's value must be increased as well (to it's former rate, or at least to parity with other countries in the region)...oh, and it looks like the ICI is signed sealed and delivered (?) there anything else??

    will we see an announcement? if so where should we look? or will the CBI just change the rate without an announcement?

  7. #28797
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    Maliki calls for the Saudi government's support and enacted Bshiagha
    2006 19:00:00 GMT Thursday, November 30 Dr. Osama Mahdi

    Osama Mahdi from London : The Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki Saudi Arabia to support the government in all the Shiite and Sunni parties and pointed out that the American President George Bush said today that the recommendations of the Commission Baker on Iraq will not affect the American presence, while the countries confirmed in a joint statement their determination to prosecute agents of violence Alt Aevi in the country. Al-Maliki said in a press conference in Baghdad following his arrival from Amman this afternoon, where he met with Bush and the Jordanian monarch, King Abdullah II, that he looked forward to assist the Saudi government and mix consisting of Shiites and Sunnis.
    In response to an article by a Saudi official that the Kingdom would defend the year if the American forces withdrew from Iraq and the civil war erupted that he was in contact with Saudi officials and that he does not think that this view reflects the official position and pointed out that say support only Shiites or the Sunnis and is alone would increase the sectarian tension. He warned that this congestion affect all the countries neighboring Iraq, saying that Iraq stressed Permission to adopt States or outside parties to the communities because all Iraqis, Iraqi brothers Mthabon there is no difference between sects and ideologies.
    The Nawaf Ebeid security adviser to the government of Saudi Arabia has warned in an article yesterday in the Washington Post newspaper that any immediate withdrawal of American troops from Iraq would pay Kingdom to intervene on a large scale in the interest of the year.
    He stressed that the Kingdom will seek to prevent the Shiite militia supported by Iran, of killing Sunni Muslim in Iraq in the event of commencement of the withdrawal of the United States from there. He pointed out that the Saudi leadership was preparing to review its policy on Iraq to deal with the repercussions of a possible American withdrawal explaining that it is studying options include dumping oil market to bring about a huge reduction in the price in order to limit the ability of Iran to finance the Shiite militias in Iraq.
    Ebeid said that Saudi Arabia was aware that its involvement in Iraq carries significant risk where he could raise regional war However, it emphasized that the consequences of non-intervention is much worse. He added that turning a blind eye to the killing of the year Iraqis will reject the principles on which the kingdom. It will undermine the credibility of Saudi Arabia in the Sunni world. He pointed out that the Kingdom during the past months have been subject to increasing pressure from the tribal leaders and Iraqi religious figures, in addition to requiring the leaders of Egypt, Jordan and other Arab and other Muslim arming and financing of the year in Iraq.
    Al-Maliki said that the American president assured him that the recommendations of the Commission on Baker on Iraq, which is believed to recommend a gradual withdrawal from Iraq starting from the beginning of next year would not affect the American presence in Iraq. He said that Bush told him continued commitment to the unity of the American and democratic Iraq and that there is no retreat from supporting the Iraqis and the new experience.
    He said it was part of Bush emphasized his government's determination to meet all the challenges the political and security, economic and stand in conflict with the law regardless of the identities. He said that during the next phase to strengthen security in the capital Baghdad as the security of Iraq's security.
    Regarding the suspension of the Sadri movement led by young Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr for membership in the House of Representatives has 30 members in the government, which has six ministers and the implementation of the suspension of Al-Maliki said today that there is a political partnership with the trend and commitments to this partnership. But he pointed out that this partnership will not strike political wills. He said that there is another way to reflect the trend on his chest, through the House of Representatives and the government expressed the hope irreversible trend of the resolution.
    He added that Al-Maliki told Bush that his government was ready to take over the security file and accelerate the delivery of the difference Iraqi military responsibility to the Iraqis and pointed out that he found a response from the American president to support the Iraqi forces equipped and trained to enable foreign forces to withdraw gradually from Iraq. He said he discussed with the Jordanian monarch reiterated Jordan pledges to help Iraq militarily and review joint economic agreements signed previously. He pointed out that the security situation in Iraq to international level with the regional and said, "For this reason, we desire to understanding with the neighboring countries on the basis of mutual respect and non-interference in internal affairs".
    At the same affirmed Bush and Al-Maliki today, Thursday, in a joint statement issued in Amman, the importance of pursuing all the instigators of the violence in Iraq, regardless of the sectarian affiliations.
    The Bush and Maliki in a joint statement issued by the White House after the end of their talks that they intend to prosecute those who launch attacks against Shiites in Sadr City on the 28th of this month which claimed the lives of more than 200 people in addition to the prosecution of those who launched retaliatory attacks against Sunnis.
    The statement said that "the prime minister stressed his government's commitment to achieve progress in national reconciliation efforts and the importance that all Iraqis and all the Iraqi political forces to fight the elements responsible for the outbreak of violence and threats." The two leaders affirmed that they are determined to provide all those who have chosen violence and terrorism counting god to take Qsashm distribution in accordance with Iraqi law. " They said, "We believe in particular the need to take all the necessary steps to prosecute those responsible for the cowardly attacks that took place last week in Sadr City, arrest them and bring them to justice." Al-Maliki pledged in the statement that is "bringing all offerings Aulin for the crimes committed after the explosions in Sadr City. "

    And through Bush, Al-Maliki expressed their intention to "accelerate the transfer of security responsibilities to the Iraqi government in addition to confront the militias and the introduction of reforms in the Iraqi ministries which holds the security dossier."

    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #28798
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    Alalosi : Al-Maliki visit to Jordan by the successful and speedy

    (Voice of Iraq) - 01-12-2006
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    Alalosi told Lucky : Al-Maliki visit to Jordan "successful" and the "speed" amendment Ministerial

    Baghdad (December 1) and the agency (Lucky) News-Italian member of the House of Representatives, Party leader (Iraqi nation), Alalosi example that the visit of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to Amman and his meeting with President George Bush was "successful by all standards." The Alalosi, told (Lucky), ,

    "The success of the visit came as a natural result of the Iraqi-American relationship is distinguished came in a series of intensive meetings between leaders of the two countries during the past period of time for the completion of joint action in the push democracy and the fight against terrorism." He pointed out that "the visit came after the UN Security Council to extend for a term of the multinational force for another year. after the elections, as well as the half renewal of the Congress and the continuation of American political discourse, which means the stability of the strategy towards Iraq and Washington. " His "This would give the government a solid ground for joint action, The guide, at the same time, a strong message to the terrorists and those involved with them in Iran, Syria and Lebanese Hezbollah and Al Qaeda. " He said that Alalosi "Almestekara view of the results of the visit comes as to enhance the march of democracy and its foundations in the new Iraq. The crux of the matter here, which clearly indicates that the political game in Iraq should be through this mechanism, any democracy, This section fills in any other alternatives or coup attempts may think some people play her. "

    He pointed out that "Al-Maliki government will face major challenges because of their access to global support, especially from President Bush before making it critical to be addressed, especially in the area of the challenge of terrorism and the completion of construction projects, reconstruction and improvement of services. "

    He added : "This requires from Maliki a cabinet reshuffle expected quickly to meet these challenges." He said, "What I like about this visit is not accepting mediation of the Jordanian Al-Maliki and one of his refusal to play the role of intermediary in Iraq's international relations, especially with the neighboring countries." In response to a comment trend Sadri participation in the government and parliament, Alalosi said, "This is ridiculous, I do not understand how a political trend that attaches his participation in the government, Parliament and the right to be either inside or outside the government. " However, saying "workers Sadri trend are our brothers, They represent a wide spectrum of people, but adults in the political work, but learn the lesson slowly, As is well known, this trend includes several sections of the reformist and hard-line as they are slipped in among them to offend this trend symbol of which was the first martyr Mohammad Sadiq al-Sadr, who was fighting a big resisted the tyrant regime of Saddam rare courage. " The Alalosi one of the most prominent members of the House of Representatives in the Iraqi controversial through Tass Rihata and directed criticism directly in the Iraqi issue. The Alalosi one of the members of the National Congress Party (which is led by Ahmad Chalabi), but to sever his relationship with him after attending a conference on terrorism held in Israel. This impetus to the establishment of his new (Iraqi nation), which represented the seat in Parliament.


  9. #28799
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    'Borat' makes life hell for real Kazakh TV reporters! .:. NewKerala.Com, India News Channel

    Carbon globules from space may have seeded life on Earth .:. NewKerala.Com, India News Channel

    s Forbes-listed tycoon gets life sentence for fraud .:. NewKerala.Com, India News Channel

    Zawahri "likely survived" Bajaur madarassa strike: Stratfor .:. NewKerala.Com, India News Channel

    عائلØ& #169; كاستØ& #177;Ùˆ: لن يحضر احتÙØ& #167;لات ميلاد&#217 ;‡ وعودت Ù‡ للسلط&#216 ;© مستبØ& #185;دة

    هوكينج : على البشØ& #177; الاسØ& #170;يطان ÙÙŠ كواكب اخرى

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    Welcome to ALrafidayn: The Iraqi information service

    franny, were almost there!!

  10. #28800
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    Check out my post a few back...IS THIS OUR OIL LAW...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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