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  1. #28801
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    Originally Posted by Charmed Piper:


    Government agrees to Kurdish demands on the budget, oil

    (Voice of Iraq) - 01-12-2006
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    Irbil (December 1) and the agency (Lucky) Italian News-A high-ranking source in the government of the Kurdistan region, "the Iraqi government agreed to meet most of the demands that are being Kurdish government delegation headed by Najirfan Barzani talks in Baghdad with senior officials in the government." He said Emad Ahmed, Minister of Public Works and reconstruction in the territorial government member of the Kurdish delegation in a press statement that "the Iraqi government agreed to reinstate the additional amount of 482 million dollars resulting from the sale of oil price differentials in world markets to the territorial government and added to the 2007 budget next next." With regard to the crisis in electricity Territory suffers from a severe shortage where, he said, "on the crisis of electricity rampant in the province are several important meetings attended by Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih has been agreed to increase the region's share of the national network and the provision of engineering cadres necessary for the territory to oversee the control stations." And on the most important issue in the talks the two sides - the case of oil, Ahmed that "it was decided to hold a series of joint meetings between the delegation of Kurdish

    All the Oil Ministry and the Central Bank of Iraq to a new law of oil to meet Kurdish demands on oil investment."

    The file was one of the most important oil files which provoked sharp disagreements between the two governments insist the Iraqi government to dispose of the natural resources and mineral wealth in Iraq and subject to the control of the central government. With calls the Kurdish side to retain control within the territorial authorities in accordance with the Iraqi constitution to ensure attract foreign investment projects in the field of oil to the province.
    Hmm, good find Charmed. If it isn't the oil law, it definitely hints at the conflict between the Kurds and the GOI as being solved. Should be seeing that oil law soon.

    Woot, Woot.

  2. #28802
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    (Section : news) sent on Saturday, 25 October 2006, by the second arkan
    Articles : the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar improves
    : Sign-Associate Director-General of the banking and Alatman in the Iraqi Central Bank, Walid Abdel Nabi a qualitative improvement in the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar may increase what is happening now as the 1441 dinars to the dollar in circulation last meeting organized by the World Center . However, it ruled that the retreating dollar exchange rate at the Iraqi dinar as looking forward to the Iraqis. pointing to the exaggeration of what happened in Baghdad's banking market.

    He said Nabi, who was speaking to «life», The Iraqi Central Bank «consistently sought to provide more assistance for the rehabilitation of the dinar exchange rate to become the currency of choice for the Iraqis. as was the case in the past. He pointed out that the attainment of this goal can only be achieved through actions absorb liquidity and the reduction of inflation rates caused by the high prices of goods and services ».
    Nabi says that the CBE in the canteen in his possession daily on the sale and purchase of foreign currencies over recent days, large amounts of dollars to achieve their gradual reduction in the dollar exchange rate as of yesterday 1470 dinars to the dollar last week.
    Based on the financial analysis of the follow-up issue that the Central Bank had to take several Procedures to address inflation rate, which reached to more than 76% in August (August) last year. These actions led to a marked improvement in the exchange rate of the dinar, One of these raise interest rates offered by the Central Bank, pointing to a high, in addition to the issuance of bank bonds valued at one billion dinars of which pay handsomely paid within 180 days.
    It is believed dealers in the Iraqi market that must by the Central Bank of n sets priorities for its monetary policy, in the fight against inflation, using the various tools available. The results appeared features of this new policy in the exchange market of the isolation level of demand for the dollar, reflected positively on the exchange rate of the dinar.
    old article but it was republished on todays date at this site: موسوعة بلاد الرافدين - سعر صرف الدينار العراقي يتحسن أمام الدولار

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #28803
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Check out my post a few back...IS THIS OUR OIL LAW...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm looking and still trying to decifer. Will post thoughts in a bit. So far looks good. Great find.


  4. #28804
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Default Al Maliki 'gets last chance'

    Dubai, 01 December 2006 (Gulf News)

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki has been given "one last chance" by the Bush administration, as Arab pressure mounts on Washington to stop the sectarian violence that threatens to tear Iraq apart, according to diplomatic and political sources.

    Al Maliki was praised by US President George Bush as "the right guy" for Iraq following a breakfast meeting in Amman on Thursday, one day newspapers published a critical White House memo in which national security adviser Stephen Hadley questioned Al Maliki's ability to control the turmoil in Iraq and criticised him for not curbing Shiite militias.

    The violence is expected to rise "dramatically" as Shiite radical cleric Moqtada Al Sadr's party has withdrawn its support for Al Maliki and withdrawn its six ministers from the cabinet, said an aid to a senior Iraqi official, who pointed to "ongoing talks by Al Sadr and Hareth Al Dhari, leader of the hardline Sunni group the Muslim Scholars Association to form "a united front" to force an early American withdrawal.

    But according to one diplomat, the Hadley memo "closely reflects the opinions of many in the US administration and the Arab world as well as some of even Al Maliki's own allies."

    The Amman meeting could be "Al Maliki's last chance to prove he can do the job," said the informed Arab diplomat, who held talks lately with a number of Iraqi leaders.

    He said another Shiite party, the Supreme Council of Islamic Revolution (SCIR), a key partner in the ruling coalition, has already begun promoting its second man, current vice president Adel Abdul Mahdi, to replace Al Maliki.

    Mahdi, who has been touring the region lately to win Arab support, would offer Sunnis more power in running Iraqi affairs, the aid said, in reference to demands by Jordan, Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries.

    Al Maliki 'gets last chance' | Iraq Updates

  5. #28805
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    Default Iraqi Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi : Our fight against inflation of 76%

    The Iraqi Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi said that among the causes of inflation in Iraq is increasing cash in circulation, what required a new monetary policy aimed at improving the dinar exchange rate towards reducing its price several points in the auction, organized by the Central Bank every day to encourage the demand for buying the dollar in order to withdraw money from circulation.

    Shabibi said during a meeting at the headquarters of the World, It was attended by the Directors-General and officials of private banks, He dedicated for circulation in the monetary policy and the means of cooperation between the Central Bank and All banks, «The aim of the Central Bank is currently limited in the fight against inflation, which reached about 76% and reduce the height, through the provision of better conditions for economic development and improving the performance of the banking sector and providing stability ».

    A banking source told «life» that the meeting dealt with numerous topics, the most important of the new policy by the Central Bank which, in addition to the daily reduction of the dollar rate of exchange, an increase in the interest rate paid to banks to invest night at the Central Bank, which amount to 15% for 14 days, and 16% for one month, as well as the auction, organized by the World Bank remittances, He pointed out that he also discussed with the issue of coordination with the World Bank and the Iraqi Ministry of Finance to make the correlation government banks like Central Bank sinks eligibility so as not to exceed their ministry and the administrative side only for the purpose of the ease of application of monetary policy set by the Central Bank.

    He noted the source conferees to note the existence of some private banks faltering what impact negatively on the rest of the banks and the payment of the Central Bank to direct governmental banks to give 10% of the appropriations have on the implementation of reconstruction programs in Iraq to the eligibility of these banks to improve their performance level.

    The source further stated that a policy of the Central Bank to increase the interest rate on the investment night and day auction remittances encouraged private banks to increase interest rates on deposits, citizens have the highest rates of interest paid by the government banks to reduce the gap between the interest rates paid by the Central Bank and A. Adh paid by the banks and to achieve a kind of reassuring to the citizens, This will lead to increase in the volume of deposits in banks and the Central Bank Aidha for investment purposes night and participate in the auction money and thus reduce the amount of money in circulation, which helps to reduce the rate of inflation.

  6. #28806
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    Default Un

    Annan calls for the convening of an international conference on Iraq, the United Nations Peraih
    الخميس, 30.11.2006, 09:38am (GMT)Thursday, 30.11.2006, 9:38 am (GMT)

    The Washington Bos of the Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan call for the convening of an international conference on Iraq the participation of all Iraqi factions auspices of the United Nations, along the lines of the conference, which was held on Afghanistan.
    .Annan stressed the need to involve Syria and Iran, which said they can to play a positive role in ousting Iraq from the crisis it is going through. But Annan and other officials of the International Organization expressed fear with respect to the reduction of the United States their presence in Iraq, left Baghdad.

  7. #28807
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    Hello everyone. By now we all know the recent events that has brought us to this day. Its all very exciting!

    We have the FIL. This opens Iraq up to investors and especially the ISX. They have wanted the FIL as much as those who are interested in the currency. Its now open to all in the world and based on reports that the ISX has "linked" themselves to the other stock exchnages, this may prove to "open the economy to the world", as has been reported. Very good. Very good. Many businesses are run by very conservative individuals who would not think of entering Iraq without this law. Now they will do so. From all over the world.

    The CBI has removed over 1 Trillion in currency from the economy. A monumental feat that few countries can accomplish. This reduces supply and makes the available currency more expensive. Recent auction behavior over the last week supports the view that they have finished this process. Drying up the currency and settting the stage for an RV.

    Numerous large international banks reported to be exchanging dinar. HSBC, Barclays, Chase, BOA. These banks are doing this to make money, and we are on their side.

    Recent political aggreements that support an economic emerging economy in Iraq.

    Reports of oil production approaching 3MBD. Thye are already rich, their GOI is well within budget, and they have reduced their debt to around 1% of current GNP. Few countries have as much potiential and as little debt as Iraq.

    Agri production which is the second largest industry in Iraq has increased its wheat production by 1.2 million metric tons. While in Iraq, I was surprised at the agri production there that most americans do not see on CNN. This means that we have a country that is close to being able to feed itself. There has been a huge effort by the US dep. of Agri. to improve their production that has received liitle press.

    So, we are at the best possible point in time for the CBI to make a move and RV the currency. If the leases are ready to award, the HCL is either passed or companies are moving into iraq ahead of the law (which they are). Then now is the time. Good luck to all. I hear the weather is wonderful in the Cayman Islands.

  8. #28808
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    The imminent political alliance between Iraq and al-Sadr's movement Year

    (Voice of Iraq) - 01-12-2006
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    Baghdad-agencies : 1 / 12 / 2006

    Head of the Shiite bloc chest in the Iraqi Parliament, Faleh Hassan Chanchal, Thursday, that the political alliance can be formed during the current week between supporters of Shiite leader Moqtada Sadr, Sunnis, Christians and a number of independents.

    He stressed that the alliance leadership Sadri be called the National Front, The aims of the recent resumption of powers of the Security Council to extend the work of the international coalition forces in Iraq for another year.
    And Wednesday suspended bloc chest against the Americans. It consists of 30 members and six ministers, their protest at the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and American President George Bush in Jordan on Thursday.

    He said Chanchal bloc chest that it wants the Maliki that refuses to meet Bush. He explained that the leading Shiite bloc chest, received after the decision to boycott, communications support of the members of the Front Accord, the largest Sunni bloc in the country. Christians and independents.
    The bloc chest that it would end the suspension of its activities if returned Maliki of Bush's meeting with a timetable for the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq.

    Seeking bloc chest through pressure on the government to improve the security situation and improving infrastructure.

    The bloc had threatened to boycott the chest government last week to announce a news meeting between Bush and Al-Maliki.

    The spokesman said that the members of Al-Maliki chest bloc in the parliament can legally suspend their activities, but the minister, not only to them but to resign or to take leave without pay.

    At a press conference held by al-Maliki later Wednesday at the headquarters of the Iraqi government fortified green zone in Baghdad. he urged the Iraqi prime minister, members chest bloc to reconsider the decision to boycott, He said that the province is a fruitful in the political process.

    Al-Maliki and wished to settle the political differences between the political factions in Iraq in the context of the government, stressing that his ministry is working to accelerate the training of the Iraqi army and security for a speedy handover of security from coalition forces.

    The Maliki government was determined to fight gunmen in the outlaws, He stressed that the disarmament should only be in the hands of the government, in reference to the various armed factions that struggle in a number of Iraqi cities.

  9. #28809
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    Still learning here...Will the ratification of the FIL and HCL be in association of the dinar becoming a tradable currency on the forex? Or is this something different?
    May the New Year bring hope & prosperity to all Iraq and for all of us!

    God bless our soldiers and bring them home safe.

  10. #28810
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post

    Government agrees to Kurdish demands on the budget, oil

    (Voice of Iraq) - 01-12-2006
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    Irbil (December 1) and the agency (Lucky) Italian News-A high-ranking source in the government of the Kurdistan region, "the Iraqi government agreed to meet most of the demands that are being Kurdish government delegation headed by Najirfan Barzani talks in Baghdad with senior officials in the government." He said Emad Ahmed, Minister of Public Works and reconstruction in the territorial government member of the Kurdish delegation in a press statement that "the Iraqi government agreed to reinstate the additional amount of 482 million dollars resulting from the sale of oil price differentials in world markets to the territorial government and added to the 2007 budget next next." With regard to the crisis in electricity Territory suffers from a severe shortage where, he said, "on the crisis of electricity rampant in the province are several important meetings attended by Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih has been agreed to increase the region's share of the national network and the provision of engineering cadres necessary for the territory to oversee the control stations." And on the most important issue in the talks the two sides - the case of oil, Ahmed that "it was decided to hold a series of joint meetings between the delegation of Kurdish

    All the Oil Ministry and the Central Bank of Iraq to a new law of oil to meet Kurdish demands on oil investment."

    The file was one of the most important oil files which provoked sharp disagreements between the two governments insist the Iraqi government to dispose of the natural resources and mineral wealth in Iraq and subject to the control of the central government. With calls the Kurdish side to retain control within the territorial authorities in accordance with the Iraqi constitution to ensure attract foreign investment projects in the field of oil to the province.

    (Shs / Aki)

    I believe this it it Charmed! We could expect him now.

    Last week on Thursday we read that the senior oil official would meet again to discuss the latest points of disagreement. That weekend Barazani also went to Baghdad and we heard nothing about the oil law.

    I believe that they are done with it, until for now! I think if they have some disagreements it will be solved on further meetings to come, but now they have agreed on the big parts and can the law be implemented.

    There must be an oil law NOW or no one will profit from it in Iraq and this HCL must be done NOW before the ICI will be enacted. No Oil Law, no Aid.

    This thing is ready now and will come together with the FIL I think. It is also the reason I think for the delay of the FIL.

    What a beautiful weekend this can be!

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