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    Government agrees to Kurdish demands on the budget, oil

    (Voice of Iraq) - 01-12-2006

    Irbil (December 1) and the agency (Lucky) Italian News-A high-ranking source in the government of the Kurdistan region, "the Iraqi government agreed to meet most of the demands that are being Kurdish government delegation headed by Najirfan Barzani talks in Baghdad with senior officials in the government." He said Emad Ahmed, Minister of Public Works and reconstruction in the territorial government member of the Kurdish delegation in a press statement that "the Iraqi government agreed to reinstate the additional amount of 482 million dollars resulting from the sale of oil price differentials in world markets to the territorial government and added to the 2007 budget next next." With regard to the crisis in electricity Territory suffers from a severe shortage where, he said, "on the crisis of electricity rampant in the province are several important meetings attended by Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih has been agreed to increase the region's share of the national network and the provision of engineering cadres necessary for the territory to oversee the control stations." And on the most important issue in the talks the two sides - the case of oil, Ahmed that "it was decided to hold a series of joint meetings between the delegation of Kurdish All the Oil Ministry and the Central Bank of Iraq to a new law of oil to meet Kurdish demands on oil investment." The file was one of the most important oil files which provoked sharp disagreements between the two governments insist the Iraqi government to dispose of the natural resources and mineral wealth in Iraq and subject to the control of the central government. With calls the Kurdish side to retain control within the territorial authorities in accordance with the Iraqi constitution to ensure attract foreign investment projects in the field of oil to the province

    Translated version of
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  2. #28832
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    I was watching Fox News last night.I saw mention that the NY Times fabricated the story about the 6 Sunnis being burned alive...I can't believe that the MSM is so hard up for sensationalism that they would create such a horrific story. If anyone can find a link I would love to read the whole story. I was at the hospital with my wife...we had a early labor scare so I didn't get to see the whole story.
    I just need $1.47.

  3. #28833
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    Bush official close to the expected changes in Washington's policy

    (Voice of Iraq) - 01-12-2006

    Hadley pays Bamaliki after it was criticized strongly by the former
    Bush official close to the expected changes in Washington's policy in Iraq
    الصحيحةHadley described Al-Maliki men with the correct vision

    Preparing the American President George W. Bush to announce the changes in American policy toward Iraq in the coming weeks, and according to an announcement by United States national security adviser Stephen Hadley, who did not disclose the nature of anticipated changes in American policy in Iraq which were the main reason for the loss of the Republican Party for the Congressional elections three weeks ago.

    Hadley pointed out that President Bush would announce those changes at the appropriate time and after a debate around with the Iraqis to make sure that the plan agreed upon between the Iraqi and American governments to achieve success in Iraq. The American officials who participated in the meeting between Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in Amman left the impression that the Iraqi leaders have a real sense of the need to act quickly, adding that "the desire for quick action does not affect Iraqis alarmed, which is considered a positive point for the government facing a lot of challenge come. "

    It is noteworthy that Hadley had stated in an official memo was leaked its content after returning from Iraq, said recently that "the Iraqi prime minister may be ignorant of the nature of the situation in Iraq, or that he is misleading Americans or that he has good intentions but he does not have the ability to enforce," which was considered by observers as an indication that the American administration Reza p n President of the Iraqi government.

    Hadley said that the plans for Iraq that would be implemented in the next phase include the accelerated training and equipping of Iraqi forces and providing logistics and capacity building and transfer of intelligence forces command of the multinational force to the Iraqis in accordance with the chain of command is currently defining the Iraqis.

    He added that the Iraqi government is currently examining the size that it should be the Iraqi army, and whether it was better to increase the strength of what is specific for the time being.

    The United States national security adviser to al-Maliki put to President Bush during a meeting in Amman, a set of plans to accelerate the transfer of responsibility for security to Iraqi forces and to achieve stability in Baghdad, as well as a review of the features of his economic policy.

    He added that Al-Maliki emphasized to President Bush that the Iraqi government with the responsibility to determine the future of Iraq, pointing out that it had the satisfaction of President Bush, He praised Hadley Bamaliki, describing him as a "true man of vision and determination," pointing out that it was developing plans to achieve the government's objectives in Iraq in a rapid and well.

    He said that al-Maliki is facing many challenges, including "Building the Iraqi army At the same time fight this army," a reference to what appears to armed militias to infiltrate the security forces and the Iraqi army.

    He said that among the challenges facing the Iraqi prime minister also building democratic institutions, He said that those challenges are particularly difficult for the Iraqi government and a new government was formed a few months ago.

    It is noteworthy that the Baker-Hamilton, which is headed by former Secretary of State James Baker and former Congressman Lee Hamilton, evaluate the situation in Iraq issued its report next Wednesday that contains a series of recommendations to the Department regarding its policy in Iraq, The American media noted that the report would include a call for the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq with the lack of a timetable for withdrawal.

    Translated version of
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  4. #28834
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    Quote Originally Posted by rvalreadydang View Post
    Iraq endorses investment law for most sectors except oil

    Iraq endorses investment law for most sectors except oil

    BAGHDAD, Dec 1 (KUNA) -- The Iraqi Presidential Council endorsed Friday a law that would encourage local and international investments in the country.

    The law would allow the Iraqi private sector and foreign investors to create a financial atmosphere that would protect and help investments projects to grow in the country.

    The National Investment Authority (NIA), consisting of nine investment specialists, would handle the policies and applications of this law which was described as a federal law.

    According to the decision by the government, the law will not include investments in the petroleum and natural gas industry as well as the banking and insurance sectors.The new law would provide a 10 year free of tax period for projects certified by the NIA and to top that a 15 year period would be given for projects that involve a 50 percent Iraqi participation.

    Foreign investors would also benefit from the law which would facilitate their work in Iraq. (end) mhg

    Kuna site|Story page|Iraq endorses investment law for most sectors exce...12/1/2006

    what does that mean? please tell me it means the stock end, lol not the currency xchange

    I believe this means that outside investors won't be able to start their own bank or insurance company. IMO it does not affect currency. I may be wrong but this is how i interpret it.
    May the New Year bring hope & prosperity to all Iraq and for all of us!

    God bless our soldiers and bring them home safe.

  5. #28835
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    Default An Exchange with Wm. Knowles

    A PM I sent, and his reply:

    Good morning Mr. Knowles,

    Would you mind addressing the theory of the majority of posters on this forum that with the FIL in place, there MUST be a reval, or the consequence of no reval is that stocks on the ISX would be sold for pennies on the dollar?

    Thank you for the tip on the 2 books, It turns out that I had Goldstein's book in my library, but had not read it. I am in the middle of it now. I checked his website, and it looks like there is a second edition that came out this year.

    I wonder if he would consider doing a conference call or online presentation for our members. If you think that might be a viable idea, I would be happy to contact him..

    Thank you again for all your contributions..


    Hello Randy, yes I think there must be an RV prior to this FIL. But we'll see. It would make sense, they have alreadly sold the currency too cheap to build their currency reserves and I can see no reason to sell the rest of iraq and deprive the Iraqi people of their purchasing power and hard earned wealth. So it looks good for us.

    Glad to see your reading Goldstein's book. Starchild is also a good one. As for as a conference, Goldstein will go were he thinks the money is. He would be an excellent speaker at a conference, when this hits. I am afraid that many will take the cash and head for an off-shore haven without really understanding the laws and penalties. A little information here would go a long way. Off-shore investing for privacy and security has many advantages, if done intelligently. There are many investments that are not available in the US that are secure and profitable. Not to mention trust accounts, foundations (Panama) that high net worth individuals need to know. So thanks for your interest and feel free to post this on the open forum. Good Luck.

  6. #28836
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    Quote Originally Posted by mogo View Post
    ok i can wait untill monday until i tell my boss where to shove it lol
    I was going to say "yeah!" until I remembered that I am self employed, which makes me the boss. yikes!
    1.48 would be the best present I can think of for us all.

  7. #28837
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    Quote Originally Posted by rvalreadydang View Post
    Iraq endorses investment law for most sectors except oil

    Iraq endorses investment law for most sectors except oil

    BAGHDAD, Dec 1 (KUNA) -- The Iraqi Presidential Council endorsed Friday a law that would encourage local and international investments in the country.

    The law would allow the Iraqi private sector and foreign investors to create a financial atmosphere that would protect and help investments projects to grow in the country.

    The National Investment Authority (NIA), consisting of nine investment specialists, would handle the policies and applications of this law which was described as a federal law.

    According to the decision by the government, the law will not include investments in the petroleum and natural gas industry as well as the banking and insurance sectors.The new law would provide a 10 year free of tax period for projects certified by the NIA and to top that a 15 year period would be given for projects that involve a 50 percent Iraqi participation.

    Foreign investors would also benefit from the law which would facilitate their work in Iraq. (end) mhg

    Kuna site|Story page|Iraq endorses investment law for most sectors exce...12/1/2006

    what does that mean? please tell me it means the stock end, lol not the currency xchange

    This will be covered by the hydrocarbon law we're waiting on. All good.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  8. #28838
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    This is a good article...goes to show Iraq's neighbors are ready to support them...Definately worth reading!

    Mr. Hakim in a speech Friday prayers in the mosque of King Hussein

    (Voice of Iraq) - 01-12-2006
    This issue was sent to a friend

    Samaha gave Mr. Abdul-Aziz al-Hakim, the word Islamic unifying important part in the Friday prayers held in mosques, King Hussein, God bless his soul in the Jordanian capital, Amman, where hundreds of worshipers sightings have stressed the unity of the Iraqi people and the sanctity of Iraqi blood and the depth of links and ties, which brings the year in Iraq and has been invited to Tfai the process of rapprochement between Islamic sects and pointed to the importance of absolute faith that Iraq will be the property of the Shiites, Sunnis and the party Ainfrd by another party, without regard to the dimensions of major crimes committed by terrorists in Iraq who are trying hard to sow sedition among Muslims in Iraq.

    The following is the text of a speech delivered by His Eminence within earshot of the congregation.

    The name of God the Merciful

    Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the seal of the prophets and messengers Muhammad, his divine good and Almentjbin owners.

    Bye Dear brothers believers and God's mercy and blessings.

    I stand here today Dear brothers, the Jordanians and Arabs believers to convey the message of the Iraqi people afflicted by various calamities and calamity.

    Dear brothers, The message that I carry from the Iraqi people is the message of love, brotherhood and friendship, sincere, It is a message to the Muslim brother. a message on the good cooperation and good and piety as us God.

    Dear Brothers, we From this rostrum, we assure you and the entire world that we were the target for three years to a war of extermination waged by us and Anassergatance Altkverion Sadamion concentrated all terrorist operations against followers of the Shiite them peace, They killed our men and the finest scientists, all of this in order to raise sectarian sedition in Iraq. but we stood in front of it and stopped the man who is responsible for biting the surgery in order to maintain the bonds of brotherhood and national affinities relationship defined by the Iraqis all Mkonathm for centuries of time, until dawn on these goat Imams Hadi, and Hassan al-Askari (p), the Iraqis did not bear this great crime which affect the heart of good faith House officials, Conversely, violence broke out as a reaction to the crimes that are committed, has worked religious beliefs and we support them in order to control the situation and to put an end to the killings mutual, We continue to work to contain the situation, because we believe in the sanctity of Muslim blood, which the great Holy Koran and the Prophet's life to the people of House operations.

    We condemn and reject the most rejection murder on the basis of religious identity, We would like to emphasize that our approach we have learned from the imams Shiism is the curriculum of Islamic unity, and hopefully the children of the Shiite scholars, intellectuals and officials to promote this method (the method of convergence between different sects and strengthen the unity of Muslims) in the world today to face the thought of thinking and exclusion, murder and slaughter of identity.

    Dear brothers the Shiites and the Sunnis in Iraq, Iraqi farmers Valachireh one of the Shiites as of the year, The families of the families to unravel the Shiite and Sunni vice versa, Therefore, the Iraqi fabric one is not dismantled, All invitations and fears of outbreak of sectarian war, which begins here and there out of concern for the Iraqis. or other motives will not underestimate this fact, It is that the Iraqis will remain stronger than all attempts tore wants, since the outbreak of such a war not only bind everyone, but also lead to a threat to security in the entire region and pushed it to the maze does not know how long.

    We believe that what was decided at the Amman on the legitimacy of all Islamic sects Eight something important and positive development at the level of standardization among Muslims, We believe that the document was complementary to Mecca this effort goodness, The document Amman need approval by all leaders of Islam and Muslim scholars as did the religious authority in Najaf, Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif.

    Have you place Dear brothers in Jordan to some brotherly enough Altkverein crimes, that followed an approach is dangerous and destructive serve the enemies of Islam and the nation consciously or without consciously, We should all stand Sunni and Shiite before this curriculum, which began penetrate into the body of the nation.

    We are very eager for the unity of Iraq. the land, the people, We have stood and will stand against any attempt to partition Iraq. because all of our strength lies in Iraq to be one united. , and betray also eager to build a state of law away from sectarian discrimination , because we do not finding a Shiite and a Sunni year finding Shiites We want a state in which everyone , a state that serves everyone and it defends and express their will.

    Whether we have the approximate Our course on more than one occasion, and through a long history of the experiences of the nation, I belong to the family of the former regime, killing more than sixty-two, only eight of them my brothers, The parents of Imam Hakim knows adults on the campus of the Iraqis killed the brothers together in a position known and famous, Today I did not ask nor prestige locations, The Atboe I can be any location in the new system in Iraq. but I am devoted to the service of the Iraqis, We have the martyrs of this, and will continue on this curriculum, it is an approach that references to Islam. and a forward Sayyid Muhsin al-Hakim in the defense of Muslims in the whole world.

    What we ask of our fellow Arabs who have them and the Iraqi people's unity and seeking stability in Iraq. is helping us achieve this, This awareness first course conspiracies woven against all the Iraqi people, and respect for the will of Iraqis who crossed them by democratic means, and standing against the organs of the media that promotes the sectarian sedition in Iraq. the latest reports that these organs of the statements did not transfer on our year in Iraq.

    We call this platform and to strengthen the unity of Iraqis and reaffirmed their allegiance to the Messenger of God, his dear sons to the high votes endeavors claim to accelerate the construction of the goat military Imams in Samarra, to be a constructive way to get us the best unit after it was torn down, a bad omen for the unity and the distinction of Iraqis and Muslims, We call upon all Muslims to get this project Baetarh pursuant to a valid standard for Muslims is part of the fulfillment of kin also called on the Holy Quran to do so.

    That federalism before the Iraqis through a free vote by the majority of all Mkonathm sectarianism and nationalism, a form of administrative system of the country, We have all the necessary guarantees in the Constitution to prevent the dismemberment of Iraq. Among those safeguards are the consent of the Iraqi people through a referendum in the transition to federalism. As the Constitution states that the wealth of Iraq, including the oil wealth is all Iraqis on their governorates, as parentage population. It is not wealth for the province without the other, in addition to the many other safeguards.

    We emphasize here for all : for all Iraqis, For Arabs and Muslims, and all of the international and regional, The solution to the problem in Iraq can only be achieved in Baghdad and through the Iraqis themselves. All the good efforts of this regional or international party must be a catalyst for a solution, do not be a substitute for the solution of the Iraqi problem and the plight of the Iraqis.

    We welcome every effort best regional or international and we want to be part of the solution, It is not an additional burden of the problem.

    We have found here in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, from His Majesty King Abdullah II and the end of Messrs. members of the government and parliament understanding of the suffering of the Iraqi high and a genuine desire to assist in the solution, We welcome this desire, We hope something good will come from God.

    Dear brothers that Iraq will not stop the Arab and Islamic identity, will farther from the deep-rooted legacy of the Arab and Islamic relations, We assure you that Iraq will not only be Iraq, an independent Iraq will Division, Iraq good friend to all peoples, governments, Iraq, in which everyone brother and sister and a friend.

    Imagine for Iraq to turn into a platform for aggression against any regional or international party, in an arena for settling accounts between the forces.

    We want an Iraq independent, united, stable, Fraternizes when everyone on the basis that Iraq is for all Iraqis. Iraq involving all components administered through democratic means.

    This is a message the Iraqi people to you, Will will help us to achieve what we want, hope you sure you want that, you can also. thank you for your attention and giving this precious opportunity to meet with you. May peace and God's mercy and blessings.

  9. #28839
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    Quote Originally Posted by mogo View Post
    ok i can wait untill monday until i tell my boss where to shove it lol
    Is he tired of hearing you say "Are we there yet" too??
    Do unto know the rest...

    Here I am getting my Dinar News Fix waiting for that "Bold Adjustment"

  10. #28840
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberkhan View Post
    I was watching Fox News last night.I saw mention that the NY Times fabricated the story about the 6 Sunnis being burned alive...I can't believe that the MSM is so hard up for sensationalism that they would create such a horrific story. If anyone can find a link I would love to read the whole story. I was at the hospital with my wife...we had a early labor scare so I didn't get to see the whole story.
    Couldn't find the FOX story, but it has been discussed on several radio shows, and elsewhere. Here is a link with a good breakdown of the info. Extremely unfortunate but should not come as a surprise from the MSM.
    The source of the info from Iraq is "Jamil Hussein".

    Gateway Pundit: AP Is Busted! Uses BOGUS Source For Months in Iraqi Fables!
    Last edited by One Oar; 01-12-2006 at 03:52 PM. Reason: addl info

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