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  1. #29061
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    Jordan-Zibari :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq
    Voices of Iraq: Jordan-Zibari
    Posted by: nadioshka on Friday, December 01, 2006 - 04:14 PM

    Zibari meets Rice, Moussa in Jordan
    Amman, Dec 1, (VOI) – Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zibari on Friday met U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Amr Moussa, the Arab League Secretary General, on the sidelines of the third Future Forum held in Jordan’s Dead sea resort.
    Zibari reviewed with Rice results of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s meeting with U.S. President George Bush in Amman on Thursday, the foreign ministry said in a statement received by the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).
    They also discussed Iraqi diplomatic efforts with neighboring and Arab countries to win their help in establishing peace, supporting the Iraqi government and fighting terrorism, the statement said.
    The two ministers also talked about future steps to realize the understandings reached by Maliki and Bush in their latest meeting.
    Zibari also met Moussa to discuss the latest political, security developments and an Arab initiative for Iraqi reconciliation, the statement said.
    They discussed preparations for the upcoming Arab League meeting on Iraq.
    The foreign ministry said that Zibari headed his country’s delegation to the Forum and made a presentation about the democratic experiment in Iraq.

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #29062
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    Translated version of
    check out this fourm it's an iraqi fourum they talk stocks, economy, whatever
    it's interesting to see what iraqis are thinking
    Last edited by Hope Full; 02-12-2006 at 10:31 AM. Reason: sleep typing

  3. #29063
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    Default Proposals for the establishment of chalets on the banks of the Shatt al-Arab in Basra

    Proposals for the establishment of chalets on the banks of the Shatt al-Arab in Basra
    Basra - (Voices of Iraq)

    Said Director of the Tourism Basra today, Saturday, that tourism in the Basra submitted proposals to the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities of the chalets on the banks of the Shatt al-Arab.
    He explained Abdul Karim Rezouki, in a telephone conversation with the News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent today that "tourism Basra awaits the response to those proposals to enable them to develop plans and maps and estimated cost."

    He added, "This project will be allocations if approved in the 2007 budget year." He added that "there will be investment projects in Basra next year include major hotels offer mostly investment companies."

    He pointed out that 21 travel agencies operate in Basra Afterward tourist and asked these companies, the Ministry of Tourism to provide support to expand their work.

    The Shatt al-Arab River extends about 200 kilometers within the geographical boundaries of the governorate of Basra and Qurnah, starting 100 (km north of Basra) to the city of Faw (100 kilometers south of Basra), which is in the Gulf, synchronized its banks upstream from the mouth so thick forests of palms, serve riparian according to many experts in the field of tourism and investment to be resorts and tourist areas.

    البصرة - سياحة :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

  4. #29064
    Senior Investor Dinar Cha Ching's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinarLady View Post

    Nonetheless, it's getting pretty exciting here lately. Sure alot better than waiting for them to agree on the constitution. Boy was that something!!
    Or waiting 5 weeks for Jaffari to step down . Remember that nightmare?
    Please, somebody shoot the messenger!

  5. #29065
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Default | IRAQ

    Breaking News
    Iraqi violence "self-sustaining" -US intel chief Rumsfeld honored for citizenship amid protests France's Royal corrects gaffe on U.S. policy Random House to publish Iraq group report Iraq-bound man placed under investigation in France Bush to meet Iraqi Shi'ite leader on Monday PA National Guard Troops to be Recognized in Philadelphia for Iraq and Afghanistan... PA National Guard Troops to Be Honored in Chester County for Service in Iraq, Afghanistan Anti-Iraq war Rep. to head US House intelligence panel Les derniers soldats du contingent italien ont quitté l'Irak


    IQD1400m for Land Allocations in Basra; Oil Theft Foiled

    Deputy Basra governor, Lu'ay al-Battat, announced allocating IQD1.4bn to settle and filter 21,000 land plots in the province, as a prelude to distribution among citizens, relayed Aswat Al Iraq. Read


    Iraqi violence "self-sustaining" -US intel chief
    (Reuters) Dec 2 2006 2:10

    Rumsfeld honored for citizenship amid protests
    (Reuters) Dec 2 2006 1:1

    France's Royal corrects gaffe on U.S. policy
    (Reuters) Dec 1 2006 23:11

    Random House to publish Iraq group report
    (Reuters) Dec 1 2006 21:41

    Iraq-bound man placed under investigation in France
    (Reuters) Dec 1 2006 21:40



    Iraq Q4 Report:
    Politics, Economics, Banking & Finance, Telecoms, Oil & Gas, Utilities, ITC, Construction and Media.
    Shredding Paper; The poor performance of Iraqi government bonds could affect Baghdad’s budget plans Read
    NoozzVIEW; Is time up for the Americans?
    By Derek Brown

    Saddam Trial Latest News and Analysis Read

    EIU The latest Research on Iraq's political and economic climate Read

    Iraq Tenders: Extensive Database


    IQD1400m for Land Allocations in Basra; Oil Theft Foiled
    (Noozz Editorial) Dec 2 2006

    Iraq Declares War on Oil Smugglers
    (Noozz Editorial) Dec 2 2006

    Central Bank Governor Determined to Combat 76 Per Cent-Inflation
    (Noozz Editorial) Dec 1 2006

    Bush Reasserts Confidence in Maliki
    (Noozz Editorial) Dec 1 2006

    Karbala Hosts First Reconstruction Convention for 2007
    (Noozz Editorial) Nov 30 2006


    Economic Analysis - Central Bank Struggles To Contain Inflation
    (BMI) Dec 1 2006

    Economic Analysis - New Investment Law To Boost FDI
    (BMI) Dec 1 2006

    Economic Analysis - Volatile Oil Sector Clouds Economic Outlook
    (BMI) Dec 1 2006



    Yale Library and NovoDynamics(R) Sign Research Agreement
    (Reuters) Dec 1 2006 14:0

    US warns of possible Qaeda financial cyber attack
    (Reuters) Nov 30 2006 23:19

    Hostage dramas reveal rising corporate kidnap risk
    (Reuters) Nov 30 2006 15:19

    More FINANCE


    Damac participates in Iraqi real estate exhibition
    Publish Date: Nov 29 2006

    Brown allocates £124m for Iraq rebuilding
    Publish Date: Nov 29 2006



    Iraqi Ministry of Electricity - Various Tenders
    Updated: Dec 1 2006
    Closing: Dec 31 2006

    Iraqi Ministry of Oil - Various Tenders
    Updated: Nov 30 2006
    Closing: Dec 20 2006

    More TENDERS/RFP's
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 02-12-2006 at 10:53 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #29066
    Senior Investor Dinar Cha Ching's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by day dreamer View Post
    I know I'm posting this late and banks are closed for the weekend, but I live 2 hours from Beaumont,Texas and went shopping with my daughter, and 2 hours drive back. So that's why my post is so late.
    There's a Chase Bank in the Park Dale Mall parking lot, in Beaumont, Texas
    Anyway I went in today first time ever and told them I wanted to purchase some foreign currency. They said ok which one. I told them IQD, he looked at me and I said Iraq.
    He started typing and said ok how much, I told him 1 million
    He looked at me funny
    checked his computor and said OK, that will be $782.50
    He couldn't believe the price, he said that's cheap, I told him yea and you better buy some QUICK.
    Told him a little bit about the dinars and he Thanked me.
    So Chase in Beaumont, Texas is selling dinars. For anybody that lives in this area
    I've been wanting to go in a bank and buy some since, reading everybodies post about going into banks to buy, but this was my first chance to do so. I WAS ALL THE WAY OUT THE BANK

    I went to Chase with a friend yesterday also. We both bought plenty with no problems, no questions and no need for an account with them. I'll pick them up Tuesday morning. Sure beats tracking shipments from Jordan. Cheaper too!
    Please, somebody shoot the messenger!

  7. #29067
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Bush reaches out to Iraqi Shia, Sunni leaders

    2 December 2006

    WASHINGTON - US President George W. Bush has scheduled talks with key Shia and Sunni leaders of Iraq, the White House said Friday, ahead of a potentially pivotal week for US strategy in the battered nation.

    Bush will meet on Monday with powerful Iraqi Shia leader Abdel Aziz Al Hakim, days after showering praise on Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki during talks in Jordan.

    In January, Bush will welcome Iraq’s Vice President Tareq Al Hashimi, a top Sunni leader, a White House official said.

    But the aide denied suggestions accelerating US diplomacy had anything to do with the top-level bipartisan panel due to unveil eagerly awaited recommendations for changes to US strategy in Iraq on Wednesday.

    New press leaks on Friday suggested that the commission, co-chaired by former secretary of state James Baker, would recommend that almost all US combat troops leave the country by early 2008.

    “The president will meet with the Sunni Vice President of Iraq next month,” said the White House official on condition of anonymity.

    The meeting will follow talks on Monday between Bush and Hakim, who heads the head of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI).

    “President Bush looks forward to an exchange of views and a discussion of important issues facing Iraq today,” the official said.

    The announcement came amid warnings by Hakim that if sectarian violence escalates to all out civil war in Iraq pitting Sunnis against Shias it would spell disaster.

    “The eruption of a sectarian war will not only burn everyone but it will also undermine the security of the entire region and lead to the unknown,” he told hundreds of worshippers in a rare sermon at Jordan’s largest mosque.

    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #29068
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    U.S. Rethinking Iraqi Unification Goal

    U.S. Rethinking Iraqi Unification Goal -

    "As Bush steps up his meetings with Iraqi leaders, the administration is also debating whether to abandon U.S. efforts to bring Sunni insurgents into the political process to stabilize Iraq and instead leave that outreach to the majority Shiites and Iraq's third major group, the Kurds, a senior U.S official said. No decision has been made."

  9. #29069
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    ÔÈßÉ ÇáÒæÑÇÁ ÇáÃÚáÇãí&# 201; - ÞÇäæä ÇáÇÓÊËãÇ&# 209;
    Investment Law

    Source : long

    02 / 12 / 06
    * Council issued a presidential distinguished Investment Law No. (13) of 2006, Based on the approved by the House of Representatives, following is the text of the law :
    "In the name of the people
    The Presidency
    Based on the approved by the House of Representatives in accordance with the provisions of paragraph of the first article first session of the Constitution and past legal term set forth in paragraph (V / a) of Article Eight hundred and thirty of the Constitution.
    Law issued the following statement :
    No. (13) of 2006
    The Republic of Iraq
    The Presidency of the Republic
    Press Office
    The name of the people
    The Presidency
    Based on the approved by the House of Representatives in accordance with the provisions of paragraph of the first article first session of the Constitution and past legal term set forth in paragraph (V / a) of Article Eight hundred and thirty of the Constitution.
    Law issued the following statement :
    No. (13) of 2006
    Investment Law
    Chapter I
    Article (1) : the following terms are intended wherever it appears in this Act meanings corresponding below unless the evidence shows otherwise.
    A. Council : Council of Ministers.
    B. The National Authority for Investment : is the body formed under this law responsible for the development of national policies for investment and the development of controls and monitoring the implementation of controls and regulations in the field of investment and specific investment projects strategic outlook of the federal nature exclusively.
    C. The Territory : the investment in the province is responsible for planning program and the granting of leave to invest in the province.
    D. The Province : the investment in the province in the territory of irregular responsible for the planning and investment granting leave investment in the province.
    E. Body : the National Authority for Investment Authority or maintain as the case may be.
    And. Chairman of the Board : Chairman of the National Authority for Investment.
    G. Project : economic activity covered by the provisions of this law.
    H. Assets : machinery, appliances and equipment, machinery, supplies and the number and modes of transport, supplies and office furniture for use exclusively in the project, furniture, furnishings and supplies hotels and tourist cities, hospitals, schools and colleges.
    I. Foreign investors : that does not carry Iraqi nationality in the case of a real and recorded in a foreign country if the people, legally or morally.
    J. Iraqi investor : is that carries Iraqi nationality in the case of a real and recorded in Iraq if the people, legally or morally.
    K. Taxes and fees : all kinds of taxes and duties imposed by the laws in force.
    Told. Energy design : energy production is designed as a unit of time (hour, on ... etc.), as evidenced by the documents received from the processor with the machines and the economic feasibility of the project.
    M. Portfolio investment : a series of investments in stocks and bonds.
    N.. Investment : is the recruitment of money in any activity or project economic legitimate beneficial to the country.
    Ends and means
    Article (2) The purpose of this Act is to Mayati :
    First : investment promotion and transfer of modern technologies to contribute to the development of Iraq and development and to expand its productive base and service and diversification.
    Second : to encourage the Iraqi private sector and foreign investment in Iraq through the provision of necessary facilities for the establishment of investment projects and to promote the competitiveness of enterprises covered by the provisions of this law in the domestic and foreign markets.
    Third : the development of human resources according to market requirements and providing job opportunities for Iraqis
    Fourth : the protection of the rights and property investors.
    Fifth : export expansion and strengthening of the balance of payments and trade balance for Iraq.
    Article (3) adopt the following means to achieve the objectives of this law :
    First : project grants covered by the provisions of this law privileges and guarantees necessary for the maintenance and development through the provision of support, including believes enhance the competitive edge of those enterprises in the domestic and foreign markets.
    Second : project grants leave the winner of investment from the additional facilities and exemptions from taxes and duties, according to the contents of this law.
    Chapter II
    The National Authority for Investment
    The bodies of investment in the regions and governorates
    Article (4) :
    First : Under this law, a body called the (National Authority for Investment) have personality and moral authority or the Chief of empowered and be responsible for the development of national policies for investment and development plans, regulations, controls and control the application of these controls and regulations in the field of investment and specific investment projects the strategy of an exclusively federal.
    Second : manages the National Authority for the investment board is composed of nine members with expertise and jurisdiction for a period of no less ferocious than ten years and possess a university degree and competence of the suit and is not restricted to the felony or misdemeanor dishonest or bankrupt.
    Third : a-nominate the Council of Ministers request of the President of the President of the rank of minister and the vice-president and a deputy minister for a period of five years and presented to the House of Representatives for approval.
    B-appointed head of the Council of Ministers of the four members for a period of five years, a general manager.
    C-selected by the President of the Council of Ministers of three members from the private sector for a period of five years after nomination by the President of the National Authority for Investment and determine the remuneration in accordance with the rules of procedure.
    D-at the expiration of the term of office of any member of the National Authority for Investment mentioned in (a, b) of this article, other than in cases of impeachment and resignation by the President of the Council of Ministers Petensephm any hand with the government retaining Pedrjthm career transmitted mentioned in paragraph (a) of this article to retire at the Non Tinsephma post to tie d Rgthma career
    E-to the House impeaching President of the National Authority for Investment and Deputy directly or at the request of the Prime Minister's grounds.
    - And of the Council of Ministers to dismiss any of the members of the National Authority for the investment of others or replacing the other in the absence of commitment to the standards and regulations of the Commission.
    G-the board of directors of the National Authority for Investment invitation of the Chairman of The quorum meet and to take the decisions and recommendations by an absolute majority and regulates the functioning of internal issued by the body.
    H-linked to the National Authority for Investment Chairman of the Council of Ministers.
    I-determined system of salaries and benefits the employees, On the proposal of the President of the National Authority for Investment and the decision of the Prime Minister.
    Fourth : The status of the National Authority for Investment in Baghdad and to appoint representatives to the regions and governorates.
    Fifth : the National Authority for the development of investment policy overall national strategy for investment and identify the sectors most important and prepare the road investment projects in Iraq in light of the information obtained from the bodies of investment in the regions and provinces are also lists of investment opportunities in the investment projects Els Tratejeh and Yugoslavia with the preliminary information on these projects and provide for those interested in investing.
    Article (5) :
    First : the regions and provinces in the territory of irregular formation of the investment in the areas under its control with powers granted leave investment planning and investment and encourage investment and to open branches in areas under its consultation with the National Authority for the investment to ensure that the legal requirements.
    Second : the regional and provincial bodies of seven members, including at least one president and his deputy with experience and competence for no less ferocious than seven years, possess a university degree and competence of the suit and is not restricted to the felony or misdemeanor dishonest or bankrupt.
    Third : The boards of the province and provinces that have not organized in the territory of the composition of the territory and the preservation and removal of a member of the commitment in the absence of standards and regulations body
    Fourth : coordinate regional and provincial bodies to work with the National Authority for Investment and consult and coordinate with local governments regarding the plans and facilities investment
    Fifth : the bodies of regions and provinces to develop their investment would not conflict with the investment policy of Yugoslavia and prepare lists of investment opportunities in the areas under its control with the preliminary information on these projects and provide for those interested in investing.
    Sixth : the Territory is the Prime Minister of the province and under the control of the territory and linked to the preservation and the Governor under the control of the preservation of Aitaardh including the provisions of this Act.
    Seventh : the board of directors of provincial and district invitation of the Chairman of The quorum meet and to take the decisions and recommendations by an absolute majority and regulates the functioning of internal issued by the body.
    Article (6) :
    Adopt the electronic correspondence in addition to routine correspondence between them and the official bodies relating to the work and activity of the body through local networks or the Internet, according controls determined by the body.
    Article (7) :
    A body-accept requests leave of investment projects which are less capital than the minimum established by the Council of Ministers, the Minister of the Territory, as the case may be issued under the proposal of the body.
    B-Commission must obtain approval from the Council of Ministers before granting leave if the value of an investment project more than two hundred and fifty million dollars.
    C-Body decide on the requests for leave to invest in a term not exceeding five (45) and 40th days of the date of submission of the application.
    D - The decisions of the Board relating to investment projects adopting binding for the purposes of this Act.
    Article (8) :
    Of the annual budget independent resources consist of the amounts allocated from the state budget.
    Article (9) :
    Body aims to encourage investment by working to Mayati :
    First : strengthening confidence in the investment environment and identify investment opportunities and encouraging investment and promoting them.
    Second : the simplification of registration procedures and leave for investment projects and the follow-up of existing projects and the priority given to them in the completion of the official completion of the procedures and answer requests for investors and obtain the necessary approvals for the investor and the project.
    Third : the establishment of a single window at the National Investment and other provincial and district systems authorized delegates of the ministries and members nominated by provincial and district councils according to the conditions and the relevant authorities will grant leave and obtain approvals from other parties in accordance with the law.
    Fourth : the provision of advice and information and data to investors and issuing bulletins so.
    Fifth : develop programs to promote investment in the different regions of Iraq to attract investors and implementation.
    Sixth : to facilitate the allocation of land required for setting up and letting projects without determined by the body to coordinate with the relevant authorities.
    Seventh : work on the establishment of a safe investment with the consent of the Council of Ministers.
    Eighth : to encourage the Iraqi investors through the provision of soft loans and financial facilities for them in coordination with the Ministry of Finance and the use of banking institutions with the requirement that any investor who is a loan, using a number of the unemployed Iraqis commensurate with the size of the loan.
    Ninth : any other tasks related to the nature of work assigned to it by the Council of Ministers.
    Chapter III
    Advantages and guarantees
    Article (10) :
    Enjoy investor regardless of the nationality of all the privileges and facilities, guarantees and subject to the obligations contained in this Act and the Iraqi and foreign investor for the purposes of housing projects in return for the right to keep the land between him and the owner of the land without speculative land according to rules set by the National Authority for Investment and consent the Council of Ministers, and to facilitate the allocation of land for housing projects and the sale of housing units to the Iraqis after the completion of the project.
    Article (11) :
    Investor enjoy the following benefits :
    First : get capital introduced to Iraq and proceeds according to the provisions of this Act and instructed the Central Bank of Iraq and a convertible currency after payment of all debts and obligations to the Iraqi government and all other quarters.
    Second : the right to the foreign investor :
    ا-Iraq circulation in the market for securities and equity securities listed therein.
    B-composition of investment portfolios in stocks and bonds.
    Third : leasing land for the project or for the duration of Almsatha where the investment project based on that not more than fifty (50) years, renewable for approval of the Commission and take into account in determining the term nature of the project and its usefulness to the national economy.
    Fourth : insurance investment project with any insurance company or a foreign national it deems appropriate.
    Fifth : the opening of accounts in Iraqi currency or foreign or both with one of the banks in Iraq or outside of the project metaphor.
    Article (12) :
    This legislation guarantees to Mstthmerma following :
    First : investors are entitled to the recruitment and use of non-Iraqi workers in the absence of the possibility of using Iraqi possesses the necessary qualifications and unable to perform the same task, according controls issued by the body.
    Second : Granting foreign investors and workers in the investment projects of the non-Iraqis the right to stay in Iraq and to facilitate entry and exit to and from Iraq.
    Third : Non confiscation or nationalization of an investment project under the provisions of this Act or both part except Maisder sentenced court ruling.
    Fourth : the technical and administrative staff-Iraqis in the project to change their salaries and entitlements out of Iraq in accordance with the law after payment of debts and obligations towards the Iraqi government and all other quarters.
    Article (13) :
    Any amendment to this law does not have any retroactive effect prejudice, exemptions and guarantees the rights established thereunder.
    Chapter IV
    Investor obligations
    Article (14) :
    Bmayati committed investor :
    First : notice of the National Authority for Investment Authority or territory or maintain as the case in writing immediately upon completion of the installation and processing assets for the purposes of the project and the date of commencement of business.
    Second : accounting fundamentalist exhaustive legal syndicated accountant in Iraq in accordance with the law
    Third : to study the economic and technical feasibility of the project and any information or data or documents requested by the Commission or other competent bodies in the balancing of the project and progress made in done.
    Fourth : records particular materials imported for the project and exempt from customs accordance with the provisions of the law determining the terms of the conduct of these materials.
    Fifth : preserving the integrity of the environment and our commitment to the quality control systems in place in Iraq and the global regulations adopted in this area and the laws relating to security, health, public order and the values of Iraqi society.
    Sixth : Iraqi compliance with the laws in force in areas of salary, leave, hours, working conditions and other minimum.
    Seventh : commitment corroborating the progress of the work provided by the investor with the fact that the disparity is not the time more than six months, the National Authority for the investment put penalty clauses in the event the duration of six months and the withdrawal of the holiday.
    Eighth : training users of the Iraqis, rehabilitation and increase their efficiency and raise the skills and abilities and priority will be given to the recruitment and use of Iraqi workers.
    Chapter V
    Article (15) :
    First : the project enjoyed rapid leave investment from the exemption from taxes and duties for a period of ten (10) years from the date of commencement of commercial operation, according developmental areas specified by the Cabinet proposal of the National Authority for Investment according to the degree of economic development of the region and the nature of an investment project.
    Second : the Council of Ministers propose draft laws for the extension of or the granting of exemptions in addition to the exemptions provided for in item (I) of this article or provide incentives or guarantees or other benefits to any project or sector or area, and time and descent as it deems appropriate in accordance with the nature of the activity, its geographical location and the extent of its contribution to the operation of a hands for working and advancing economic development, considerations required for the national interest.
    Third : the National Authority for Investment increase in the number of Sunni exemption from taxes and duties commensurate increase in the proportion of direct relationship with the Iraqi investor participation in the project for up to (15) fifteen years if the proportion of the Iraqi partnership investor in the project more than 50%.
    Article (16) :
    If the transfer of the project during the duration of the exemption granted by the development to the other development the project is treated for purposes of the exemption provided for in item (I) of article (15) during the remainder treatment of the development projects transferred to the feel of the National Investment so.
    Article (17) :
    The project also enjoys rapid leave investment, including the following :
    First : exempt assets imported for the purposes of an investment project of the charges to be made to Iraq during the three (3) years from the date of granting investment.
    Second : exempt assets imported for the expansion project, development or modernization of the charges if it has led to increased design capacity. to be introduced during the three (3) years from the date of notification of the expansion or development. The expansion is intended for the purposes of this law, in addition fixed capital assets in order to increase design capacity of the project of goods or services or materials by more than (15%) fifteen% of the development is intended for the purposes of this Act replacement machines sophisticated Bmkaen project in whole or in part or to develop the equipment and the pain Dat existing in the project by adding new machinery or equipment or parts thereof in order to raise production efficiency and improve and develop the kind of products and services.
    Third : exempt spare parts imported for the project from charges that do not exceed the value of these pieces (20%) of the 20th% of the value of the purchase of assets, provided that the investor is not acting for purposes other than importing from it.
    Fourth : grant projects of hotels and tourist establishments, hospitals and health institutions, rehabilitation centers and educational and scientific institutions additional exemptions from import duties on furniture, furnishings and supplies for the purposes of modernization and renewal once every four (4) years in the least to be incorporated into Iraq or use in the project apart l (3) years from the date of issuance of the resolution approving the lists of the imported and quantity, provided that the Itim used for other purposes were imported.
    Article (18) :
    If it turns out that the project assets exempt all or some of the taxes and fees have been sold, contrary to the provisions of this Act or used in illegal or used for purposes other than the declared For investors pay taxes, fees and fines generated in accordance with the law.
    Chapter VI
    Procedures for granting leave and the establishment of investment projects
    Article (19) :
    First : investor gets on leave in addition to winning the rest leave for the purpose of enjoying the privileges and exemptions provided by the body.
    Second : granted leave the investment or the establishment of the project at the request submitted to the investor on concessional terms prepared by the Authority, It includes a request by an investor on the following matters :
    A-fill the application form prepared by the body.
    B-efficiency of the Asian financial accredited.
    C-projects undertaken by the investor in or outside Iraq.
    D-details of the project to be invested and its economic feasibility.
    E-schedule for the completion of the project.
    Article (20) :
    First : to leave the issue of incorporation through the creation of a single window in the Territory or irregular maintenance in the territory of authorized delegates from ministries and other relevant relationship and the establishment of the grant leave the project and obtain approvals from other parties in accordance with the law.
    Second : to help the investor to obtain leave from the foundation during its approach the competent authorities and to seek the views of those in the establishment and the issuing leave on the part of those issuing its approval or rejection or a request for the amendment during the (15) fifteen days from the date notified, The lack of response from the requested opinion in the case of rejection, approval must be reasoned rejection.
    Third : in the event of disagreement between the decision of the National Investment and the other related to grant leave founding bodies Non-raising controversy to the Prime Minister for a decision.
    Fourth : In rejecting the request establishment owner grievance request to the head of the Territory or on demand through conservation (15) fifteen days from the date of informing him of the decision of rejection, and the President of the body concerned in the complaint submitted during the period of seven (7) days and the applicant object to the president's decision to reject the body lodged with the body signed by the body concerned (15) during the fifteen days from the date of refusal to appeal is its Bata.

    الفصل السابع
    أحكام عامة
    المادة (21):
    يتكون رأس مال المشروع المشمول بأحكام هذا القانون مما ياتي:
    أولاً: النقد المحول الى العراق عن طريق المصارف والشركات المالية او اية طريقة قانونية اخرى بهدف استثماره لاغراض هذا القانون.
    ثانياً: الاموال العينية والحقوق المعنوية الموردة للعراق او المشتراة من الاسواق المحلية بواسطة النقد المحول للعراق وهي:
    أ - اموال عينية لها علاقة بالمشروع.
    ب - المكائن والالات والمعدات والابنية والانشاءات ووسائل النقل والاثاث واللوازم المكتبية اللازمة لاقامة المشروع.
    ج - الحقوق المعنوية التي تشمل براءات الاختراع والعلامات التجارية المسجلة والمعرفة الفنية والخدمات الهندسية والادارية والتسويقية وما في حكمها.
    ثالثاً: الارباح والعوائد والاحتياطيات الناجمة عن استثمار رأس مال في العراق في المشروع اذا تمت زيادة رأس مال هذا المشروع او اذا استثمرت في مشروع اخر مشمول باحكام هذا القانون.
    المادة (22):
    يتمتع المستثمر الاجنبي بمزايا اضافية وفقاً لاتفاقيات دولية بين العراق ودولته او اتفاقيات دولية متعددة الاطراف كان العراق قد انضم اليها.
    المادة (23):
    اذا انتقلت ملكية المشروع خلال مدة الاعفاء الممنوحة له فسيستمر تمتع المشروع بالاعفاءات والتسهيلات والضمانات التي منحت له حتى انقضاء تلك المدة، على ان يواصل المستثمر الجديد العمل في المشروع في الاختصاص ذاته او في اختصاص اخر بعد موافقة الهيئة ويحل محل المستثمر السابق في الحقوق والالتزامات المترتبة بموجب احكام هذا القانون.
    المادة (24):
    أولاً: للمستثمر، بموافقة الهيئة، بيع الموجودات المعفاة او التنازل عنها الى مستثمر اخر مستفيد من احكام هذا القانون على ان يستعملها في مشروعه.
    ثانياً: للمستثمر بعد اشعار الهيئة بيع الموجودات المعفاة لاي شخص او مشروع اخر غير مشمول باحكام هذا القانون بعد دفع الرسوم والضرائب المستحقة عنها.
    ثالثاً: للمستثمر بموافقة الهيئة اعادة تصدير الموجودات المعفاة.
    المادة (25):
    اذا اندمجت شركتان او مؤسستان او اكثر فتكون الشركة او الكيان الجديد الناتج عن الدمج ملزماً بتنظيم حسابات مستقلة لكل مشروع قبل الدمج لتسجيل وتطبيق الاعفاءات والتسهيلات المنصوص عليها في هذا القانون خلال المدة المتبقية من الاعفاء.
    المادة (26):
    يستمر اي مشروع جرت الموافقة عليه بمقتضى احكام القوانين السابقة في الاستفادة من الاعفاءات التي منحت له بموجب ذلك القانون حتى انقضاء مدة الاعفاء وبشروطه.
    المادة (27):
    المنازعات الناشئة بين الاطراف الخاضعين لاحكام هذا القانون يطبق عليهم القانون العراقي مالم يتفقوا على خلاف ذلك بغير الحالات التي تخضع لاحكام القانون العراقي حصراً او يكون فيها الاختصاص للمحاكم العراقية
    1. تخضع المنازعات الناتجة عن عقد العمل حصراً لاحكام القانون العراقي ويكون الاختصاص فيها للمحاكم العراقية، ويستثنى من ذلك العامل غير العراقي اذا نص عقد العمل على خلاف ذلك.
    2. اذا كان اطراف النزاع من غير العراقيين وفي غير المنازعات الناتجة عن جريمة يجوز للمتنازعين الاتفاق على القانون الواجب التطبيق والمحكمة المختصة او اي اتفاق اخر لحل النزاع بينهم.
    3. اذا ترتب عن نزاع بين الشركاء او بين مالك المشروع والغير في مشروع يخضع لاحكام هذا القانون توقف العمل لمدة تزيد عن ثلاثة اشهر يجوز للهيئة سحب الترخيص و الطلب الى مالكي المشروع تسوية أمره خلال مدة لا تتجاوز ثلاثة شهور، واذا مرت هذه المدة دون تسوية الامر بين الشركاء او بين مالك المشروع و الغير، فان للهيئة اتخاذ الاجراءات القانونية لتصفية المشروع مع اذخطار مالك المشروع او احد الشركاء بذلك ويتم ايداع مبلغ التصفية في احد البنوك بعد استيفاء حقوق الدولة او اي حقوق للغير وبعد صدور حكم قضائي باستحقاقها.
    4. إذا كان احد أطراف النزاع خاضعاً لأحكام هذا القانون يجوز لهم عند التعاقد الاتفاق على آلية حل النزاع بما فيها الالتجاء إلى التحكيم وفقاً للقانون العراقي أو أي جهة أخرى معترف بها دولياً.
    5. المنازعات الناشئة بين الهيئة أو أي جهة حكومية وبين أي من الخاضعين لأحكام هذا القانون في غير المسائل المتعلقة بمخالفة احد أحكام هذا القانون، تخضع للقانون و المحاكم العراقية في المسائل المدنية، أما في المنازعات التجارية فيجوز للأطراف اللجوء للتحكيم على أن ينص على ذلك في العقد المنظم للعلاقة بين الأطراف.
    المادة (28):
    في حالة مخالفة المستثمر لأي من الأحكام الواردة في هذا القانون فللهيئة تنبيه المستثمر كتابة لإزالة المخالفة خلال مدة محدده، وفي حالة عدم قيام المستثمر بإزالة المخالفة خلال المدة المحددة تقوم الهيئة بدعوة المستثمر أو من يمثله لبيان موقفه وإعطائه مهله أخرى لتسوية الموضوع وعند تكرار المخالفة أو عدم إزالتها فللهيئة سحب إجازة المستثمر التي أصدرتها وإيقاف العمل في المشروع مع احتفاظ الدولة بحقها في حرمان المستثمر من الإعفاءات والامتيازات التي منحت له من تاريخ تحقق المخالفة مع احتفاظ الغير بحقه في المطالبة بالتعويض عن الضرر من جراء هذه المخالفة ودون الإخلال بأي عقوبات أو تعويضات أخرى تنص عليها القوانين النافذة.
    المادة (29):
    تخضع جميع مجالات الاستثمار لأحكام هذا القانون باستثناء ما يأتي:
    أولا: الاستثمار في مجالي استخراج وإنتاج النفط والغاز.
    ثانياً: الاستثمار في قطاعي المصارف وشركات التامين.
    المادة (30):
    لمجلس الوزراء:
    أولاً: إصدار أنظمة لتسهيل تنفيذ أحكام هذا القانون.
    ثانياً: إصدار أنظمة داخلية تحدد تشكيلات الهيئة وتقسيماتها ومهامها وسير العمل فيها وصلاحيات الهيئة والشؤون المالية وشؤون الموظفين و أية أمور أخرى.
    المادة (31):
    للهيئة إصدار تعليمات لتسهيل تنفيذ الأنظمة الصادرة عن مجلس الوزراء وفق أحكام هذا القانون.
    المادة (32):
    تسري أحكام هذا القانون على مشاريع القطاع المختلط والقطاع الخاص القائمة والعاملة وبطلب من إدارتها وموافقة الهيئة دون اثر رجعي.
    المادة (33):
    لا يعمل بأي نص يتعارض وأحكام هذا القانون.
    المادة (34):
    يلغى أمر سلطة الائتلاف المؤقتة (المنحلة) رقم (39) لسنة 2003.
    المادة (35):
    يلغى قانون الاستثمار العربي الصادر عن مجلس قيادة الثورة المنحل رقم (62) لسنة 2002.
    المادة (36):
    ينفذ هذا القانون من تاريخ نشره في الجريدة الرسمية.
    الأسباب الموجبة
    من اجل دفع عملية التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية وتطويرها وجلب الخبرات التقنية والعلمية وتنمية الموارد البشرية وإيجاد فرص عمل للعراقيين بتشجيع الاستثمارات ودعم عملية تأسيس مشاريع الاستثمار في العراق وتوسيعها وتطويرها على مختلف الأصعدة الاقتصادية ومنح الامتيازات والإعفاءات لهذه المشاريع، شرع هذا القانون".

    التـالي >

    [ العودة للصفحة السابقة ]

    franny, were almost there!!

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