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  1. #29461
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    Default Glad to see these guys FINALLY getting off their can!

    The Council of Ministers approved the draft of the International Covenant with Iraq

    (Voice of Iraq) - 03-12-2006

    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the governmental communications
    Media Relations
    Press Release Press release /
    Sunday, 12-3-2006

    The Council of Ministers during its regular sixth session, held on the 28th of last month, the draft of the International Covenant with Iraq and the recommendation of the Deputy Prime Minister follow-up work with the relevant agencies to mobilize international support and the success of the initiative and launch the Covenant in order to serve the national vision Iraqi political and economic reform and security.

    The Council of Ministers approved the draft amendment to the pension law

    (Voice of Iraq) - 03-12-2006
    This issue was sent to a friend

    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the governmental communications
    Media Relations
    Press Release Press Release Press release
    Sunday, 12-3-2006

    The Council of Ministers approved the draft amendment to the law on retirement and social security for workers No. 39 of 1971 and forwarded to the House for appropriate decision thereon

    The Council of Ministers during its regular sixth session, held on the 28th of last month on the draft amendment of the law on retirement and social security for workers No. 39 of 1971 after scrutiny by the State Consultative Council and forwarded to the House for appropriate decision thereon.

    Baghdad / justice
    The Presidency issued Investment Law No. 13 of 2000, Based on the approved by the House of Representatives. The reasons for the law that

    "In order to advance the process of economic and social development, development and bring the technical and scientific expertise and human resources development, and create job opportunities for the Iraqis to encourage investments and support the process of establishing investment projects in Iraq and the expansion and development at various levels of economic and granting concessions and exemptions to this the projects, initiated this law.

    Translated version of جريدة العدالة العراقية

    Do we look at the word issued as being:

    1-something that is printed or published and distributed, esp. a given number of a periodical?

    2-a point at which a matter is ready for decision?

    3-the ultimate result, event, or outcome of a proceeding?

    4-to be sent, put forth, or distributed authoritatively or publicly, as a legal writ ?

    Do we look at the word initiated as being:


    2-Synonyms....commenced; introduced, inaugurated, opened?


    Do we look at the word launch as being:

    1-to set going; initiate?

    2-to start out or forth?

    Confusing indeed

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  2. #29462
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by kiko View Post
    The Iraqi Central sells seven million dollars and the American currency continues to decline
    Dargham of Muhammad Ali
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    The Central Bank of Iraq said it sold during the auction today, Sunday, seven million dollars against 330 million one hundred thousand dollars during the meeting last Wednesday as there were on Thursday, the sale and purchase.

    He added in a statement that the bank offers three banks participating today ERA dropped to $ 1 million compared with $ 2 million a hearing last Wednesday.

    The statement said that the purchase orders were covered today by the Central at 1433 IQD, down 2 dinars compared to the rate on Wednesday, also central to buy all the sales presentations at the 1431 dinars to 1433 dinars.

    He said on one Yasiri dealers in the auction Central Bank News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent that the reason for the limited purchase requests that the dollar is the dollar exchange rate in the local market from the lowest price in the Central Bank, where the purchase price is the market in 1410 and the sale price dinars 1420 dinars.

    He pointed out that the purchase of the Central restricted to the large volume of transactions and urgent that the market is unable to provide the liquidity necessary.

    دولار- (اقتصاد) :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

    This was realy interesting seemes at the Iraqis are awere of what´s coming their way, Just like we are;-)

  3. #29463
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    Quote Originally Posted by DLMCFX View Post
    This was realy interesting seemes at the Iraqis are awere of what´s coming their way, Just like we are;-)
    Yup, they sure do.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  4. #29464
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    Does anyone have any thoughts on it opening up on the forex today....just wondering.

  5. #29465
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    Default The economic event : foreign investment between the need and caution

    Baghdad / d. Jamil Mohammed Jamil Skinner

    The term of economic globalization, trade has not been the product of the past two decades, as many believe, because sown had been planted following the victory of the Allies in the Second World War and before the war has come to an end shortly, through the Treaty of Woods institutions, which was held in 1944 in Niohamshair America under the auspices of the American President Theodore Roosevelt, which brought the three main arms to dominate the world economically Wa we like a new international economic order controlled by the United States of America as the leader of the free world.

    These three arms are the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the World Trade Organization on the basis of the interdependence arbitrator between them with a view to governance and control of the new economic order, which is in the interests of the United States of America and other capitalist countries, and now known as the countries except for control of the international trade in a way, included the establishment and commencement of work since 1947.

    In pursuing economic conditions of the countries of the Arab world found on the contrary trends of economic globalization, While globalization has undeniable progress in the areas of industrial production in general, and particularly agricultural, we find the opposite is happening for Arab countries, where production has slowed and the gap increased importation of various goods and services year after year and become heavy burdens of import invoice budgets of these countries even those related to oil.

    This fact has been and still is confirmed by the Arab Studies and Research on agriculture and food security. Overall, Globalization can be defined as the integration of production, distribution and use of goods and services between the economies of the countries of the world.

    The manifestations of globalization at the level of production factors in the increased flow of capital and labor across the borders. At the level of the product in the significant growth of world trade in addition to the growth in world output.

    The concept of globalization is determined at the UNCTAD increase interaction States in global trade and foreign direct investment and capital markets.

    Also increased in the processes of globalization and stimulated progress in the transport, communications and liberalization, the abolition of restrictions on capital flows and trade, both domestic and international.

    The accelerated pace of globalization since the mid-1980s in the global economy significantly increased twice as fast as world trade, which increased by the gross domestic product almost universal.

    The financial markets in many countries the rapid liberalization of the restrictions imposed upon them, As financial flows accelerated in many developing countries Similarly, the FDI growth not only for the global output, but also for international trade.
    The simple form, which is embodied in the participation of globalization, one of the units of the State Economic Trade product with a single economic entity in another state. While deep form of globalization is the restrictions on trade and investment. The increased competition in global markets and multinational corporations penetrated foreign markets at a time when supported by strength in the domestic markets and integrated their operations on a global scale to reduce costs and, hence, the mutual economic dependence on the production and not only based on trade

    Thus, globalization has become the driving force of economic growth in many regions of the world.
    To reduce restrictions on trade, investment and the Alaorgai resulting from the establishment of the World Trade Organization in 1990, gave a big boost to global trade liberalization in new sectors, All that has contributed to the easing of restrictions on trade.
    As for the investment, most countries, especially the developing countries trying to obtain exceptions to the way towards further liberalization of the flow of foreign capital. It has also given opportunities for foreign capital to enter the activities that were closed prior to it.
    Also disappeared most restrictions on capital movements in the developed countries abroad at a time when we began developing countries in the reduction of restrictions and improve procedures and open areas in front of capital for direct investment. This has helped to open the way for domestic enterprises and foreign affiliates in the host countries to enter the international markets through capital flows of foreign direct. Since 1997, most of the methods for the treatment and protection of foreign investment at the state level or regional level or multilaterally, , which reduced the risk of foreign investment and increased the stability of rules and then falling costs of entry and placed many countries promotion programs to attract foreign direct investment.

    We have addressed many of the determinants of foreign investment theories that happens Kamal market, which presupposes the absence of full competition in developing countries, The decline in the supply of commodities in those countries, with the inability of companies to compete with the national foreign companies.
    The theory of industrial established that the foreign investment needed to achieve profits greater than those achieved at home with advantages possessed monopoly or quasi-monopoly in the face of local firms in the host countries.
    The theory of the product cycle has emphasized the importance of technological superiority as determinants of foreign investment in addition to stressing the importance of locational advantages enjoyed by the host countries for foreign investment.
    On the other hand, the theory of internal use of the advantages of monopolistic stressed the need to maintain foreign investor expertise, inventions and innovations that have achieved excellence absolute rather than exported or sold to companies host States While the theory of the site focused attention on the spatial determinants that affect the decision of foreign investment.

    In general, there is wide agreement that the large foreign investment occurs when there is a combination of factors, most important to be the host country for foreign investment locational advantages better than the state they belong to the investee company such as low wages and taxes and breadth of the market and the availability of raw materials.

    Translated version of

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  6. #29466
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    Al-Maliki : the current government representing Iraqis

    (Voice of Iraq) - 03-12-2006
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    Maliki : the current government does not represent Iraqis talk about alternative government

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Nuri al-Maliki said Iraqi Prime Minister on Sunday that the current government represents all Iraqis and the government to talk about saving the national mean on the success of the coup Iraqis "Bey and return again to rule Iraq."

    Al-Maliki said in his meeting with a group of dignitaries and heads of clans in Sadr City in Baghdad on Saturday that there is no room to talk about saving the national government because it "means hitting the constitution and elections and the parliament was scrapped and a fresh return to form Bey to rule Iraq again."

    He added that the current Iraqi government "represents the will of the people is being subjected to it to the people. If someone wants to change Fleger. (But) rather than through conspiracy and the conspirators. "

    The statements came two days after al-Maliki of the meeting in the Jordanian capital of Amman last Thursday with the American President George W. Bush, and Bush reiterated his support for the government of Maliki and described it as the right man for Iraq at the current stage.

    The Iraqi political one part of the political process that the government believed al-Maliki failed to achieve their objectives due to lack of control over the security situation deteriorating and the lack of success in improving the level of services provided daily for the Iraqi people and called for a change through talking about the formation of the government of National Salvation.

    Al-Maliki announced earlier last month his intention to undertake a cabinet reshuffle in the government, which was formed before the nearly six months but has not so far provided any concrete steps for such a modification.

    Al-Maliki said that he does not object sought others in the creation of a sort of "development and renovation."

    But he added that such a renewal must be "through the institutions of democracy, freedom and the will of the people. We will not allow passengers tank upward on horseback or regional or international intelligence agencies to obtain what we have achieved. "

    Al-Maliki said that the Iraqi government "has forfeited the right one in this state the size of what everyone involved and gave them the elections and this is what we have agreed upon ... And this democracy which we have agreed. "

    He continued, "There are state and the government of national unity, the House of Representatives elected a design by the government to continue to impose security ... The control of the State directed against all those who go out of the law or who kill citizens. "

    He called Maliki heads of clans to take their role in guiding their children, "moving in the right direction in building the state and the refusal of sectarianism."

    He said, "I believe that the clans of their extensions can be the biggest tool in controlling the security reality of this country."

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    Local news : Fruitful talks between the central government and the Kurdistan region and the increase in the share of electricity to the region

    Baghdad/ long

    Baghdad announced yesterday to increase the share of the Kurdistan region of electricity from the national grid in addition to the provision of the staffing required engineering to oversee the electrical control stations in the province.

    On the other hand, Minister of Public Works and reconstruction in the government of the Kurdistan Emad Ahmed said that the central government had approved the conversion of 482 million dollars resulting from the sale of oil price differentials in world markets to the territorial government and added to the territorial budget for 2007.

    The file on oil, Ahmed that "it was decided to hold a series of joint meetings between the delegation of the province and all of the Oil Ministry and the Central Bank of Iraq to a new law of oil to meet interests of the territory in the oil investment." .A delegation from the government of Kurdistan had discussed a number of files in the forefront of the Kurdistan share of the federal budget and the adoption of a fair proportion of them to the laws of the territory and oil and fuels in the region, especially the issue of securing oil to occupy the territory of the priorities of the government and the interest of citizens and the third file is the issue of Tin Vit Article (140) of the Iraqi Constitution, the Permanent Special normalize the situation in Kirkuk and the general areas withheld from the territory of Kurdistan. In addition to other issues.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wciappetta View Post
    Now this is very interesting. The report says that the unsanctioned street market is buying up dinars at a better exchange rate than the CBI, which is partly to blame for the low auction numbers. Those guys must have a heck of a lot of capital.....and they are betting on the Dinar and are intending to hold out for a much better rate hmmmm i wonder how much better a rate?
    If its true that the CBI has bought all of the excess dinar from the banks, and the CBI is not selling dinar, then where would the locals get dinar if they thought it was going to rise in value? It would have to be from the street. We may see this drying up over here and only be able to buy from e-bay (e-bay a black market?). In any event, this is a good sign and I think will only become more acute in the next few days. We'll monitor this and I think we will be please. We have a commodity that supply is being limited and demand increasing, and about to increase more. Great! I am on the right side of a market!

  9. #29469
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Does anyone have any thoughts on it opening up on the forex today....just wondering.

    Not holding my breath CP
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  10. #29470
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    Better this morning than it was last night!

    Currency Conversion Results

    Sunday, December 3, 2006

    1 Iraqi Dinar = 0.0007319 US Dollar
    1 US Dollar (USD) = 1366.30 Iraqi Dinar (IQD)

    Learn about the new Iraqi Dinar
    Median price = 0.0006728 / 0.0007319 (bid/ask)
    Minimum price = 0.0006728 / 0.0007319
    Maximum price = 0.0006728 / 0.0007319

    FXTrade: Online Currency Trading with OANDA FXTrade.

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