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  1. #29621
    Senior Member Cyberkhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar-Excited View Post
    My Honest Opinion

    Since Thanksgiving and the events of president Bush visiting Jordan for talks with maliki and the chaos that came from it had me very concerned which I am sure you all could tell from my posts.

    Well after careful thought I have come to the conclusion that we will have an RV by 15th December 2006. I know a lot of you share the same opinion. The reason I think this is even after all the turmoil and the Government going through such chaos we see the Dinar rising and progress being made and statements and articles to show they have a plan and there plan is not to fail.

    We all know right now with the economy the way it is they are creating more terrorists. They pay family men to blow themselves up as human bombs just so they can feed there family's. You never know what you would and would not do to take care of your Children, Wife and Family. This is very sad.

    There is no other option for Iraq than to succeed and all concerned know it. Not only dose the World need the natural resources but it needs Iraq to stand strong on terrorism other wise the whole World has mayor security problems.

    They need to open up before the end of the year in my opinion because it is down to the wire they really have no option. This is why we are seeing the auctions changing so dramatically since November in a mad hurry to get as many Dinar out of circulation and now we also see that they are giving the Kurds what they want they know there is know more time to argue. It is time for action.

    I also really believe they will peg the Dinar due to the instability of Iraq's security. Like I have stated many times before if they peg they will have a fixed rate which they will not be able to go under but a margin of fluctuation to increase the value. This is in my opinion the best option as the investors that are entering the Country to rebuild Iraq know they will not lose there capital. The floating rate is for Country's that need to entice investors Iraq dose not have that problem. They have the investors but they need the stability so by pegging they accomplish this. With big investment coming in and the FIL in place they will have to employ 50% or more Iraqi Citizen's so with good jobs for all and oil rights will help decrease the violence and make it easier to find the extremists.

    So in my honest opinion I think we will see an RV before December 15th with a pegged rate around the rate of neighboring Country's that are open on the World Market like Jordan and Kuwait.

    Hey D-E

    It's great to have you back on the wagon. Thank you so very much for the well thought out and well versed piece. I am of the same mind on this one. After the Thanksgiving bombs I was a bit worried for a while. I will tell you however that there are too many positive things happening to allow for the failure in Iraq. This week we have the Baker Hamilton Commission reporting on their findings. While I am sure that most will take the recommedations with a grain of salt it is a much needed new insight as to what is going on over there.

    With the Kurds continuing to surge forward I don't think that Iraq can afford to drag their feet any longer. Talabani, Makliki and Shabibi are all aware of the problems that will arise if the Kurds are the only ones advancing out of the rubble.

    As far as the peg goes I think that the extension of the IAMB is proof of that. It will only entice more investors to know that they have a stable currency to back their enterprises. After the release of the IAMB they may then decide to float the currency with the up and running oil exports.

    The RV must happen by the end of this fiscal year. It is neccessary for the economy to have that step up. If they continue with this slow rise they will consumed by hyperinflation and will not be able to get themselves out of the neverending spiral downward.

    Ladies and Gents please know that this is the moment of truth. Can Iraq save their economy from themselves...because that is the only enemy that they have.
    I just need $1.47.

  2. #29622
    Senior Member clueless's Avatar
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    Default time

    Quote Originally Posted by coolhand009 View Post
    So what 5-6 hours behind for Hawaii you think? Thanks
    Hey CH,

    The "local time" on your header only shows a 3 hour difference but I am sure that is not right. Just coming up on 11 p.m. here in CST now and I think you are 5 hours different so should be coming up on 6 p.m. for you. Probably another 2 or 3 hours before they post the auction results if it follows recent behavior.


  3. #29623
    Senior Investor $onedaysoon$'s Avatar
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    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  4. #29624
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    Default Baghdad Time.

    Quote Originally Posted by clueless View Post
    Hey CH,

    The "local time" on your header only shows a 3 hour difference but I am sure that is not right. Just coming up on 11 p.m. here in CST now and I think you are 5 hours different so should be coming up on 6 p.m. for you. Probably another 2 or 3 hours before they post the auction results if it follows recent behavior.

    Current Baghdad time Monday, 4 December 2006 at 8:03:32 AM

  5. #29625
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    To the north, the 15-year-old autonomous Kurdish region has begun to show signs of independence. Authorities there enforce rigid security regulations for non-Kurdish Iraqi visitors that are more suited for foreigners than citizens of the same country.

    These include a security interview on arrival and registering with police when taking up residence or finding employment. Visitors traveling by road are stopped at three checkpoints before entering Kurdistan.
    Man, the Kurds really have their act together. I just wish the rest of the country would take the hint and follow suit
    I just need $1.47.

  6. #29626
    Senior Member Dinar-Excited's Avatar
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    Smile I fully agree

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberkhan View Post
    Hey D-E

    It's great to have you back on the wagon. Thank you so very much for the well thought out and well versed piece. I am of the same mind on this one. After the Thanksgiving bombs I was a bit worried for a while. I will tell you however that there are too many positive things happening to allow for the failure in Iraq. This week we have the Baker Hamilton Commission reporting on their findings. While I am sure that most will take the recommedations with a grain of salt it is a much needed new insight as to what is going on over there.

    With the Kurds continuing to surge forward I don't think that Iraq can afford to drag their feet any longer. Talabani, Makliki and Shabibi are all aware of the problems that will arise if the Kurds are the only ones advancing out of the rubble.

    As far as the peg goes I think that the extension of the IAMB is proof of that. It will only entice more investors to know that they have a stable currency to back their enterprises. After the release of the IAMB they may then decide to float the currency with the up and running oil exports.

    The RV must happen by the end of this fiscal year. It is neccessary for the economy to have that step up. If they continue with this slow rise they will consumed by hyperinflation and will not be able to get themselves out of the neverending spiral downward.

    Ladies and Gents please know that this is the moment of truth. Can Iraq save their economy from themselves...because that is the only enemy that they have.
    I fully agree they are there on worst enemy. But even it they want to fail I do not think it is an option for them to argue into an ugly fate. They know what needs to be done and I am positive they will do what it takes. I think the chaos that they just went through made them stronger if they can continue to make progress after all of this mess they can deal with almost anything.

    Cyberkhan I am back full strength. KITTY WIGGLE and all!!!!!!

    Keep a positive mind.

    I have my MOJO back!!!!!!


  7. #29627
    Can read but not post. motomachi's Avatar
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    Wink So what if they say that they have too much IQD printed!

    With all those buckets of OIL in Iraq; they can make it 3.99 USD to One IQD!

    Iraq Oil Wealth

    Quote Originally Posted by clueless View Post
    Hey CH,

    The "local time" on your header only shows a 3 hour difference but I am sure that is not right. Just coming up on 11 p.m. here in CST now and I think you are 5 hours different so should be coming up on 6 p.m. for you. Probably another 2 or 3 hours before they post the auction results if it follows recent behavior.

    Glad you folks are watching; this kids has to go downtown tomorrow, so have fun! Night - night!

  8. #29628
    Can read but not post. motomachi's Avatar
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    Talking Enough Talk, time to RV this baby!

    Iraqi leader rejects international talks

    BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraq's president on Sunday rejected suggestions that an international conference be held to address the violence wracking his country, echoing sentiments expressed by other leading politicians.

    "We are an independent and a sovereign nation and it is we who decide the fate of the nation," President Jalal Talabani said after meeting with Rep. Christopher Shays (news, bio, voting record), R-Conn.

    Time to buckle down and get that IQD announcement to the Iraqi public and get the show on the road!

    RV time!

    Enough Talk, time to RV this baby!

    Anytime from tonight till the 15th of December 2006, that is this year!

  9. #29629
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    Food for thought. When Saddam was captured there was 4.5 tri. dinar in circulation and at that time there was a total of 22 millionaires in Kurdistan. Today the money in circulation is about 8 tri. with the CBI resent moves and there are hundreds of millionaires in Kurdistan now. It seems to be obvious that the economy is a lot larger , so what would the amount of money in circulation have to get down to in order to have a one for one dinar to dollar value. Any ideas anyone.
    6 tri. or maybe down 4.5 tri. again.
    Last edited by michael16; 04-12-2006 at 07:12 AM.

  10. #29630
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    Default Banks selling DINAR?????

    I would dearly love to know if the Europeans or Asians are able to buy and or sell dinar at a local Bank? So far I know that Americans, Canadians and English are all able to at least BUY dinar from certain banks. They don’t want to know anything about the dinar in Australia. They will soon change their tune when the dinar r/v. I am sure we have Europeans and Asians able to answer this question. Thank you in advance.

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