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  1. #29761
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    Off-Shore Investment:

    I have asked to repost the references on off-shore investments.

    Goldstein, Arnold. (1995). Offshore Havens. Garrett Publishing.

    Starchild, Adam. (2005). The Complete Tax Haven guide. Books for Business (Pub.)

    I am also told that Goldstein has a new book. Both together are excellent guides that will keep you safe and avoid penalties. Both a good read!

  2. #29762
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    Talking Cash?

    Quote Originally Posted by MOM2TWO View Post
    It is on the BofA's website that they have the same policy. I plan on spending a week going to every BofA in TX!!!!
    You may want to ask if you have an account with them will it be immediately credited for all the dinar you are relinquishing at the time. Maybe the clerk was just trying to make the point that if you wanted physical cash in hand, they would only accommodate up to $5k USD daily. I can't believe they wouldn't want your money in their bank (ALL of it!) if you have an account with them!!! Like several wise people here previously advised, ask for the Branch Manager - they have discretionary powers which may win them "Brownie" points with those they report to.
    Motto: I'm a little acorn nut. Life Goal: To become a mighty oak.

    We're on roll now! Then again, so is Charmin!

  3. #29763
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elfwizard View Post
    I think this is Exactly what is happening. A slow rise over time. If they don't and jump to $1 I think we are looking at a new Currency. This slow rise scenerio is the best for us.
    This slow rise is logical in my opinion and is in line with the IMF target. Going by the very low decrements, it seems a real possibility that they would end up at about 1365 by the end of the year. I know this is probably not what we are all looking for but it does seem pointless for the rate to fall in 1's and 2's.

  4. #29764
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    Default Several oil counters erected in Basra Port

    Several oil counters erected in Basra Port
    04 December 2006 (Al-Sabaah)

    The US Parsons Company in cooperation with the southern oil company will start within the two days the operations of erecting several counters for export pipes counters in Basra Oil Port.

    An official source at the Ministry of Oil informed as-Sabah that Parsons Company will start within the next two days the operations of erecting modern counters system for pipes system specialized to export the Iraqi crude oil via al-Basra oil port.

    He added that al-Basra port will stop on work for several days to accomplish operations of erecting counters , referring that the port halting from unloading oil shipments will not effect the oil exports because they will be transformed via Khor al-'Amia port.

    Several oil counters erected in Basra Port | Iraq Updates

    Exactly, decrease the lacking of oil to the black market!

  5. #29765
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    The link I provided below seems to be very anti-American and spouts alot of gibberish but I just wanted to post the 1st paragraph....

    In a statement to suspend its membership in the House of Representatives. Reconciliation and the Liberation Bloc refuses to share bidders Party Mazaidathm.

    Warns of solutions in the headquarters of sectarian hate in the hope of favorable foreign exchange.
    It calls the faithful to resist crimes of the occupier and his agents, as people Khnedkha trench.

    Translated version of

    Now are they speaking of foreign comaraderie perhaps or well you know....R/V?

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  6. #29766
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    Default Commission approves projects to upgrade economy

    Commission approves projects to upgrade economy
    04 December 2006 (Al-Sabaah)

    The strategic committee for rebuilding Iraq has approved in its 33 meeting the project presented from the Ministry of Agriculture, which includes a condition to supply work opportunities for the jobless in Diawnia province

    A statement issued from the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation, as-Sabah received a copy of it, said that during the meeting headed by the Planning Minister Ali Ghalab Baban and attended by number of ministries representatives, USAID's and the international Fund's representatives that audience agreed to circulate the earthen and manual industries in the province as well as establishing little industrial projects for the jobless

    Commission approves projects to upgrade economy | Iraq Updates

    Kickstart that economy by creating jobs.

    Damned, the only thing we miss is that RV, but patience it will come!!

  7. #29767
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    Talking This was fun!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gloribee View Post
    Some how don't see it. This would give spectulaters way to much time to jump on board, even given the fact thats sales and puchaces have dropped way off at CBI. JMHO

    This was really fun! I took it twice because, I swear, I have a 7-second time delay between right and left sides of my brain, so by the time I read, comprehended and "got" the answer, time was up! First time I got 4 - second time 6.
    Motto: I'm a little acorn nut. Life Goal: To become a mighty oak.

    We're on roll now! Then again, so is Charmin!

  8. #29768
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    Default One more time..

    Quote Originally Posted by postcon View Post
    Is it possible that Iraq is adhering to IMF's target rate of 1365 (not sure of the exact mentioned rate) and is actually on course to meet the target by the year end hence the low decrements in dinar value over the last couple of weeks or so?
    the IMF target rate is 1345. I don't know where any other number comes from but it is 1345.

  9. #29769
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    Default Hmmm

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Beaut View Post
    This was really fun! I took it twice because, I swear, I have a 7-second time delay between right and left sides of my brain, so by the time I read, comprehended and "got" the answer, time was up! First time I got 4 - second time 6.
    What if speculation is the key to Iraq's long-term success?

  10. #29770
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    Default Fact puzzle

    Quote Originally Posted by opps50 View Post
    IT will be you again

    Wanna bet
    Opps50 I see that you are a Senior Member so you have been around awhile plus you have posted 142 times. So I would think by now that if you don't agree with someone's post just ignore it. No negative comment back.

    Also this brings me to a Major Point that we all need to stop and REMEMBER. As a Parent raising two sons there were times as a parent we had to make a decision or judgement call. We made these decision/judgement calls on the FACTS that we knew OF at that time. Now days or weeks or months later we found out MORE FACTS about that decision/judgement call. So as parents - IF WE WOULD HAVE HAD ALL FACTS AT THAT TIME - we may have made a different decision or call. Being a Parent raising kids is the same as the dinar investment. WE DON'T KNOW ALL THE FACTS ON HOW IRAQ GOVERNEMENT IS GOING TO DO THINGS - we have had to make JUDGEMENT CALLS on the Facts we get from Iraq News, contact, experts, etc. Oh it would be so much easier if the Iraq government would have give a time line 3 years ago stating everything that needed to happen BEFORE AN RV. Then we all could have just showed up Dec. 1, 2006 and said "Wow, 10 more days to go for the RV or whatever time"

    BUT we all need to remember - if it was not for some that has spend days, months and even years researching, many of us would have NO CLUE what to look for in the news that we read. So some dates have come and gone, it doesn't change that it will NOT RV one day. We just have to continue to wait and read, examine, rip part anything out of iraq to come up with a date or time of RV.

    So until somebody can walk into the Iraq President office or the CEO of CBI and point blank ask them "what day you going to RV?" Lets not bash people that have "really" busted their tail to get us at this point in time.

    Between now and DEC. 15TH WILL BE FUN to see what may take place. So everyday is a.............


    Now grandma will get off her soap box.

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