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  1. #29861
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba Dinar View Post
    It's the midpoint between the Bid and Ask!

  2. #29862
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inscrutable View Post
    Interesting that they take us on a drop from 11-29 at 1470 to today at 1431
    1428 at CBI's website (Exchange Rates)


  3. #29863
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    did anyone notice that Iraqi Dinar at best prices. Safe & secure Dinar - Iraqi Dinars changed their site...

    they now offer the best dealer prices on a COD basis

    $760 per million and $25.00 shipping.. wondering what took them so long..

  4. #29864
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elfwizard View Post
    I hate Service charges, There shouldn't be service charges in SALES!! If you are a service based business YES but not SALES!!!
    LOL serive charge = more money $$$$$

  5. #29865
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    Default Controls on the cabinet reshuffle expected

    Controls on the cabinet reshuffle expected
    (Voice of Iraq) - 05-12-2006
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    Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed
    The features of the forthcoming cabinet reshuffle that will be long often, the service ministries, which recorded the lowest balance of their expenses, the sense that the ministries that have not done irrespective budget it received under the projects submitted to the Council of Ministers would be inefficient and Sitoulha change next ministerial.

    According to informed sources said that the main determinant in the change is the anticipated completion in the same field projects entrusted to the ministry.
    These controls raises more than one question; If the decision to change only include the service ministries, that would not be fair and properly would require a change in a second and the third is disruptive to the work of the ministerial and hinder the government in general. And these controls is not concerned with the efficiency of the administrative year in the ministry because the change would restrict political bloc same ministry, which runs the service and therefore the change would assume it is not more than the replacement of the name and on behalf of another Minister Therefore, the difference will not be much, and that the solution would be punitive rather than calendar.
    Sure enough, the reluctance or inability or failure of the ministries in the implementation of projects makes it in a question and accounting only that the failure of this will be long political decision on the grounds that these ministries can defend itself and arguments, as long as the question is put up for the sole Mr. Minister : Why not implemented projects to be implemented?.
    That impeding the implementation of the projects is certainly questionable and questioned in Iraq because many of the other provinces where conditions were stable and normal, the role did not go to the service despite the urgent need to also that the abundance of money in similar assessment rarity leads to many doubts about the reason hindering the ministries for the implementation of their projects servants Yeh.
    Accountability must be more effective and would be better if the political bloc that the ministry responsible for the other is exposed to the type of inquiry and accountability by the government or Parliament, People in the near future and they believe firmly that what is delaying the implementation of projects linked to a lack of financial allocations and that all provinces and ministries complained this cause and put the blame on the government and donor states and terrorism. In preparing the budget were these ministries complained that the financial allocations are inadequate and that the projects in which files need to redouble material support to enable the project to see the light of day did not hear at any time that the potential exists and that funds are available only ministries are not working.
    To address the many negatives that accompanied the work of the service sector, , which is represented by several ministries, paid to the stability of the fact that work is associated with the presence of man on earth and that unemployment, poverty and the collapse of infrastructure and halt reconstruction leads to destabilize the government structure and the political structure and succeeded by evaluating the work of the ministries properly can lead to impressive results at both the social and political, and the foot ministerial changes would have to be the required level, but the government's position would not be addressed properly and will not be sufficient and productive.
    To talk about the cabinet reshuffle, as we said earlier controls make us wonder about the role played by the Iraqi Parliament and how did it lead the regulatory Almatalo. That such a profound imbalance should refer in one way or another to the political favoritism that affect joints entirely on the state and quotas in its current form may require us to re-examine and evaluate the controls to make them more active and effective.


    Translated version of

  6. #29866
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    Cool Hummmmmm,

    Quote Originally Posted by mike brown View Post
    did anyone notice that Iraqi Dinar at best prices. Safe & secure Dinar - Iraqi Dinars changed their site...

    they now offer the best dealer prices on a COD basis

    $760 per million and $25.00 shipping.. wondering what took them so long..
    I was wondering why they were so much cheaper. Now I know. They have not updated.

    1 US Dollar = 1478 New Iraqi Dinar
    1 New Iraqi Dinar = $0.000670

    That is why.

  7. #29867
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    I was wondering why they were so much cheaper. Now I know. They have not updated.

    1 US Dollar = 1478 New Iraqi Dinar
    1 New Iraqi Dinar = $0.000670

    That is why.
    they have been the cheapest dealer around for the 4 months I've known about the DINAR..

  8. #29868
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    Bush says Iraq progress too slow

    WASHINGTON - President Bush told a Shiite political leader on Monday the United States is not happy with progress in Iraq and sought the cleric's help to curb extremists and terrorists trying to undermine the struggling new democracy.

    Abdul-Aziz al-Hakim said U.S. troops need to stay in Iraq to help deal with escalating violence. He also told Bush that Iraq welcomes help from other nations, including those in the Middle East, so long as they do not bypass Iraq's political process.

    "Iraq should be in a position to solve Iraqi problems," al-Hakim told Bush after they met in the Oval Office for more than an hour.

    Some consider al-Hakim, who lived in exile in Iran for years, a more powerful political figure than Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Al-Hakim leads the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, the largest Shiite bloc in Iraq's parliament. His party also is backed by the Badr Brigade militia blamed for sectarian killings.

    The meeting was evidence that Bush, under pressure to find a new blueprint for his war strategy, was getting more personally involved in the political infighting among Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds.

    "I told him that we're not satisfied with the pace of progress in Iraq, and that we want to continue to work with the sovereign government of Iraq," Bush said. He said the young Iraqi government needs to be given more capability as quickly as possible to secure the country from extremists and murderers.

    Bush is meeting on Thursday with British Prime Minister Tony Blair — a day after the bipartisan Iraq Study Group issues its long-awaited recommendations. Bush also plans to meet next month with Iraq's Sunni Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi. Last week, he met in Jordan with al-Maliki.

    Before al-Hakim's visit to the United States, two al-Maliki aides and a third person close to al-Hakim said the cleric was expected to try to persuade Bush to enlist Iran's help in quelling violence in Iraq.

    Bush spoke with al-Hakim directly about Iran and Syria and the critical need for them to respect Iraqi sovereignty and stop destructive activity that undermines Iraq's unity government, a senior administration official said. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to divulge details of the meeting.

    The official said it wasn't known whether al-Hakim specifically asked Bush to enlist Iran's assistance. Al-Hakim told reporters that he vehemently opposes any regional or international effort to solve Iraq's problems that goes around the unity government in Baghdad.

    "We reject any attempts to have a regional or international role in solving the Iraqi issue," the cleric, who speaks Arabic, said through a translator. "We cannot bypass the political process. Iraq should be in a position to solve Iraqi problems."

    Later, in a speech at the U.S. Institute of Peace in Washington, al-Hakim said Iraq is interested in creating good relations with all neighboring nations, including Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, Syria and Jordan.

    But he said: "We do not want to distribute shares of power to neighboring countries, but rather we want balanced relations."

    Al-Hakim said he talked with Bush about equipment, including armaments, that the Iraqi security forces need. He pledged that the government would deal with all forms of terrorism, no matter where they originate.

    He also said that eliminating the danger of civil war in Iraq can be achieved only by decisive strikes against terrorist Baathists and extremist followers of Islam. "Otherwise we will continue to witness massacres being committed every now and then against the innocent Iraqis," he said.

    Monday's developments came amid rising expectations about a new U.S. policy that Bush is crafting for Iraq — one that his advisers say will be announced within weeks. He is seeking information from reviews being done by the State Department, National Security Council and the Joint Chiefs of Staff as well as the Iraq Study Group, led by former Secretary of State James A. Baker III and former Democratic Rep. Lee Hamilton of Indiana.

    It became increasingly clear that the administration was looking for Iraq alternatives well before the November elections, when Bush was adamantly defending his policies.

    A day before the elections, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld wrote a letter saying he had developed a list of alternative approaches for Iraq over a period of weeks. In his letter, obtained by The Associated Press on Monday, Rumsfeld said he and Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had told the president "a number of weeks ago" that they were considering alternatives for Iraq policy because changes were needed.

    Rumsfeld also wrote that at his request, Gen. John Abizaid, the top commander for U.S. forces in the Middle East, had assembled a group to work on the issue.

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  9. #29869
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    Default Iraq adopted a new investment law excludes oil and gas extraction and production

    Iraq adopted a new investment law excludes oil and gas extraction and production

    Source : Zawra

    05 / 12 / 06
    Sadik of the Presidency Iraqi investment law on the draft approved by the Iraqi parliament aims to encourage investments and the transfer of modern technologies to contribute to Iraq's development and expand its manufacturing and service and diversification. The law aims to encourage the Iraqi private sector and foreign investment in Iraq vinegar the provision of the necessary facilities for the establishment of investment projects and to promote the competitiveness of enterprises. One of the goals of the law also the development of human resources according to market requirements and providing job opportunities for the Iraqis. and work to protect the rights and property of investors and expanding exports, and strengthening the balance of payments and trade balance for Iraq. During a special investment policies and controls and monitor the application of the instructions in the area of investment projects and specific investment strategy of the federal and exclusively, which has been called 'the National Authority for Investment'.
    The event, moderated by the National Authority for the investment board is composed of nine members with expertise and competence as well as representatives in the regions and provinces and will be based in Baghdad.
    Exempted from the provisions of the law 'investment in the fields of mining and oil and gas production as well as investment in the banking and insurance companies', while all areas of investment will be subject to the other provisions of this Act.
    The investor will enjoy, regardless of his nationality, all the advantages and facilities, guarantees and subject to the obligations contained in the present law and the right of the Iraqi and foreign investors in the housing area to keep the land without determine between him and the owner of the land without speculative land according to rules set by the National Authority for Investment and with the consent of the Council of Ministers.
    It will also facilitate the allocation of land for housing projects and the sale of housing units to the Iraqis after the completion of the project. The law allows investors to take the capital introduced to Iraq and proceeds in accordance with the provisions of this law and the instructions of the Central Bank of Iraq and a convertible currency after payment of all debts and obligations to the Iraqi government and all other quarters.
    In accordance with the law and is entitled to foreign investors' transactions in the market Iraq securities and equity securities listed therein and the composition of investment portfolios in stocks and bonds'.
    The law gave the investor the right to lease land required for the project for the period in which the project is based on the investment should not exceed the 50th year renewable with the approval of the body and take into account in determining the term nature of the project and its usefulness to the national economy. Will Iraq in accordance with this law to 'the establishment of investment Yeh secure and encourage the Iraqi investors through the provision of soft loans and financial facilities for them in coordination with the Ministry of Finance and the use of banking institutions with the requirement that any investor who is a loan, using a number of the unemployed Iraqis commensurate with the size of the loan '. This Act guarantees the 'right of investor recruitment WAS workers at strengthening of the non-Iraqis in the absence of the possibility of using Iraqi possesses the necessary qualifications and able to do the job themselves' as well as for granting foreign investors and workers in the investment projects of the non-Iraqis the right to stay in Iraq and to facilitate their entry and exit to and from Iraq. It also ensures that a confiscation or nationalization the draft investment subject to the provisions of this law in whole or in part except as a right judgment now.
    Tax exemptions
    Individuals who leave the project investment of the exemption from taxes and duties for a period of ten years from the date of commencement of commercial operation. according to the development prescribed by the Cabinet proposal of the National Authority for Investment, depending on the degree of economic development of the region and the nature of an investment project.
    According to the law, the authority to increase the number of years of exemption from taxes and duties commensurate increase in the proportion of direct relationship with the Iraqi investor participation in the project for up to 15 years if the rate of the Iraqi partnership investor in the project more than 50%.

    Translated version of mid=73

  10. #29870
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    NINA & National Iraq News Agency
    04 Dec 2006 13:26:00
    ID exchange rate keeps hiking
    Baghdad (NINA)- The exchange rate of Iraqi Dinar kept rising against Us Dollar on Central Bank’s auction on Monday. The US Dollar was sold for 1430 Iraqi Dinars, whereas it was sold for 1433 Iraqi Dinars on Sunday. The total sales of US Dollar on Monday’s session were only 6,500,000 US Dollars,
    >> More >>

    03 Dec 2006 16:03:00
    CBI sells seven million US Dollars
    Baghdad (NINA) - The Central Bank of Iraq sold seven million US dollar in the first auction this week, as there were no sales of US Dollar on Thursday's auction. The Iraqi Dinar's exchange rate went up on sunday, as the US Dollar price became 1433 ID whereas the price was 1435 on Thursday's auction.
    >> More >>

    I just wish I had a subscription to this site.
    I just need $1.47.

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