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  1. #30101
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    Default Well Said

    Quote Originally Posted by View Post

    The dollar has clearly gotten weaker, and ironically, the economic war has just begun with China removing a cool trillion from U.S. investments. The next attack will be Chavez now that he was reelected soundly, which will surely set the tone for VZ attack on dollare as well. We already know Iran is no friend, so between these three oil powerhouses, the dollar is doomed when the dollar is removed against oil as it has been forever.

    Remember, the dollar is backed by nothing other than a reputation of strength, when in essence it was backed by gold and silver at one time. This was the beginning of the end of dollars dominance, so now we are extremely vulnerable and if all countries follow trend as the see the dollar crumble, with Japan and China dumping dollars, watch out, you do not want to be holding dollars when this happens.

    So for all those talking about cashing out dinar immediately, think long and hard about that strategy as it is all wrong move at this point in time. If you pay off your debts, great, but don't put it in any U.S. bank savings institution for it will be at risk on serveral fronts. First, FDIC cannot insure even a dollar per hundred, do forget that false security, and when the cookie crumbles, you will only be left with crumbs. Just some food for thought, but the next 9-11 won't involve explosives, it will be an economic attack, and since the dollar is a house of cards, it will be very easy to crumble.

    Good luck to all, Mike
    My advice is to educate yourselves about investing. As a former Financial Advisor with two large brokerage firms it became apparent after 3 yrs, (slow learner)that i was only a salesman for these companies. I bought into the belief that I was there to help my clients build wealth for retirement. But in reality, i was making big money for these brokerage firms. If you want to invest passively and let someone else control your money. Then do what you want. But consider this, why would a person who is driving a Rolls Royce take investment advise from someone that takes the subway? My advise is educate yourself. BE CAREFUL. JMHO

    Now lets get this party started

  2. #30102
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    I am not sure if there is anything significant about this article but here it is.

    (Supermarkets). The phenomenon spread in the neighborhoods and shops

    (Voice of Iraq) - 06-12-2006
    This issue was sent to a friend

    (Supermarkets). The phenomenon spread in the neighborhoods and shops People

    Babylon / Office range

    The phenomenon of supermarkets remarkable attention because it is often spread in the market's main cities, but in the neighborhoods and shops popular. What draws more extensive area, to provide an opportunity for Mtbda sampling and strolling limited, some provided greater room for the transfer of small purchases tracked and know the reasons for this proliferation explored long views Supermarket shop owners and citizens who said Mr. Musa Al-Manar's markets : I first thought of developing new markets, modern, and before the fall of the regime in spite of the fact that the importer is much less than what is now.

    Broke markets typically shops and traditional Mamujud where goods and the enthusiasm of the citizens on the market has its reasons and justifications and inspect the exhibits and ensure suitability and capacity of the place and strolling in the place with prices maintain an acceptable level and is known of the border. He added : Mr. Moussa Tai Supermarket, the phenomenon known civilization, in the world markets is luxurious, and very many floors.

    Always in 24 hours, all is in imported goods, especially from global Menashie known. When intervention is Balanchrah happiness and you spend considerable time there. What helps to develop this phenomenon, the fall of the regime and the possibility of importing various goods and foodstuffs. The kinds of drinks and juices. It is possible to develop more if I strived state institutions and the possible import markets to take the central role competitive with the private sector.
    He said Mr. Sam's markets also : whenever a variety of goods increased demand and I am sure that the good citizen requires goods and non-fraudulent. The movement is very active on the markets and the purchasing power is excellent and I expect that the future markets are different than it is now, could shaped the way in the Arab States and the world. He added Mr. Sam : It is a phenomenon of modern moved to the districts and small towns and some villages near the centers, after having been confined to the capital, I think-and talk to Mr. Sam - that the quality and conditions of safety and security in addition to price factors are encouraging, going shopping markets. Citizen select and specify the quantity and some markets gained fame nor other high Shaughnessy can be referred to Alsifui and forced shops in Amman and the last has branches in the capital and provinces
    The cause of openness in existence and evolution
    He added Abu Ahmed's markets also : freedom of import and high purchasing power is one of the reasons why the evolution of this experience, because markets require electric portfolio of assets and storage of foodstuffs. Therefore spread portfolio, refrigerators and cooling juices conservation is a basic and important center of the market, without them we can develop. He added Abu Ahmed saying : -
    Many of the families have replaced the center of the city, where crowds and the security risks - markets in the new neighborhoods, shops, which offset the needs of the family. And our customers more frequently.
    Providing needed citizen
    The citizen Saad Hussein to the phenomenon of diversity that will attract and encourage citizens to buy from the exhibition because it is from a good source and buy Maihatajeh every citizen of one place. The inspection was positive before encourage markets to deal with the citizen Hussein Muhsin Nassif said : the government and its strict regulatory examination of imported foodstuffs and they are many and varied because citizens find sometimes what importer has expired. but I did not find in the markets, but in the shops and there should be the measurement and quality control is very strict in screening Salah What importer, especially of food and juices because it threatens the lives of citizens at risk. There should be no special teams to monitor the large markets and check their exhibited articles is not dependent on the validity of the existing box, but the article immediately after the amendments to the test laboratory, because networks especially active for abuse of the citizen and endangering.

  3. #30103
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    Default Financial Planners

    Quote Originally Posted by Sudden Impact View Post
    I agree...
    And, one of my plans (for a portion of my money) is to hire 5 different brokers and give them each $500,000 to work with. The top three performers over a predetermined period of time will split the assets of the bottom two (who will be OUT). Then after another predetermined period of time, the top two will split the last place one's assets. These two will carry on managing my assests. Why two? Because it doesn't seem right to put all the eggs in one basket. This way I feel they will all know from the beginning that all their promises will have to be backed up by performance and that the two that perform the best will continue to manage my green...if you know what I mean. Just my plan to be able to find the best of the best. Henry Ford had it right surrounding himself with people that were a lot smarter than he was! That's kinda how I feel being part of this forum!
    Well, I have some thoughts on both of the above posts. I have been a Financial Planner for a number of years and handle many millions in clients investments. A Good Fin. Planner will want to know your goals, your tax situation and all other assets that are out there. You want all of your money going in the direction that is best for all your goals and that's hard to do with you split it 5 ways. If a person has many millions (as many on here will) they will need a couple of good Bond guys, others for tax efficient investments and others for growth that isn't going to create too much capital gains in any one particular year. So, when you say the ones who Perform the best - in which manner? The Bond guys may perform beautifully for certain tax situations, but if you compare them to growth performances, they would fall to the bottom.

    There are some really good Private Banking companies out there than handle millions. They have a Group of financial professionals that all work together on your particular needs. I have approached a Private Banking division and will probably go with them when the time comes.

    So, comparing several planners really isn't a very fair way to go, for you or for them. If you want to "play around" with some bucks and pass it out there for performance, that is one thing, but when we all have many millions, go to a Group of professionals. I may go to two groups of professionals and I also have contacts with two of the best Bond guys in the U.S.

    Wanted to pass along another view points.

  4. #30104
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    Economists warn that the deterioration of the agricultural sector

    (Voice of Iraq) - 06-12-2006
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    Economists warn that the deterioration of the agricultural sector. The importance of investing in support for the agricultural economy

    Achieving / Ghazi Almansdawi
    Warned a number of economists and concerned about the deterioration of the agricultural agricultural sector, which is the second largest economic sectors after the oil sector as attributes of the natural resources of fertile arable land and water and modern techniques. They in economic symposium on agriculture in Iraq on the importance of agricultural investment in support for the agricultural economy and the need to reconsider the system of agricultural property and return to work the logic of cooperatives and attracting foreign direct investment to the agricultural sector to achieve economic growth, whether this investment a locally m externally and modernize agricultural production techniques that Iraq was away from it as well as participate in international economic blocs and organizations.
    (Long) tried to shed light on the status and future of the agricultural sector and the knowledge of ways to improve them again after warnings hours of the potential growth in a wide food gap in Iraq.

    Professor Nouri Mahmoud (teaching) in the Faculty of Administration and Economy / Mustansiriyah University agriculture in Iraq faced two challenges, one of the challenges is the scientific and technological developments in the world staggering, especially in agricultural production techniques, which Iraq was well away from it. the international economic blocs, regional and multinational corporations and their role in the administration and management of production and marketing company monopolizes the first ten in the world in the field of seeds and agricultural chemicals 85% of the global market, and the other is the internal challenges associated with the circumstances experienced by Iraq, and have led to increased determinants and obstacles to the development and modernization of the agricultural sector which is still a lot of resources and energies agricultural fully exploited and that the investor which is still below the level of exploitation so that the optimum ratios self Alma T for many of strategic food commodities remained significantly low agricultural sector suffers shortage in the provision of many of the requirements necessary for production and related agricultural techniques and production technology as well as allocations of investment and credit facilities and the staffing of qualified human and inadequate a for the infrastructure and institutions necessary for the development and modernization of the agricultural sector and the failure pattern of management and ownership of agricultural land.
    Dr. Ahmed narrator Director of the Center for Studies and the Arab world says : The Iraqi Agriculture is expected to face significant challenges due to the natural conditions experienced by the country, adding that it could be restricted to these challenges facing the future of agriculture in five groups are : water supply, and the level of technology, The deterioration of infrastructure, and trade liberalization, The increasing demand for food.
    While Dr. Sami Jamil (agricultural expert at the Ministry of Agriculture) to the agricultural sector is an integral part of other sectors which affects and is affected by pointing to the suffering of this sector of the consequences of external and internal circumstances over the years, even though there is a development in agricultural production and income level of farmers has provided visited e agriculture still a lot of agricultural supplies that have contributed to a qualitative improvement of agricultural production especially for the vegetative crops and fruits as well as the establishment of a lot of development projects and programs and the production of poultry feed.
    The Agricultural Engineer Karim Majeed Hammoudi, said in a statement that the policy of the State Supply income in support of agricultural projects, whether supportive directly or indirectly, if the agricultural sector has not received adequate support, because of a lack of financial allocations, which led to the deterioration of this sector requires strengthening these allocations in the budget of a State to promote this sector. Dr. Samir Mahmoud, a professor of economics at the Faculty of Administration and Economy says : there are many factors that led to the failure of the agricultural sector of the agricultural property requires a review of this order and return to work the pattern of cooperatives.
    With expert says agricultural economist Jassem Al-Hashimi that agricultural investment is crucial in supporting the agricultural economy and the establishment of any agricultural project requires study its economic and social adding that the agricultural project arises when there is a specific economic at the farm level, large or small, using quantitative criteria for opportunities to be of investment possibilities, which are agricultural projects flexibility in implementation and the complexity of the calculation and the general observation physical comparisons of output and the economic returns compared to the comparative value calculated at the exchange, pointing out that the product when it received Sadia it requires conditions comparative economic advantage of any causal costs and the value of the product as well as the specificity of type products, whether industrial or food can be turned into other industrial products and this is also subject to the comparison in the (economic costs) of the product.
    Professor Ahmad Said al-Naimi teaching in the Faculty of Agriculture / University of Baghdad, he says : There are positive impacts of the project as the agricultural project have no impact synonym for example, the production of agricultural commodity production project, eggs, meat and poultry help to exploit waste unfit for human consumption rule of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods and fields of poultry rearing cattle and sheep provide organic matter to enrich the earth. e agricultural projects and provide jobs for the owner of the farm and manpower in the region and help to the operation of large social group in the market involved in agricultural operations, packaging, marketing and thus occupy a large group of members of the society and verify their income rewarding in the agricultural processes available, as well as the availability of goods e agricultural or industrial food is stable for the life of the community, through the provision of urban requirements of the consumer saying that there was negative impacts of agricultural enterprises in the case of the production of agricultural commodities undesirable for the domestic consumer space, or lead to the loss of resources used in the production and dissipation of effort and funds sparkle Rufh through reduced resources and high production costs.


  5. #30105
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    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  6. #30106
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    Iraq for Sale: 100,000 Government Contractors in Iraq E-mail this
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    Jeff Severns Guntzel, Electronic Iraq, 5 December 2006

    The Pentagon has released its first ever census of government contractors working in Iraq. The tally, which matches an estimate floating around for some time, is 100,000 Americans, Iraqis and third-party nationals hired by companies with U.S. Government contracts. That number does not include subcontractors, which would likely swell the numbers significantly.

    The number of government contractors is roughly 2/3 the number of U.S. military personnel in the country. According to the Labor Department 650 contractors have died in Iraq since 2003.

    In the Washington Post today, Renae Merle reports:

    "Three years into the war, the headcount represents one of the Pentagon's most concrete efforts so far toward addressing the complexities and questions raised by the large numbers of civilians who have flooded into Iraq to work. With few industry standards, the military and contractors have sometimes lacked coordination, resulting in friendly fire incidents, according to a Government Accountability Office report last year."

    William L. Nash, a retired Army general and a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, was a little more blunt:

    "It takes a great deal of vigilance on the part of the military commander to ensure contractor compliance," Nash said in the piece. "If you're trying to win hearts and minds and the contractor is driving 90 miles per hour through the streets and running over kids, that's not helping the image of the American army. The Iraqis aren't going to distinguish between a contractor and a soldier."

    The most comprehensive documentary attempt tso fart o tell the story of government contractors in Iraq is a film called "Iraq for Sale."

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    Quote Originally Posted by clueless View Post
    I am sure this has been discussed before but seems worth pointing out again.

    The CBI "history" pdf does not include all of the details of the daily auctions. It SEEMS to report only on the amount of USD sold, i.e. IQD removed, and does not include any IQD sold.

    from the CBI "history" pdf we see:

    4-Dec 1,430 6,500
    5-Dec 1,429 9,085

    and from the daily announcements we saw:

    Announcement No.(818)

    D.G. of Foreign Exchange Control

    The 818 daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq day Monday 2006 / 12/ 4 so the results were as follows :

    Details Notes
    Number of banks 7 -----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1430 -----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $ 1428 -----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $) 6.500.000 -----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) 1.930.000
    Total offers for buying (US $) 6.500.000 -----
    Total offers for selling (US $) 1.930.000 -----

    Announcement No.(819)

    D.G. of Foreign Exchange Control

    The 819 daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq day Tuesday 2006 / 12/ 5 so the results were as follows :

    Details Notes
    Number of banks 9 -----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1429 -----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $ 1427 -----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $) 9.085.000 -----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) 3.300.000
    Total offers for buying (US $) 9.085.000 -----
    Total offers for selling (US $) 3.300.000 -----
    I appreciate your post. I think you are correct. I seem to have responded recently to a post that clearly stated that the CBI has been pumping dinar into the economy and only recently i.e. early November, began removing dinar in noticable amounts. Any comments?

  8. #30108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wm.Knowles View Post
    I think your trying to make some kind of a point here and I would like a little more elaboration and interpretation. Go ahead and tell us what it is your trying to say. We are good listeners. Thank You
    It started out as just seeing how much dinar was taken in this year by the CBI.
    With all the talk about how much more dinar is going back to the CBI in the
    last month I just wanted to add up the monthly totals for the year to see how
    much more it actually was. It seems to me that most people thing when the CBI takes in dinars at the auctions and all of them stay at the CBI which can’t be true. Also, as far as the transfers abroad, I don’t think that that amount should be included in the total but everyone else thinks other countries are selling dinar to Iraq so they are included in the numbers.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maddawg View Post
    Isn't the U.S. holding NIDs? Isn't the U.S. going to benefit immensely when the reval occurs which may solidify the U.S. Dollar? Just something to think about.
    True, I believe there will be a benefit. However, the US debt is approaching 8 trillion dollars. We are not holding that many dinars !!

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    Egypt says it catches terrorist group aiming to launch attacks in Iraq

    The Egyptian authorities have caught a terrorist group which is recruiting members in Egypt and intended to send them to Iraq to launch attacks, a senior security official told Xinhua by phone on Monday.

    The group of foreigners arrested recently include French, U.S., Belgian, Syrian and Tunisian nationals who have links to terror groups and were recruiting members for "jihad" in Iraq, the official from the Interior Ministry said on condition of anonymity.

    The underground extremist organization with links to foreign terror organizations had been dismantled, he added.

    The group was seeking to recruit new elements and help them travel to Iraq to carry out terrorist operations there, said the security official.

    Meanwhile, a statement issued by Interior Ministry also confirmed the arrestment, saying that the detained suspects included nine French, two Belgian and one American.

    "These individuals were found in possession of papers and documents pertaining to their organization that confirm links to terror organizations outside" the country, said the statement.

    It added that all of the arrested were in jail pending further investigation by the Egyptian Interior Ministry.

    Source: Xinhua

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