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  1. #30161
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    Now that this has been revealed. I would say that what OSW posted would be correct in saying that we will not know what the US has as a Stash. I knew I had read it but was not sure on all that was detailed are connected to it. Thanks for all the reponses. When it gets DEEP the Knowledge comes out. WOW!!!
    LOL, guess I should of quit while I was ahead.

  2. #30162
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post

    The dollar has clearly gotten weaker, and ironically, the economic war has just begun with China removing a cool trillion from U.S. investments. The next attack will be Chavez now that he was reelected soundly, which will surely set the tone for VZ attack on dollare as well. We already know Iran is no friend, so between these three oil powerhouses, the dollar is doomed when the dollar is removed against oil as it has been forever.

    Remember, the dollar is backed by nothing other than a reputation of strength, when in essence it was backed by gold and silver at one time. This was the beginning of the end of dollars dominance, so now we are extremely vulnerable and if all countries follow trend as the see the dollar crumble, with Japan and China dumping dollars, watch out, you do not want to be holding dollars when this happens.

    So for all those talking about cashing out dinar immediately, think long and hard about that strategy as it is all wrong move at this point in time. If you pay off your debts, great, but don't put it in any U.S. bank savings institution for it will be at risk on serveral fronts. First, FDIC cannot insure even a dollar per hundred, do forget that false security, and when the cookie crumbles, you will only be left with crumbs. Just some food for thought, but the next 9-11 won't involve explosives, it will be an economic attack, and since the dollar is a house of cards, it will be very easy to crumble.

    Good luck to all, Mike
    So.... ASS u ME-ing that the US "invested" in some dinar as well as us speculators, would it be correct to say that the dollar is not in as much peril as you posit if it is now "backed" by or "bound with" iraqi oil? (also assuming a nice fat rv)
    And would our national debt not be able to be paid down considerably as well?
    Thanks for your attention to this question and sorrs if you answered it already.

  3. #30163
    Senior Member OneShotOneKill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by plb2 View Post
    Prior to the year 2000, in fear of the Y2K fiasco, the government printed billions of dollars to keep the economy afloat. After 9/11, the govt printed billions of dollars to keep the economy afloat. After we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, once again the US Govt printed billions of dollars again to keep the econmy afloat. At the same time, China entered the WTO and became the biggest creditor in the world and; the US became the biggest debtor. In a few years, the $74 Trillion bill for social security and medicare will start coming due as the baby boomer generation retires. And if something does not change, the govt will again print more and more money, making the us dollar worth less and less.

    By the way if you wanted to pay off 1 trillion dollars by paying $1 a day. It will take you 34,000 years to pay it off.
    Still catching up, but lets not forget the Dinar the US has as well. That ought to help out a little.....

  4. #30164
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    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    Another thing that's been bugging me is that the Naysayers have been arguing about How can Iraq reval at 2 or 3 dollars when Saudi is at .27, well these people need to read sometimes. Did you know that the Saudi is figured on the 100 fil system instead of the 1000 fil system which means the Saudi would equal $2.70 at the 1000 fil system. People need to pay attention to the SDR rates. OK, I'm getting off my soap box now. lol
    Very nice point cigarman. Missed that detail myself.... Thanks, that makes a lot of things fall into place.

  5. #30165
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    Quote Originally Posted by OneShotOneKill View Post
    Still catching up, but lets not forget the Dinar the US has as well. That ought to help out a little.....
    actually that was just being discussed. Any info you could provide on this would be great

  6. #30166
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by laurenr View Post
    You sound incredibly intelligent, I can't help but be impressed.
    but instead of posting an error note wouldnt it have been easier to go back to the original post and edit it to make it correct???

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #30167
    Senior Member MunnyBaggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socata 850 View Post
    Goooooooooooood Morning RolClub !!

    The price of the dinar to the dollar came down one point from 1430 to 1429 and another $5,785,000 (net) worth of dinars (8,266,765,000) came out of circulation with 9 banks participating. That puts our grand total of dinars withdrawn from circulation as of the 20th auction since the CBI embarked on this dinar reduction campaign to: 1,085,168,715,000.
    We are now 35 days into the CBI's reval plan.
    You are 100% correct, Soc. This is an exciting ride we are on! The Dinar money train just keeps choogling along. Every day we should see continued rise in IQD value. Let's see a 5 to 10 point drop soon!!!!
    Munny Model IQD Value Projections
    Range 1345 IQD/1 USD to 1 IQD/.27 USD:

    1345 Target ACHIEVED!!!
    1260 Target ACHIEVED!!!
    1100 IQD/1 USD by Jan. 5, 2008
    810 IQD/1 USD by July 5, 2008
    500 IQD/1 USD by Jan. 3, 2009
    300 IQD/1 USD by Apr. 18, 09
    1 IQD/.01 USD by Aug. 8, 09
    1 IQD/.27 USD by Sept. 12, 09

  8. #30168
    Senior Investor Inscrutable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eric69 View Post
    how do you use it . im serious please tell me
    Click on users name than profile then click add to ignore list.

  9. #30169
    Senior Member MunnyBaggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jola View Post
    And also, I believe that the IMF said 1345 IQD/1USD by Dec. 06, which I don't see it happening in one day ( today is Dec 5). So, I take it, the CBI revaluation of the dinar is not exactly related to the IMF target....hmmm...
    It's all good, Jola. The IMF/CBI projection of 1345 IQD to 1 USD is until the end of the year. At this rate they may not reach until January 07. But if they get close we are good to go. It's great news. Shabibi has no choice now but to continue raising the IQD value. Pray for peace and the Iraqis get wealthy along with all of us!!!
    Munny Model IQD Value Projections
    Range 1345 IQD/1 USD to 1 IQD/.27 USD:

    1345 Target ACHIEVED!!!
    1260 Target ACHIEVED!!!
    1100 IQD/1 USD by Jan. 5, 2008
    810 IQD/1 USD by July 5, 2008
    500 IQD/1 USD by Jan. 3, 2009
    300 IQD/1 USD by Apr. 18, 09
    1 IQD/.01 USD by Aug. 8, 09
    1 IQD/.27 USD by Sept. 12, 09

  10. #30170
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    the rules used to give a country rights to put 5 billion currency in fed reserve and retrieve at later date for a certain rate, but they changed it in the 90's giving a country the right to deposit 20 billion. This article from the fed reserve was posted on the IIF site recently. Quite interesting read. From the way I read it, the Iraqi gov could deposit it at let's say 1500 rate and withdraw it at let's say $3.22 rate. I guess it has something to do with the SDR rate or something. That's why I believe that this thing is getting ready to hit big. We can add figures or guess until the cows come home, but there was a plan set years ago that will surfice soon. JMHO.
    actually, i have talked to THE truck driver which took the carton of dinar to the airstrip just outside baghdad where they do it. i know for a fact that what he said word for word was gospel as i had another guy who drove a truck over there verify everything he said. he knew names of guys that my confirmer knew, what things looked like, answered spot on when asked about certain details. he was genuine. anyway, he said he took the container to the plane and they loaded it directly to the plane and before he could get the truck out of there the plane took off. the officer with him asked if he knew what was in it and he was clueless but knew it was high security as they had armed guards all the way in with it. it was full of dinar headed to washington dc.
    i believe that this was a different time period than when the originallly stashed 5B over here.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 06-12-2006 at 02:51 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

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