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  1. #30211
    Banned lndmn_01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MunnyBaggs View Post
    They eventually will introduce lower denominations as needed. But why bother burning Trillions of the top 6 denominations when they already have a value increase already built into the structure? Completely illogical.
    And taking a currency, that was internationally valued at 20 cents prior to the liberation, and holding it a an artificially holding it a such a low rate makes sense? It was what had to be done to stabilize the economy, as was the printing of "Trillions of the top 6 denominations". They have served their purpose and no one will miss them when it's all said and done...

  2. #30212
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ourhouse37 View Post
    I know it's off subject, but dear dinar family, keep this little family in your good thoughts. We have a pretty good sized disaster going on here with son in law, (on top of bankruptcy! oh universe.) and I would deeply appreciate your prayers. thank you.
    You got it, praying for you and your family that things will turn out fine, God bless you.

  3. #30213
    Senior Investor $onedaysoon$'s Avatar
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    Jahadio Iraq preparing for the start of the battle of Baghdad« major »

    (صوت العراق) - 06-12-2006(Voice of Iraq) - 06-12-2006

    Translated version of
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  4. #30214
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    Quote Originally Posted by PlatanoKing View Post
    This site Internet Archive Wayback Machine has a list from: January 06 – May 06, January 05 – December 05 and partial 2004.
    OK.. phheeww, hand cramps... I crunched all the numbers on all those archived CBI pages.


    total $ amount sold = 569,608,000
    total $ amount purchased = 320,000
    total offers to buy $ = 568,838,000
    total offers to sell $ = 870,000


    total $ amount sold = 2,619,002,000
    total $ amount purchased = 16,020,000
    total offers to buy $ = 2,440,910,000
    total offers to sell $ = 250,490,000


    total $ amount sold = 2,049,770,000
    total $ amount purchased = 3,000,000
    total offers to buy $ = 2,049,750,000
    total offers to sell $ = 3,000,000

    Keep in mind, there were many days missing which I do not know if auctions were held on. There were also a lot of dates indicating no updates. Also, this only covers 7/10/04 - 5/29/06.

    I populated an excel spreadsheet and can upload it once I know it's allowed.

  5. #30215
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Chaired by Mr. Rzkar chairman of the council of the province of Kirkuk a private meeting in his office on the afternoon of Tuesday, 12 - 5-2006 was attended by representatives of the municipal councils of the district of Al-Huwayjah and aspects of it as well as the rational aspects of the Forum, in addition to the members of the committees of public projects and services, the economy and finance.

    .The meeting was dedicated to inform these boards on the steps taken by the council of the province of Kirkuk to approve the budget division and accelerate the development of the provincial reconstruction of the 2007 pointing out that the Council has given priority to the sectors of service to the province to determine the percentages allocated to each sector, which in turn have made proposals to the Council of governorate for approval.

    .The budget will be allocated according to service sectors will be the inclusion of a large number of strategic projects within this budget. و .And stressed that the maintenance has allocated 25% of the budget for the development of the areas in 2007 to the stage and destroyed and damaged because those areas suffered poor living conditions and lack of necessary services to them.

    .He stressed that the President of the Council will be given a prominent role for the local councils in the districts and wards and heads of administrative units necessary for the implementation of projects in their areas so as to give more freedom to those governments in the implementation of projects.

    و., Pointed out that the governorate of Kirkuk is considered the first in the field of development of the budget for 2007 between the governments of Iraq and called on the local governments of the districts and aspects of cooperation and coordination in order to the most successful process of implementation of projects for the development of the budget in 2007.

    .In their turn, the audience for their willingness to cooperate with the council of the province of Kirkuk for the successful completion of the draft budget for the development of the Territories in 2007.

    .And at the end of the meeting minutes of the meeting were signed by all attendees in the approval of the steps taken by the council of the province of Kirkuk to approve the allocation of funds for projects within the budget for the development of the Territories in 2007.

    .It is noteworthy that the council of the province of Kirkuk refused the amount allocated by the Iraqi government earmarked for 2007 of the province.

    تفاصيل الاخبار

  6. #30216
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    اCalculation of wedlock and children of staff from next month

    .An official source in the Ministry of Finance (that the Ministry had decided to pay spousal and child allocations for government employees with effect from January next month).
    .The source added (that the ministry has new controls in the calculation of these allocations will be granted to an individual 50 thousand dinars marital and 25 thousand dinars for children up to the age of 17 years and 4 children).
    ) .He (the objective of this resolution to support the economic situation of an employee in the difficult living conditions suffered by the Iraqi people at a time Alhazer).

    احتساب الزوجية والاطفال للموظفين اعتباراً من الشهر المقبل

  7. #30217
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    للعراقThe Finance Minister will meet with the Japanese ambassador to discuss the launching of the Japanese grant to Iraq

    Research and Finance Minister Baqir Jabr on strike yesterday, Monday, with the Japanese ambassador to Iraq D'Kuji the final stages of the Japanese loan to Iraq and the actions taken to implement large projects earmarked for them.
    ).The minister pointed out (that the contract will be signed early next week after obtaining approval from the Council of Ministers to authorize the Minister of Finance to sign it to be forwarded to the House of Representatives for approval).
    .For his part, the Japanese ambassador expressed his country's keenness to develop cooperation between the two friendly countries and the contribution of Japanese companies in the rebuilding of Iraq and the development of infrastructure which, the Japanese government reaffirmed support to the government and people of Iraq.

    5The number of readers of the history of the subject : 15 News : 2006-12-05 وزير المالية يلتقي السفير الياباني لبحث الية اطلاق المنحة اليابانية للعراق

  8. #30218
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    Cool Hummmm, cigarman if..........

    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    Let me explain this REAL SLOW, the reason that Saudi and the other 2 are at .27 is because their at the 100 fil/riyal system. They choose to be at this lower level. Their SDR rate is close to Kuawit's who is at the 1000 fil system because they choose that system. I bet ounce they all join together in the GCC they one's at the 100 system will change over to the 1000 system. I bet the GCC rate will be $2.50 plus.
    If that is the possible case then maybe some Saudi and other currency's in our Portfolio want hurt. Just a Dinar thought. Seems with the GCC will raise them all in this senario.

  9. #30219
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club

    Quote Originally Posted by crave681 View Post
    So.... ASS u ME-ing that the US "invested" in some dinar as well as us speculators, would it be correct to say that the dollar is not in as much peril as you posit if it is now "backed" by or "bound with" iraqi oil? (also assuming a nice fat rv)
    And would our national debt not be able to be paid down considerably as well?
    Thanks for your attention to this question and sorrs if you answered it already.

    No doubt this is an interesting question, does U.S. have dinar or not? In reality, it makes no difference as we are talking trillions that China alone will be pulling out, so if U.S. had $20B as was reported, but not documented, this would not be enough to stop the damages to devalued dollar.

    We are actually talking about two different things for it is not about the U.S. debt as much as it is the value of the actual dollar. As example, when the dollar drops, it sets off a chain reaction as more and more nations bail out on dollar, and as you know, when that happens, the reserves shrink even further, thereby even if there were dinar being held, it would not stop the bleeding, if you know what I mean.

    Sure is an interesting subject, and a very complicated one, but this has been in the process for years, and now that our enemies know it and understand the fragile nature of U.S. economics, the subject of potential decline in the next year or so is something everyone should be aware of in U.S.

    Good luck to all, Mike

  10. #30220
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Iraqi political powers to meet mid-Dec – Maliki
    By Kawthar Abdul-Amir
    Baghdad, Dec 5, (VOI) – A long-awaited conference for Iraqi political parties and powers would be held in mid-December, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said on Tuesday.
    The conference would combine the different parties and political powers, whether participating in the government or not, to foster national unity and reach an agreement to save Iraqi from the current situation, Maliki told a news conference.
    The conference is part of Maliki’s peace initiative launched in July to try to stem a spiral of violence that has since been raging unabated. It was originally due to be held on October 24 but was delayed several times, most recently to November 4.
    Maliki-Conference :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

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