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  1. #30231
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinarDarling View Post
    Well, I have some thoughts on both of the above posts. I have been a Financial Planner for a number of years and handle many millions in clients investments. A Good Fin. Planner will want to know your goals, your tax situation and all other assets that are out there. You want all of your money going in the direction that is best for all your goals and that's hard to do with you split it 5 ways. If a person has many millions (as many on here will) they will need a couple of good Bond guys, others for tax efficient investments and others for growth that isn't going to create too much capital gains in any one particular year. So, when you say the ones who Perform the best - in which manner? The Bond guys may perform beautifully for certain tax situations, but if you compare them to growth performances, they would fall to the bottom.

    There are some really good Private Banking companies out there than handle millions. They have a Group of financial professionals that all work together on your particular needs. I have approached a Private Banking division and will probably go with them when the time comes.

    So, comparing several planners really isn't a very fair way to go, for you or for them. If you want to "play around" with some bucks and pass it out there for performance, that is one thing, but when we all have many millions, go to a Group of professionals. I may go to two groups of professionals and I also have contacts with two of the best Bond guys in the U.S.

    Wanted to pass along another view points.
    what kind of returns can you get on bonds with the " BEST " bond guys?

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    Default Iraqi Investments Club

    Quote Originally Posted by garthstar View Post
    Mike, or anyone, my feeling is EUR or CHF is best currency to hold in (other than Dinar). does anyone know which would be safer over a 5 year period?

    i would assume CHF, based on gut thought, i have no financial knowledge.

    can someone please advise?? this is relevant to us all. i figure most of us want to get out into other investments, nice safe ones!!!
    Good question,

    What I would think would happen is a ripple effect based on how closely tied the other currencies were to dollar, so I would not be comfortable with any currencies if dollar takes a big hit all at once. Better off with silver and gold in my opinion as these will quickly rise in the panic of dollar decline, so all we can do is watch closely and be prepared, but I will be hanging onto my dinar waiting for the dust to settle. Middle east currencies would be the most safe in my estimation, so take your pick, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar would be good choices as well. India, China, Viet Nam and Russia currencies would work, and of course, Swiss is always pretty stable. (g)

    Good luck to all, Mike

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    Default Hydrocarbon Law

    Hey Gang did the HCL ever get passed into law? ...Can't remember what happened to it

  5. #30235
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    Cool Dont know. But this was Posted earlier.

    Quote Originally Posted by robinhoodof sherwoodpark View Post
    Hey Gang did the HCL ever get passed into law? ...Can't remember what happened to it
    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Got pm'd this from a friend of Susie's, this is good folks.

    Tuesday 5 / 12 / 2006

    كلمة دولة السيد رئيس الوزراء في المؤتمر الصحفيAddress by His Excellency Mr. Prime Minister, in the press conference

    5 كانون الاول 2006December 5, 2006

    من اجل تعزيز دور العراق الإقليمي وتوثيق علاقاته مع محيطه العربي والإسلامي وفي إطار مبادرة دبلوماسية سترسل حكومة الوحدة الوطنية مبعوثين لزيارة دول الجوار الإقليمي لتبادل وجهات النظر بشأن القضايا ذات الإهتمام المشترك وحث حكومات هذه الدول للمساهمة في تعزيز الأمن والإستقرار في العراق ودعم جهود الحكومة العراقية في مواجهة الارهاب والمجموعات الخارجة على القانون.In order to enhance the role of regional and Iraq closer relations with the surrounding Arab and Muslim diplomatic initiative under the government of national unity will be sent envoys to visit neighboring countries, regional to exchange views on issues of common concern and urged the governments of these countries to contribute to the strengthening of security and stability in Iraq and to support the efforts of the Iraqi government in the face of terrorism and groups outside the law. وبعد تهيئة الاجواء السياسية المناسبة سندعو الى عقد مؤتمر تشترك فيه هذة الدول التي يهمها أمن وإستقرار العراق وتلتزم بمساعدة الشعب العراقي في بناء نظامه السياسي الديمقراطي ودولته الموحدة المستقلة.After creating the appropriate political climate to let the convening of a conference involving the States interested in the security and stability of Iraq is committed to assisting the Iraqi people in building a democratic political system and an independent standard.

    وتعزيزاً لمبادرة المصالحة الوطنية التي اعلناها فان مؤتمر القوى السياسية سيعقد منتصف الشهر الحالي حيث ستشارك فيه مختلف الشخصيات والاحزاب والمنظمات السياسية العراقية المشاركة في العملية السياسية وغيرها من اجل تعزيز الوحدة الوطنية العراقية والاتفاق على ميثاق وطني يحرم الاقتتال الطائ في ويفتح افاق التعاون بين مختلف مكونات الشعب العراقي والاسهام في اخراج الوطن من المرحلة الصعبة التي يجتازها حيث تتكالب عليه قوى الارهاب والمجموعات المسلحة الخارجة على القانون والتي تعمل على اشاعة الفوضى في البلاد وتسعى لتخريب العملية السياسية وايقاف عملية البناء والاعمار في عراقنا الحبيب.In furtherance of the national reconciliation conference, which views the political forces will be held in the middle of this month will be various personalities and political parties and organizations to participate in the Iraqi political process and others to strengthen the Iraqi national unity and to agree on a national charter prohibits fighting Alta in the open horizons of cooperation between the various components of the Iraqi people and contribute in saving the nation from going through the difficult phase where it combine the forces of terrorism The armed groups outside the law, which is working to spread chaos in the country and seeking to sabotage the political process and to stop the process of the reconstruction of Iraqna beloved.

    كما شرعنا في فتح حوارات تهدف الى توسيع القاعدة السياسية التي يرتكز عليها بناء الدولة العراقية ومؤسساتها المختلفة ؛ فالعراق للعراقيين والجميع شركاء في هذا البلد وخيراته ولهم كامل الحق في المساهمة الايجابية من اجل بنائه وادارته ضمن اطار الدستور الذي يشكل القاسم المشترك الذي يجمع كل المواطنين على قاعدة المواطنة بغض النظر عن الانتماء القومي والمذهبي والديني والسياسي.We have also embarked on the opening of dialogues aimed at expanding the political base underlying the rebuilding of the Iraqi state and its various institutions; Iraq to the Iraqis and all partners in this country and its wealth and they have the full right to the positive contribution to a constructive and management within the framework of the Constitution, which is a common denominator of all citizens on the basis of citizenship, regardless of national affiliation, sectarian and religious and political.

    بعد ان جرى الاتفاق مع قيادات الكتل البرلمانية المشتركة في الحكومة سنعمل على تعزيز قوة حكومة الوحدة الوطنية وفاعليتها من خلال اجراء تعديل وزاري يشمل عددا من الوزارات سنعلن عنه خلال فترة وجيزة.After that was agreed with the leaders of parliamentary blocs participating in the government will work to strengthen the government of national unity and effectiveness through cabinet reshuffle, which includes a number of ministries we will announce it in a short period of time.

    ومن اجل حماية المواطنين وتثبيت الامن والاستقرارفي عموم البلاد؛ ستواصل حكومة الوحدة الوطنية جهودها لتاهيل وبناء القوات المسلحة لتتمكن من تسلم المهام الامنية في جميع المحافظات.In order to protect citizens and establish security throughout the country and Alastekararve; the government of national unity would continue its efforts for rehabilitation and rebuilding of the armed forces to be able to take over the security functions in all governorates.

    وفي اطار البدء في مشاريع الاعمار فقد انجزنا قانون الاستثمارحيث تمت المصادقة عليه في مجلس النواب والذي سيساهم في جذب رؤوس الاموال الوطنية والاجنبية الضرورية لتمويل المشاريع الكبرى في البلاد , كما يوفر هذا القانون فرصا كبيرة امام المستثمرين وحماية قانونية تساهم في تشجيعهم للاستثمار داخل العراق.In a bid to reconstruction projects have finished law Alastthmarhith approved in the House of Representatives, which would attract capital, national and foreign necessary to finance major projects in the country. this law also provides great opportunities for investors and contribute to the legal protection to encourage them to invest in Iraq.

    وفي نفس الاتجاه فان الحكومة قد انجزت صياغة مشروع قانون النفط والغاز الذي سيعرض على مجلس النواب للمصادقة عليه .In the same vein, the government has completed the drafting of the oil and gas, which will be presented to the House of Representatives for approval. ان هذا القانون يشكل عاملا ايجابيا مهما في تعزيز وحدة البلاد وضمانة لتوزيع عادل للموارد الوطنية على مختلف مناطق العراق ؛ فالموارد الطبيعية وفي مقدمتها النفط والغاز هي ملك لكل العراقيين .This law constitutes an important positive factor to enhance the unity of the country and to guarantee fair distribution of national resources to various areas in Iraq; Natural resources, particularly oil and gas are the property of all Iraqis.

    ومن اجل حل مشكلة السكن في العراق تقرراطلاق مشروع الاسكان الوطني الذي يهدف الى بناء عشرات الالاف من الوحدات السكنية في مختلف المحافظات مدعوما بمنح وقروض عقارية .In order to resolve the housing problem in Iraq Tekarratellak the national housing project, which aims to build tens of thousands of housing units in the various provinces supported the granting of loans and mortgages. ولتحقيق هذا الهدف فقد تم تخصيص اموال كافية ضمن الميزانية العامة لعام 2007 وهي ميزانية انفجارية ؛ كما ان قانون الاستثمار سيسهم بدور كبير ف ي تحقيق هذا المشروع الطموح.To achieve this goal has been to allocate sufficient funds within the overall budget for the 2007 budget is explosive, and that the investment would contribute a significant role P j achieving this ambitious project.

    ستعمل حكومة الوحدة الوطنية على تحسين الاوضاع المعيشية لعموم المواطنين وتطوير قطاعات الخدمات كافة ودعم مؤسسات التربية والتعليم والنهوض بالنشاط الصناعي والزراعي ودعم الحركة الثقافية والرياضية .Will the government of National Unity to improve the living conditions of all citizens and development of services sectors and to support all institutions of education and the promotion of industrial and agricultural activity and support sports and cultural movement.

    ندعو جميع ابناء الشعب العراقي الكريم للحفاظ على وحدته الوطنية ونسيجه الاجتماعي وتفويت الفرصة على كل من يحاول ايقاف عجلة البناء والتطور، والتعاون مع اجهزة الدولة لتنفيذ مشاريعها خدمة للوطن والمواطنين .We call upon all the Iraqi people to preserve the Quran and its national unity and the social fabric and deny anyone who tries to stop the wheel of development and construction, and cooperation with the state bodies for the implementation of projects for the service of the nation and citizens.
    Hope that helped.

  6. #30236
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    Well Troops, its been an Intersesting day here on the News thread. I much appreciate your contributions. Learned about reserves in the US concernining dinar reserves. Dinars bought to reduice outstanting curenncy. and who dislikes who.... Your a great bunch of people...

    Looking forward to tomorrow.. Good night all, may visions of $1.68 dance in your head.

    By the way Adster, since your still single........


  7. #30237
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    Quote Originally Posted by H2O_Lover View Post
    Many of us realize that they are not just collecting...
    Don't be to sure about that.

    Oh I see you said Many, ok maybe many.
    Most people can't be trusted, so we should have laws against guns, which most people will abide by because they can be trusted.

    I love Animals, They taste good.

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    Default Thanks Neno

    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    Hope that helped.
    Great News, another piece of the puzzle in place...OOOYAAA Thanks for the friends in "high places" LOL

  9. #30239
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socata 850 View Post
    Only 7 more hours to "Post" time at the CBI. Any speculation as to what we will see tomorow morning? They were a little late in their posting this morning, but hey, with a little extra time I like to look at the login sheet at the bottom of the page and see what other "Dinar Zombies" are up at that time of the day. You would be surprised to see you is lurking so early in the AM.

    i'll be there

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    In this photo released by the Iraqi Prime Minister Press Office, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki holds a ...

    Al-Maliki to Call for Regional Meeting
    2 hours ago

    BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraq's prime minister reversed course Tuesday and said his envoys will talk with Iraq's neighbors about the possibility of a regional conference on quelling the violence here, despite opposition to the plan by some key political allies.

    Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki made the announcement as more than 100 people were killed or found dead in and around Baghdad, underscoring the urgency of finding a solution to the bloodshed.

    The U.S. military said three more American troops had died Monday _ two as a result of insurgent attacks and one in a traffic accident.

    Despite a string of ambushes, mortar attacks and bombings Tuesday, the chief U.S. military spokesman told reporters that all of Iraq would be under Baghdad's control by the fall of 2007, with U.S. soldiers and Marines and other coalition forces playing a supporting role.

    Al-Maliki, a Shiite, told reporters that his envoys would talk with other governments in the region, most of them Sunni-dominated, about how they might help establish security and stability in Iraq.

    "After the political climate is cleared, we will call for the convening of a regional conference in which these countries that are keen on the stability and security of Iraq will participate," al-Maliki said.

    The prime minister's statement fell short of an unconditional call for a conference. Previously, Iraqi leaders have resisted suggestions they include outsiders in efforts to settle their bitter internal divisions.

    In recent days, President Jalal Talabani and a leading Shiite politician, Abdul-Aziz al-Hakim, have rejected U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan's proposal for a regional peace conference. Annan said such a gathering could be useful if the parties met outside Iraq.

    Al-Maliki, though, said any conference should take place in Iraq. Any proposals to emerge, he added, should conform to "what the national unity government wants."

    The Bush administration welcomed the announcement. "It's a good idea for the Iraqis to be involved in working with their neighbors on issues of regional security," said White House spokesman Tony Snow.

    At al-Maliki's press conference in Baghdad, the Iraqi leader said a frequently delayed national reconciliation conference would convene this month. He also said he planned to reshuffle his six-month-old Cabinet, to increase its "effectiveness and strength," but offered no further details.

    Al-Maliki's hedged endorsement of a regional peace conference came one day before the bipartisan Iraq Study Group, co-chaired by former Secretary of State James A. Baker III, is to release recommendations on changing U.S. strategy in Iraq.

    The group is expected to suggest that Iraq's neighbors, including longtime U.S. adversaries Iran and Syria, be invited to help in the search for an end to the violence. Al-Maliki did not say whether his envoys would visit those countries.

    Al-Maliki was careful not to commit himself unequivocally to a regional conference, perhaps due to opposition to the proposal among his allies.

    But the prime minister may feel he cannot reject such a call outright. Instead, his conditions appeared aimed at limiting the scope of the conference, raising the possibility it may not take place soon.

    Arab countries like Egypt generally favor such a conference, in part because they increasingly fear the rise of Shiite power in Iraq and the possible growing influence of predominantly Shiite Iran.

    But Iraq's Shiites, who dominate the government, fear Sunni-dominated countries will pressure Baghdad to make concessions to Iraq's Sunni Arab minority, which launched the insurgency against the U.S.-led coalition three years ago.

    At any regional peace conference, both Iran and Syria would most likely try to increase their influence in Iraq.

    The U.S. maintains about 140,000 troops in Iraq and is considering changing its strategic course in the country.

    Robert Gates, the White House choice to be the next defense secretary, conceded during his Senate confirmation hearing Tuesday that the United States is not winning the war in Iraq. If the country is not stabilized in the next year or two, he warned, it could lead to a "regional conflagration."

    He later said he believes the U.S. is neither winning nor losing, "at this point."

    U.S. military spokesman Maj. Gen. William Caldwell told reporters that efforts to transfer security responsibility to the Iraqi military were moving forward. He predicted the entire country would be under the control of Iraqi police and military by the fall of next year.

    "We would expect to see the entire country having reached provincial Iraqi control by early fall of next year," Caldwell said. "We should see the complete transfer of command and control of all Iraqi army divisions by late spring, early summer."

    The planned transfer of authority, he said, was part of an accelerated timetable discussed by President Bush and al-Maliki last week in Jordan.

    Meanwhile, violence persisted unabated.

    Suspected Sunni extremists killed 15 Shiite government workers in an attack on their minibus in Baghdad, the government said. Gunmen halted the vehicle and executed several passengers, who were on their way to work at the Shiite Endowment, a government ministry that acts as caretaker for Shiite mosques.

    Fifteen other people were killed near a gasoline station when two car bombs exploded in the capital, police said. And at least 15 died in shootings, bombings and a mortar attack in and around Baghdad. Four bodies were pulled from the Tigris River south of the capital.

    Police discovered the tortured bodies of 60 people who had been bound, blindfolded, then shot and left in Baghdad over the past 24 hours, Lt. Mohammed Khayoun said.

    An American soldier was killed Monday when attackers fired on a U.S. patrol in northeastern Baghdad, the U.S. command said. Also Monday, a soldier died of wounds suffered in a blast in Diyala province and another soldier died in a traffic accident.

    The deaths raised to at least 2,905 the number of members of the U.S. military who have died since the Iraq war started in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count.


    AP writers Hamza Hendawi and Sameer N. Yacoub contributed to this report from Baghdad.

    Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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