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  1. #30331
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    Cool Finally

    IMHO, This will and should also help with seeshing the violence.

    Quote Originally Posted by rvalreadydang View Post
    The distribution of 30% of the oil revenues between the citizens month A number of members of the House of fueling bill commits the government to distribute 30% of the oil revenues between the citizens month. The deputy said the consensus Noureddine Hayali told (morning) : The principles of the project are now under discussion will be circulated with the Minister of Planning to Papan and chairman of the Economic Committee of the Council, Dr..

    حقيقة).Haidar Abbadi. Hayali believes it is possible to present the draft to the parliament for approval before the end of this year. Economists estimated proceeds of Iraqi oil annually, including more than thirty billion dollars or ten billion dollars distribute them among citizens in the form of monthly salaries. The price of a barrel of oil is 60 dollars, It was increased to 70 dollars in the past months, while observers speculate is likely to increase prices due to the prevention of some OPEC countries to increase production and thus reduce vulnerable in the market. The law aims to notice their ill citizens, which should be preserved by all of the waste and theft and that benefit them directly. He says : Hayali that law citizens will be divided into three different categories of shares : the first category of birth until six years ago, second : from 7 to 18 years. three of the 19 and over. He explained that the law would shroud the cash portion who earns more than 1 million dinars. It also deprives them involved crimes against honor, such as drug trafficking and abuse, and adultery, as well as espionage, Each felony owner holding more than five years. He said : The law also deprive the Iraqi who migrate abroad. It is likely to amend the House in some of these barriers, or add to them, however, said Followers : as a whole the factors helping to suit the society and the restoration of cohesion and unity. Al (morning) that a large number of deputies he welcomed this project is to be paid to Andhajeh and developed and put to the Council. The previous references officials commented on the need for citizens to feel the benefits of its oil wealth Mb the Bulletin, expecting to address the House for this task by the law governing the rights of people. It is hoped that the 2007 budget, the largest budget in the history of Iraq as the $ 40 billion and described the Prime Minister Balanfjarih. While citizens were pleased with the promises of the government to improve their living conditions, which appeared signals in the new salary scale and the pension law, which published (morning) yesterday and the day before yesterday owned and looking at the oil quotas (Probably to be true).

    شبكة الزوراء الأعلامية - توزيع 30% من عائدات النفط بين المواطنين شهريا

  2. #30332
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    Default Iraqi PM holds news conference on local policies, regional conference

    06 December 2006 (BBC Monitoring)

    [Al-Maliki] In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. May God's peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you.

    The national unity government in Iraq has taken a host of procedures and initiatives to enhance the government's potential to encounter the challenges. The first one is to promote Iraq's regional role and cement its relations with its Arab and Islamic context. The national unity government will, based on a diplomatic initiative, send envoys to the regional neighbouring countries so as to exchange views on issues of mutual interest, as well as to encourage the governments of these brotherly and friendly states to contribute to promoting security and stability in Iraq and supporting the efforts by the Iraqi Government to face terrorism and outlaw groups.

    Once a favourable political climate is created, we will call for a regional conference, which will be attended by these countries that are keen on Iraq's security and stability and that are willing to commit themselves to assisting the Iraqi people to build up their federal and democratic political system, as well their unified and independent state.

    Secondly, in support of the declared National Reconciliation Initiative, the meeting of the political forces will convene mid-December. All Iraqi political figures, parties, and organizations - whether members of the political process or otherwise - will take part in the conference in order to sustain national unity and agree on a national code banning sectarian fighting; opening up cooperation prospects among all Iraqi groups; and contributing to helping our homeland out of the current harsh phase where the forces of terrorism and outlaw armed groups are ferociously mounting their plots to spread chaos in the country, ruin the political process, and hinder the reconstruction process in our beloved Iraq.

    We have also launched dialogues to expand the political foundation which the Iraqi state and its various institutions are based on. Iraq is for all the Iraqis. We are all partners in this country. Iraq's riches are for all. Every one has the full right to actively participate in building and running Iraq within the framework of the constitution that serves as the common platform combining all citizens under the umbrella of citizenship, regardless of their ethnic, sectarian, religious, and political affiliations.

    After agreeing with the leaders of all parliamentary blocs that make up the government, we are willing to enhance the national unity government's authority and effectiveness through a cabinet reshuffle of certain ministries, which will be announced soon.

    In order to protect the citizens and entrench security and stability throughout the country, the national unity government will carry on with its plans to rehabilitate and build the Armed Forces as soon as possible so that they could assume full responsibility for the security file in all governorates.

    Signalling the start of reconstruction projects, the investment law, which we drafted, has been passed by the parliament. The law is expected to attract national and foreign capital to finance the country's major projects. Besides, it will provide the investors with wide opportunities and will protect investment promotion laws in Iraq.

    The government has also drafted an oil and gas law, which will be presented to the parliament for ratification. The law is envisaged to play a pivotal role in strengthening the country's unity. Furthermore, it will ensure the fair distribution of all national riches to all Iraqi areas as national riches, particularly oil and gas, are - as stipulated in the constitution - the property of all the Iraqis.

    In order to solve the problem of housing in Iraq, it has been decided to launch a national plan for housing, which seeks to build tens of thousands of housing units as soon as possible throughout the governorates. This plan will be supported by grants and loans. To achieve this goal, sufficient funds have been allocated in the general budget of 2007, which is an expansive budget. Also, the investment law will play a great role in achieving this ambitious project.

    The national unity government is also working to improve the living conditions of all citizens and to develop the service sectors, support educational institutions, upgrade industrial and agricultural activities, and support cultural and sports activities.

    Finally, we call upon all sons of the esteemed Iraqi people to maintain their national unity and social fabric and not to give an opportunity to anyone who may try to stop the process of construction and development. We further urge them to cooperate with the agencies of the state to enable them to carry out their projects to serve the country and citizens. Security is the solid foundation on which all these initiatives and projects are based. The government has embarked on these projects; they are now in the stage of implementation. You know that all these projects are based on a strong security foundation, which we are working hard to achieve. We have new and important ideas, and we believe, God willing, that they will be solid, strong, and capable of achieving great progress in the security field. It is known that success in this field has never been the responsibility of governments; it is a joint responsibility, in which the efforts of the citizens unite with the efforts of the government. The talk about the national popular effort is not confined to the field of security, but it extends to the political, economic, educational, and social spheres. This concerns national action, the national social fabric, the national unity government, and the constitution, which regulates all these relations. Thank you very much.

    [Correspondent] Ahmad Abd-al-Qadir, from the Biladi Satellite Channel. Mr Prime Minister, you said that delegations will travel to neighbouring countries to hold discussions. Will they hold discussions with the governments or with some groups that are in these countries?

    [Al-Maliki] As for holding talks with these groups, our delegates have already talked to them, including those who are members of the political process, those who are not, and those who adopt negative stances. The delegates held consultations with those people throughout the Arab capitals in which there are Iraqis. They returned and submitted a report about what they accomplished. In light of this report, a general conference will be held for the political forces. We pin great hopes on this conference. As for the delegations that I spoke about, they will hold talks with the governments because we want a regional or international conference on Iraq to be held, but, as we have repeatedly said, this should not be based on the idea that the conference will think of finding solutions in its own way. Rather, this should be in light of what the national unity government wants. This is why the delegations will go to explore the situation and lay a foundation on which these regional countries or those outside the region may meet to support the effort of the government, which we expressed in this paper. If we find that there is sound common ground between the various countries that want to protect the constitution, the democratic process, the political process, and pluralism; and if we find a desire and willingness to cooperate to serve the interests of all parties, then we will call for a regional or international conference on the basis of the principle which we believe will support the government in its plans and initiatives.

    [Correspondent] Ali al-Yasiri from Al-Hurra Channel. Mr Prime Minister, you said that there are political efforts that include calling for holding a regional conference on Iraq. Which countries are you going to invite and where will this conference be held? As for the security aspect, and as part of the security efforts you have referred to, what is the plan on the ground that you will pursue to stop the deterioration in the security situation and where will it start from?

    [Al-Maliki] We are planning to invite our brothers and friends to a conference provided, as I have mentioned, that there is a common will to support the government. We are thinking of holding this meeting in Iraq as this in itself represents support for the Iraqi people and their political process. However, we have not yet done that completely. We have formed delegations and these delegations will travel and meet with the concerned countries that are interested in the Iraqi situation and that want to provide a service to Iraq to emerge from the predicament it is experiencing. After that, we will decide how the conference will be and whether it will be for regional countries only or will it extend farther than neighbouring countries and will it be an international conference or a regional conference. This is the first point.

    As for the other point about the security situation, I do not want to speak prematurely about field action, but I will say that we have security experience in confronting terrorism. We have been confronting this plague for more than three years. Each time, we develop tactics, ideas, and plans to face this challenge. We had security plans in the past stage and we developed these plans. This time, we have come up with ideas, but these ideas are based on new principles; namely, to transfer security responsibility and to transfer command and control of the Iraqi security units and agencies, based on the transfer of the security responsibility for the governorates to the Iraqi Government. Therefore, the new ideas are commensurate with the authorities and capacities of the government in the next stage based on the development that took place of the resolution issued by the Security Council. There have been already some actions, and there will be more actions of a technical nature, which will be influential and effective to pursue the elements and figures that support terrorism or that lead the terrorist operations.

    [Correspondent] Shakir Ahmad from the BBC Radio. Mr Prime Minister, the Baker-Hamilton committee is expected to issue its report tomorrow on the Iraqi situation. Will there be a dialogue between the US Administration and the Iraqi Government on how to activate these decisions or adopt what can be adopted of these decisions if the report is delivered tomorrow? Also, some leaks said that this committee might call for holding a regional or international conference on Iraq. This means there is something in common between what you have just said and what has been leaked. So does this mean that there will certainly be a regional conference?

    [Al-Maliki] The [recommendations of the] Baker-Hamilton committee are not binding on the US Administration or the Iraqi Government. These are ideas, and the US Administration might seek some guidance from these ideas. Despite this, we are not afraid if there are new ideas because these ideas might talk about improving performance and developing the capacity to overcome the crisis. In the end, it seems that there are some fixed lines and that a strategy and understanding were developed in the summit meeting that was held in Amman. It seems that this meeting, with the understanding it contained on issues pertaining to the security file, the economic and political aspects, and even the regional factor, will not be greatly affected. Despite this, it is premature to speak about it now. We will wait until tomorrow to see what the report of the Baker committee will contain. I think that it will not include many changes. If there is anything, as it seems to me, and this opinion is not based on information, there will probably be suggestions about some tactics.

    As for the regional conference, which could be one of the proposals, the scope, level, and framework of this conference are not clear. We have said that we will not agree to the convening of any international or regional conference on Iraq if that conference bypasses what the Iraqi people have achieved in terms of democracy, elections, and constitution. Any party that wants to have a regional or international conference must think of supporting the Iraqi people within the context of what has been accomplished and what they have accomplished in the past years, which were the result of great suffering and efforts that no one can confiscate. We welcome any regional or international conference when it is based on respect for the will of the Iraqi people and respect for the political and democratic process and what has been accomplished.

    [Correspondent] Qasim al-Sa'idi from the Associated Press. How do you view Al-Sadr bloc's decision to suspend its parliament and government membership? And how would this affect the government's work?

    [Al-Maliki] I have repeatedly said that these issues are up to the currents, parties, and movements. They are free to consider things the way they like in today's Iraq that allows for freedom of opinion and pluralism. Moreover, I have repeatedly said, and this is my opinion, that this state and this government is a government of partnership. Political partnership entails political commitments and so there could be no partner that does not shoulder its responsibilities. Based on this, I have repeatedly said that I hope that all decisions made, whether by Al-Sadr trend or others, fall within the framework of shouldering responsibility because this state is not owned by any party, be it the prime minister or the president of the republic. It is not owned by any party, current, or sect.

    All sides are partners and the party that makes a decision should consider how it will serve the interests of other partners or harm them, and how it will serve the homeland's interests or harm them. However, I show respect for any decision that may be taken and at the same time I am committed to a state, government, and ministries that should continue work in a manner that serves national interests.

    [Correspondent] Ahmad al-Salih from Al-Arabiayh Television. You spoke about several points most of which are related to security which is contingent upon powers. It was said that the issue of government powers to mobilize forces to maintain security in various parts of Iraq was discussed in Amman. Are there any fresh developments in this regard?

    [Al-Maliki] Certainly. We announced this at the joint press conference that was held in Amman. The most important development with regard to the security file is that the Iraqi authority, the Iraqi Government, based on agreements reached and priorities set, is now capable of assuming security duties. It also has the authority to mobilize these forces and to build the Iraqi forces in a quick and qualitative manner that would reflect Iraq's ability to assume the security file.

    [Correspondent] Ahmad Abd-al-Husayn from Al-Iraqiyah Television. Yesterday, there was a meeting between His Eminence Al-Sayyid Abd-al-Aziz al-Hakim with US President George Bush. Iraqi Vice President Dr Tariq al-Hashimi will hold a similar meeting over the coming days. How do you view these meetings, especially with regard to the security and political aspects in Iraq?

    [Al-Maliki] Undoubtedly, he who holds talks with any country, particularly a country like the United States which has influence in Iraq, acts in line with Iraq's national interest and national political partnership with others and with this government. Certainly, these meetings will yield support for the national unity government and the political march.

    This has been confirmed to me through media reports which said that His Eminence Al-Sayyid al-Hakim's meetings were very positive and that he underlined the principles, concepts, and constants to which we are committed so as to serve our national march.

    I hope that all the upcoming meetings will be similar to the ones held between me and President Bush and between His Eminence Al-Sayyid Abd-al-Aziz al-Hakim and the US President in a bid to support our joint march.

    [Unidentified correspondent] There are rumours that there will be a curfew on Wednesday.

    [Al-Maliki] There is no reason to impose a curfew on the country. These rumours are baseless and hopefully nothing will happen to prompt us to declare a curfew, God willing. As you know, a curfew is not a government desire to obstruct people's daily lives, but rather a response to security threats so as to protect peoples' lives and national interests. As long as there are no such security threats, then there will be no desire to obstruct the movement of citizens or close government offices. We hope that no such measures will be adopted, God willing. Thank you very much.

    Source: Al-Iraqiyah TV, Baghdad

    Iraqi PM holds news conference on local policies, regional conference | Iraq Updates

  3. #30333
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    Cool Newe York Times.........

    Defense Nominee Gains Approval of Senate Panel
    Doug Mills/The New York Times
    “It’s my impression that frankly there are no new ideas on Iraq,” Robert M. Gates, the defense secretary nominee, said at his confirmation hearing.

    Published: December 6, 2006
    WASHINGTON, Dec. 5 — Robert M. Gates
    , President Bush’s nominee to be defense secretary, won unanimous approval from a Senate panel on Tuesday after testifying that the United States was not winning in Iraq and that American failure there could ignite “a regional conflagration” in the Middle East.

    More Info Here:

  4. #30334
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    Cool One More before I go...

    Iraqi Premier Moves to Plan Regional Talks
    Khalid Mohammed/Associated Press
    Residents of the Bayaa district of Baghdad yesterday, on a street where three car bombs had killed at least 14 people and wounded 25.

    Published: December 6, 2006
    BAGHDAD, Dec. 5 — Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki
    said Tuesday that he would send envoys to neighboring countries to plan a conference on Iraq, adding momentum to calls for a regional approach to quell the increasingly anarchic war here.

    Office of the Prime Minister of Iraq via Getty Images
    Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki in Baghdad.
    Such a proposal is already gaining attention in the United States, where the Iraq Study Group, headed by former Secretary of State James A. Baker III and former Representative Lee H. Hamilton, is expected to recommend Wednesday that the American government should approach Iran and Syria to seek their aid in ending the war. Last week, Kofi Annan, the United Nations secretary general, suggested convening an international conference.

    More Info Here:

  5. #30335
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    Quote Originally Posted by michael16 View Post
    We know for a fact that the rate was 33 cents 3 years ago before the IMF set the prgramme rate.That was with 4.5 tri. in circulation, however, the economy was not as strong as it is today. I estimate about 8 tri. in circulation now. This is just a ball park estimate.
    So even with double the amount in circulation they should still support a 16.5 cent revaluation.

  6. #30336
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    From the news conference posted by pipshurricane:

    Signalling the start of reconstruction projects, the investment law, which we drafted, has been passed by the parliament. The law is expected to attract national and foreign capital to finance the country's major projects. Besides, it will provide the investors with wide opportunities and will protect investment promotion laws in Iraq.

    The government has also drafted an oil and gas law, which will be presented to the parliament for ratification. The law is envisaged to play a pivotal role in strengthening the country's unity. Furthermore, it will ensure the fair distribution of all national riches to all Iraqi areas as national riches, particularly oil and gas, are - as stipulated in the constitution - the property of all the Iraqis.

    In order to solve the problem of housing in Iraq, it has been decided to launch a national plan for housing, which seeks to build tens of thousands of housing units as soon as possible throughout the governorates. This plan will be supported by grants and loans. To achieve this goal, sufficient funds have been allocated in the general budget of 2007, which is an expansive budget. Also, the investment law will play a great role in achieving this ambitious project.

    This is all good news.
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  7. #30337
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    The other side of the coin.

    It's Hard Being a Woman
    Once one of the best countries for women's rights in the Middle East, Iraq has now become a place where women fear for their lives in an increasingly fundamentalist environment.
    By Dahr Jamail and Ali Al-Fadhily


    BAGHDAD, 05 December 2006 (Inter Press Service News Agency)
    Prior to the U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Iraq, Iraqi women enjoyed rights under the Personal Status Law since Jul. 14, 1958, the day Iraqis overthrew the British-installed monarchy.

    Under this law they were able to settle civil suits in courts, unfettered by religious influences. Iraqi women had many of the rights enjoyed by women in western countries.

    The end of monarchy brought a regime in which women began to work as professors, doctors and other professionals. They took government and ministerial positions and enjoyed growing rights even through the dictatorial reign of Saddam Hussein and his Ba'ath Party.

    "Our rights had been hard to obtain in a country with a tradition of firm male control," Dr. Iman Robeii, professor of psychology from Fallujah told IPS in Baghdad. Iraqi women have traditionally done all the housework, and assisted children with school work, she said. On top of that about 30 percent of women had been engaged in social activities.
    "But a tragic collapse took place after the U.S. invasion of Iraq and the so-called Islamists seized power to place new obstacles in the way of women's march towards improvement," she said.

    A significant event was the Dec. 29, 2003 decision by the U.S.-installed Iraqi Governing Council (IGC) to pass a bill which almost cancelled the Personal Status Law, 45 years after it had been passed.

    Under Resolution 137 Iraqi women would rely on religious institutions for personal matters such as marriage and divorce, as opposed to recourse to civilian courts that they could access before the invasion.

    Women across Iraq saw the IGC move as one of the first hazardous steps towards implementation of a fundamentalist Islamic law. The bill did not pass, but the slide into Sharia (Islamic law) had already taken root through much of Shia-dominated southern Iraq and also some Sunni-dominated areas of central Iraq.

    Resolution 137 was defeated in March 2004. A new Iraqi constitution has been introduced, but the adoption of the constitution has not helped protect women's rights.

    Yanar Mohammed, one of Iraq's staunchest women's rights advocates, believes the constitution neither protects women nor ensures their basic rights. She blames the United States for abdicating its responsibility to help develop a pluralistic democracy in Iraq.

    "The U.S. occupation has decided to let go of women's rights," Mohammed told reporters. "Political Islamic groups have taken southern Iraq, are fully in power there, and are using the financial support of Iran to recruit troops and allies. The financial and political support from Iran is why the Iraqis in the south accept this, not because the Iraqi people want Islamic law."

    Mohammed believes the drafting of the Iraqi constitution was "not for the interest of the Iraqi people" and instead was based on concessions to ethnic and sectarian groups.

    "The Kurds want Kirkuk (an oil-rich city they consider the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan), and the Shias want the Islamic Republic of Iraq, just like Iran's," she said. "The genie is out of the bottle in terms of political Islam (by Shias) and the resistance (by Sunnis). America will tolerate any conclusion so they can leave, even if it means destroying women's rights and civil liberties.They have left us a regime like the Taliban."

    A woman judge told IPS that she and her female colleagues could not go to work any more because the current system does not allow for a female judge.

    Iraqi NGO activists have also criticised the new constitution for depriving women of leadership posts in the country. "The constitution mentions some rights for women, but those in power laugh when they are asked to put it to practice," she said. Like the woman judge, she too did not want to be named.

    The key element in the Iraqi constitution that is dangerous for women's rights is Article 2 which states "Islam is the official religion of the state and is a basic source of legislation." Subheading A under Article 2 states that "No law can be passed that contradicts the undisputed rules of Islam."

    Under Article 2 the interpretation of women's rights is left to religious leaders, and it provides for implementation of Sharia law which can turn the clock back on women's rights in Iraq.

    The social environment in Iraq has become acutely difficult for women already. Many women now fear leaving their homes.

    "I try to avoid leaving my home, and when I do, I always cover my face," Suthir Ayad told IPS at her house in Baghdad. "Several of my friends have been threatened or beaten by these Shia militias who insist we stay home and never show our faces."

    In southern Iraq, the situation seems even worse.

    "My cousin in Basra was beaten savagely by some of the Mehdi Army (the militia of Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr) because she tried to attend university," said a woman who spoke on condition of anonymity. "Now she never leaves her home unless fully covered, and then only to shop for food."

    I found this Interesting, because here in the civilized world these rights are a given, where in the Arab world just living for women is a good day.

  8. #30338
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jola View Post
    From the news conference posted by pipshurricane:

    Signalling the start of reconstruction projects, the investment law, which we drafted, has been passed by the parliament. The law is expected to attract national and foreign capital to finance the country's major projects. Besides, it will provide the investors with wide opportunities and will protect investment promotion laws in Iraq.

    The government has also drafted an oil and gas law, which will be presented to the parliament for ratification.
    The law is envisaged to play a pivotal role in strengthening the country's unity. Furthermore, it will ensure the fair distribution of all national riches to all Iraqi areas as national riches, particularly oil and gas, are - as stipulated in the constitution - the property of all the Iraqis.

    In order to solve the problem of housing in Iraq, it has been decided to launch a national plan for housing, which seeks to build tens of thousands of housing units as soon as possible throughout the governorates. This plan will be supported by grants and loans. To achieve this goal, sufficient funds have been allocated in the general budget of 2007, which is an expansive budget. Also, the investment law will play a great role in achieving this ambitious project.

    This is all good news.

    Be handy to know when it's going to the HOR......
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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    Presentations sale of the dollar exceeds the purchase orders for the first time in the Central Bank Auction


    05 December 2006 (Iraq Directory)
    For the first in the Central Bank Auction, last Wednesday, offers to sell the dollar exceeded the purchase orders significantly.

    A statement by the Bank said that the purchase orders by the four banks participating in the auction stood at 330 thousand dollars in cash for 20 million and 850 thousand dollars in cash yesterday.

    Ali Al-Yasiri, a dealer with the Central Bank, attributed the significant drop in demand for the dollar to the decline of trading in the Iraqi market, because of the depressed commercial market due to the deteriorating security situation and the danger of dealing with large amounts of funds.

    The statement pointed out that the Central Bank had covered all procurement requests at 1435 dinars to the dollar, 2 dinars lower than the price of yesterday.
    The dollar, today, dropped 2 dinars, for the fifth day consecutively, against the ID.

    The participating banks in the auction, today, presented offeres to sell the dollar reaching $ 2 million, bought by the bank in full at the exchange rate 1433 dinars to the dollar.

  10. #30340
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    The official spokesman of the Islamic Action Organization, Jawad Al-Attar

    (Voice of Iraq) - 06-12-2006
    This issue was sent to a friend

    The official spokesman of the Islamic Action Organization, Jawad Al-Attar (time)

    The official spokesman of the Islamic Action Organization, Jawad Al-Attar (time) :
    The fear of democracy and sectarian neighboring countries behind the abortion experience of the new Iraq

    Time-Mohammed Alhjul
    Islamic Action Organization, the formation of Iraqi political opposition to the former regime founded in 1967. The expansion of cultural and social activities and the organizational, This has led the regime to launch a campaign of arrests and the 20th leading two of them : Jawad Al-Attar and Dr. Mohsen Caspian and Shahid Mekdad Alastre. , spending more than 30 months in detention move Baghdad and public security. Participated in the uprising in 1977 and many of their cadre to the arrest and the sentences against them. In 1980, when the crisis between the former regime and the Islamic Movement of Iraq after the arrest of martyr Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr (Jerusalem pleased Sharif) has turned it into a military confrontation, the impact of the many martyrs that mainly Albargaaoui Saad Abdel-Hussein al-Shamri, Ibrahim condemned.
    The organization has also participated in the uprising in 1991 and has many martyrs, where the actors with headquarters in Iraqi Kurdistan, as existed in the southern marshes also contributed to the Organization of the Islamic Action by the Iraqi opposition movements, including Islamic and national organizations in the elaboration of the draft change. essentially, was part of founding the Iraqi National Conference, which was held in 1992 in Irbil and Salahuddin participated in the 1991 Beirut and Damascus meeting in 1994 and the London 2002.
    Returned leadership and their cadre exiled to the homeland after the fall of Saddam and has participated in the political process was represented in the Iraqi National Council, and representation in the National Assembly and the Iraqi Ministry of Dr. Jaafari and still participate in the government of national unity (government-Maliki) with offices in the Iraqi governorates exercise of its cultural, social and political.
    (Azzaman) met Jawad Al-Attar, a member activist spokesman for the Islamic Action Organization to highlight the many issues affecting the political situation in Iraq.
    Dû political reform, which happened in Iraq was based on a formula linked Yamlitin democracy and freedom. In order to expand the effectiveness of civil and political rights. By your achievements to what extent this effectiveness.
    Are there disadvantages suffered by the Iraqi society has worked to disrupt the procedural these processes?
    - Beginning Before proceeding to evaluate the duration of the fall of the dictatorship after almost four years we must evoke the Iraqi political scene under the previous regime in order to be able to change the range of monitoring done in a short period of political changes, on the one hand, On the other hand, we should not lose sight of the heavy legacy left by the system at all levels of cultural, social, political and economic for 35 years. We all know that power by the regime of Saddam himself through a military coup away from the public participation, The continued absence of popular will even fall, there is no real parliament and the Constitution always authorities independently and separately from each.
    PDP Baath eat all state institutions. Saddam and eat the party and thus become a clash of Iraq and Saddam Iraq.
    These individual and Sanmih repressive mechanisms need to be devoted, Suppression of cultural, political repression and the suppression of social and economic suppression. Corruption repression as a Absent freedom and choice and will, pluralism and the other opinion, The replacement of tens of repressive security and intelligence has not spared even leaders of the Baath Party and those who have inherited from the previous regime is the policy of fear, mistrust and violence rule engine for the individual and society.
    Returning to answer the question say : democracy is not a slogan or a banner flying, it is the culture and humanitarian vision of life and other exhibitions and art critic who has every right to participate and express their opinions or object, and to dedicate the culture of democracy, and training needed by the practice time in malls social, economic and political.
    It was the fall of the previous regime by the American military machine Iraq promised occupied country by the two countries the United States and Britain as stated in the Security Council resolution No. 1483 major repercussions at the local level (Iraqi), and regionally, which posed a great challenge to the process of political and democratic transformation, and the theme of liberation and sovereignty. At the domestic level was for the participation of Iraqi opposition forces and Islamic forces in the mostly Shiite and Kurdish, for the first time in the history of modern Iraq to be wrong therefore turned to the Arab Sunni component, which captures the political and social heritage to stand contrario, it Unfortunately, it was dependent on the government to increase the fears and suspicions and building a thick wall of mistrust between the Iraqi factions.
    A sense of alienation and fear of deportation and exclusion component led to the Sunni boycott the elections and their absence in the National Assembly this wrong position create negative social Sunni in the center of all the political process and benefited Altkverion and Sadamion of these negative spaces in packaging and shipping, which is sectarian politically motivated clear and situation has been complicated by killings and kidnappings of mutual forces and militias out of control. Although rectify the Iraqi Islamic Party is finally and participation in the drafting of the constitution as well as the entry of the parties to the task, such as consensus and dialogue in the recent elections and to participate in the parliament and the government but the loss of confidence and lack of credibility, suspicion and distrust are ruling in the relations between the parties, It can be the enemies of Iraq from the remnants of the former regime and its security and intelligence network, the men and Altkverein tampering with the security and stability of Iraq.
    The question is : Where we practice democracy, which says that the government formed by the parliamentary majority, provided that the rights of the regional parliamentary or sectarian or national guaranteed and protected. At the regional level because of its America in the region is the extension of democracy and Arka Syria and Iran. irritated and sensitivity of the regional neighboring countries, This was reflected in dealing with the negative change in Iraq. The lack of cooperation and compliance with the requirements of the change has had a major impact on the complexity of the Iraqi file in several security specifically. It is no secret that every early Syria and Iran desire to be liked and Latin submersible in the second Vietnam quagmire in Iraq. If the path of democratic reform in Iraq are confronting the challenge of tension and sectarian conflicts, the march of freedom and face the challenge of terrorism and terrorist operations. Whenever escalated terrorist operations, the more justifications for the American presence for a longer period. Terrorism puts the country hostage, and incompetent sovereignty and therefore liberates. However, this important Despite the challenges, which we, the achievements were significant and many others, I have held three parliamentary and municipal elections were a referendum on the constitution with the broad masses exceeded 70% and Iraq today is administered through the government of national unity in which all the components of the Iraqi people, There parliament representing all Iraqis and categories of Tlauinhm, The permanent constitution by the superior. We are not saying pioneering to come to the great city, and there is no defects and deficiencies Mmazlena Nhabo direction of democratization and integration, we get rid of the disadvantages of quotas on the basis of sectarian and ethnic and partisan, and that the area does not handle the winners on the basis that Iraq and by sharing the spoils. All of us have an obligation to the criterion of citizenship, efficiency and miss the opportunity to Almetzlven and Almusafqin and beneficial.
    Dû Observers of the political event in Iraq find serious efforts by the government to chart the trends of political actors and the restructuring of Iraqi character map, despite the pressures of occupation forces and the travails of the difference between political opponents, Do you feel that the speech of this policy is able to embrace the integrity of the country and save it from PRECURSORS this stage?
    - All political factions and religious components of Iraq, whether living or national crisis of confidence and loss of credibility as a result of historical accumulations ranging preschool fall of the former regime, have increased dramatically after the fall of the regime and the occupation forces, on one hand, and the position of neighboring countries, the negative change on the other hand increased the gap addition, Almmarsa T. wrong and discourse irascible and drafting electoral lists on the basis of ethnic and sectarian lines is increased in other matters worse Based on that, whatever the political show and open and inclusive and reassuring is not enough and falls short to the level of filling the gap and restore confidence and to heal the rift rollback fears, doubts and a sense of injustice and marginalization need to Pentium AT beyond rhetoric to action field.
    The Iraqi situation today need to Musadik mechanisms and clear and transparent translated into reality in order to restore confidence and balance. At the level of national reconciliation launched by the State President Maliki if activated and convert speech to the work program, we quickly :
    1-restructuring of the Iraqi army on the basis of professional and call formations after its accounting and down and so we have a national army and a professional career.
    2-to dissolve the militias after the definition and disclosure of confidential and Hooded militias, and dismantled, then I can control by giving retirement of the wounded and the elderly and the integration of skilled people in the civilian institutions and absorb the physical capabilities of the security forces outside the cities.
    3-forcible return of refugees to their places and accounting emitters so strongly and the eyes of the world.
    4-activation of the judiciary and to speed up the trials and the release of innocent people.
    5-internal security task forces and Iraqi security dimensions of foreign forces outside the borders urgent necessity.
    6-level appointments, review granted on the basis of sectarian, ethnic and partisan, The decision of competence and integrity, citizenship and eligibility criterion for appointment and ranks.
    7-establish relations balanced regional and standing firmly against the Iraq takes an arena for settling accounts such practical steps, if taken, the speech comes Iraqi complementary and this is desired.
    Link article in the newspaper Azzaman :

    Http : / / = azzaman

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