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    A press statement issued by Mr. Osama Alnjevi member

    (Voice of Iraq) - 06-12-2006
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    The name of God the Merciful
    A press statement issued by Mr. Osama Alnjevi member of the House from the list on the invitation of the Iraqi National Ayatollah Mohammad have deployed to the dismantling of the political forces of sectarianism
    Baghdad 5 / 12 / 2006

    We arrived to Iraq is not threatening to aggravate civil war today and the only question left out of the blood that is shed daily from all parties, without exception, and is now threatening the country's unity and the danger of imminent change of the fabric of Iraqi society and reflects negatively on all the neighboring countries and the region as a whole and bring us into a spiral of violence pw for Yemi not only God knows its extent.

    The life of the citizens is very important and is submitted to any political project must for politicians Iraqis to draw their attention to restoring security and stability for the Iraqi people and rethink in the way the political process based on sectarian and ethnic quotas that have colored the Iraq bloodshed and devastation color introduced in the darkness of the country, which has so far seen a glimmer of hope illuminating it.

    We must address the political situation and reconsider the nature of the political blocs emerge for the Iraqis and Iraqi political tides that would contain the sons of the nation from all ethnic and religious groups and accept the reunification, stop the bloodshed and find hope for coexistence of the Iraqi joint forces and the compilation of national unity, which is holding pw refined, stability, security and sovereignty, as called for by the Iraqi National list.

    On this, we strongly support the call by His Eminence Ayatollah Mohammad have deployed in the need to dismantle the existing political blocs on a sectarian basis, and the formation of new political blocks beyond the political stalemate resulting from the sectarian and ethnic tension and believe in his call to open a new and blessed them faithful to the vision of saving the country.

    That vision Ayatollah deployed personnel had diagnosed the illness, and suggested medicine, we call on all political parties to unite and synergy together for the success of this project and abandon the concepts of sectarianism and ethnic and partisan interests and consider the highest interests of Iraq first and the interest of the Iraqi citizen, security and stability, which created a process the political future and praised his performance of our duty.

    We will be ongoing with all those who wish to enter this national project which we hope single belt of the country which beset black darkness.
    Osama Alnjevi
    Member of the House of Representatives from the National Iraqi List
    January 6, 2006

  2. #30342
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    Quote Originally Posted by webinvestor View Post
    It is very interesting. Actually, i'm reminded of playing the game "Risk" when i think about all the alignments of countries that use common currencies.

    Also - has anyone read Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell? I haven't read it in a few years but some events happening now seems like precussors to larger events. Instead of just a common currency, how about an Amero region... or Euro or GCC or Asian region... similar totalitarian superstates engaged in perpetual war with each other. Of course, not likely to happen but you never know.

    Sorry, getting off track but these common currencies bring up some interesting discussions.
    Believe it or not the "Amero" and North American Trading Block is already being worked on and the treaty is already signed. Not sure if Congress has voted on it or not just yet but I am sure it will be a midnight vote.
    Opens at $1.69 because I said so?

    Best Regards

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    Iraqi PM holds news conference on local policies, regional conference


    06 December 2006 (BBC Monitoring)
    [Al-Maliki] In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. May God's peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you.

    The national unity government in Iraq has taken a host of procedures and initiatives to enhance the government's potential to encounter the challenges. The first one is to promote Iraq's regional role and cement its relations with its Arab and Islamic context. The national unity government will, based on a diplomatic initiative, send envoys to the regional neighbouring countries so as to exchange views on issues of mutual interest, as well as to encourage the governments of these brotherly and friendly states to contribute to promoting security and stability in Iraq and supporting the efforts by the Iraqi Government to face terrorism and outlaw groups.

    Once a favourable political climate is created, we will call for a regional conference, which will be attended by these countries that are keen on Iraq's security and stability and that are willing to commit themselves to assisting the Iraqi people to build up their federal and democratic political system, as well their unified and independent state.

    Secondly, in support of the declared National Reconciliation Initiative, the meeting of the political forces will convene mid-December. All Iraqi political figures, parties, and organizations - whether members of the political process or otherwise - will take part in the conference in order to sustain national unity and agree on a national code banning sectarian fighting; opening up cooperation prospects among all Iraqi groups; and contributing to helping our homeland out of the current harsh phase where the forces of terrorism and outlaw armed groups are ferociously mounting their plots to spread chaos in the country, ruin the political process, and hinder the reconstruction process in our beloved Iraq.

    We have also launched dialogues to expand the political foundation which the Iraqi state and its various institutions are based on. Iraq is for all the Iraqis. We are all partners in this country. Iraq's riches are for all. Every one has the full right to actively participate in building and running Iraq within the framework of the constitution that serves as the common platform combining all citizens under the umbrella of citizenship, regardless of their ethnic, sectarian, religious, and political affiliations.

    After agreeing with the leaders of all parliamentary blocs that make up the government, we are willing to enhance the national unity government's authority and effectiveness through a cabinet reshuffle of certain ministries, which will be announced soon.

    In order to protect the citizens and entrench security and stability throughout the country, the national unity government will carry on with its plans to rehabilitate and build the Armed Forces as soon as possible so that they could assume full responsibility for the security file in all governorates.

    Signalling the start of reconstruction projects, the investment law, which we drafted, has been passed by the parliament. The law is expected to attract national and foreign capital to finance the country's major projects. Besides, it will provide the investors with wide opportunities and will protect investment promotion laws in Iraq.

    The government has also drafted an oil and gas law, which will be presented to the parliament for ratification. The law is envisaged to play a pivotal role in strengthening the country's unity. Furthermore, it will ensure the fair distribution of all national riches to all Iraqi areas as national riches, particularly oil and gas, are - as stipulated in the constitution - the property of all the Iraqis.

    In order to solve the problem of housing in Iraq, it has been decided to launch a national plan for housing, which seeks to build tens of thousands of housing units as soon as possible throughout the governorates. This plan will be supported by grants and loans. To achieve this goal, sufficient funds have been allocated in the general budget of 2007, which is an expansive budget. Also, the investment law will play a great role in achieving this ambitious project.

    The national unity government is also working to improve the living conditions of all citizens and to develop the service sectors, support educational institutions, upgrade industrial and agricultural activities, and support cultural and sports activities.

    Finally, we call upon all sons of the esteemed Iraqi people to maintain their national unity and social fabric and not to give an opportunity to anyone who may try to stop the process of construction and development. We further urge them to cooperate with the agencies of the state to enable them to carry out their projects to serve the country and citizens. Security is the solid foundation on which all these initiatives and projects are based. The government has embarked on these projects; they are now in the stage of implementation. You know that all these projects are based on a strong security foundation, which we are working hard to achieve. We have new and important ideas, and we believe, God willing, that they will be solid, strong, and capable of achieving great progress in the security field. It is known that success in this field has never been the responsibility of governments; it is a joint responsibility, in which the efforts of the citizens unite with the efforts of the government. The talk about the national popular effort is not confined to the field of security, but it extends to the political, economic, educational, and social spheres. This concerns national action, the national social fabric, the national unity government, and the constitution, which regulates all these relations. Thank you very much.

    [Correspondent] Ahmad Abd-al-Qadir, from the Biladi Satellite Channel. Mr Prime Minister, you said that delegations will travel to neighbouring countries to hold discussions. Will they hold discussions with the governments or with some groups that are in these countries?

    [Al-Maliki] As for holding talks with these groups, our delegates have already talked to them, including those who are members of the political process, those who are not, and those who adopt negative stances. The delegates held consultations with those people throughout the Arab capitals in which there are Iraqis. They returned and submitted a report about what they accomplished. In light of this report, a general conference will be held for the political forces. We pin great hopes on this conference. As for the delegations that I spoke about, they will hold talks with the governments because we want a regional or international conference on Iraq to be held, but, as we have repeatedly said, this should not be based on the idea that the conference will think of finding solutions in its own way. Rather, this should be in light of what the national unity government wants. This is why the delegations will go to explore the situation and lay a foundation on which these regional countries or those outside the region may meet to support the effort of the government, which we expressed in this paper. If we find that there is sound common ground between the various countries that want to protect the constitution, the democratic process, the political process, and pluralism; and if we find a desire and willingness to cooperate to serve the interests of all parties, then we will call for a regional or international conference on the basis of the principle which we believe will support the government in its plans and initiatives.

    [Correspondent] Ali al-Yasiri from Al-Hurra Channel. Mr Prime Minister, you said that there are political efforts that include calling for holding a regional conference on Iraq. Which countries are you going to invite and where will this conference be held? As for the security aspect, and as part of the security efforts you have referred to, what is the plan on the ground that you will pursue to stop the deterioration in the security situation and where will it start from?

    [Al-Maliki] We are planning to invite our brothers and friends to a conference provided, as I have mentioned, that there is a common will to support the government. We are thinking of holding this meeting in Iraq as this in itself represents support for the Iraqi people and their political process. However, we have not yet done that completely. We have formed delegations and these delegations will travel and meet with the concerned countries that are interested in the Iraqi situation and that want to provide a service to Iraq to emerge from the predicament it is experiencing. After that, we will decide how the conference will be and whether it will be for regional countries only or will it extend farther than neighbouring countries and will it be an international conference or a regional conference. This is the first point.

    As for the other point about the security situation, I do not want to speak prematurely about field action, but I will say that we have security experience in confronting terrorism. We have been confronting this plague for more than three years. Each time, we develop tactics, ideas, and plans to face this challenge. We had security plans in the past stage and we developed these plans. This time, we have come up with ideas, but these ideas are based on new principles; namely, to transfer security responsibility and to transfer command and control of the Iraqi security units and agencies, based on the transfer of the security responsibility for the governorates to the Iraqi Government. Therefore, the new ideas are commensurate with the authorities and capacities of the government in the next stage based on the development that took place of the resolution issued by the Security Council. There have been already some actions, and there will be more actions of a technical nature, which will be influential and effective to pursue the elements and figures that support terrorism or that lead the terrorist operations.

    [Correspondent] Shakir Ahmad from the BBC Radio. Mr Prime Minister, the Baker-Hamilton committee is expected to issue its report tomorrow on the Iraqi situation. Will there be a dialogue between the US Administration and the Iraqi Government on how to activate these decisions or adopt what can be adopted of these decisions if the report is delivered tomorrow? Also, some leaks said that this committee might call for holding a regional or international conference on Iraq. This means there is something in common between what you have just said and what has been leaked. So does this mean that there will certainly be a regional conference?

    [Al-Maliki] The [recommendations of the] Baker-Hamilton committee are not binding on the US Administration or the Iraqi Government. These are ideas, and the US Administration might seek some guidance from these ideas. Despite this, we are not afraid if there are new ideas because these ideas might talk about improving performance and developing the capacity to overcome the crisis. In the end, it seems that there are some fixed lines and that a strategy and understanding were developed in the summit meeting that was held in Amman. It seems that this meeting, with the understanding it contained on issues pertaining to the security file, the economic and political aspects, and even the regional factor, will not be greatly affected. Despite this, it is premature to speak about it now. We will wait until tomorrow to see what the report of the Baker committee will contain. I think that it will not include many changes. If there is anything, as it seems to me, and this opinion is not based on information, there will probably be suggestions about some tactics.

    As for the regional conference, which could be one of the proposals, the scope, level, and framework of this conference are not clear. We have said that we will not agree to the convening of any international or regional conference on Iraq if that conference bypasses what the Iraqi people have achieved in terms of democracy, elections, and constitution. Any party that wants to have a regional or international conference must think of supporting the Iraqi people within the context of what has been accomplished and what they have accomplished in the past years, which were the result of great suffering and efforts that no one can confiscate. We welcome any regional or international conference when it is based on respect for the will of the Iraqi people and respect for the political and democratic process and what has been accomplished.

    [Correspondent] Qasim al-Sa'idi from the Associated Press. How do you view Al-Sadr bloc's decision to suspend its parliament and government membership? And how would this affect the government's work?

    [Al-Maliki] I have repeatedly said that these issues are up to the currents, parties, and movements. They are free to consider things the way they like in today's Iraq that allows for freedom of opinion and pluralism. Moreover, I have repeatedly said, and this is my opinion, that this state and this government is a government of partnership. Political partnership entails political commitments and so there could be no partner that does not shoulder its responsibilities. Based on this, I have repeatedly said that I hope that all decisions made, whether by Al-Sadr trend or others, fall within the framework of shouldering responsibility because this state is not owned by any party, be it the prime minister or the president of the republic. It is not owned by any party, current, or sect.

    All sides are partners and the party that makes a decision should consider how it will serve the interests of other partners or harm them, and how it will serve the homeland's interests or harm them. However, I show respect for any decision that may be taken and at the same time I am committed to a state, government, and ministries that should continue work in a manner that serves national interests.

    [Correspondent] Ahmad al-Salih from Al-Arabiayh Television. You spoke about several points most of which are related to security which is contingent upon powers. It was said that the issue of government powers to mobilize forces to maintain security in various parts of Iraq was discussed in Amman. Are there any fresh developments in this regard?

    [Al-Maliki] Certainly. We announced this at the joint press conference that was held in Amman. The most important development with regard to the security file is that the Iraqi authority, the Iraqi Government, based on agreements reached and priorities set, is now capable of assuming security duties. It also has the authority to mobilize these forces and to build the Iraqi forces in a quick and qualitative manner that would reflect Iraq's ability to assume the security file.

    [Correspondent] Ahmad Abd-al-Husayn from Al-Iraqiyah Television. Yesterday, there was a meeting between His Eminence Al-Sayyid Abd-al-Aziz al-Hakim with US President George Bush. Iraqi Vice President Dr Tariq al-Hashimi will hold a similar meeting over the coming days. How do you view these meetings, especially with regard to the security and political aspects in Iraq?

    [Al-Maliki] Undoubtedly, he who holds talks with any country, particularly a country like the United States which has influence in Iraq, acts in line with Iraq's national interest and national political partnership with others and with this government. Certainly, these meetings will yield support for the national unity government and the political march.

    This has been confirmed to me through media reports which said that His Eminence Al-Sayyid al-Hakim's meetings were very positive and that he underlined the principles, concepts, and constants to which we are committed so as to serve our national march.

    I hope that all the upcoming meetings will be similar to the ones held between me and President Bush and between His Eminence Al-Sayyid Abd-al-Aziz al-Hakim and the US President in a bid to support our joint march.

    [Unidentified correspondent] There are rumours that there will be a curfew on Wednesday.

    [Al-Maliki] There is no reason to impose a curfew on the country. These rumours are baseless and hopefully nothing will happen to prompt us to declare a curfew, God willing. As you know, a curfew is not a government desire to obstruct people's daily lives, but rather a response to security threats so as to protect peoples' lives and national interests. As long as there are no such security threats, then there will be no desire to obstruct the movement of citizens or close government offices. We hope that no such measures will be adopted, God willing. Thank you very much.

    Source: Al-Iraqiyah TV, Baghdad
    Last edited by hightide3016; 06-12-2006 at 02:24 PM.

  4. #30344
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    Quote Originally Posted by michael16
    Originally Posted by michael16 View Post
    We know for a fact that the rate was 33 cents 3 years ago before the IMF set the prgramme rate.That was with 4.5 tri. in circulation, however, the economy was not as strong as it is today. I estimate about 8 tri. in circulation now. This is just a ball park estimate.

    Quote Originally Posted by Inscrutable View Post
    So even with double the amount in circulation they should still support a 16.5 cent revaluation.
    More actually because their economy is stronger than it was then and their oil production is higher now too.
    Please, somebody shoot the messenger!

  5. #30345
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    so roughly if this kept up at this rate for a while heres how it might look like over time, if the don't RV it before.

    12/06 1430
    01/07 1400
    02/07 1370
    03/07 1340
    04/07 1310
    05/07 1280
    06/07 1250
    07/07 1230
    08/07 1200
    09/07 1170
    10/07 1140
    11/07 1110
    12/07 0980
    01/08 0950
    One man's trick, is another man's treat.

  6. #30346
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    Quote Originally Posted by michael16 View Post
    We know for a fact that the rate was 33 cents 3 years ago before the IMF set the prgramme rate.That was with 4.5 tri. in circulation, however, the economy was not as strong as it is today. I estimate about 8 tri. in circulation now. This is just a ball park estimate.
    If I am not mistaken, I believe the rate was not 1IQD=.33, but .33IQD=$1 which means that 1IQD=$3.33. If we are on different pages, overlook me, but if not WOOT!

  7. #30347
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    Bush text on Baker-Hamilton report - Yahoo! News

    President Bush's remarks Wednesday after receiving the report of the Iraq Study Group, as transcribed by the White House:


    I just received the Iraq Study Group report, prepared by a distinguished panel of our fellow citizens. I want to thank James Baker and Lee Hamilton and the panel members for spending a lot of time on this really difficult issue. And I thank you for coming into the White House today to give me a copy of this report.

    I told the members that this report, called "The Way Forward," will be taken very seriously by this administration. This report gives a very tough assessment of the situation in Iraq. It is a report that brings some really very interesting proposals, and we will take every proposal seriously and we will act in a timely fashion.

    The commission is headed up to Congress, and I urge the members of Congress to take this report seriously. While they won't agree with every proposal — and we probably won't agree with every proposal — it, nevertheless, is an opportunity to come together and to work together on this important issue.

    The country, in my judgment, is tired of pure political bickering that happens in Washington, and they understand that on this important issue of war and peace, it is best for our country to work together. And I understand how difficult that is, but this report will give us all an opportunity to find common ground, for the good of the country — not for the good of the Republican Party or the Democratic Party, but for the good of the country.

    We can achieve long-lasting peace for this country, and it requires tough work. It also requires a strategy that will be effective. And we've got men and women of both political parties around this table who spent a lot of time thinking about the way forward in Iraq, and the way forward in the Middle East, and I can't thank them enough for your time. You could be doing a lot of other things, you could have had a lot more simple life than to allow your government to call you back into service. But you did allow us to call you back into service, and you made a vital contribution to the country. Our fellow citizens have got to know that it is possible for people of goodwill to come together to help make recommendations on how to deal with a very serious situation.

    And we applaud your work. We take it very seriously, and we'll act on it in a timely fashion. Thank you very much.
    Only a little bit longer for the actual release
    I just need $1.47.

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    Posted by: nadioshka on Wednesday, December 06, 2006 - 12:03 PM

    Iraq-ConferenceAnnan's call for Iraq conference to be debated in parliament - MashhadaniBaghdad, Dec 6,

    (VOI) - U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan's call to hold an international conference on Iraq will be debated in the Iraqi parliament, Speaker Mahmoud al-Mashhadani said on Wednesday.In a news conference, Mashhadani criticized statements attacking Annan's call."The (UN chief's) call can never be considered as interference in Iraq's internal affairs or conflicting with the political and democratic process.

    “Others are interfering in our affairs because we are so helpless and unable to fine-tune internal matters," said Mashhadani.He added that the opinions made by certain figures were strictly personal, and the parliament's position on this call would be heeded by the rest of the parties."The government's failure is crystal-clear as acknowledged by both the government itself and parliament, but this does not mean that it was the cause for what is going on," said Mashhadani.

    Meanwhile, the Iraqi Speaker denied that he called for setting up a national bloc inside parliament, but rather, he said, demanded "a way out of the shell of sectarianism and attempts to tamper with Iraq's identity.""It was a call for finding a better way than the current narrow one and for re-reading the Iraqi scene and detecting the reasons for sectarian clashes in order to reach a solution," Mashhadani explained.He said his call was 100% pure and was never affected by preceding calls, in reference to a call by Saleh al-Motlak, leader of the National Dialogue Front (NDF), to set up a national front.

    On the course of the national reconciliation initiative, Mashhadani replied "reconciliation never fails, but its tools can. Reconciliation might not work out today, but it can tomorrow and it never comes to a blind alley provided that intentions are true and honest."AE

    Iraq-Conference :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

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    Do we know what Iraq's GDP is compared to the total amount of Dinar, verses USA GDP compared to total US dollars in circulation?

  10. #30350
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    fox news...check it out.

    Oliver north is speaking with a captain and stating that the changes can be heard. the police are acutally responding and taking action..."their sirens are music to my ears" as per the marine captain
    I just need $1.47.

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