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  1. #30681
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wm.Knowles View Post
    The answer to the question may be easy to understand. They (CBI) will introduce the lower denominations into the economy when they are worth something. Presently those lower denomations have no value at present exchange rates. As the currency increases in value, then lower denominations will be necessary to transact day-to-day business. I am sure from all of the reports that the lower denoms exist, even though we have not seen them. So, what is the present value in US of a 5 Dinar nore. Not much. But the fact that they have them and are prepared to introduce them is a good sign that they (CBI) & (GOI) have had a plan for an RV from the very beginnning. As the RV process continues, which use to be an "IF" question and now is a "when and how much" question, those smaller denoms will come into play and we will see the large denoms i.e. 25000 dinar note being retired from circulation. Thank You.
    I absolutely agree with you. This is what I have been saying all along. You can't have a large RV say .10 or higher without smaller demos. So until we see the smaller demos we will not see a large RV. Small demos are much more the key than any article you could find. Find me a 10, 5, or 1 dinar note. Then your large RV is very close indeed!

  2. #30682
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jola View Post
    I just wanted to let you know ...Yesterday I was watching the Jim Lehrnan ( I know I mispelled it) interview with two congressmen that were from the Iraqi Group report that came out yesterday...

    While they were discussing about their recommendations to Bush, there were three points that they mainly were focusing on.
    1. Iraqi National Reconciliation,
    2. Asking Iran and Israel to help in Iraq,
    and 3. Milestones that US should impose to Iraqi gov in order to have the american troops and US continue helping the Iraqi gov

    Now, it became interesting when Lehrer asked: " What kind of milestones are you talking about?"

    One of congressmen replied:
    " For example - one of them is the new oil law ( HCL). We believe that this can be passed in december and we would not recommend it as a milestone if we would not believe that it is possible" .

    So, there....that was ONE of the "milestones" ....
    We know that Bush will not follow ALL the reccomendations, but I can bet he will follow this one...and pretty fast...

    Just thinking loud here....
    Thanks Jola,

    You get nothing for nothing in this world and Bush needs some payback for this War.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  3. #30683
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    Quorum prevent a meeting of the Parliament on

    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-12-2006
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    Quorum prevent a meeting of Parliament for the third day in a row
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    The absence of a quorum of members of the House of Representatives today, Thursday, without a formal meeting for the third consecutive day.

    A source close to the Council in a telephone conversation with the News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent today, "did not constitute a quorum, The consultative meeting was held today and deliberative. "

    It prevented the media coverage of the proceedings of the consultative meeting today despite the announcement by the President of the Council, Mahmoud Almshahadani in a press conference yesterday the lifting of the ban on media coverage of the proceedings of the Council since last week.
    The Information Service in the House and the media that the decision to lift the prohibition remained frozen until the development of procedures and controls for that.

    Almshahadani was decided last week to prevent journalists from entering (the Palais des Congrès), which is located in the Green Zone in Baghdad. denial of cover meetings of the Parliament grounds that the political council of national security made a recommendation in this regard in order to "stop the escalation and sectarian tension."

    He accused the President of the House of Representatives of the Iraqi media and foreign "to work on fueling resentment and violence" in the country.
    O-h m m

  4. #30684
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    An extended meeting of the political leaders of Iraqis with Khalilzad

    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-12-2006
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    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    A government statement said today, Thursday, that a meeting yesterday between the extensive collection of a number of leaders, officials and Iraqi leaders from various political trends with the American ambassador in Iraq, which was talking about finding ways to address the current situation in the country.

    The statement quoted the Deputy Prime Minister Alzobai peace, , which called for the meeting and the host, saying, The meeting "comes within the framework of the tireless efforts of the political opponents of the Iraqis to unite in the national , And to find solutions to the outstanding issues. To eliminate the effects of all that threaten national unity. "

    The meeting was attended by President Jalal Talabani and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and head of the Kurdistan region Masoud Barzani and Deputy Prime Minister Barham Saleh and the head (the Iraqi Accord Front)
    Adnan Al-Dulaimi and former Prime Minister Ibrahim Jaafari and national security advisor Muwaffaq Rubaie and the American ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad.

    He added Alzobai "We need permanently to such meetings that have a positive impact on the Iraqi street, and contribute actively to bring viewpoints. the result of a frank and direct communication between the leaders of blocs and Iraqi currents, It drives to push the problems that stand in the way of achieving security and stability in the country. "

    The meeting was attended also, according to the statement. Ministers of the Interior and National Security, finance and higher education and electricity. and a number of members of the House and the government and security officials. K p-k m

  5. #30685
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Quorum prevent a meeting of the Parliament on

    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-12-2006
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    Quorum prevent a meeting of Parliament for the third day in a row
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    The absence of a quorum of members of the House of Representatives today, Thursday, without a formal meeting for the third consecutive day.

    A source close to the Council in a telephone conversation with the News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent today, "did not constitute a quorum, The consultative meeting was held today and deliberative. "

    It prevented the media coverage of the proceedings of the consultative meeting today despite the announcement by the President of the Council, Mahmoud Almshahadani in a press conference yesterday the lifting of the ban on media coverage of the proceedings of the Council since last week.
    The Information Service in the House and the media that the decision to lift the prohibition remained frozen until the development of procedures and controls for that.

    Almshahadani was decided last week to prevent journalists from entering (the Palais des Congrès), which is located in the Green Zone in Baghdad. denial of cover meetings of the Parliament grounds that the political council of national security made a recommendation in this regard in order to "stop the escalation and sectarian tension."

    He accused the President of the House of Representatives of the Iraqi media and foreign "to work on fueling resentment and violence" in the country.
    O-h m m

    Bye bye Maliki, they obviously have no respect for their so called leader.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  6. #30686
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    Talking Excellent article - here's a brief bio of Maj Gen'l Caldwell


    At a glance: Maj. Gen. William B. Caldwell IV

    NAME: Maj. Gen. William B. Caldwell IV

    AGE: 52.

    EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science, U.S. Military Academy; ******* degree in systems technology, U.S. Naval Post Graduate School; Master's degree in military art and science; School of Advanced Military Studies.

    FAMILY: Wife Stephanie Hudson Caldwell; children Julie, Dana, Will, Anna Kathryn and Hudson.

    CAREER: Commissioned as a lieutenant in 1976; served in Operation Just Cause in Panama, operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm in Saudi Arabia; and Operation Uphold Democracy, the United Nations mission in Haiti. Named senior military assistant to then-Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz in July 2002; named commander of 82nd Airborne Division in May 2004; oversaw 82nd Airborne's response to Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in September 2005.

    NEW POST: Caldwell is leaving his command of the 82nd Airborne to become the deputy chief of staff for strategic effects at the Multinational Forces-Iraq. He will serve under Gen. George Casey, the top U.S. commander in Iraq.


    Source: 82nd Airborne Division.

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    Motto: I'm a little acorn nut. Life Goal: To become a mighty oak.

    We're on roll now! Then again, so is Charmin!

  7. #30687
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    : action Central Bank to raise the value of the dinar against the dollar convergence welcome economists

    Translated version of

    اعتبرها البعض خطوة مهمة نحو خفض التضخمSome considered an important step towards reducing inflation
    بغداد ـ حيدر الربيعيBaghdad Haider spring
    Many economists specializing in finance and monetary actions the Iraqi Central Bank to lower the rate of the dinar against the dollar sale an important step on the road to control the volume of inflation.

    They emphasized the importance of raising the interest rate of up to 12% in achieving the goal of curbing inflation would in the short term to stabilize the acceptable price prevailing in the Iraqi market.
    It noted that the (morning) depression, and the upheaval of this action on the stock sale and purchase rates in most of the stores are banking Baghdad must follow this dangerous turn in the capital market in the Iraqi press statements, a number of different Concerned importance of the matter and the enemy of a remarkable step towards reducing inflation and raise the value of Iraqi dinar and reduce prices Els Alaa and services.
    When he said Ghalib Baban, Minister of Planning of the benefits of this procedure in Deflator, , which he also : The decision of the Central Bank, which came after extensive study by the stakeholders also aims to encourage holders of capital in addition to citizens in general on saving. For his part, Governor of the Central Bank Sinan Shabibi : The aim of the Central Bank is currently limited in the fight against inflation, which reached about 76% and reduce the height by providing better conditions for economic development and improving the performance of the banking sector and provide stability.
    The Shabibi said that among the reasons inflation is increasing cash in circulation, what required a new monetary policy aimed at improving the dollar's exchange rate towards reducing its price several points in the auction, organized by the Central Bank every day to sell the dollar to withdraw currency from circulation.
    With the general director of research at the Central Bank of Iraq, Dr Mohamed Saleh appearance that the Central Bank is responsible by virtue of Law No. 56 of 2004 to cope with inflation and reducing levels as a basis of this principle adopted by the monetary policy in the performance of their duties, On this basis, he has the Central Bank to establish policy priorities, We are speaking here of monetary policy to combat inflationary activities using the tools available.
    He adds : Saleh located in front of monetary policy variables and intermediate or intermediate objectives reflect on the relationship between the impact of these variables to reduce the general level of prices and contain inflation. Among these variables of interest rates stabilizing "long-term" and stabilizing the exchange rate, or investigative, and the levels prevailing exchange, Noting that these variables can control directly unless they are being singled through similar variables and the variables or operational objectives are references or means Acharateh or information be used to influence stability in the cash market.
    Among these references technique interest rate, the Central Bank of Iraq, a price indication would be tantamount compass navigation to influence the behavior of interest rates, as determined by which the Central Bank lends Why? What banks deposited in the Central Bank? Under the control of the volume of cash as it is believed that whatever the confiscation of inflation, he eventually monetary phenomenon, Accordingly, the priorities are stability to the crisis logical to build and stimulate the economy.
    Shows favor on this basis the inflation mainly to increase speed of money circulation and to abandon what leads to weak demand cash and the growing demand for goods and services as counterproductive, In order to maintain the cohesion of demand and maximize cash levels in order not to turn into strong spending on goods and services to the Central Bank, the use of tools in raising the interest rate has to stimulate the interest rate structure and maintaining the coherence of savings and maximize their purchasing power helps monetary policy to address the levels of flooding e high, contained within the monetary market "bank" without becoming bloc cash adrift direction of goods and services.
    In the light of Matqdm highlights many of the questions in the forefront Can a Central Bank unit of curbing inflation and control the volume of cash and Majdoi raise the level of interest at the high prices?
    Economists stressed the importance of the oldest in the Iraqi Central Bank of procedures to control the volume of inflation, which reached the high figures exceeded 70% through the reduction of dollar selling prices against the Iraqi dinar and raising the interest rate up to 12% from 10%, which generated a remarkable stability in prices in all the markets Iraqi recession in the selling and buying of the dollar in the banking most of the stores in Baghdad.
    The economists also stressed the importance that the Central Bank will continue this approach, which would curb inflation, which now threatens the stability of all the situation in Iraq, including security and social addition to the economic situation.
    The observers speculate that the rise in the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar would reduce inflation and revive the economic situation of Iraqi families, which has suffered greatly because of the high rate of inflation, which was born the burden of large households now borne citizen addition to the deterioration of the level of savings is clear. Which prompted the Central Bank to take this action, which many observers several step towards a comprehensive reform of the Iraqi economy.
    Last edited by $onedaysoon$; 07-12-2006 at 03:46 PM.
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  8. #30688
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    this is like cabin fever, lol.
    amen sister. or like being two weeks overdue waiting for baby. aarrrgghhh!

  9. #30689
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    Quote Originally Posted by ourhouse37 View Post
    amen sister. or like being two weeks overdue waiting for baby. aarrrgghhh!
    .... or rubbing hands inside a melting igloo ...aMen as well

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  10. #30690
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    Kurds and central government fail to solve disagreements ‘’

    By Ali KhaleelBy Ali Khaleel

    Azzaman, December 6, 2006Azzaman, December 6, 2006

    A senior Kurdish delegation has ended talks in Baghdad on contentious issues but the parties have apparently failed to solve any one of them.A senior Kurdish delegation has ended talks in Baghdad on contentious issues but the parties have apparently failed to solve any one of them.

    The Kurdish delegation was headed by Nejervan Barzani, the prime minister of the Kurdish autonomous region in Iraq.The Kurdish delegation was headed by Nejervan Barzani, the prime minister of the Kurdish autonomous region in Iraq.

    Barazani held meetings with senior central government officials including Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.Barazani held meetings with senior central government officials including Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

    “My talks with officials from the central government have reached no final results, ” he said."My talks with officials from the central government have reached no final results, "he said.

    One Key issue includes the fate of the oil-rich city of Kirkuk which Kurds want to add to their semi-independent enclave now comprising the provinces of Arbil, Sulaimaniya and Dahouk.One Key issue includes the fate of the oil-rich city of needing roads which Kurds want to add to their semi-independent enclave now comprising the provinces of Arbil, Sulaimaniya and Dahouk.

    There are also differences on how to dive oil revenues and the Kurds’ share of the country’s oil wealth.There are also differences on how to dive oil revenues and the Kurds ’share of the country's oil wealth.

    Iraqi officials declined to speak about differences, saying the meetings were an opportunity to exchange ideas on how to make use of the Kurdish experiment in reinstating relative stability in their areas.Iraqi officials declined to speak about differences, saying the meetings were an opportunity to exchange ideas on how to make use of the Kurdish experiment in reinstating relative stability in their areas
    Azzaman in English
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

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