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  1. #30781

  2. #30782
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    Default Iraqi official urges government to establish a council of Iraqi economy

    (MENAFN) Chairman of the Iraqi parliamentarians Federation urged the government to set up a high national council of Iraqi economy, pointing out that the Council must have the highest decision in the Iraqi economic aspect, and must include specialized Iraqi experiences and competencies from all blocs, political movements and independents.

    The chairman said that the deterioration of the Iraqi economy is due to the shortage of centralized economic decision and that Iraq lacks the healthy economic climate.

    The Iraqi economy is dependent almost entirely on oil, which means that the economy has no clear methodology, the official pointed out.

    He called upon the government to start the project as soon as possible, and accompany it with a center for strategic studies formed of specialists, technocrats, university professors and economic experts, for the purpose of planning and counseling.

    MENAFN - Middle East North Africa . Financial Network News: Iraqi official urges government to establish a council of Iraqi economy

  3. #30783
    Banned panhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elfwizard View Post
    I am thinking 10% sounds realistic. More realistic than say 142,757% to get to 1 to 1.
    Your disbelief never ceases to amaze me......what a downer!

  4. #30784
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Wassuuppp family? Missed anything? Been out for a few well needed beers!
    Glad your feeling well enough to get to the pub! I think that's what I'm gonna do. Have a few beers, and come back later. Hopefully we have some new news.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post

    Guys, we got a link for this please??
    Nope, tried to find it for you ( and me). Maybe jsfletcher has it , cause he posted it initially.
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    Quote Originally Posted by choochie View Post
    Glad your feeling well enough to get to the pub! I think that's what I'm gonna do. Have a few beers, and come back later. Hopefully we have some new news.


    Am so bored staying in chooch! Beers went down well matey!!! Can't drive for another 4 weeks but fortunately our local pub is a 5 minute walk, lol. Get out for a few girl!!!
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  7. #30787
    Investor Alphamystic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kawih2750 View Post
    Originally Posted by jsfletcher
    MENAFN - 07/12/2006MENAFN-07 / 12 / 2006

    (MENAFN) أعلن وزير المالية العراقي ان العراق بصدد دعم الدينار العراقي وتقويته، حيث سينعكس ذلك ايجابيا علي الدولة وعلى الشعب، ويساعد على زيادة الخدمات.(MENAFN) Finance Minister announced that Iraq is about Iraqi support and strengthening of the Iraqi dinar, where will reflect positively on the state and on the people. , and help increase the services.

    وأكد الوزير في تصريح ان العام القادم سيشهد زيادة في الموازنة بنسبة تصل الى 73% عن هذا العام، اذ شهد تباطئ في صرف المبالغ، حيث صرفت وزارة الموارد المائية حوالي 75% من موازنتها و20% في الاسكان و17% في النفط.The minister said in a statement that next year will witness an increase in the budget by up to 73% this year, The last slowdown in the disbursement of the funds, where spent the Ministry of Water Resources, about 75% of its budget, and 20% in housing and 17% in oil.

    ويذكر ان السبب هو ان الاموال لم تطلق الا في منصف شهر نيسان، ليؤدي الى ضياع نصف العام، فهناك 2.5 مليار دولار لاعمار المحافظات، بالإضافة الى عدم وجود مكاتب استشارية هندسية وقلة الخبرة.It is noteworthy that the reason is that the funds have not been launched only in the month of April fair, for lead to the loss of half a year, There is $ 2.5 billion for the reconstruction of the provinces, in addition to the lack of engineering consulting firms and the lack of experience.

    ومن المتوقع ان يشهد الشهر الاول من العام القادم التحرك لصرف وقيام المحافظات بتهيئة المكاتب الاستشارية والهندسية التي ستتعامل مع صرف الموازنة بنسبة 100%.It is expected that the first month of next year to move the exchange rate and the creation of provincial offices consulting, engineering, which will deal with the disbursement of the budget by 100%.

    وتجدر الاشارة الى ان العام المقبل سيشهد ثورة اعمارية كبيرة، وسوف تسهم في تقليص حجم البطالة وتعزيز الامن والاستقرار في العراق.It should be noted that the coming year will witness a revolution Aemarih large, It will contribute to reduce unemployment and enhance security and stability in Iraq.
    This is dated July AND it says expected, not set in stone. We all know just how easy it is for them to change things.
    Last edited by Alphamystic; 07-12-2006 at 11:07 PM.
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  8. #30788
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alphamystic View Post
    This is dated July AND it says expected, not set in stone.
    I don't think it's dated in July - Most countries over in Europe and the Middle East actually date things with the day first, then the month, then the year. So while us backwards Americans would date something for today as 12/7/2006, more established civilizations actually date today as 7/12/2006. So I don't think this is from July, but I am having a hard time trying to find the article.
    Four years ago... no, it was yesterday. Today I... No, that wasn't me. Sometimes I... No, I don't.

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  9. #30789
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alphamystic View Post
    This is dated July AND it says expected, not set in stone.
    Says 7 December doesn't it????
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  10. #30790
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Says 7 December doesn't it????
    It does indeed. My bad. My brain is on auto-american today.
    “Don't be distracted by criticism. The only taste of success some people have, is when they take a bite out of you.”

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