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  1. #30851
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    morning adster...check out sgs post in rumour forum...anything you can add.

  2. #30852
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    This is great, know it was posted already, just going to go back and read the responses to this from last night. Just wanted to say this sounds like our reval guys!

    MENAFNMENAFN - 07/12/2006- 07 / 12 / 2006

    (MENAFN) أعلن وزير المالية العراقي ان العراق بصدد دعم الدينار العراقي وتقويته، حيث سينعكس ذلك ايجابيا علي الدولة وعلى الشعب، ويساعد على زيادة الخدمات.(MENAFN) Finance Minister announced that Iraq is about Iraqi support and strengthening of the Iraqi dinar, which will be reflected positively on the state and the people, and help increase the services.

    وأكد الوزير في تصريح ان العام القادم سيشهد زيادة في الموازنة بنسبة تصل الى 73% عن هذا العام، اذ شهد تباطئ في صرف المبالغ، حيث صرفت وزارة الموارد المائية حوالي 75% من موازنتها و20% في الاسكان و17% في النفط.The minister said in a statement that next year will witness an increase in the budget by up to 73% this year, which saw a slowdown in disbursements, which spent the Ministry of Water Resources, about 75% of its budget, and 20% in housing and 17% in oil.

    ويذكر ان السبب هو ان الاموال لم تطلق الا في منصف شهر نيسان، ليؤدي الى ضياع نصف العام، فهناك 2.5 مليار دولار لاعمار المحافظات، بالإضافة الى عدم وجود مكاتب استشارية هندسية وقلة الخبرة.It is noteworthy that the reason is that the funds have not been launched only in the month of April fair, leading to the loss of half a year, there are 2.5 billion dollars to reconstruct the governorates, in addition to the lack of engineering consulting firms and the lack of experience.

    ومن المتوقع ان يشهد الشهر الاول من العام القادم التحرك لصرف وقيام المحافظات بتهيئة المكاتب الاستشارية والهندسية التي ستتعامل مع صرف الموازنة بنسبة 100%.It is expected that the first month of next year to move the exchange rate and the creation of provincial offices consulting, engineering, which will deal with the disbursement of the budget by 100%.

    وتجدر الاشارة الى ان العام المقبل سيشهد ثورة اعمارية كبيرة، وسوف تسهم في تقليص حجم البطالة وتعزيز الامن والاستقرار في العراق.It should be noted that the coming year will witness a revolution Aemarih large, and will contribute to reduce unemployment and enhance security and stability in Iraq.
    Translated version of MENAFN - Middle East North Africa . Financial Network
    Great article, adster!

    They are telling us it's coming in the first month new year.

    As they say with the launch of the new budget which will start in my opinion 1/1/2007.

    Finally, they let us know that we don't have to wait any much longer now!

    Adster, we are almost there!!
    Last edited by kiko; 08-12-2006 at 09:27 AM.

  3. #30853
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Interesting, maybe they plan to give out the 10k before or just after this holiday with a revalued currency, food for thought.....

    Quote Originally Posted by PlatanoKing View Post
    2006 Holiday Name

    Jan 1 New Year’s Day
    Jan 10 Eid al Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) (4 Days)
    Jan 31 Islamic New Year
    Feb 9 Ashura
    Mar 21 Norus (Persian New Year)
    April 10 The Prophet’s Birthday
    May 1 Labor Day
    Jul 14 Republic day
    Aug 21 The Prophet’s Ascension
    Oct 23 Eid al Fitr (End of Ramadan) (2 Days)
    Dec 31 Eid al Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) (4 days)
    Here is the Eid al Fitr Appearing again...Coincidences?Iraq 2006 Public Holidays and Bank Holidays

    Eid al Fitr:

    Children are normally given gifts or money. Women (particularly relations) are normally given special gifts by their loved ones. Eid is also the time for reconciliations. Feuds or disputes, especially between family members, are often settled on Eid.

    More here: 'Id al-Fitr: Definition and Much More from
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  4. #30854
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    Please pardon my not knowing, but when does Iraq get it's 2007 budget? I remember something about the amount already having been announced a few months ago, but with that one article that was saying something about a RV sometime after they get the budget or something I have been wondering about the when of the matter. Thanks if anyone knows, and please forgive me if this has already been posted as I don't have enough time anymore to stay fully caught up at all times.
    Last edited by Treater; 08-12-2006 at 09:33 AM.
    One man's trick, is another man's treat.

  5. #30855
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    neno, no offense, but could you please STOP changing the title of the thread, every time you do you screw it up for the people that save it to their favorites

  6. #30856
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jedi17 View Post
    morning adster...check out sgs post in rumour forum...anything you can add.
    Morning my friend, will go take a look.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  7. #30857
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    it would be nice for one of our more math friendly scholars to crunch the numbers of the projected 2007 budget (in IQD) and factor in the proposed 30 percent of oil revenues to the public and then find out what the minimum they would have to r/v at.

    As a personal thought...if the Gov. was to break near mid Dec., then it could be possible for the Gov. to R/V sooner then next month and announce the budget. he rumour rearding the 14th is good....I like it. It would allow businesses to re-calculate goods over the 15th and 16th and be ready for business on the Sunday.

    lets hope....tired of waiting

  8. #30858
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    Default Al-Ibrahimi warns of adopting a policy of decentralization in Iraq and its impact on

    Al-Ibrahimi warns of adopting a policy of decentralization in Iraq and its impact on oil sector

    The former Special Adviser to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Al-Akhdar Al-Ibrahimi, said on Monday in Dubai that the American invasion to Iraq "has destroyed the State and has not built it", adding that the adoption of a policy of decentralization or the division of Iraq would affect the oil sector.

    The veteran Algerian diplomat said, in the Arab Strategy Forum hosted in Dubai, that the adoption of "a policy of decentralization in Iraq or the division of this country will cause chaos in Iraq and the region".

    Al-Ibrahimi pointed out in particular to the oil agreements being prepared between Kurdistan, which enjoys autonomy, and foreign companies, specially the agreement with a Norwijan company, to explore for oil in this region in northern Iraq, despite the opposition of the central government to such conventions.

    Al-Ibrahimi said that the situation "reflects the fading of the authority of the central government, which opposes this type of conventions and this is very dangerous" in light of the present escalation of sectarian tension in the country.

    On the other hand, Al-Ibrahimi took on the Arab countries the lack of commitment in the issue of the conflict in Darfor, western of Sudan.

    He said in this context, "the whole world is feeding them, while the Arab effort is very modest" in a reference to the victims of the civil war in Darfur, which the United Nations says it left, since it began in 2003, more than 200 thousand people dead and 52 million displaced persons.

    The Arab Strategic Forum has been organized for three days under the title "Creating opportunities from the global variables", attended by dozens of government officials, businessmen and experts from different parts of the world.

  9. #30859
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    Default Establishing a center for economic cooperation between Iraq and Iran

    Establishing a center for economic cooperation between Iraq and Iran

    The Iranian Cabinet agreed to establish a Supreme Center for Iraqi- Iranian Economic Cooperation after approving a proposal in this regard.

    The Iranian News Agency "IRNA" reported yesterday that the Iranian Cabinet had approved the establishment of the Centre yesterday, at the suggestion of the Iranian Foreign Ministry.

    According to the decision of the Cabinet, the Center will be set up to review and determine the charges to be levied on commercial goods and export licenses, as well as issuing licenses between Iraq and Iran.

    The Centre also, will take care of the export of engineering, technical, commercial and economic services, as well as of the ties between the two countries.

  10. #30860
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    Default Halt decline of the dollar against Iraqi dinar after being purchased by the Central B

    Halt decline of the dollar against Iraqi dinar after being purchased by the Central Bank

    Halt decline of the dollar against Iraqi dinar after being purchased by the Central Bank in the auction, which was opened by the Central today and attended by seven Iraqi banks.

    The Iraqi Central said in a statement that the main sale price today landed with 1430 and the purchase price was1428 dinars to the dollar.

    The Iraqi Central Bank sold today, the amount of six million and 500 thousand dollars and bought one million and 930 thousand dollars.

    The statement declared that the sold amount as remittances to abroad was six million and 500 thousand dollars, which reveals the reluctance of local market for the purchase of the dollar and the sufficiency of banks to buy it for the purpose of transfer, explaining that the cash sale price today is 1441 dinars per dollar.

    The Bank has adopted a new monetary policy in an attempt to improve the rate of the dinar against the dollar, according to a program prepared by the Ministry of Planning, in conjunction with the Iraqi Central for the purpose of eliminating inflation rates in the local market.

    This program will end soon with our beautiful RV!

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