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  1. #3101
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    Maybe the Adster and Offshore have gone ahead of us to feather the party nest. You know, stock in the ice and drinkables, lay cushions about, set up the mikes and the tunes.

  2. #3102
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    Mike or Adster, still hearing about the peg before the 4th of July? Cigarman

  3. #3103
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    Default Almost Feeling Guilty But Not Quite

    Quote Originally Posted by aeara
    i don't think anything is going to happen anytime soon.
    anyway, has anyone used they are about $24 cheaper than ompus (for 100k d).

    this is the wrong forum for this but does anyone in This forum actually think pips can do any kind of come back!? and or that there's some official "investigation". maybe the latter...but i think That was more to just shut it down that anything else. all they have to do is, nothing.

    guess i'll be getting another 100k. hopefully i can hit 1m before it may peg. i'll have given it my best shot... gamble that is.

    i hope when and if it pegs they don't come out with some targeted restrictions - for us speculators. or war profiteers.
    Thinking of myself as a war profiteer causes me to feel a little bit ashamed but then again, why should I think of us as war profiteers? This war is happening beyond my control and the results it produces will happen with or without me so, what I personally do will have no effect what so ever and the same goes for everyone here. If and when the Dinar pegs, it will happen whether any of us purchase Dinars or not.

    Now, the idea that the powers that be could issue some kind of targeted restictions to prevent us from profiting is in my mind not outside the realm of possibility. A thing like this always seems too good to be true but then again, know one ever really knows and that is one reason I believe this is an opportunity that I could not afford to pass up. Hey, so what if this does not work, my investment is nothing but if this does work, it could be life changing.

    As for PIPS, that ship has sunk. Forget about it, it's done.

  4. #3104
    Senior Member clueless's Avatar
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    When this happens, we will be profitting, not from the war but from the rebirth of a very old and frequently great nation. The war has just been the key to allow that to happen. No need for any guilt although it always tries to color happiness if it can find a way.
    Last edited by clueless; 21-06-2006 at 03:49 PM.

  5. #3105
    Senior Investor Raditz's Avatar
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    This is taken from another forum:

    ""I read it on the State Department web site, it was posted around back in January of 2006 on one of their weekly reports. If the money is going to be pegged it will happen by the end of June 2006. When ISX opens they will have to put the money on the market.""

    Anyone have time to look for this link on usa department site?
    I have to leave in a minute.
    Nothing is impossible, the impossible only takes longer time!

  6. #3106
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club

    Quote Originally Posted by flygirl1
    I have a question. Adster and Mike "where are you"? I wait every afternoon and night for you two to post. Are we missing something? "I know I am, I hang on every work" Janet
    Hi Janet,

    The most amazing thing has happened, no news, not even new rumors for the first time, so I take this a good news, so all we can do is wait, all the pieces are in place finally, and with the pressure to open up internaitonal investment which will bolster reserves, the time is now.

    Good luck to all, Mike

  7. #3107
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club

    USA > Foreign Policy
    from the June 21, 2006 edition

    Bush to partners in Iraq: Pay up

    Only $3.5 billion of some $14.6 billion pledged has been paid.

    By Peter Grier | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

    WASHINGTON – For nations that in the past have pledged to help Iraq rebuild, the United States has this message: Get out your checkbook. In recent days, administration officials, from President Bush on down, have insisted repeatedly that it is time for others to live up to monetary commitments to Baghdad, most of them made in 2003.
    PAY UP! President Bush urged nations to fulfill their pledges to Iraq in a speech at the Merchant Marine Academy Monday.
    In the Monitor
    Wednesday, 06/21/06

    "The international community has pledged about $13 billion to help this new government. Yet only $3.5 billion has been paid," said Mr. Bush on Monday in a commencement address to the US Merchant Marine Academy.
    Iraq's security situation has discouraged many donors from pouring cash into the country. They don't want their aid used to pay for gun-toting guards, or for clinics or courthouses that might get blown up.
    But the White House argues that the elimination of insurgent leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi shows security is improving. The renewed push for international contributions also comes at a time when it is becoming clear just how expensive rebuilding Iraq will be.
    "There's a convergence of events at this point in time leading to this," says Robert Pfaltzgraff, a professor of international security at the Fletcher School at Tufts University.
    In coming months, non-US donor nations and international institutions should become increasingly important to the reconstruction of Iraq, according to US officials. Money in the main US reconstruction account, the Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund, is dwindling. The new Iraqi government will increasingly take over reconstruction management duties from the US.
    The United Nations has already agreed to step up its activity. Earlier this week, Secretary-General Kofi Annan, responding to a plea from Iraqi officials, said he would help organize international economic and political support for Iraq.
    Given all this, it's time for nations to make good on promised reconstruction donations, insists the White House. Pledges are fine, and many nations have made generous promises, say US officials. But Iraq now needs the money.
    Bush has mentioned the issue often in public in recent days. And the administration has sent Deputy Treasury Secretary Robert Kimmitt and State Department counselor Philip Zelikow to visit world capitals and figuratively rattle the tin cup.
    "We need to get these amounts paid in, and then we need to look here in a three- or four-month time ... [at] what additional amounts need to be pledged," said National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley at a briefing for reporters last week.
    It's true that the international community could step up its Iraqi aid activity, say experts outside the administration. But the situation is more complicated than the White House is portraying it, they say.
    The bulk of aid pledges, $13.6 billion, were made at a donor conference in Madrid in October 2003. Of this, some $4 billion was offered as outright grants. The rest - $9.6 billion - was proffered as loans, not straight handouts.
    Of these pledges, about 25 percent, worth $3.5 billion, have been paid, according to the US Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. In addition, the International Monetary Fund and World Bank have begun providing some of their promised loans. (Later pledges have raised the total amount of money promised by the international community to $14.6 billion.)
    Some nations have moved quickly to provide their promised aid. Japan and Britain have been "notably active" in this regard, says a recent Congressional Research Service report.
    Japan - the second-largest donor to Iraq after the United States - has spent most of its pledged $1.5 billion in grant aid, and is close to launching the first phase of a $3.5 billion loan, according to CRS. Japanese funds have paid for power-station rehabilitation, water tankers, fire trucks, and irrigation equipment. (Tuesday, Japan announced it would withdraw its 600 troops in Iraq but hoped to increase noncombat air operations there.)
    Britain has helped pay for reconstruction of the Iraqi justice system, among other things.
    Other nations have moved more slowly. Iraq's neighbors have made generous pledges, for instance, but so far little of the promised money has shown up.
    "Kuwait ... has not moved much of its $565 million pledge," says the most recent Special Inspector General quarterly report to Congress. "Similarly, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are holding off on expenditures."
    Lack of security is one big cause of this reluctance. Currently, between 16 and 22 percent of Iraqi reconstruction aid pays for armed guards and other security-related costs. Many non-US nations don't want a large percentage of their donations to be devoted to such items. In general, they have not been eager to rebuild a war zone while the war was still going on.
    Iraqi politics has been another concern. Saudi Arabia and other largely Sunni Muslim nations have kept their checkbooks closed while they wait to see how Sunnis will fare in the new Iraq.
    "These countries want to see whether a stable political democratic system can be established in Iraq that will include the Sunni Arabs as well as the Shia Arabs and the Kurds," said James Jeffrey, Department of State coordinator for Iraq policy, at a June 8 House hearing.
    With the establishment of the new Iraqi government, this criteria has been met, according to Mr. Jeffrey. Other US officials argue that with the death of the terror figure al-Zarqawi, the security situation is improving as well.
    Pressing for reconstruction pledges to be made good may thus be an attempt by the Bush administration to help build on the momentum they say has been generated in Iraq in recent weeks - though Al Qaeda in Iraq has named a new leader, and insurgent attacks continue.
    "The US has every interest in promoting international contributions to post-conflict stability in Iraq," says professor Pfaltzgraff of the Fletcher School.

  8. #3108
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    Quote Originally Posted by aeara
    i don't think anything is going to happen anytime soon.
    anyway, has anyone used they are about $24 cheaper than ompus (for 100k d).

    this is the wrong forum for this but does anyone in This forum actually think pips can do any kind of come back!? and or that there's some official "investigation". maybe the latter...but i think That was more to just shut it down that anything else. all they have to do is, nothing.

    guess i'll be getting another 100k. hopefully i can hit 1m before it may peg. i'll have given it my best shot... gamble that is.

    i hope when and if it pegs they don't come out with some targeted restrictions - for us speculators. or war profiteers.
    You have all the time you need to purchase dinars before the peg.

    Remains to be seen, danny51...Save it for the Pips folder; not this one...EW
    Last edited by everwiser; 21-06-2006 at 04:48 PM.

  9. #3109
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    Default more good news :)

    Iraqi police arrest terrorist cell leader

    BAGHDAD, June 21 (KUNA) -- The Iraqi police have captured a leader of a terrorist cell active in the assassination of people, the US army said Wednesday.

    It said in a statement a force of the Iraqi police arrested Nouri Abu Haidar Al-Oqabi, a leader of a cell that assassinate people.

    Al-Oqabi is accused of kidnapping, torturing and killing Iraqi citizens in Baghdad and four other areas, said the US army.

    It added that the terrorist was responsible for the murder of 14 Iraqi soldiers last month.

  10. #3110
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    Talibani calls for a national conference to support and strengthen efforts Maliki

    Baghdad-morning 6/21/06

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