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  1. #31181
    Senior Investor Inscrutable's Avatar
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    I think they are getting close to getting Sadr out as well. They must be trying.

    US, Iraqi forces detain aide of Shiite radical leader - Yahoo! News

    KUT, Iraq (AFP) - US and Iraqi forces have arrested Shiite radical leader Moqtada al-Sadr's representative in the central city of Kut and seven of his guards, security officials and a Sadr spokesman said.

  2. #31182
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike5200 View Post
    Saddam's Nephew Escapes Prison:
    PJM in BarcelonaDecember 9, 2006 10:12 AM
    A nephew of Saddam Hussein serving a life sentence for making bombs for Iraq’s insurgency escaped from prison Saturday in northern Iraq. (Breitbart/AP)
    I hope he's treated like a dangerous criminal and they shoot first and ask questions later.

  3. #31183
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    I just called 4 different Chase Branches here in the Phoenix area and I have been told by all that they will not sell dinar anymore. Apparently there is no real reason. One office told me that they were never suppose to have sold them in the first place and the order not to sell them anymore was government issued. He said if I had some I was lucky. I also asked about cashing them in and after being on hold for him to get a definate answer, I was told that I could not sell them back even if I purchased the dinars from there. Anyone being told this too?
    May the New Year bring hope & prosperity to all Iraq and for all of us!

    God bless our soldiers and bring them home safe.

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    Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki that the government had completed the preparation of the law to encourage foreign investment in the oil and gas industry the country.

    واوضح عدد من أعضاء اللجنة التي تعمل لإعداد القانون أنهم أنجزوا معظم العمل لكنهم بحاجة إلى أسبوع آخر أو عشرة أيام لاستكماله وسيتم تقديمه إلى البرلمان للمصادقة عليه. مضيفين ان هناك استثمارات أجنبية بمليارات الدولارات في المجال النفطي مؤجلة لحين إقرار إطار قانوني ملائم.A number of members of the committee that is working to prepare a law that they have most of the work but need another week or ten days to complete and will be submitted to Parliament for ratification. Adding that there are billions of dollars of foreign investments in the field of oil deferred pending the adoption of an appropriate legal framework.

    راديو دجلةRadio Tigris

  5. #31185
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jola View Post
    I think THE INFORMATION and THE PEOPLE are what make ROLCLUB one of the best dinar forums. What we find here, IT SHOULD STAY HERE , cause there is where the value of the forum comes from: the information.

    People here search, read , translate, comment on news and so on. This is WORK. Don't give away their efforts. Who is interested from other forums can come here and get the info. JMO.
    I agree......regardless I still won't stop searching even if people hijack our info, there are too many dedicated and loyal clubbers here....I for one do not go anywhere else and this is the only place I post anything. When you get the most current and extensive research and have people who can interpret the can't get a better team than that.....This is the only place to be...all others are aftermarket info!

  6. #31186
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysDreaming View Post
    I just called 4 different Chase Branches here in the Phoenix area and I have been told by all that they will not sell dinar anymore. Apparently there is no real reason. One office told me that they were never suppose to have sold them in the first place and the order not to sell them anymore was government issued. He said if I had some I was lucky. I also asked about cashing them in and after being on hold for him to get a definate answer, I was told that I could not sell them back even if I purchased the dinars from there. Anyone being told this too?

    I'm going down to Chase now and try to order 100,000 and see if they are selling here in San Antonio. I hope they are open.

  7. #31187
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    Why go to a site where everyone is conflict and fighting? ROLCLUB is the Best forum i have ever been in. The ones who keep us informed are highly respected and even when they are wrong (which by the way is Not often) they have the Intestinal fortitude to admit it. and very helpful when it comes to others problems. This has become a very well informed family. BOB

  8. #31188
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    I agree......regardless I still won't stop searching even if people hijack our info, there are too many dedicated and loyal clubbers here....I for one do not go anywhere else and this is the only place I post anything. When you get the most current and extensive research and have people who can interpret the can't get a better team than that.....This is the only place to be...all others are aftermarket info!
    I agree I no longer go anywhere else but here now.I dont post that often but I enjoy the people here. Im so glad to have been turned on to this place when all the real bashing and everything else was happening over at that other place.. this is to the islands

  9. #31189
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    Talking Don't panic

    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysDreaming View Post
    I just called 4 different Chase Branches here in the Phoenix area and I have been told by all that they will not sell dinar anymore. Apparently there is no real reason. One office told me that they were never suppose to have sold them in the first place and the order not to sell them anymore was government issued. He said if I had some I was lucky. I also asked about cashing them in and after being on hold for him to get a definate answer, I was told that I could not sell them back even if I purchased the dinars from there. Anyone being told this too?
    Legally I don't see how they can not exchange them once the dinar is internationally traded, besides I don't they want to lose out on the profits. When this hits alot of banks will exchange.

  10. #31190
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysDreaming View Post
    I just called 4 different Chase Branches here in the Phoenix area and I have been told by all that they will not sell dinar anymore. Apparently there is no real reason. One office told me that they were never suppose to have sold them in the first place and the order not to sell them anymore was government issued.
    Hmmmmm..... I just picked up an order from a Chase bank Friday. And they did not say anything to me about it. In fact when I did the order last week I was told I could come back and cash them out if I wanted. But with this new statement that there is a government release to the banks not to sell anymore is interesting......

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