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  1. #31251
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    I am a minimal poster and never a commentator, but it seems to me Iraq is moving into high gear, considering their usual snail pace, to get things done before these meetings next week. I have to believe we are getting ready for the gun to go off at the starting gate! I believe-my humble opinion- we will see the hydrocarbon law pass before these meetings...

    SGS-does Johnny get to give me a prize too???
    Last edited by mustang sally; 10-12-2006 at 01:28 AM.

  2. #31252
    Senior Member Dinar-Excited's Avatar
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    Smile Just my opinion again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar-Excited View Post
    Hi Everyone,

    I just posted this on AD but I wanted to share this on RC as well these are some of my opinions. I know that there are two ways of looking at this the gradual increase and RV pegged. I think it will be RV'd and pegged.

    Here is why Iraq is a very rare opportunity this is unlike any other. It is sitting on huge natural resources which we all know and they are also the doorway to terrorists that needs to be closed tightly for the security of the World.

    I understand your point with the gradual increase and there are two ways of looking at it and who really knows who's right. But this is a forum to throw ideas around.

    The pros to a gradual increase is that they do not shock the economy and make it unstable. But the other way of looking at it is they need a shock to get an economy.

    If they pass the Laws with out an RV they open the golden gates for the World to come in at a ridicules rate that is clearly undervalued by a very large margin. There money can RV at a high rate because it is really worth a high rate not the undervalued amount that the IMF have kept them at for 3 years. So in response to you saying it will not happen over night I will agree as it has been happening for 3 YEARS!!!!! Not just over night BAM you have an RV. They have been putting there ducks in a row for quite sometime now and since November we have seen them getting ready for an RV. I know some like MunnyBaggs will tell you this is the gradual RV and that is his opinion and he is entitled to it. But in my opinion this is not and RV it is fluctuation as they get ready for an RV. Right now they are trying to decrease the exchange rate shock by taking as much Dinar out of circulation as possible. An RV in my opinion is when it is fully convertible on the FOREX and you can exchange it anywhere you like. Which enacting these Laws FIL and HCL and article 8 will do. It has taken time they have passed the FIL a while back but have not enacted it yet. I believe we will see a package deal with the Laws passed and enacted. I think they are keeping it as quite as possible not to stir up to much speculation and violence.

    Also we have to consider the amount of debt relief they have received they are nearly debt free and sitting on huge resources. Also being back by most of the World.

    Also another thing to consider that history repeats it's self and Kuwait RV'd and pegged so it can happen.

    The reason again I think it will peg instead of floating gradually is Iraq is so volatile right now and they need to make there currency and economy as stable as possible. By pegging they will create stability and growth as investors will be way more confident to enter the Country. Floating is used rarely and by Country's that need to entice investors Iraq dose not have to entice investors they just need to instill confidence and pegging would achieve this in my honest opinion.

    I have considered your opinions and others that have your same opinion and they just do not add up for me as my opinion dose not add up for you. But it is good to have different opinions so we look at it from all angels. So thank you for sharing and hopefully we find out what the big plan for Iraq is soon ever way. The good news is that we all know this will happen it is just exactly when is the question and how much.


    Quote Originally Posted by opps50 View Post
    IF they don´t reval they will do business in other currencies
    I think Cyberkhan has explained it perfectly why using other currency's is not realistic if they want to be a free market with a stable economy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberkhan View Post
    Well stated D-E

    I have to agree that this has been a 3 year RV. If they do allow foriegn investment into the country with no TRUE rv then they are setting themselves up for failure. They will be forced into a complete dollarization and the foundation of the Iraqi Economy as an independent state will collapse.

    The slow and grow theory does have legs and makes sense but what doesn't add up for me is that this will be a country that won't use its own currency.

    If they are to do the profit sharing at the current rate then inflation will never be curbed....the dinar will not be worth the paper that it was printed on.

    Too much currency will have to be circulated into the market and thereby eliminating the idea of supply and demand. This will then potentially lead to the dreaded zero lop. The only remaining solution to a flood of dinar in the marketplace.

    This is just my two cents worth.

    Have a great day all.

    Also why would they have gone through 3 years working with the World Bank and IMF not to RV their money and become a free market with a strong currency. It seems like it would have been a lot of hard work for them to turn around and use other Country's currency. Also why buy back as much Dinar to remove it from circulation it they did not intend to use the currency. They will RV and peg in my opinion and soon. This is not a rumor just my opinion based on facts articles and studying economy and pegging and floating and pegging to a basket of currency's that I have lately done a lot of research on.

    Keep a positive mind.

    I have my MOJO back!!!!!!


  3. #31253
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOM2TWO View Post
    You still didn't answer the question Inscrutable.....How about this....DO YOU OWN IRAQI DINARS?? yes or no????
    Think of De Niro, Lil' bit.

  4. #31254
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    Quote Originally Posted by RetMil View Post
    25,000,000. If you have 10,000,000 you just need it to rv to .10.

    I know of several that have over 100,000,000 nid. Why am I high on the dinar? I know of several people that bought the Kuwaiti dinar at it's lowest. They don't have to work another day in their lives.
    can you tell me the pre-war level, war level, and current value of the Kuwaiti dinar?

  5. #31255
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    Quote Originally Posted by mike brown View Post
    can you tell me the pre-war level, war level, and current value of the Kuwaiti dinar?

  6. #31256
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    Default help please

    Hi Gang,
    A wonderful young man in Tulsa, Oklahoma needs to know where he can buy the dinar. I told him Chase. Can one of you Tulsa area people please tell me the exact branch and its location? I fear we are running out of time and he needs this info PDQ.
    Behold the turtle-he makes progress only when he sticks his neck out

  7. #31257
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Default new draft law gives the government the power to the distribution of oil revenues in

    Official sources said that the Iraqi officials and Americans on the verge of reaching agreement on a national law, whereby the central government to the Iraqi authority to distribute the proceeds of Iraqi oil, current and future, to the provinces and territories, depending on the number of inhabitants.
    فاق،The officials said the Iraqis and Americans, who stated this news, that the agreement

    .The Sunni Arabs had become allies in the Drafting Committee with the Shiites against the Kurds, who sought to buy control of the oil sector in the Kurdish self-rule areas. The region of Iraqi Kurdistan has been autonomous since the actual 1991 when the United States had established a no-fly zone there. He urged both General George Casey, commander of the American forces in Iraq, and Zalmay Khalilzad, the American ambassador in Iraq, Iraqi politicians on a law of Iraqi oil at the top of their agenda, stressing the need to leave before the end of this year. An American official beginning, who requested anonymity, that the Drafting Committee was formed of ministers and politicians from the Sunni and Shiite bloc and the Kurds in the Iraqi government. The talks began a few months ago, however, the Commission has accelerated its steps in recent times. Officials said American and Iraqi Kurds have strongly favors, the start of the talks, stressed the need to give regional governments the authority to collect and distribute the proceeds of oil from the fields to the future, as also suggested revenue-sharing between the provinces, on the basis of population and the crimes committed against the people during the rule of Saddam Hussein. The aim of this proposal is to give the Shiites and the Kurds share of the oil wealth more.

    شبكة الزوراء الأعلامية - مشروع قانون جديد يمنح الحكومة سلطة توزيع عائدات النفط في العراق

  8. #31258
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    Quote Originally Posted by RetMil View Post
    25,000,000. If you have 10,000,000 you just need it to rv to .10.

    I know of several that have over 100,000,000 nid. Why am I high on the dinar? I know of several people that bought the Kuwaiti dinar at it's lowest. They don't have to work another day in their lives.

    Do you know the time frame the Kuwait dinar took to go from .10 to 3.00?
    And was it an immediate revalue like we're hoping for?? Thanks
    Last edited by jstreet; 10-12-2006 at 01:53 AM.

  9. #31259
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by crave681 View Post
    Ive been giving some thought to the charity donation aspect of new wealth... and have come to the conclusion that as much as I want to help anyone i see that is in true need, what really needs to happen is that i need to set up a self sustaining budget with the windfall first, and allocate a charity fund from that. This way, i will be able to GIVE MORE over the long haul, instead of blowing too much of my charity wad at the outset.
    JMHO, commence bashing.
    Just like the speech on airplanes. If the oxygen mask fall put yours on first then help those next to you.....


  10. #31260
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsfletcher View Post
    how come kuwait dinar didn't go down nearly as far as iraq in 2003 when new currency came out?

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