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  1. #31261
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigred52 View Post
    Spice12-----you are absolutely correct that i should not attack a fellow
    dinarholic. But i get upset when people make false charges such as Terrytate did against Gates and the Reagan staff.
    1. Gates and the cia will have no bearing on the value of the R/V.
    2. Reagan did not negotiate with Iran to hold the hostages. (Iran--Contra sadly yes 6 years later )The Democratic congress investigated.
    Senate Investigation
    The US Senate’s 1992 report concluded that "by any standard, the credible evidence now known falls far short of supporting the allegation of an agreement between the Reagan campaign and Iran to delay the release of the hostages".
    Fellow members from around the world read this forum and might believe the half truths and outright lies sometimes said on this forum.
    As said on this forum:
    "a lie is half way around the world before the truth can get his pants on"
    i am just helping the truth catch up. !
    Man Bigred52, go ahead and bury your head in the sand if you want to. First of all I did not say that Gates and the CIA will have any affect upon the dinar. I was giving his appointment as an example of the plans within plans that governments have. In this particular case I was commenting upon how an insider such as Gates has been appointed to a position that the opposition party (Dems) should be opposing. Gates appointment is a win for the Republicans, not the Democrats. Gates is old school Republican. There was no direct correlation between him and the Dinar. That being said, neither I nor you know what his appointment may mean for Iraq.

    As far as IranContra goes, from one Republican to another (well I assume you are a Republican), lets admit something here. The deal for hostages was done, despite what the official record says (by the way IranContra is different from the Iranian Hostage Crisis-the latter dealt with the 1979 hostage crisis, while IranContra was about money to support the Nicaraguan Contras by selling weapons and parts to Iran in the early 80's, many people confuse the two, but the Iranian contacts that were made during the 1979 hostage crisis by guys like Mr. Gates were the same group of Iranians that made the later IranContra deal with our guys). Many of those involved have admitted that it was done. Sanctioned or not I am glad it was done. Now if you choose not to do some research that is your problem, but please have the decency to refrain from calling me a liar when you don't know what you are talking about. If you are going to take that approach then I guess you believe that Billy never stained Monica's dress either, as he was never convicted during his impeachment (edited for danny51). Can't have it both ways partner. Both of the parties lie and cheat, so why are you choosing to blind yourself to this? If you really want to get to the truth you first have to stop lying to yourself. I have choosen to tell myself the truth. What about you?
    Last edited by TerryTate; 10-12-2006 at 08:07 AM.

  2. #31262
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Wow lots of oil stuff tonite

    The Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih today, Saturday, the near completion of the preparation of the oil-entitling the central government's distribution of the incomes of oil present and future impact on the provinces and territories.

    و .He said in press statements quoted by the Associated Press that he could not set a timetable on the expiry date of the law drafting and approval.

    .However, American officials and Iraqi Maniiin stated to the New York Times that the existing law regulating the preparation of the oil sector is nearing completion of its work, adding that the draft law would be submitted after that to the government and parliament to be approved.

    .The newspaper pointed out that both the American ambassador in Baghdad, Zalmay Khalilzad and the commander of the American forces in Iraq, George Casey urged Iraqi politicians on a draft law on oil-handed priorities to be approved before the end of this year.

    .The newspaper pointed out that the Kurds had renounced their demand that the authority to collect rent from the fields of oil resources and distribution, however, the future of local governments. The Kurds demanded that the distribution of oil revenues to the provinces in accordance with the proportion of the population and the vulnerability of those Territories of the crimes of the previous regime, which means, according to the American newspaper giving Shiites and Kurds the largest share of the oil wealth at the expense of other parties.

    .Barham Salih, the deputy prime minister, a Kurd and head of the committee preparing the bill, said that the Kurds agreed to give up their demands, pointing out that the principle of shared wealth accepted by all parties represented in the Iraqi government, including the Kurds as an act to unify people.

    .The paper quoted an American official as saying that no unidentified Kurds agreed to waive their demands because the presence of a national law for oil that would attract more foreign companies operating in the field of oil exploration to invest in Iraq's Kurdistan region.

    .The report mentioned that the Baker-Hamilton stressed the need for a law to guarantee oil equitable distribution of wealth, which would contribute positively to the draft national reconciliation.

    Radio Sawa - قانون جديد يخول الحكو&#217 ;…Ø© العرØ& #167;قية توزيØ&#1 85; مداخي Ù„ النÙØ· الحال ية والمس&#216 ;ªÙ‚بليØ&#16 9; على الاقا ليم
    Last edited by rvalreadydang; 10-12-2006 at 02:11 AM.

  3. #31263
    Senior Member OneShotOneKill's Avatar
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    Default Thank you very much.

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    laws in iraq go through 3 readings with a day break in between to think. on the third review or reading they take a vote and either pass or reject the new law. an article stated on thursday that the oil law had went to parliament although all the articles since then have denied that. dont be surprised if it is indeed in front of parliament and has had its first reading already.
    Thank you SGS. That helps me get it.


  4. #31264
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    "Do you know the time frame the Kuwait dinar took to go from .10 to 3.00?
    And was it an immediate revalue like we're hoping for?? Thanks"

    I don't think it is wise to try to compare what happened to the value of the Kuwait Dinar to the situation in Iraq. Kuwait was a rich nation, with substantial reserves and a healthy infrastructure and economy prior to Saddam's invading the country and setting the Oil fields on fire. The markets lost faith in the currency during this period, same way the US markets began to nose dive after 9-11, although on a far greater scale. When the US drove Iraq out in the Gulf War, Kuwait returned to a stable Government, leadership and healthy, al beit damaged, economic structure. The Kuwaiti dinar returned to it's pre war level in a short period of time, and rightly so. The Kuwaiti Dinar is worth more like $3.47 today.


  5. #31265
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    Default Ordered Dinar Today

    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysDreaming View Post
    I just called 4 different Chase Branches here in the Phoenix area and I have been told by all that they will not sell dinar anymore. Apparently there is no real reason. One office told me that they were never suppose to have sold them in the first place and the order not to sell them anymore was government issued. He said if I had some I was lucky. I also asked about cashing them in and after being on hold for him to get a definate answer, I was told that I could not sell them back even if I purchased the dinars from there. Anyone being told this too?
    Today I paid for another order of 2 Million Dinar at my neighborhood Chase Bank in Denver...No problems at all. It was about 11:00AM Mountain Time, 12/09/2006.


  6. #31266
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    Quote Originally Posted by noodlesdad View Post
    Today I paid for another order of 2 Million Dinar at my neighborhood Chase Bank in Denver...No problems at all. It was about 11:00AM Mountain Time, 12/09/2006.

    what is the current buy rate?

  7. #31267
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    Quote Originally Posted by noodlesdad View Post
    Today I paid for another order of 2 Million Dinar at my neighborhood Chase Bank in Denver...No problems at all. It was about 11:00AM Mountain Time, 12/09/2006.

    Hello, fellow Denverinian

  8. #31268
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    Last edited by Inscrutable; 10-12-2006 at 02:39 AM.

  9. #31269
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    December 16 deadline for the convening of the political forces »«

    (Voice of Iraq) - 12-10-2006
    This issue was sent to a friend

    December 16 deadline for the convening of the political forces »«

    Baghdad (d Aave b) The Ministry of State for the national dialogue in Iraq, the 16th of December being the date for the convening of the political forces. The source said the ministry in a press release : »The conference will be held on the 16th of this month in the capital Baghdad«. The preparatory meeting for the collection of more than 40 political figure had been held on the 28th of last month the presence of the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki discuss the delegations sent by the supreme body of the reconciliation and national dialogue to Amman and Dubai and Cairo to meet strong political opposition figures living abroad in preparation for the convening of the Iraqi political forces. The Conference is scheduled to be held earlier but was postponed more than once.
    Kuwaiti homeland

  10. #31270
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    Washington : extend the mandate of inspectors accounts reconstruction

    (Voice of Iraq) - 12-10-2006
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    Washington-AFP : The American Congress to extend the work of auditing in Iraq reconstruction done by a specialized agency of the "Pentagon" was supposed to be resolved in the next October, and at Teppei draft bill in this regard finally in the House of Representatives · law, which has been adopted, will allow for auditing this to continue until the end of 2008, thus eliminating a provision contained in the defense budget did prior to the beginning of November last ·

    The member of the Republican senator Susan Collins, which was among those who prepared the draft law, "the agency returned to the payers Americans more than 25 dollars for every dollar spent in surveillance and investigations" ·
    It added that "the work of the Agency and the provisions of convictions against members of the law Ahtaloa It's not reasonable to go beyond these controls while the law firm Americans pay billions of dollars for reconstruction projects in Iraq."

    The State Department defended the closure last month of the Office of the Inspector General Stuart Bowen for reconstruction in Iraq, in charge of overseeing how about $ 32 billion invested in the country, considering that he has sufficient time to complete its work by October 2007 ·
    The Emirates

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