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    Dec 11, 2006 1:50 pm US/Eastern

    U.S. Marines Work To Befriend Iraqis
    (AP) HALABASA, Iraq U.S. Marines roll through this Euphrates River town handing out chocolates, backpacks, coloring books and sometimes even AK-47s, hoping to glean goodwill and tips from residents.
    Efforts to befriend Iraqis are far from new, but they have become even more important, U.S. military leaders say, as troops battle well-armed and well-financed insurgents who roam much of Anbar province.

    Many in Washington, America’s allies and much of the U.S. public may feel that tactics like these haven’t achieved much, but the Marines here are far more optimistic about their work and say they have brought a measure of peace to this corner of Iraq.

    “They’re happy to see us when we come here,” said Lt. Col. Todd S. Desgrosseilliers, who greeted residents on a recent patrol with a stogie between his teeth and two grenades strapped to his chest. “They aren’t insurgents, they’re just people.”

    In Baghdad, American forces are caught in a sectarian bloodbath that pits majority Shiite Arabs against minority Sunnis. But in Anbar, west of the capital, Sunnis are the dominant sect and the Marines face hit-and-run attacks, snipers and roadside bombs.

    In this kind of guerrilla war, according to a draft Pentagon manual on counterinsurgency posted on the Internet, soldiers and Marines must be “ready each day to be greeted with a handshake or a hand grenade ... to be nation builders as well as warriors.”

    The manual sums up the strategy with three words: “Patience, Presence and Courage.”

    Winning hearts and minds can be dangerous. In 2005, a suicide car bomb exploded next to U.S. troops handing out candy and toys, killing 18 children and teenagers in Baghdad.

    But the support of residents here is crucial, Marines say, because sympathetic civilians could point U.S. forces to terrorist cells. With residents’ help, the Marines could also weaken insurgent groups.

    Desgrosseilliers commands the 3rd Battalion, 2nd Marines, which is charged with taming a stretch of desert between two insurgent strongholds, the city of Fallujah to the east and Anbar’s provincial capital of Ramadi to the west.

    Anbar, which extends west to the borders of Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, is overwhelmingly Sunni. So are most insurgents, who took up arms after the fall of Saddam Hussein cost the minority their most-favored status inside Iraq’s government.

    Here in Halabsa, just south of Fallujah, there is still no police force nearly four years after Saddam’s ouster. Some store owners are so afraid of being robbed that Desgrosseilliers has given them automatic rifles to keep under their counters.

    He also has given weapons to tribal leaders for protection.

    “For extra protection in your home,” he said after giving an automatic rifle to Mohammed, a 64-year-old sheik. “But we will be outside protecting you, too.”

    Mohammed asked that his full name not be published for fear he could be targeted by insurgents.

    As recently as June, the highway in Halabsa was choked with roadside bombs and even Iraqis feared it, Desgrosseilliers said.

    The Americans closed the road for months, patrolling with tanks and armored Humvees to make it harder to plant explosives, and erecting roadside outposts named for NFL football teams to provide extra protection.
    They also offered cash compensation for lost wages to those left jobless by the road closure. And they talked with residents every day.

    “If you gain their trust, people will tell you who the outsiders are, or where they might have planted an explosive,” said Jeffrey D. Brown, commander of an outpost near Halabsa. “This kind of support from the population did not occur in Vietnam,” he said.

    “But it is occurring here because the people see us every day on foot, talking with them, protecting them.”

    The Marines reopened the highway more than a month ago and turned the lookout posts over to the Iraqi army.

    “They’re a lot better at patrolling this area then we are,” said Desgrosseilliers, who like nearly all Marines here can only communicate with residents through an interpreter.

    “They see things we miss.”

    Roadside fruit stands, markets and repair shops that shut down with the highway have begun reopening. Marines provided security for construction of a water pump, allowing for irrigation and the replanting of wheat, fruits and vegetables—as well as rows of date palm trees.

    “These checkpoints have made things better,” said Mohammad Abbas Hasham, 45, who owns five fruit and meat stalls outside Halabsa.

    Husain Ali Hussain was appointed mayor of the nearby city of Khalidiyah and surrounding areas in September. He said al-Qaida fighters pour into Anbar from Syria.

    “Terrorism persists, it’s not controlled here,” he said. “But the situation is better than before. We are telling everyone, every day that they need to go back to their jobs.”

    For many, that’s not easy. Electricity is only available a few hours a day and the war has crippled industry and commerce. Many schools are falling part.

    Hussain said first the war, then the insurgency had caused “the life wheels of our communities to stop completely.”

    “Ours is a simple region. People just live on their own. They have no political agenda or political party that they believe in,” he said. “After all of this, you see the people trying to live their lives as well as they can. But it is very difficult.”

    The Marines agree work remains to be done, but they claim a measure of success.

    “This area right here should be a success story,” Brown said.

    “With others there are still problems.”

  2. #31862
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    Default mike said it would get crazier to the end....

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike5200 View Post
    Talabani blasts ‘insulting’ report
    President Jalal Talabani, a long-time US ally, made a stinging attack on the controversial Iraq Study Group report yesterday, calling it “dangerous” and insulting to Iraqi sovereignty.
    The report’s recommendations were also implicitly criticised by outgoing Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who paid a defiant farewell visit to US troops and urged them to stay the course, the Pentagon reported yesterday.
    Four days after the release of the report, which was hailed by many US lawmakers and commentators as pointing to a way out of the Iraq crisis, Talabani invited journalists to his Baghdad villa to denounce it.
    “If you read this report one would think that it is written for a young, small colony that they are imposing conditions on, neglecting the fact that we are a sovereign country, and respected,” he said.
    The president was angered by the recommendation that more US troops be directly assigned to Iraqi army units, demanding instead that Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki be given full command of all Iraqi forces. “As a whole, I reject this report,” he said. “I think that the Baker-Hamilton report is not fair and not just, and it contains dangerous articles which undermine the sovereignty of Iraq and its consitution.”
    The report – seen in Washington as an indictment of President George W. Bush’s strategy in Iraq – was written by 10 former officials working under former secretary of state James Baker.
    Talabani’s most scathing attack on the report was on Baker himself, who in Iraq is seen as reponsible for the fateful US decision not to overthrow Saddam Hussein in 1991 after expelling his forces from Kuwait. “We smell in this report the attitude of James Baker in the aftermath of the war in Kuwait,” Talabani said.
    Talabani said he would write to US President – whom he described as “courageous” – to outline Iraq’s objections to the study group’s advice, much of which the US leader has already discarded.
    Bush’s former point man on Iraq, Rumsfeld, was unapologetic during his farewell visit to Iraq about his views and strategies in the conflict, which were broadly criticised in the report.
    “The enemy must be defeated,” he added, predicting that the US “war on terror” would take half a century.

    Last update on: 11-12-2006
    good to see Talabani standing up for his people.

    hopefully this american "study group" abomination will bring Baghdad and the Kurds together, since these arrogant americans (not all Americans of course but these dodgy ones, are as you can read) seem to have totally slandered the kurds as well as disrespected the Iraqi Govt's authority by wanting to change the constitution already agreed (voted!) on.

    one has to ask the question, did some dodgy members of the US ever really intend to have a REAL democracy in Iraq, or just another puppet scenario?

    these truly are world changing events we are a part of AND profiting from.

    Maliki WILL succeed. we need him there to finish his plan, and get thru for the reval. a change of leader now will just waste more time. so he will succeed. AND SO IT IS.

    always remember, and this goes straight to those pointning the finger at iraq for being "too violent" - there are parts or Miami that are less safe than Baghdad, just as poor, and more frightening due to a huge drug problem (hello CIA....!). That goes for LA too.

    one finger pointing at iraq, three pointing back at your own country and people.

    its time the US dealt with its internal problems, and left Iraq alone to get much richer than theyll ever be, very quickly, and us along with them!!!

    sorry guys, youre not gona weaken iraq and get all the oil, whilst controlling a puppet government. its just not what is fated for this world, that old controlling dominating energy any more. the old ways are gone. things change, so grow up, quit funding the insurgents, or youll have to die. dont get in the way of the will of the people. youll come off second best

    just to let you know, a few years ago, this guy bullied me out of a busking spot, in Byron bay. i had no money, needed badly the coins i was getting, and this usless alcoholic blues guitarist stood me over.

    so i walked away, not wanting to have a punchup in front of the children and happy tourists, and ruin my reputation, cos the public there loved me. one fight and theyd all look at me funny.

    anyway, 3 days later, he was run over by a train, stone cold dead.

    i set an INTENT with my MIND that he die, cos he was too far gone anyway, and a lot of anger emotion set this thought into motion pretty quickly!!!

    note: i did not PHYSICALLY push him. and no, i am not in jail for murder. neither is GOD for that matter!!!

    anyway, the same fate is waiting for anyone who gets in the way of my dinar investment, and the will of the people in iraq (not the few grumpy ones, the good wanting to be happy MAJORITY)


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    Cool Hello Gang.

    I will make it Quick. Click the Last Line in my Signature in RED. Thanks for being a RolClub Member. This will Help Rolclub Members that have NO CHASE BANKS.........

  4. #31864
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    Wink You guys are forgetting something......

    Let Jabar talk all he wants. We KNOW the rate is DEFACTO. The only reason the defacto rate was put into place was for the CBI to prove that they knew how to make adjustments and what to do to keep the rate stable. They have proven that up to this point. The inflation is due to growth and lack of goods. The powers to be will do away with this defacto rate because we know the rate has increased lately even when a auction didn't take place so we know the auction has nothing to do with the rate they post. We're letting them get us all worked up over nothing! Just remember about the second set of books and a smile will come upon your face. Enjoy the moment people because we are at the end of this ride.

  5. #31865
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    Default Wacky Info Lacky

    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    Let Jabar talk all he wants. We KNOW the rate is DEFACTO. The only reason the defacto rate was put into place was for the CBI to prove that they knew how to make adjustments and what to do to keep the rate stable. They have proven that up to this point. The inflation is due to growth and lack of goods. The powers to be will do away with this defacto rate because we know the rate has increased lately even when a auction didn't take place so we know the auction has nothing to do with the rate they post. We're letting them get us all worked up over nothing! Just remember about the second set of books and a smile will come upon your face. Enjoy the moment people because we are at the end of this ride.

    I do believe this guy is the designated Wacky Info Lacky for the GoI. After January I'll start second guessing. Not until.

  6. #31866
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    Consider this, what if in those articles where they say that they are trying to force the dinar to 1000 to 1 USD they are meaning fils and fortuitously saying dinar.

  7. #31867
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    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    Let Jabar talk all he wants. We KNOW the rate is DEFACTO. The only reason the defacto rate was put into place was for the CBI to prove that they knew how to make adjustments and what to do to keep the rate stable. They have proven that up to this point. The inflation is due to growth and lack of goods. The powers to be will do away with this defacto rate because we know the rate has increased lately even when a auction didn't take place so we know the auction has nothing to do with the rate they post. We're letting them get us all worked up over nothing! Just remember about the second set of books and a smile will come upon your face. Enjoy the moment people because we are at the end of this ride.
    i have heard this a couple of times... can you explain " seperate set of books " ??

  8. #31868
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    Economic : مجلس ميسان يدعو المستثمرين للاسـتثمار في المحافظةCouncil : Do urging investors to invest in conservation

    والتنفيذيةMaysan Governorate Council called on the owners of companies and capital, local and international investment in the province of Maysan. Taha said the guest Chairman of the investment in the preservation of the Iraqi national correspondent : "The legislative and executive bodies

    In the province, and will provide all guarantees for the investment projects in all different economic fields. He added : "The Council is holding a workshop for businessmen in the province to publicize the advantages of the Iraqi investment law, which was approved by the House of Representatives recently.
    For his part, the head of the Construction and Development Council Mohan What Shabib :" The Security Council is ready to maintain extend all facilities to investors in the special administrative and technical aspects and taking the necessary steps to encourage the process of investment in this province.
    He said : "What is enjoyed by the preservation of resources will contribute to a qualitative leap in its reality in the tourism and economic aspects."
    The Council of the Iraqi parliament has ratified the Iraqi investment law on the 10th of the month of October last was submitted to the presidency for approval to be valid.

    Translated version of
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar Cha Ching View Post
    Correct me if I'm wrong but if they have a budget equivalent to $41 billion dollars based on 1260 dinar per dollar, if it takes 1260 dinar to buy one dollar then it would take 51,660,000,000,000 or 51 trillion 660 billion dinars to equal $41 billion dollars. Estimates of what was in circulation was on the high side 17-20 trillion on the low side 7-12 trillion. Jabar is saying they would have to have over 52 trillion dinar in circulation to meet their budget.

    Considering the CBI just took over 1 trillion out of circulation I find it highly unlikely that they're going to start cranking up the presses and double or triple the dinars in circulation.

    Jabar you can hang your 1260 rate next to your zero lop!
    I was corrected a while back by SGS when I brought up the same point. She informed me that when the budget is quoted in usd then that is what they are using and are not converting into dinars. In other words they are on a dual currency system. Some things are quoted in dinars other things quoted in dollars because they use both. Now if the r/v is 1/1 or more, then they can drop the usd and quote exclusively in dinars.

    Are we there yet? I'm getting really tired of waiting and I am getting wet from all of the dribbling. Come on you know it is the right thing to do for your country. R/V the thing in 1 large dramtic move to over 1 usd at least (1 sdr will be fine for a start) will ya?

  10. #31870
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    parliamentary government reshuffle in Iraq

    (صوت العراق) - 12-12-2006(Voice of Iraq) - 12-12-2006

    Bush: Success in Iraq to protect the United States in the long run

    بغداد ــ الزمانBaghdad time
    Iraqi sources uncovered a document found yesterday that the coming days will witness the declaration of a new political coalition in Iraq, including the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq headed by Abdel Aziz al-Hakim, and the Kurdistan Democratic Party headed by Masoud Barzani and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, led by Jalal Talabani, the Iraqi Islamic Party, which is headed by Tariq Al-Hashmi. The sources, who asked not to give his name to the Declaration of (the coalition will be preceded by the formation of a new Iraqi government, or pave the way for Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki a cabinet reshuffle large).
    No (excludes sources joining Dawa Party, which is headed by Ibrahim al-Jaafari, the Iraqi List, led by Iyad Allawi to this alliance. The sources did not rule out that in their statements (announce the new government formation after the announcement of President Bush's new policy in Iraq during the annual speech he will give the occasion of Christmas and New Year, Christmas Eve. For his part, Bush held yesterday with senior advisers deliberations on Iraq during a visit to the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also held meetings at the White House on the same subject.
    Bush said in front of the State Department would be interested in hearing the advice of American officials to assess the situation in Iraq with a view to the (new path forward) in this country. The American President (Administration wants this whole American success in Iraq because we know that success in Iraq will help to protect the United States over the long term). Bush talked about (Iraq's neighboring countries and their responsibilities in helping this young democracy to survive), he said, pointing out that the interest of the majority of States to be a democratic government in Iraq. He added (one of the things that we are trying to do is to help this government to stand on its own feet in position to govern and define its foreign policy), pointing out that (America's role was to help this young democracy to survive). He continued that he would listen to officials of the Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs, pointing out that he (When I talk to the American people, they will know that I have listened to the government parties). He said (that looks so Iraq can be self-governing and helping America in the war on terror, pointing to the role that could be played by Iraq to defeat the terrorists who want to establish a safe haven in the Middle East to advance from here to attack the United States). Bush today and hold a conference television service closed with military commanders and the American ambassador in Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad. It also will visit the Pentagon tomorrow. The main questions raised in Washington whether he would accept the Bush political cover provided by the International Committee of the study on Iraq and adopting recommendations of the 79 or that the new policy will lay special?. The preliminary indications are that the President is not ready to accept the recommendation of the Commission to conduct direct talks with Syria and Iran in order to save Iraq. Require such a step cancel diplomatic creed, which states that these countries "of misconduct does not deserve to be rewarded for talks with Washington. Bush also distanced himself from the recommendation of the Committee to withdraw most of its troops by 2008 after exerting pressure on the Iraqi government to reconciliation and accelerate the training of Iraqi forces trained by the Americans are persuaded them to the Iraqi forces. He stressed that the withdrawal of troops depends on the situation on the ground and the recommendations of military leaders.
    The formation of a new bloc
    واوضحت مصادر القائمة العراقية لـ(الزمان) أمس ان (موضوع تشكيل تكتل جديد مطروح الان علي القائمة العراقية التي تدرس الجوانب الايجابية فيه) مشيرة الي ان (اطرافاً سياسية عرضت علي القائمة العراقية الانضمام الي التكتل) من دون ان تسمي هذه الاطراف. وقالت ان (التكتل الجديد يهدف الي تلافي الاحتقانات السياسية والطائفية بعد تشكيل تكتل سياسي يضم جميع اطياف الشعب العراقي) ولم تتطرق المصادر الي احتمالات تسلم علاوي منصباً في الحكومة. وكشف محمود عثمان عضو التحالف الكردستاني أن هذا التحالف (يهدف الي دعم الحكومة المركزية وإعادة رسم خريطة التكتلات السياسية البرلمانية، وهو مكون من خمسة احزاب وليس اربعة)Sources told the Iraqi List (time) yesterday that (the question of forming a new bloc is now to the Iraqi List, which examined the positive aspects), referring to the fact that (political parties brought to the Iraqi List to join the bloc) without being called these parties. She said that (the new bloc aimed at avoiding political and sectarian tensions after the formation of a political bloc comprising all segments of the Iraqi people) did not touch on the potential sources recognizes Allawi positions in the government. Mahmoud Othman, a Kurdish member of the coalition that this alliance (designed to support the central government and redrawing the map of the parliamentary political blocs, which is made up of five parties, and not four)

    . وقال (يضم التحالف الجديد إضافة الي الاحزاب الاربعة التي تداولتها وسائل الإعلام حزب الدعوة وسيكون تكتلا داعما للحكومة غير منغلق ويقبل التيارات الاخري علي ان تؤمن بأجندته السياسية القائمة علي اختيار الافضل).مشيراً الي ان(الموضوع لايزال قيد المفاوضات). ورحب رئيس البرلمان محمود المشهداني بتشكيل التحالف الجديد. وكشف نائب برلماني طلب عدم الكشف عن اسمه أن (هناك ترتيبات تجري لضم القائمة العراقية الي التحالف الجديد الذي عرضه السيد عبد العزيز الحكيم علي الرئيس الامريكي جورج بوش في زيارته الاخيرة لواشنطن وحظي بمباركته). وأضاف النائب (في ضوء هذا التحالف سيتم إعادة التشكيلة الحكومية بشكل جديد وعلي أساس الاكفأ والافضل)، مشيرا الي ان رئيس القائمة العراقية الدكتور اياد علاوي مرشح للحصول علي منصب مهم في الحكومة المقبلة.. He said (includes new alliance addition to the four parties and the media heard the Al-Dawa Party and the bloc will be supportive of the government was not closed and accept other trends Bajndth believes that the existing political to choose the best). He pointed out that (the matter is still under negotiation). He welcomed the President of the Parliament Mahmoud Almshahadani formation of the new alliance. A parliamentarian who asked to remain anonymous said that (there are arrangements to include the Iraqi List to the new alliance, which was introduced by Mr. Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, the American President George Bush during his recent visit to Washington and was blessed). The MP added (in the light of this coalition will be re-formation of a new government, based on the most efficient and best), pointing out that the existing Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, a candidate for the important post in the next government.

    For his part, the deputy said Falah Hassan Chanchal (mass chest) that (Iraq does not need to Tjendakkat new inside the Parliament and that everyone stand in the same trench is the frontline Iraqi counter-terrorism and the elimination of violence in Iraq), expressing fears that new alliances (for further bunker inside the parliament), adding that (the Sadri movement would hand, however, any person who agrees with his national and moral demands the departure of the occupation forces from Iraq). For his part, member of the House of Fouad Massoum head of the Kurdistan Alliance on the idea put up for circulation among the political blocs, which coincide with them in the lines of key Assembly.

    عملية متعثرةThe stumble
    He explained that the political process is stumbling and facing many problems because of people participating in the political process by which they do not believe in the other.
    He added that the strength of the government lies in the alignment of political forces agree with them support this government and called on the parties who do not believe in government and they do not work does not recognize its achievements to be in the trench of the opposition and this is normal in a democratic world experiences, according to his opinion.

    Translated version of
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

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