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    Morale high in Iraq, Marine commander says
    Monday, 11 December 2006
    By Jim Garamone
    American Forces Press Service

    A U.S. Army soldier speaks with a local sheik during a patrol in Taji. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Jeffrey Alexander.AL ASAD — Even with all the debate in the U.S. over Iraq strategy, morale on the ground here is good, the commander of Multi-National Force - West said Saturday.

    Marine Maj. Gen. Richard Zilmer said retention among Marines based in Iraq is more than 140 percent of the goal.

    “If they didn’t think what they were doing was important, then they wouldn’t reenlist,” he said during an interview.

    Zilmer said the situation in Anbar province is difficult, but progress is being made. “It’s going to be slow,” he said. “We will be at this for a long time.”

    The general said he is encouraged by cooperation tribal sheikhs are providing the Coalition in the province. Local leaders in and around Ramadi finally had enough of al Qaeda in Iraq violence and intimidation and began cooperating with the U.S. forces in the area.

    “The sheikhs have a lot of power,” Zilmer said. “As soon as they put it out that people should cooperate, we started getting volunteers.”

    The Iraqi police in Anbar are fairly well-manned, but there are problems recruiting soldiers, Zilmer said. Part of that is because police remain local, while soldiers can get assigned anywhere in the country. Another problem is a requirement that Iraqi soldiers know how to read and write. Many men in Anbar province do not have those skills.

    “Al Qaeda doesn’t have that same requirement,” Zilmer said.

    The help the sheikhs provide also means more tips coming in to Iraqi authorities and more cooperation when forces go to neighborhoods, he said. It has also had an effect on the number of attacks in the city.

    “We hope this cooperation spreads beyond Ramadi,” Zilmer said. “Success breeds success.”

    Another bright spot in Anbar is in and around Al Qaim, on the Syrian border. “Last year there were pitched battles in the city,” Zilmer said. “Now the tribal leaders are cooperating, and the police and army units cooperate with each other and with us.”

    The people of Al Qaim are giving the Iraqi government a chance to establish order, Zilmer said.

    Despite these successes, the province is a huge area to cover. The addition of a Marine amphibious unit has helped tamp down some of the problems, the general said, but what he really needs are more Iraqi forces.

    Many of the Marines and Soldiers in the region are on their second or third tour, yet their morale is still high.

    “They come out here and decide they will make a difference,” Zilmer said. “And they do. Every day.”

  2. #31882
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    Opening U.S. Bureau of Civil Affairs in Kurdistan
    من عبدالحميد زيباريFrom Hamid Zebari
    Opened in Irbil today, Monday, the Office of the American administration, particularly civil affairs in the Kurdistan region of interest in the reconstruction of the region and attracting American investments to the province.
    He said General Jacques Omidiko-liaison officer Party 25 in the American forces and the Kurdistan province in a statement to the News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent today, "the goal of the opening of the office is to create job opportunities for the province's inhabitants, and encourage investments in infrastructure and focus on agriculture and attracting foreign investments. "For his part, the Coordinator Dr. Dindar Zebari Kurdistan Regional government with the United Nations, who attended the opening ceremony opening of this office "a positive step for Kurdistan"
    ."He said that the opening of this office in the region "will be positively reflected in the first instance on the path of reconstruction, as well as the support of the American government to direct the territory."

    Translated version of um=31
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

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    Good cook is a fortune of Iraq war
    Plymouth man feeds troops

    November 27, 2006

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    FALLUJAH, Iraq -- Lance Cpl. Christopher Owens couldn't get an inch of traction trying to rag Charlie Company's chief cook, Lance Cpl. Steven Oliver, that his insignia should be a bowl with crossed spoons.

    "Well, let me tell you," Oliver told his buddy, "cooks have knives."

    An army, Napoleon said, travels on its stomach. The U.S. Marines are no different, and Oliver makes sure nearly 200 Michigan-based Reserves in the 1st Battalion, 24th Regiment are fueled for the fight in Fallujah.

    "He cooks and he can hold a rifle," Owens said. "He does a damn good job."

    Oliver, 23, of Plymouth responds that it's the least he can do.

    "These guys are working hard -- harder than I ever do," he said. "And I try to do the best I can for them."

    The meals are meant to be big -- Friday's dinner was barbecued pork ribs, macaroni and cheese, green beans and strawberry cheesecake -- for young Marines burning up calories by the carload working 18-hour days.

    Given the condition of Charlie's base in a battered school administration building, its power generated from a madcap tangle of wires and cables, Oliver usually serves food prepared at Camp Baharia, the U.S. base just outside Fallujah, rather than cooking it himself.

    For Thanksgiving, Oliver put on turkey and steaks. But he also tries for unexpected touches, special snacks like mozzarella sticks, Buffalo wings and breakfast burritos.

    "The guys really like that stuff," Oliver said, and it can mean a lot more than soufflis or parsley sprigs on the cardboard trays.

    Owens said friends back home can't possibly understand the delight such small treats can bring after weary hours on patrol, followed by "five hours of freezing in a cold-ass room" as they await new orders while on alert.

    "They just don't know," he said. "There's no way they can."

    Oliver said his parents had a difficult time understanding why he became a Marine reservist while attending Western Michigan University. He said he acted on an urge he first felt when news of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks came to his drafting class at Plymouth-Canton High School.

    Oliver's folks were relieved he was trained as a cook before his deployment with the other 1,100 men in the battalion.

    "They took relief that I'd be back at Camp Baharia's chow hall," he said.

    It didn't exactly turn out that way.

    "Now, I'm probably one of the most forward-based cooks in the Marines."

    In Charlie Company, the cook gets served double duty as driver for its commanding officer, Capt. Mike Mayne, who earned a Bronze Star for combat heroism in an earlier tour.

    Mayne -- a fitness buff who growls at snack cakes -- doesn't lead from the rear. He's often out overseeing operations and on hand when the men are on road patrols and conducting random vehicle searches.

    Like the men in his command, Mayne can be exposed to insurgents' grenade attacks, sniper shots or blasts from homemade bombs. These aren't abstract threats; the company has lost four men since taking over responsibility for the central city two months ago.

    "It's OK," Oliver said. "It puts me at ease being out there with him."

    Contact JOE SWICKARD at [email protected].

  4. #31884
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    Almshahadani suspend its membership in the Political Council of the national security
    من عادل فاخرFrom just the latest
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    An official source said the Office of the Chairman of the Iraqi Parliament, Dr. Mahmoud Almshahadani evening today, Monday, that Almshahadani suspended his membership in political council of national security.
    Translated version of um=31
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  5. #31885
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    Quote Originally Posted by CapeK View Post
    I would to inform all the stockholders of Baghdad Bank that the report of the managing council 2004 was prepared according to the demands of Central Bank of Iraq to balance US dollar price to0.310 ID instead of its real value (1460) ID per 1 US dollar, so, the report and general budget do not necessarily reflect the actual situation of Baghdad Bank and the volume of economical incoming indexes, so, this report was issued in order to meet the demands of the rules and instructions.

    page From Bank of Baghdad

    I would to inform all Rolclubbers that a second set of books was someone's assumption as books is not stated as fact, rate for fin-report yes.
    A fact though is that a very through audit was performed on the CBI for the year 2003-04. In order to have an accurate audit of the banks which were involved with CBI this demand was made as this was the rate being recognized.

    New Page 1

  6. #31886
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    SGS, please check PM. I am in need of Information.
    Thanks, Gloribee

  7. #31887
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    GCC Summit supports Iraq

    HM the King takes part in concluding session of 27th Supreme Council meeting

    His Majesty the King, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, yesterday took part along with the Gulf Cooperation Council leaders in the concluding session of the 27th GCC Supreme Council Summit in Riyadh.

    The summit communiqué affirmed the importance of respecting the freedom and independence of Iraq. The summit also condemned the criminal and terrorist actions and sectarian violence in Iraq.

    The leaders condemned the Israeli attacks on Palestinians and called on the international community to put an end to the Jewish state's aggression and activate the peace process. They also called for exerting more efforts to bolster the inter-Palestinian dialogue and form a unity government.

    The communiqué affirmed the GCC's political and economic support to Lebanon and stressed the importance of the Lebanese working together to ensure unity, security and stability.

    The summit condemned the series of assassinations in Lebanon which recently took the life of the Lebanese Minister of Industry, Pierre Jemayel.

    The summit called for a peaceful solution to the Iranian nuclear programme and expressed the GCC's concerns on its environmental impact on the region. The leaders reiterated their requests to keep the Middle East, a region free of weapons of mass destruction. It also called on Iran to cooperate with the UAE and the international community to come up with a final solution to the three islands belonging to the UAE.

    The Sultan Qaboos bin Saeed of Oman, thanked all the GCC leaders for their efforts during the summit and thanked the Custodian of the two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah ibn Abdulaziz Al Saud, for chairing the summit and for his hospitality.

    Sultan Qaboos invited all the GCC leaders to Oman for the 28th GCC Supreme Council Summit which is slated for December next year.

    HM the King sent cables of thanks to King Abdullah and the Saudi Crown Prince, Prime Minister, Minister of Defence and Aviation and Inspector General, Prince Sultan ibn Abdulaziz Al Saud, for their hospitality.

    Earlier, King Hamad received at his residence at Al Dareiya Palace in Riyadh the Amir of Kuwait, Shaikh Sabah Al Ahmed Al Jabber Al Sabah, and discussed with him bilateral relations and means of bolstering cooperation.

    The meeting also discussed the agenda of the summit. Both leaders expressed their hopes that the outcomes of the summit would contribute in bolstering relations and cooperation between the GCC people.

    Meanwhile, HM the King attended a luncheon hosted by Prince Sultan in honour of His Majesty and his accompanying delegation. Present were Prince Bandar ibn Mohammed ibn Abdulrahman Al Saud, the Saudi Minister of Municipalities Affairs, Prince Mutab ibn Abdulaziz Al Saud, the Saudi Minister of Interior, Prince Nayef ibn Fahad ibn Abdulaziz Al Saud, and a number of senior officials.
    GCC summit supports Iraq - | Middle East Business News
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  8. #31888
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    Quote Originally Posted by worf View Post
    Thanks for your reply. It certainly gets confusing. Hey I have an idea.... how 'bout they r/v the thing above 1/1 and then they don't have to worry about it!!!. Your math is correct. If they don't significantly raise (1/1 or higher) the exchange rate, they have'nt got enough dinar printed to meet their stated budget if they are saying the 41 billion is based on a 1260 dinar to 1 dollar rate. I don't know if we are losing something in translation, or they don't do the math with their figures or what is going on. All I know is all these apparant problems could be easily solved if they would just r/v at 1/1 or higher!!!:wigged:

    I think the answer is as simple as Jabar is a moron and he thinks we are too. Your solution makes absolute sense to me!
    Please, somebody shoot the messenger!

  9. #31889
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    from L.A. Times..

    Iraqi dinar builds head of steam amid nation's chaos
    The currency nears its peak value since being reissued in 2004. With the state buying to curb inflation, the strength may be temporary.
    By Molly Hennessy-Fiske, Times Staff Writer
    December 11, 2006

    BAGHDAD — An unexpected bright spot has appeared in this war-ravaged Iraqi capital: The national currency is strengthening against the U.S. dollar.

    Iraqi dinar builds head of steam amid nation's chaos - Los Angeles Times

  10. #31890
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    Iraq: Financial Position in the Fund
    As of October 31, 2006
    I. Membership Status: Joined: December 27, 1945; Article XIV

    II. General Resources Account: SDR Million %Quota
    Quota 1,188.40 100.00
    Fund holdings of currency 1,314.41 110.60
    Reserve Position 171.10 14.40
    Holdings Exchange Rate

    Financial Position in the Fund for Iraq As of October 31, 2006
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

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