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  1. #31911
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    Bush presses Iraq's neighbors to help
    AFP via Yahoo! News Mon, 11 Dec 2006 1:39 PM PST
    US President George W. Bush, promising to unveil "a new way forward" in Iraq, urged the war-torn country's neighbors to do more to help its fledgling democracy survive.

  2. #31912
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    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    HCL Talks Fail

    Kurdish Prime Minister talks with counterparts concernmg budget fail.

    Talks with the central government on budgets and oil had failed,further threatening the unity of the fragil country.

    The Kurdish P.M. said that had the officials reached an agreement on the budget, the oil law, and the share of the provinces from oil sales, it would have been a major achievement.

    Kurdish PM talks with counterparts concerning budget fail | Iraq Updates


  3. #31913
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    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    HCL Talks Fail

    Kurdish Prime Minister talks with counterparts concernmg budget fail.

    Talks with the central government on budgets and oil had failed,further threatening the unity of the fragil country.

    The Kurdish P.M. said that had the officials reached an agreement on the budget, the oil law, and the share of the provinces from oil sales, it would have been a major achievement.

    Kurdish PM talks with counterparts concerning budget fail | Iraq Updates
    Cigarman what is the date of the article- I saw the eaxact same headline somewhere but it had fridays date (dec 8)I"m in Iraq Updates right now in another window and do not see it in todays stories.
    Last edited by Mike5200; 12-12-2006 at 03:03 AM.

  4. #31914
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    Unhappy My thoughts exactly!!

    Quote Originally Posted by jsfletcher View Post

    What's it going to take to get these people together? I only hope that he's still in Bagdad to try to hash this out asap.

  5. #31915
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    Dated December 11

    11 December 2006 (MENAFN)
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    News Sources reported that the iraqi's prime minister of Kurdish autonomous region talks with the central government on budgets and oil had failed, further threatening the unity of the fragile country.

    Kurdish Prime Minister said that had the officials reached an agreement on the budget, the oil law, and the share of the provinces from oil sales, it would have been a major achievement.

    During the talks, the Kurdish official discussed with officials how much income the Kurdish region should be allocated from the whole country's oil sales, while at the same time maintaining its freedom to sign separate exploration deals.

    Under the constitution, all parts of Iraq are allocated a proportion of oil sales, the country's main hard currency earner.

  6. #31916
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    Default All is not lost yet

    Don't they hve to have this done before the end of the year? And didn't we just see that they had agreed on everything?

  7. #31917
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike5200 View Post
    Cigarman what is the date of the article- I saw the eaxact same headline somewhere but it had fridays date (dec 8)I"m in Iraq Updates right now in another window and do not see it in todays stories.
    MENAFN - Middle East North Africa . Financial Network News: Kurdish PM talks with counterparts concerning budget fail

  8. #31918
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    Default Mike/OSW

    Mike, we see you. I need some help here. I feel like I got kicked in the gut with the HCL news. Your thoughts?

  9. #31919
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    Talking Sure Hope So !!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by jsfletcher View Post
    Don't they hve to have this done before the end of the year? And didn't we just see that they had agreed on everything?
    Maybe tomorrow will be a good news day. Besides 2 1/2 men is on right now and it's hillarious. I needed a laugh after such a depressing day.

  10. #31920
    Can read but not post. motomachi's Avatar
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    Default My opinion, same as Talabani!

    Quote Originally Posted by rvalreadydang View Post
    The American president George Bush yesterday, the eve of his meeting today Tariq Hashemi of the Sunni Deputy President of the Republic of Iraq, a series of consultations on Iraq after the recommendations submitted to him by the Independent Commission to examine the situation in Iraq, headed by Foreign Minister, former Republican James Baker and former deputy Democrat Lee Hamilton.
    .The press office of the presidency yesterday that Iraqi Deputy Secretary-General of the Hashemite Islamic Party, one Abser parties, the Sunni Arabs, will meet with American President today. A statement reported by the French Press Agency that «Vice President Tariq Al-Hashmi went to the United States at the head of a government delegation in response to an official invitation last several days during which he will meet American President George Bush and his deputy Dick Cheney». He continued, «is scheduled to meet also the American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, national security adviser Stephen Hadley». The American official had announced early this month that Bush would meet with the Hashemite next month. The American president met last Monday, Abdel-Aziz al-Hakim, head of the Supreme Council of Islamic Revolution, a leading Shiite parties in Iraq and the leader of the coalition consolidated list (128 seats), the largest parliamentary bloc in Iraq, which is expected to meet in London today, British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

    . .Bush began his visit yesterday to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and held meetings with experts from outside the Department in the Oval Office. The conference will be held today closed television service with military commanders and the American ambassador in Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad, will also visit the Pentagon tomorrow. Bush will meet with senior assistants in foreign policy and military advisers to study the situation after confirmation that the situation in Iraq is dangerous and declining «» If he is taking swift move, it could lead to a crisis in the region.

    .After the publication of the report, attention is now shifted to the White House where Bush is studying options with diminished political base with the approach of the Democrats control of Congress at the beginning of the new year. The White House says that Bush wants to uncover new approach in an address to the nation by before Christmas.

    .Said Bruce Riedel, a foreign policy veteran who is now at the Brookings Institute, said that «the matter ultimately what is happening in Pennsylvania Street (in reference to the Congress) in the Oval Office». He added that «the goal of this Committee is to provide therapy for the Oval Office (...) The President says that the approach leads to disaster and you have to change ». One key question : Do you accept the Bush political cover provided by the International Committee of the study and adopting the 79 recommendations? Or he would its new?. The preliminary indications are that the President is not ready to accept the recommendation of the Commission to conduct direct talks with Syria and Iran in order to save Iraq. Require such a step cancel diplomatic creed, which states that these countries «» of misconduct does not deserve to be rewarded for talks with Washington. According to press sources, American American president to announce within the next two weeks about the new plan which will be guided by the light of all views, including the recommendations contained in the report of the Baker Hamilton, and in the light of what will be for him by his advisors in the White House and State and the Pentagon proposals. It is known that the chiefs of staff of the armed forces, and the Adviser to the President for National Security Affairs, would soon be on their reports
    ÔÈßÉ ÇáÒæÑÇÁ ÇáÃÚáÇãíÉ - ÈæÔ íÈÏà ÃÓÈæÚÇ ãä ÇáãÔÇæÑÇÊ Íæá ÇáÚÑÇÞ .. æíáÊÞí ÇáåÇÔãí Çáíæã
    The following is a part of a letter I received from the leader of the CHRISTIANS UNITED FOR ISRAEL group, Dr. John Hagee.


    "Jim Baker is once again on center stage in Washington D.C. with his "Iraq Study Group."

    Let's review Jim Baker's anti-Israel posture over the past 15 years. In 1990, Baker lured Assad of Syria into an anti-Saddam coalition.

    Baker overlooked Assad's leadership role in international terrorism and showered the butcher of Hamas with international legitimacy and gave Assad a free hand in Lebanon.

    Assad took that free hand to fully occupy Lebanon where thousands of Lebanese were massacred and the anti-Syrian Christian administration was replaced with a pro-Syrian puppet administration in Beirut. We are still suffering in Lebanon from Baker's "pragmatism."

    This is an example of what Jim Baker calls his "pragmatism" in his dealmaker political role.

    During the 1980's and until the 1990 invasion of Kuwait by Saddam Hussein, Baker referred to Hussein as "a constructive leader."

    Baker considered Yasser Arafat (before the 1993 Oslo Accord) as an essential partner to a peace process. Baker's "pragmatism" turned a blind eye to Arafat's record of terrorism, pandered to the PLO and attempted to break the back of Israel's Prime Minister Shamir by denying Israel the loan guarantees (not cash) for the absorption of Soviet Jews and convinced President Bush Sr. to threaten to veto any pro-Israel legislation proposed on Capitol Hill.

    Baker's "pragmatism" pressured Israel to freeze Jewish settlements and to roll back to the 1949 lines and accused Israel of being an obstruction to the peace process.

    Baker is once again sticking the knife in Israel's back by connecting America's problems with Iraq and Iran to Israel. He's saying that America's problems can be settled if the Israel-Arab affair is settled.

    Fact: America's problems with Iran have nothing to do with Israel. Iran's president has said he intends to use nuclear weapons against the United States of America. My father's generation would have considered this statement a declaration of war and bombed Iran by this time.

    America's problems in Iraq have nothing to do with Israel.

    The fact is this: Israel cannot make peace with Terrorist Organizations (Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon) whose covenants call for the death of all Jews and the absolute destruction of Israel. Israel has no partner for peace.

    Once again the Jim Baker "pragmatism" is dead wrong! He was and remains anti-Israel."

    The above is an opinion and I consider this news as well as my opinion and that of the President of Iraq which also sees the problem with the Baker0Hamilton Report...

    Iraq president lashes out at study group
    [11:06 , 11 Dec 2006]
    .:: Peyamner Daily NEWS::.
    BAGHDAD,Iraq(Associated Press)
    PNA- The Iraqi president on Sunday sharply criticized the bipartisan U.S. report calling for a new approach to the war, saying it contained dangerous recommendations that would undermine his country's sovereignty and were "an insult to the people of Iraq ."
    President Jalal Talabani, a Kurd and one of the staunchest U.S. supporters within the Iraqi leadership, also said U.S. training of Iraq's army and police had gone "from failure to failure."

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