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  1. #31991
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    Originally Posted by artin
    HI WORF,

    Kan you please explein to me how kan i buy a iraq dinar?


    Hello Artin,

    i live in the Netherlands.
    sent me a pm if you need help


  2. #31992
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    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    Let Jabar talk all he wants. We KNOW the rate is DEFACTO. The only reason the defacto rate was put into place was for the CBI to prove that they knew how to make adjustments and what to do to keep the rate stable. They have proven that up to this point. The inflation is due to growth and lack of goods. The powers to be will do away with this defacto rate because we know the rate has increased lately even when a auction didn't take place so we know the auction has nothing to do with the rate they post. We're letting them get us all worked up over nothing! Just remember about the second set of books and a smile will come upon your face. Enjoy the moment people because we are at the end of this ride.
    Originally posted by Motomachi

    We have a Minister that need a Rol Club lecture!
    Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    BAGHDAD, Dec 11 (Reuters) - Iraq's government expects the dinar to strengthen by 13 percent against the dollar by early 2007 after raising interest rates to limit the use of dollars in the economy and stem inflation, the country's finance minister said.

    Minister Bayan Jabor told Reuters on Monday that the government has targeted an exchange rate to reach 1,260 dinars to the dollar in the first three months of 2007 from the current level of 1,500 to the dollar.
    Hey, is this what Jabar looks like???

    Well that explains alot....

    Heh, willie 2 I guess you got the joke... Hmm, maybe I'm not as funny as I thought I was, lol....
    Last edited by TerryTate; 12-12-2006 at 11:19 AM.

  3. #31993
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsfletcher View Post
    Don't they hve to have this done before the end of the year? And didn't we just see that they had agreed on everything?
    iraqi updates posts stories sometimes 5 days after they initially came out. its more of an 'whats good this week' kinda paper.

    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #31994
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsfletcher View Post
    its only a test, if it had been a real emergency you would have been advised of where to go to more enable you to bend over between ya legs and kiss ya own patooty goodbye.

    dont panic, the story was reported by iraqi updates which is an 'update' site of news thats happened over the last few days. the problem is they dont update the damn stories they publish before they print them. duh.

    franny, were almost there!!

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    Government reshuffle اThe Alliance is the new parliamentary government reshuffle in Iraq
    Bush : Success in Iraq to protect the United States in the long run

    Iraqi sources uncovered a document found yesterday that the coming days will witness the declaration of a new political coalition in Iraq, including the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq headed by Abdel Aziz al-Hakim, and the Kurdistan Democratic Party headed by Masoud Barzani and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, led by Jalal Talabani, the Iraqi Islamic Party, which is headed by Tariq Al-Hashmi. The sources, who asked not to give his name to the Declaration of (the coalition will be preceded by the formation of a new Iraqi government, or pave the way for Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki a cabinet reshuffle large).

    No (excludes sources joining Dawa Party, which is headed by Ibrahim al-Jaafari, the Iraqi List, led by Iyad Allawi to this alliance. The sources did not rule out that in their statements (announce the new government formation after the announcement of President Bush's new policy in Iraq during the annual speech he will give the occasion of Christmas and New Year, Christmas Eve. For his part, Bush held yesterday with senior advisers deliberations on Iraq during a visit to the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also held meetings at the White House on the same subject.

    وقال بوش امام مبني وزارة الخارجية الامريكية انه يهمه سماع نصائح المسؤولين الامريكيين لتقييم الاوضاع في العراق بهدف الوصول الي (طريق جديد الي الامام) في هذا البلد. وتابع الرئيس الامريكي (تريد هذه الادارة ككل الامريكيين النجاح في العراق لاننا ندرك بان النجاح في العراق سوف يساعد علي حماية الولايات المتحدة علي المدي البعيد). وتحدث بوش عن (الدول المجاورة للعراق وعن مسؤولياتها في مساعدة هذه الديمقراطية الفتية علي البقاء) مشيرا الي انه من مصلحة معظم الدول ان تكون في العراق حكومة ديمقراطية. واضاف (ان احدي الاشياء التي نحاول ان نقوم بها هي مساعدة هذه الحكومة علي الوقوف علي قدميها بشكل يمكنها من ان تحكم وتحدد سياستها الخارجية) مشيرا الي ان (دور امريكا هو مساعدة هذه الديمقراطية الفتية علي البقاء). وتابع بانه سوف يستمع الي مسؤولي وزارتي الدفاع والخارجية مشيرا الي انه (عندما اتحدث الي الشعب الامريكي فانهم سوف يعلمون بانني استمعت الي اطراف الحكومة). وقال (بانه يتطلع كي يستطيع العراق ان يحكم نفسه بنفسه ومساعدة امريكا في الحرب علي الارهاب مشيرا الي الدور الذي يمكن ان يلعبه العراق في هزيمة الارهابيين الذين يريدون ان يقيموا ملاذا امنا في الشرق الاوسط كي ينطلقوا من هنا لمهاجمة الولايات المتحدة). ويعقد بوش اليوم مؤتمرا بدائرة تلفزيونية مغلقة مع القادة العسكريين والسفير الامريكي في العراق زلماي خليل زاد. كما سيزور البنتاغون غدا. ومن الاسئلة الرئيسة المطروحة في واشنطن هل سيقبل بوش الغطاء السياسي الذي تقدمه لجنة الدراسة حول العراق ويتبني توصياتها الــ 79 ام انه سيضع سياسته الجديدة الخاصة؟. وتدل المؤشرات الاولية علي ان الرئيس غير مستعد لقبول توصية اللجنة باجراء محادثات مباشرة مع سوريا وايران لانقاذ العراق. وتتطلب مثل هذه الخطوة الغاء عقيدته الدبلوماسية التي تنص علي ان هذه البلدان "ذات السلوك السيء لا تستحق ان تكافأ بإجراء محادثات مع واشنطن. كما نأي بوش بنفسه عن توصية اللجنة له بسحب معظم قواته بحلول 2008 بعد ممارسة الضغط علي الحكومة العراقية بالمصالحة وتسريع تدريب القوات العراقية من قبل مدربين امريكيين يتم ضمهم للقوات العراقية. واكد علي ان سحب القوات يعتمد علي الاوضاع علي الارض وتوصيات القادة العسكريين.

    تشكيل تكتل جديدThe formation of a new bloc
    واوضحت مصادر القائمة العراقية لـ(الزمان) أمس ان (موضوع تشكيل تكتل جديد مطروح الان علي القائمة العراقية التي تدرس الجوانب الايجابية فيه) مشيرة الي ان (اطرافاً سياسية عرضت علي القائمة العراقية الانضمام الي التكتل) من دون ان تسمي هذه الاطراف. وقالت ان (التكتل الجديد يهدف الي تلافي الاحتقانات السياسية والطائفية بعد تشكيل تكتل سياسي يضم جميع اطياف الشعب العراقي) ولم تتطرق المصادر الي احتمالات تسلم علاوي منصباً في الحكومة. وكشف محمود عثمان عضو التحالف الكردستاني أن هذا التحالف (يهدف الي دعم الحكومة المركزية وإعادة رسم خريطة التكتلات السياسية البرلمانية، وهو مكون من خمسة احزاب وليس اربعة)

    Sources told the Iraqi List (time) yesterday that (the question of forming a new bloc is now to the Iraqi List, which examined the positive aspects), referring to the fact that (political parties brought to the Iraqi List to join the bloc) without being called these parties. She said that (the new bloc aimed at avoiding political and sectarian tensions after the formation of a political bloc comprising all segments of the Iraqi people) did not touch on the potential sources recognizes Allawi positions in the government. Mahmoud Othman, a Kurdish member of the coalition that this alliance (designed to support the central government and redrawing the map of the parliamentary political blocs, which is made up of five parties, and not four)

    . وقال (يضم التحالف الجديد إضافة الي الاحزاب الاربعة التي تداولتها وسائل الإعلام حزب الدعوة وسيكون تكتلا داعما للحكومة غير منغلق ويقبل التيارات الاخري علي ان تؤمن بأجندته السياسية القائمة علي اختيار الافضل).مشيراً الي ان(الموضوع لايزال قيد المفاوضات). ورحب رئيس البرلمان محمود المشهداني بتشكيل التحالف الجديد. وكشف نائب برلماني طلب عدم الكشف عن اسمه أن (هناك ترتيبات تجري لضم القائمة العراقية الي التحالف الجديد الذي عرضه السيد عبد العزيز الحكيم علي الرئيس الامريكي جورج بوش في زيارته الاخيرة لواشنطن وحظي بمباركته). وأضاف النائب (في ضوء هذا التحالف سيتم إعادة التشكيلة الحكومية بشكل جديد وعلي أساس الاكفأ والافضل)، مشيرا الي ان رئيس القائمة العراقية الدكتور اياد علاوي مرشح للحصول علي منصب مهم في الحكومة المقبلة..

    He said (includes new alliance addition to the four parties and the media heard the Al-Dawa Party and the bloc will be supportive of the government was not closed and accept other trends Bajndth believes that the existing political to choose the best). He pointed out that (the matter is still under negotiation). He welcomed the President of the Parliament Mahmoud Almshahadani formation of the new alliance. A parliamentarian who asked to remain anonymous said that (there are arrangements to include the Iraqi List to the new alliance, which was introduced by Mr. Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, the American President George Bush during his recent visit to Washington and was blessed). The MP added (in the light of this coalition will be re-formation of a new government, based on the most efficient and best), pointing out that the existing Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, a candidate for the important post in the next government.

    من جهته، قال النائب فلاح حسن شنشل (الكتلة الصدرية) إن (العراق ليس بحاجة الي تخندقات جديدة داخل البرلمان وإن علي الجميع الوقوف في خندق واحد هو الخندق العراقي لمكافحة الارهاب والقضاء علي العنف في العراق)، مبدياً تخوفه من ان تؤدي التحالفات الجديدة (الي مزيد من التخندق داخل البرلمان)، مضيفا أن (التيار الصدري سيضع يده بيد اي شخص يشاطره موقفه الوطني والاخلاقي المطالب برحيل قوات الاحتلال من العراق). من جهته كشف عضو مجلس النواب فؤاد معصوم رئيس كتلة التحالف الكردستاني عن فكرة مطروحة للتداول بين الكتل السياسية التي تتوافق في ما بينها في خطوطها
    الاسياسية العامة .

    For his part, the deputy said Falah Hassan Chanchal (mass chest) that (Iraq does not need to Tjendakkat new inside the Parliament and that everyone stand in the same trench is the frontline Iraqi counter-terrorism and the elimination of violence in Iraq), expressing fears that new alliances (for further bunker inside the parliament), adding that (the Sadri movement would hand, however, any person who agrees with his national and moral demands the departure of the occupation forces from Iraq). For his part, member of the House of Fouad Massoum head of the Kurdistan Alliance on the idea put up for circulation among the political blocs, which coincide with them in the lines of key Assembly.

    عملية متعثرةThe stumble
    وقال معصوم ان العملية السياسية متعثرة وتواجه مشكلات كثيرة بسبب اشخاص مشاركين في العملية السياسية من جانب وهم لا يؤمنون بها من جانب اخر .

    He explained that the political process is stumbling and facing many problems because of people participating in the political process by which they do not believe in the other.

    وأضاف ان قوة الحكومة تكمن في اصطفاف القوي السياسية التي تتفق في ما بينها تدعم هذه الحكومة داعيا الاطراف التي لا تؤمن بالحكومة ولا بعملها ولا تعترف بمنجزاتها ان تكون في خندق المعارضة وهذا الامر طبيعي في التجارب الديمقراطية العالمية حسب رأيه.

    He added that the strength of the government lies in the alignment of political forces agree with them support this government and called on the parties who do not believe in government and they do not work does not recognize its achievements to be in the trench of the opposition and this is normal in a democratic world experiences, according to his opinion.

    Azzaman International Newspaper - Issue 2568 - Date 12/12/2006Azzaman International Newspaper-2568-Issue Date 12 / 12 / 2006

    جريدة (الزمان) الدولية - العدد 8625 - التاريخ 21/12/2006Newspaper (Azzaman) - The International 8625-history 21 / 12 / 2006
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    actually, the researchers have been paying attention, and it started in may.


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  9. #31998
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    Quote Originally Posted by hightide3016 View Post
    This is strange!! Does anyone have any idea what this means? Is this just a typo or what??
    GMT is what they are basing that on i believe. as of the time of the posting im sure it was already the 12th. GMT.

    franny, were almost there!!

  10. #31999
    Can read but not post. motomachi's Avatar
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    Default We have a Minister that need a Rol Club lecture!

    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    BAGHDAD, Dec 11 (Reuters) - Iraq's government expects the dinar to strengthen by 13 percent against the dollar by early 2007 after raising interest rates to limit the use of dollars in the economy and stem inflation, the country's finance minister said.

    Minister Bayan Jabor told Reuters on Monday that the government has targeted an exchange rate to reach 1,260 dinars to the dollar in the first three months of 2007 from the current level of 1,500 to the dollar.

    The 2007 $41 billion budget assumes an exchange rate of 1,260 dinars to the dollar, he said, adding the cabinet would discuss the draft budget on Saturday before hopefully sending it to parliament next week.

    "There is an expected increase in the value of the dinar. The exchange rate is expected to drop from 1,500 dinars to the dollar to 1,260 in early 2007," he said in an interview.

    "We will calculate the budget based on 1,260 dinars to the dollar and based on 50 dollars per barrel (of oil) and production of 1.7 million barrels per day.

    "The central bank has started increasing the interest rate from 12 percent and it has now reached 16 percent."

    Jabor said there were no immediate plans to raise interest rates further. The central bank increased its main interest rate to 16 percent from 12 percent on Nov. 8, according to the bank's Web site.

    He said the aim of raising interest rates was to strengthen the dinar to fight dollarisation -- the use of dollars on a daily basis alongside the local dinar currency -- to stem high inflation and boost Iraqis' confidence in the domestic currency.

    "It is to fight dollarisation. Every economy that depends on the dollar is considered weak," he said.

    "Now I can say that Iraqis should use dinars instead of dollars. When we increase the value of the dinar it will help ease inflation, which is now at 56 percent. We expect inflation will decrease," he said.

    Iraq's inflation rate hit 76.6 percent in August.

    But sectarian violence is claiming the lives of more than 100 Iraqis a day and threatening to push the country into civil war. The daily violence has scared off foreign investments in the oil rich country.

    A recent UN report said there was growing unemployment and poverty rates in Iraq. Corruption is endemic and state owned industries are inefficient. Oil is the main source of revenues but oil sector is suffering from years of mismanagement and violence.

    "There is also a psychological factor -- Iraqis need to trust their currency when it is stable or strengthening."

    The International Monetary Fund, which has backed Baghdad with a $685 million standby credit agreement, has also warned that rising inflation could undermine economic well-being and hinder the goal of improving the welfare of ordinary Iraqis.

    Another problem facing the government is the high rate of unemployment, mainly among the young. Officials say the unemployment rate is between 30 and 40 percent.

    Jabor said he was not worried by possible negative consequences of strengthening the dinar because the Central Bank had enough reserves to support the dinar.

    "The dinar is strong -- the central bank is one of the best central banks in the region except for those in the Gulf. We have reserves of $15 billion in foreign currency other than gold, and it is only to support the dinar."
    What is the deal, did someone give this minister the "bumsteer"?

    Lets get someone on the horn and get this guy some sound information about their currency! Thank you!

  11. #32000
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    Quote Originally Posted by dafit View Post
    Originally Posted by artin
    HI WORF,

    Kan you please explein to me how kan i buy a iraq dinar?


    Hello Artin,

    i live in the Netherlands.
    sent me a pm if you need help

    [B]thats what im talkin about!!!!
    and karin and the rest of you ppl who helped, i was readin...
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 12-12-2006 at 09:20 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

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