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  1. #32311
    Senior Member MunnyBaggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Webster View Post
    Sorry, 1414, 10 banks.
    1414 auction price 1415.29 Bulletin Buy price. No big deal. All that matters is the gradual IQD appreciation plan is still being implemented by the CBI.
    Munny Model IQD Value Projections
    Range 1345 IQD/1 USD to 1 IQD/.27 USD:

    1345 Target ACHIEVED!!!
    1260 Target ACHIEVED!!!
    1100 IQD/1 USD by Jan. 5, 2008
    810 IQD/1 USD by July 5, 2008
    500 IQD/1 USD by Jan. 3, 2009
    300 IQD/1 USD by Apr. 18, 09
    1 IQD/.01 USD by Aug. 8, 09
    1 IQD/.27 USD by Sept. 12, 09

  2. #32312
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    Default Revalue,


    Dont get me wrong I am not a negative but still nothing seems to be happening re the revalue, it would appear that all our speculations and inside knowledge has amounted to nothing. We are now at the the 13th December and we appear to be no further near to a revaluation than we were six months ago. The FIL was passed over two months ago, the HCL maybe in the pipeline, the poor Iraqi people were promised 10,000 dinar and have still to receive it. The dinar has slowly come down in the last week or so and if this goes on it will take at least a year to get anywhere near a figure worthwhile. I agree that if they bring in the FIL and HCL and dont do anything then Iraq will be open to being bought up cheaply but nothing seems to be happening. Does anyone really have any positive info.

  3. #32313
    Senior Member PaulieThaGreat's Avatar
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    Default Hmmmm.

    Quote Originally Posted by abbey56 View Post

    Dont get me wrong I am not a negative but still nothing seems to be happening re the revalue, it would appear that all our speculations and inside knowledge has amounted to nothing. We are now at the the 13th December and we appear to be no further near to a revaluation than we were six months ago. The FIL was passed over two months ago, the HCL maybe in the pipeline, the poor Iraqi people were promised 10,000 dinar and have still to receive it. The dinar has slowly come down in the last week or so and if this goes on it will take at least a year to get anywhere near a figure worthwhile. I agree that if they bring in the FIL and HCL and dont do anything then Iraq will be open to being bought up cheaply but nothing seems to be happening. Does anyone really have any positive info.
    Positive Info:
    The RolClub fam has stuck together through this 6 months and some....!
    Last edited by PaulieThaGreat; 13-12-2006 at 10:27 AM.

  4. #32314
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    Default Japan to provide USD 710 million loan to Iraq

    Japan to provide USD 710 million loan to Iraq

    Japan will provide an JPY 82.64 billion (USD 710.6 million) loan to Iraq to help improve the country's crude oil and electricity-related facilities, the Foreign Ministry announced Monday.

    The loans carry an interest rate of 0.75 percent and must be repaid over 40 years, including a 10-year grace period, and will be offered through the government-affiliated Japan Bank for International Cooperation, the ministry said in a statement.

    Of the amount, JPY 50.05 billion (USD 430.4 million) will be used for the construction of a pipeline to export oil from the southern Iraqi city of Basra. The remaining JPY 32.59 billion (USD 280.2 million) will be used to stabilize power transmission across the nation.

    The loan is the latest batch of the up to USD 3.5 billion worth of low-interest loans which Tokyo pledged for Iraq at the international donors' meeting in October 2003 in Madrid.

    Japan, a key donor to Iraq, has pledged to provide Iraq a total of USD 5 billion in aid for its reconstruction for a four-year period from 2004 to 2007, including USD 1.5 billion in grants.

  5. #32315
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    Regarding the dinar

    Quote Originally Posted by PaulieThaGreat View Post
    Positive Info:
    The RolClub fam has stuck together through this 6 months and some....!

  6. #32316
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    Default $ 11 billion losses from Iraq sabotage oil installations

    $ 11 billion losses from Iraq sabotage oil installations
    (Voice of Iraq) - 12 - 13-2006

    An official source in the Iraqi Oil Ministry told «life» that the loss resulting from the oil export pipeline through the northern outlet of sabotage and bombings, have exceeded $ 11 billion since the beginning of 2004 until the first half of this year, also hit a cease-export operations through the northern outlet for the same period the year and eight months because of this sabotage operations.

    According to the source, those breaks led to the loss of Iraq's export revenues amounted to 8.676 billion dollars, according to the annual export of performing the northern estimated at 300 thousand barrels per day, depending on the rate of net price of Iraqi crude each year. He pointed out that these pipelines and oil installations in the northern region of sabotage and unfitness United discharge crude oil to performing southern Iraq led to the denial of the possibility of pumping 410 thousand barrels a day by almost Line Strategic south.

    He pointed out that the estimates of the loss of Iraq in 2004 and interrupted pumping 187 daily hit 1.772 billion dollars in 2005, 284 days, resulting in a financial loss estimated at 3.877 billion dollars. He also said that the acts of sabotage increased rates during the first half of this year, reaching days, which stopped the export pipelines for 180 days resulted in the loss of Iraq is estimated at 3.026 billion dollars.

  7. #32317
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    Default Tis regarding....

    Quote Originally Posted by opps50 View Post

    Regarding the dinar
    Tis regarding the dinar in a sense.....

  8. #32318
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    Default Talks between Baghdad and Erbil on the issue

    Official sources : Talks between Baghdad and Erbil on the issues
    (Voice of Iraq) - 12 - 13-2006 Official sources : Talks between Baghdad and Erbil on the outstanding issues is a positive The parties resolve the issue of Kurdistan's share of the budget and to resolve the dispute Yoshkan oil Baghdad :

    Haidar Najm Had not been pending points between Baghdad and Erbil and represented the file of article (140) of the Iraqi Constitution System on the Question of the city of Kirkuk the disputed, and the draft investment of oil production, in the Territory, and the proportion of the budget of the government of the Territory from the central budget of the country, beginning with the outbreak of political crisis between the government of the Center and the territorial government, as expected them some quarters; has denied official sources Iraqi the existence of such a crisis or the possibility of it breaks out in the near future, but confirmed the possibility of the collapse of conditions in Iraq if prejudice to the items of the Constitution or raise the ceiling of demands and exit the powers established by the Constitution.

    A Kurdish MP Saad Alborznji on the positive, which are characterized talks between the Iraqi government and the government of Kurdistan region, saying «There is a case of understanding between the two sides as well as the status of the significant progress that took place during the talks on outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil, as claimed claimed by the Kurdistan region devoted to the application of the Constitution and the existing agreements in this regard and is nothing new or novel».

    He told Alborznji «Middle East» that the previous talks and the current between the two governments are in the atmosphere of friendly and fraternal, and the interruption of the talks over the past days was not a result of the failure of the talks, but the existence of a situation that requires the presence of the head of the territorial government, Najirfan Barzani in Irbil, which is now in Baghdad in order to complete the talks and move forward for a final agreement on all outstanding issues between the two parties.

    The member of the Iraqi parliament that it had been agreed to earlier payment to the province's budget, and to keep 17% of the assessed budget of the Center for the territory as it is, in addition to the progress at the level of a law that regulates the investment of oil and gas through the application of constitutional paragraphs on the subject formula flexible reservation and believes the state of cooperation and coordination between the federal government and the government of the Territory without prejudice to what is contained in the Constitution.

    But the Kurdish leader warned of the consequences of breach of any item of the Constitution, saying «We are committed to the unity of Iraq's land and people, government and sovereignty as long as respect the constitution voted on by the majority of the Iraqi people». He said that the Kurds would not have agreed to abide by the terms of the Constitution in case of breach of the Constitution and rising «This will be Iraq's unity will be threatened and cracked the end of this unit is not expected nor hoped for and we do not want».

    For his part, the Sami military member of the House on the mass of the United Iraqi Alliance, said that the talks between Baghdad and Erbil is a fraternal environment and an atmosphere of mutual understanding, pointing out that the disputed issues were related to the share of the Kurdistan from the central budget has been resolved.

    As for the oil and investment, the military said that the problem between the two sides are about to end this matter by agreement between the parties on a specific mechanism to ensure a role for the center, also included the role of the territory within the framework of the Constitution without violating any of the items of the Iraqi constitution.

    The military is close to the Attorney-Maliki that «any demand presented by the Kurds within the ceiling of the constitution is a draft, and any demand outside the powers of the Constitution is a requirement that is rejected, and the Iraqi government happy to meet the constitutional demands, but they can not meet or agree to the demands unconstitutional».

    He ruled out military crisis between the two parties, or the possibility of such a crisis might occur between the Baghdad government and the government of Arbil in the event if rejected demands of the Kurds, saying «no crisis at all and could not occur if the Kurdish demands unconstitutional, and that what had occurred was a disagreement over the size of the proceeds and share the territory of the budget, has settled in a positive way and the cause of the oil is about to expire, depending on the wishes of the parties».

    The Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki had agreed with the Prime Minister of the government of the Kurdistan region, Najirfan Barzani in the talks that took place late February (February), in Baghdad, the formation of a joint ministerial commission between the government center and the government of the province, on research on the points of disagreement between the two sides, after they discussed ways to strengthen the economic situation and coordination between the bodies concerned in the central government and the territorial government in the areas of finance, economic and reconstruction projects.

    I thought I read differently lately. I believe this HCL is done and everything is settled!

  9. #32319
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    Default The coordination between the central government and the Kurdistan province on natural

    The coordination between the central government and the Kurdistan province on natural resources
    From Santa Mikhail
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    A member of the Kurdistan Alliance today, Wednesday, that there are procedures to draft a law governing the coordination between the central government and the government of Kurdistan for the extraction of natural resources and oil accordance with the Iraqi constitution.

    The member Abdullah Saleh Abdullah in a statement to the News Agency (Voices of Iraq) to the Independent today the near completion of this law.

    He said, "there will be greater powers for the provinces on the extraction of natural resources and oil as stipulated by the Iraqi Constitution."

    And is currently in negotiations between the Baghdad delegation from the Kurdistan government led by Prime Minister Nigervan Barzani and the Iraqi central government.

    Saleh pointed out that the aim of the visit by the delegation of Kurdistan to Baghdad is to discuss things governmental, administrative, and said, "There are things out controversial points of residual benefits from the budget of 2006, as well as the 2007 budget and the proportion of the territory of Kurdistan. "

    The Fread Roandozi spokesman for the Kurdistan Alliance (the second largest parliamentary bloc) had indicated in previous statements that the proportion of the budget of the Kurdistan region will be 17% of the general budget for 2007 after deducting expenses sovereign.

    It is noteworthy that the visit of the delegation of the government of the Kurdistan region's current capital Baghdad is the second during the last ten days to discuss things governmental and administrative.

    I am sure it is done now!

    Now, pass it this week, ratify it this weekend and enact it this Sunday!

    Oh, don't forget to RV before it!

  10. #32320
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    Number of banks 10 -----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1414 -----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $ ------ -----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $) 17.125.000 -----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) ------
    Total offers for buying (US $) 17.125.000 -----
    Total offers for selling (US $) ------

    Goooooooooooooood Morning RolClub !!

    Sorry I'm late today, not feeling well these days.

    1. The dinar to the dollar is down 2 more points today from 1416 to 1414

    2. Another $17,125,000 (net) worth of dinars, (IQD 24,214,750,000) out of circulation

    3. 10 banks participating.

    4. 26th auction since the beginning of CBI's reval plan

    5. 43 days into the CBI's reval plan.

    6. 1,237,194,547,000 dinars pulled from circulation !!

    7. NO Dinars back into circulation for the 3rd day in a row

    8. 63 dinar change since Nov 1st (baseline was 1477) 4.265% increase in value of the dinar since beginning of reval plan

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