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  1. #32351
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    Me too

    I donīt know about you guys but all these rumors that have been passing along have made me so skeptical. I personally donīt think any of these 3 rumors will come through,not saying they never will but not now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar Cha Ching View Post
    I guess we'll find out Sunday.

    Things to watch:

    11-14: Professor rumor, RV $1.47.
    Dec. 15th Quad confirmation rumor.
    Sunday OSW's HCL "Done Deal" enactment.

    I hope one of them is true. Especially the Professors.

  2. #32352
    Senior Investor Raditz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by opps50 View Post
    I was asking offshore-wealth about this and more people than I have done that to. If he could answer why he wrote this way.


    I see he is online now so maybe he can answer

    Okay Opps,

    Please take it easy,
    i have seen alot of posts by you the latest hours with nothing but accusations and how wrong everyone have. If you dont like it, dont bother posting. Or go to other forums were they appreciate posts like yours. On Rolclub we dont, if you want links to forums that does, then PM me.

    Thank you
    Nothing is impossible, the impossible only takes longer time!

  3. #32353
    Co-Admin YogiBrood's Avatar
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    Din Ar tell ya....?

    ...get DONG

    just DO it
    Last edited by YogiBrood; 13-12-2006 at 01:58 PM.

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  4. #32354
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    Quote Originally Posted by opps50 View Post
    6 million


    You are pretty loaded

    If the dinar doesnīt reval,you have a lot of toilet paper instead

    I don't know where you purchase your toilet paper, but to compare the two is moronic since you can exchange your dinar for near $700.00 at this point, never mind sell it for over $800.00, so your comments are getting a little old. Like any good comendian, you need new material, so to say it in clear and uncertain terms, your toilet paper scenario was flushed ages ago.

    Happy Holiday Season to all, Mike

  5. #32355
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    Mods if alot of banned members allowed back in please please please keep an eye out for the TROLLS most of the banned were TROLLS. Thanks.

  6. #32356
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caviar Dreams View Post
    Yes susie, any thoughts please....

    There has been so many dates said for a rv over this last 4 months plus,i wouldnt get excited to much there is one person that has made me think this investment is going to be the best anyone will ever make in there lifes and thats knowles i think if anyone ever offers a rv date they should prove there source as it does hurt peps when it does not happen i should know it knocks me for six as i do a lot of planning (spending)and then get let down by the rumour about a rv if there is going to be a rv the world would not know about it until it happens..its great news that these laws are getting sorted and it just goes to show that they may rv when the laws are enacted also the cbi site shows some great encouragement towards a rv of the iqd...I think that when it rv they will float it low and it will grow stronger really fast over night to be a really strong currency so i dont think anyone should get down it will happen and if it starts of low and floated on the forex dont worry the stock markets will soon sort it out and it will be a really good price per dinar sorry to babble on hope everyone is ok happy xmas all

  7. #32357
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    Has anyone heard if the IAMB had their meetings. The only up-to-date documents I can find is this one.

  8. #32358
    Senior Member PaulieThaGreat's Avatar
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    Default Well said big.

    Quote Originally Posted by bigjase1 View Post
    There has been so many dates said for a rv over this last 4 months plus,i wouldnt get excited to much there is one person that has made me think this investment is going to be the best anyone will ever make in there lifes and thats knowles i think if anyone ever offers a rv date they should prove there source as it does hurt peps when it does not happen i should know it knocks me for six as i do a lot of planning (spending)and then get let down by the rumour about a rv if there is going to be a rv the world would not know about it until it happens..its great news that these laws are getting sorted and it just goes to show that they may rv when the laws are enacted also the cbi site shows some great encouragement towards a rv of the iqd...I think that when it rv they will float it low and it will grow stronger really fast over night to be a really strong currency so i dont think anyone should get down it will happen and if it starts of low and floated on the forex dont worry the stock markets will soon sort it out and it will be a really good price per dinar sorry to babble on hope everyone is ok happy xmas all
    Bottom line folks, Dont invest a lot of your emotions and time into the rumors. It is nice to dream and prepare but NOONE knows when a rv or change will take place....

  9. #32359
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    Occasionally, some of the posts or futile outbursts appeared genuine postees who just began coming onto the "investment stage"...

    Thank you for the pointer, it is appreciated and yes, we are all on the "monitoring mode"....

    YB. - the meanwhile and laugh with a heart at them trolls B4 they get booted!

    Slash = cheers (jocky term in Scots)!

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  10. #32360
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wm.Knowles View Post
    Hello everyone. First, I would like to thank Socata 850s for posting each morning, this gives us an update on each days auction. It is very helpful.
    We can see that the re-eval is still at the beginning of a process. By now most everyone knows what this means and how it effects the economy, inflation, and the resulting price of the dinar. There still seems to be two options as to what this initial process means. They (CBI) intend to take the price of the dinar up in a gradual manner and there will be no "bold adjust". Or, they will in the short term, RV the currency consistent with other countries and their financial means to support the currecny at a higher level. Of course the second option is what we all want. And, many think that this "bold adjust" "should happen". But we will have to accept which ever way the CBI intends to take us, we have no control over this issue. I for one have always found myself "wrong" when I get upset about somethig in the world that is not how I think it "should" be. Wasted emotions. Like part of the alcoholic prayer, "accept the things you cannot change". But in any case, the RV is taking shape and whichever direction they (CBI) take, what they have been doing is excactly what you would expect wheather they take it up gradually, or there is an adjustment to real market and value levels. So, what we are seeing does not PRECLUDE a real adjustment in the exchange level to previous levels. i.e. "bold adjust". What they are doing diminishes their liability and reduces the base money supply.And makes it easier for the CBI to support an RV at the higher levels. This slower process also gives the world and Iraqi people time to adjust to the idea that their currency is not at a "fixed" rate. EXACTLY what we would want them to do prior to a larger rise in the exchange rate. Regardless of the speed at which they raise they level of dinar, its becoming just a matter of time. This (time) is the only variable we might disagree on and the only options available to the CBI. The currency is/will rise and we all have made an astute investment. They need to increase the peoples purchasing power so as to allow them to purchase imported goods. Presently, they can not. If they have no purchasing power, then imported goods will not enter the country. So something has to give, the rise in the exchange rate allows more spending on foreign goods and will stimulate more goods moving into the economy to buy. Things will get cheaper for them. An intangible variable is the rise in confidence and well being within the country. One more auction this week and we'll probably see something similiar to what has happenned over the last two weeks. Thank You.
    Good points,

    No doubt in my mind what we are seeing is an excersise in stabilty. What was needed to demonstrate the economic soundness of dinar is that it is stable in all situations. It has been, and now CBI is proving this as they apply standard and accepted strategies to increase dinar value, and it is working just as they suspected it would. The stated what they were going to do, and they did it, and the results are as one would expect, so this is nothing more than a dog and pony show for all the world to see as proof they can handle increase.

    Now on the flip side, we know why they are doing what they are doing, to control inflation which is what this move was designed to do as Wm, has so well pointed out for us in his posts. This to is a dog and pony show in my opinion to ultimately justify the revalue as we already see that all the other tried and true economic strategies have not worked. They raised interest rates several times, to no avail, inflation went higher again. Now we see value of dinar being manipulated up, and again, no impact on inflation.

    This is to show the world that all responsible economic strategies have been implemented without the desired results of bringing down inflation as Iraq's situation is totally different than all other countries, and this again is more for show than go. As I see it, we are simply seeing a responsible well established strategy to control inflation being used with little or no results. This clears the path to the real solution we have all been waiting on, a revalue, a virtual shot in the arm, and no one can look back and say that they should have tried raising rates first, removing dinar to force up value, etc., for they have done all they could, and it clearly did not work. This is how unique a situation Iraq is in, so hang on, I see all this as a positive.

    Happy Holiday Season to all, Mike

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