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  1. #32651
    Senior Investor wciappetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiko View Post
    Big increase in the demand for dollar
    Dargham of Muhammad Ali
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    The demand for dollar in the auction the Central Bank of Iraq today, Thursday, recording 60 million and 250 thousand dollars, compared with 17 million and 125 thousand dollars yesterday.
    Such requests for the purchase of 22 million and 750 thousand dollars in cash and 37 million and 500 thousand dollars in the form of remittances outside the bank full coverage of exchange rate amounted to 1411 dinars to the dollar, a decline of three dinars on the exchange rate yesterday.

    Two of the 15 banks participating in the auction today, the largest number of banks involved in one meeting during the last two months, bids for the sale of $ 200 thousand for the bank bought full exchange rate reached 1409 dinars to the dollar, which is the first since the sale of four meetings.

    He expected to Yasiri, a bank dealers with the auction in a statement to the News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent, to witness the auction, the return of normal circulation during the forthcoming meetings due to equal the official exchange rate with the rate of exchange in the local market.

    My question is: What is the offical exchange rate in the local market mean? Any takers.

    Well if i recall there was a report that said the local market was giving a better rate for the dinar than the CBI was. It was about 10 dinar better I thought.

    As for the rest of this I'm holding back my opinion for now.

    You are in Qatar right? how about you grab somebody who understands Arabic and ask for an interpretation?
    It seems that the state insists, or preserve the value of the Iraqi dinar 148 against the dollar ...Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states [ MOF Sept 2006]

    High RV is like Coke; it’s the real thing baby!

    Jesus Loves You

  2. #32652
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    Default Minister of Labor and Social Protection Program is designed to reduce the severity of

    Minister of Labor and Social Protection Program is designed to reduce the severity of poverty and support for low-income earners

    Baghdad : Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed The Minister of Labor check transactions relating to the beneficiaries of the social safety net and to the satisfaction of God, conscience, career and humanitarian duty to offer the best services for families living below the poverty line.

    He said Mr. Abdullah Al-Alami Media Advisor to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the Social Safety Net Program is designed to reduce poverty and support low-income earners and encourage work and employment through job creation and registration of unemployed people across the operation centers of the Ministry of Labor and the provision of training required for various professions and commensurate with their abilities and continuing their education and to serve the needs of the labor market of Iraq, particularly as the country is on the verge of major projects in a campaign to the reconstruction of Iraq. He added : Al-Alami that the program deals with the groups and vulnerable groups in Iraqi society such as orphans, widows, divorcees and elderly, the disabled and extend help and assistance to them.

    He explained Mr. Al-Alami, several directives were issued to regulate the functioning of the ministry in Baghdad and the governorates through the establishment of open forums for managers and staff at large in order to shed light on the most prominent problems experienced by departments of social welfare and nurseries and the role of the state and disposed of immediately pointing out that the mechanism of the network of social protection rests with the managers specialists in the network by acting to answer questions and queries revisers all arranged work schedules and remove the ambiguity that might surrounds the network and the announcement of the dates of receipt of salaries.

    He said that the ministry had appointed staff or relying trusting in the governorates to form a link between the Social Welfare Department in the governorates, the Ministry of Labor and seeking to establish a sophisticated electronic system for next year which is working on a major project to reduce the time required for the process of gathering the information required about the families in the network taking into account the factor (births and deaths)

    Although this system is a center of information in each province, as well as district and respects as allocated by the calculator every two thousand families covered by the transfer to four centers assignment and, all in one center located in the Ministry of Labor and aired on the monitoring of the amount of one million dollars or so years of the (1500) billion dinars during the next year, this figure is three times the figure allocated within the current year budget to cover the largest possible number program of social protection network.

    Al-Alami said that the small enterprises which operate operated by the Ministry of (1 to 9) workers at a higher lending plans and (100) A draft without the benefits of these projects and will provide the opportunity for employing about 300 thousand people unemployed registered in the operation centers in Baghdad and other governorates. The process of recovering the amount will be readily There is no burden for the project and will deliver service in the case of such projects provide the appropriate conditions for the (100) A draft average lending by about (10) million dinars for each project may resort to reducing the number for the purpose of increasing the amount of lending.

    He added : that the Ministry of Labor rose requests to the Ministry of Finance calling for the allocation of a budget estimated at (700) million to be distributed to all governorates, depending on population density in order to protect the system in a network of social protection itself and also to create employment opportunities conceived under the guidance of scientific goal of converting elements covered by the program of the social protection component of consumers to producers and then start economic activity effective in the country through high productivity and Tgeiraglh unemployment downward to the maximum extent possible. The Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Radi, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs on the need to collect and accuracy of the information covered by the network and compliance with the instructions and controls and to punish any foreign whether staff or others.

    And not to allow the exploitation of people lose their jobs and the need for raising the price of cheap pretext to facilitate their project, in order to reduce poverty and alleviate the burdens on the Iraqi family and the elimination of unemployment resorted to the ministry of postal offices to contribute with the Social Welfare Department to facilitate the process of arranging dates for receipt of salaries on time.

    جريدة الصباح الجديد - وزير العمل:برنامج الحماية الاجتماعية صمم للتقليل من شدة الفقر ودعم العائلات ذات الدخل الواطئ

    Good plan, reducing poverty and creating jobs!

    Open that doors and start right away!

  3. #32653
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    Default Iraqi company maintains at a cost of $ 350 million

    Iraqi company maintains at a cost of $ 350 million

    Baghdad : Mohammed Shani Selected real estate companies Iraqi city of Dubai for the promotion of a huge real estate project in northern Iraq pays.

    Reviewed Chuan Mulla, head of "Umpire Holdings," and one of its founders in a meeting held in Dubai, stages of progress in the "Umpire WorldCom", which is a real estate project at a cost of the total estimated 350 million dollars, aims to provide the necessary infrastructure for regional and international companies to set up bases for their operations in the city of Irbil in the Kurdistan region in northern Iraq.

    He called on private investors to invest their money in the province, which is a natural gateway for trade and investment in Iraq in addition to providing an enabling environment for investment with high returns and limited risks.

    The Chuan Mullah vision saying that the private sector a greater role in the reconstruction and sustainable development and contribute to the promotion of prosperity and stability of society.

    The publicly on the privileges enjoyed by the Iraqi Kurdistan region, especially after the law stimulate investment, which provides a package of incentives to investors and ensures equality between domestic and foreign investors, which enhanced data province, such as stability, which encouraged many of the province's inhabitants to return to their homeland, and oil revenues to be used to build a solid infrastructure. For his part, Michel Hubert said that the company had initiated in the month of June 2006 the implementation of the draft Umpire WorldCom, which is located on an area of 750.000 square meters, and a mini-city of integrated accommodating shops, apartments and upscale hotels and entertainment sites, which provide for local communities and the growing arrivals places of residence and work in an environment of comfort, safety and prosperity in Iraq.

    The site has been designed to provide the latest technology and the most advanced services, in the heart of the project lies towers which will be a landmark in the city, one devoted to commercial offices, and second, a five-star hotel managed by an international company specialized in hotel management.

    جريدة الصباح الجديد - شركة عراقية تقيم مشروعاً بكلفة 350 مليون دولار

  4. #32654
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    I find it strange that the website hasn't updated for 2 days and none of the links work plus on top of that the voice of iraq website was last updated at 1:55 pm and it's now 5:45 pm, they usually update every hour or so.
    Last edited by Hope Full; 14-12-2006 at 03:48 PM.

  5. #32655
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    Quote Originally Posted by adm View Post

    Well if i recall there was a report that said the local market was giving a better rate for the dinar than the CBI was. It was about 10 dinar better I thought.

    As for the rest of this I'm holding back my opinion for now.

    You are in Qatar right? how about you grab somebody who understands Arabic and ask for an interpretation?

    I think you are right about the 10 dinar, i also read it somewhere.

    Still, it could mean what you are stating or it could mean what we want returning to a pre-war level.

    The only thing that could make the difference is if the FIL will be enacted this weekend.

    Regarding isx-aman policy it seems like it that it is or will be enacted before the next trading session on monday!

    Time will tell, but it is only getting better!

  6. #32656
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club


    As most of us have seen while on this journey, often times when there is no NEW news, they repackage bits and pieces of old news and transalations are bad enough, so we end up with double confusing articles, so don't take these repackaged news clips as anything worth reading is how I look at it.

    As to the transalation of official rate, as I recall this only refers to existing rate, whatever that may be, so I think some are reading more into it than there is. If you go back over time you will see this mentioned many times, yet it is also describing current CBI rate, so nothing to get excited about.

    The latest articles are all bits and pieces, which when there is a lag in news seems to be the norm. It also seems to lead up to another hectic period of news releases, so we know there were some private no press meetings going on, and we have seen news blackouts for various reasons, so this encourages many useless or pointless rehash of information just to fill news voids. Remember, most news links are there for one reason, to generate hits, which equals increased revenues, so take many for what the are worth, about 1 dinar. (g)

    Just heard from my Kurd's and still not a peep on 10K which still seems to lead us to believe they are holding out with any news for a reason we are hoping is revalue related. The more we discuss this, the less sense it all makes. Here we are with another major holiday starting and they have yet to get their last promised gift? Sure is a strange way to build confidence in this new government with the people when you make promises and do not keep them. Reading between the lines, I would have to think that a revalue would surely help people forget about how late they were distributing this gift of 10K. Sure makes you wonder, doesn't it?

    Happy Holiday Season to all, Mike

  7. #32657
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiko View Post
    I think that they are telling us the Investment Law is enacted or will be enacted this weekend!


    It is getting more exciting by the day and time is running out with the day!
    this has been on the web site for about two months,
    I send an e-mail 10 minutes ago requesting information and will update when I hear back.

    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  8. #32658
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    Quote Originally Posted by $onedaysoon$ View Post
    this has been on the web site for about two months,
    I send an e-mail 10 minutes ago requesting information and will update when I hear back.

    I was just told that the ISX has to open to foreign investors before we can buy shares. I just emailed back for more info, will pass on what I get back, if anything!
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  9. #32659
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    Default Press briefing 13/12/2006

    Latest press briefing 13/12/2006.
    Here are most important statements.


    "I mentioned this morning, for instance, they seem to be moving very close to the adoption of a hydrocarbon law, which shares oil and gas revenues, which is enormously important because it gives everybody a real financial stake in the success of the government. So those are the kinds of things that are going on. I am not aware that Prime Minister Maliki has asked specifically about those, but, again, these are people who have pledged to support him."


    "You've heard me talk a lot about the hydrocarbon law, which seems very close to passage. The President has talked to Sunni, Shia and Kurd leaders. So it's not as if there isn't a lot going on. But the President also believes, as the American people do, that more needs to be done and it needs to be done better. And so he's looking at ways of doing it."


    "You also deal with matters of military readiness on the part of the Iraqis. You deal with problems of police corruption. You deal with the business of creating a legal system that is going to have everybody's trust and faith, property rights. Prime Minister Maliki has announced a plan to build thousands of homes. And at the same time, they have an investment law -- well, if you're going to invest in Iraq, you've got to make sure that your property rights are going to be defended."

    Press Briefing by Tony Snow

  10. #32660
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiko View Post
    Latest press briefing 13/12/2006.
    Here are most important statements.


    "I mentioned this morning, for instance, they seem to be moving very close to the adoption of a hydrocarbon law, which shares oil and gas revenues, which is enormously important because it gives everybody a real financial stake in the success of the government. So those are the kinds of things that are going on. I am not aware that Prime Minister Maliki has asked specifically about those, but, again, these are people who have pledged to support him."


    "You've heard me talk a lot about the hydrocarbon law, which seems very close to passage. The President has talked to Sunni, Shia and Kurd leaders. So it's not as if there isn't a lot going on. But the President also believes, as the American people do, that more needs to be done and it needs to be done better. And so he's looking at ways of doing it."


    "You also deal with matters of military readiness on the part of the Iraqis. You deal with problems of police corruption. You deal with the business of creating a legal system that is going to have everybody's trust and faith, property rights. Prime Minister Maliki has announced a plan to build thousands of homes. And at the same time, they have an investment law -- well, if you're going to invest in Iraq, you've got to make sure that your property rights are going to be defended."

    Press Briefing by Tony Snow

    This is the baby that will have mine and many others 'corks exploding'!
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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