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  1. #32851
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    Quote Originally Posted by lndmn_01 View Post
    Agreed that we shouldn't get too excited about this until we can have an Arabic translator read this for us, at the same time I don't see any reason why the reporter would get excited. It's a story about loans being made available, the change in the value of the dinar would not be cause for excitement either as it would have little effect on the average Iraqi seeing as most have no savings and are living day to day...
    i have found the english version but cant find the arabic version, if you can pm me the arabic, i have an iraqi translater. i need it tonite, i will be talking to him in the morning and wont see him again until tuesday, thanks.

  2. #32852
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    Just for reference, another article from the same reporter

    He said he feared the ministry may not be able to meet the ceilings it has set for the benefits.

    “Simple mathematics make it impossible to meet the needs as the allocations would give each family 40,000 dinars (approx. $25) a month, regardless of its size,” he said.

    In this case, he added, a family of 12 would have to live on less than on dollar a day.

    His math seems to be pretty accurate here. Doesn't look like the new article is a typo unless he suffered some sort of head injury (no offense intended SGS) between then and now..

  3. #32853
    Senior Investor Inscrutable's Avatar
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    Posted elsewhere by a notorious so I won't mention the name.

    Here's an article from 10-06 from the same reporter.

    Number of needy Iraqis surges | Iraq Updates

    “Simple mathematics make it impossible to meet the needs as the allocations would give each family 40,000 dinars (approx. $25) a month, regardless of its size,” he said.

    Then today's,

    Each family will be given a loan of 10,000 dinars (approx. $6,600) to start the project, he said.

    Azzaman in English
    Doesn't appear to be a typo.

    Sorry, here's the link for other article.

    Number of needy Iraqis surges | Iraq Updates
    Last edited by Inscrutable; 15-12-2006 at 03:32 AM.

  4. #32854
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    Recap of the good news day.
    1 .Mike found the great article on the rate.
    2. Dick Chenney just bought 750 million dinar ( wonder why)
    3. Suzie got confirmation that it would reval when HCL is done ( Before end of December )
    4. That's it so far that I've seen, feel free to add more.
    Cheney bought dinar?? how'd i miss that???

  5. #32855
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar Cha Ching View Post
    .66 would be a very nice start! I could work with that!

    Actually I wouldn't have to work with that...c'mon Franny let's shuffle on down the gangway!!

    I'm saving my w**t for "done deal"...

  6. #32856
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    I am just Brainstorming this Article.

    The part in Red Above: Think about this. "Willing to Start-up Their Own Business". Basically the ones on Wel-Fare.

    In Blue Above: "Will contribute to defeating terror".

    In Purple Above: "Each family will be given a loan of 10,000 dinars (approx. $6,600) to start the project".

    How in the "HELL" can this not be true? You can not buy a Case of Root Beer for less than $17.00 (25,000nids in the Past).

    Look at the Date of the Article. Plus it is on other News Sites Now with reference back to this one. They have to see this. And it is not Challenged or Changed.

    I am not going out on the limb here, cause you all know I am not no expert. But you know what? I think we are there Gang. look at this scenario.

    1. FIL Enacted we believe.

    2. Our Own believes the HCL this Sunday Is a Done deal. These first to should equal a R/V

    3. This Article. Hand-Out.

    4. Then It Just Floats.

    Makes Pretty Dog Gone Since right now to me. I will have enough ready to get out of dept just in case This is Brain Reckoning. You Guys Feeling the Same Way?
    Wow i need to get with it, i just realized what that said, "loan"? it has to be 6,600, why the heck would they give a loan worth bubkis??

  7. #32857
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inscrutable View Post
    The translated version doesn't show the $6,600 and I can't get my Arabic friend on the phone to read the Arabic version.

    Azzaman in English
    I just moved my cursor over that line and it shows the whole line, including the $6600.00 part.


  8. #32858
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    Cool Awsome DayDream

    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post

    A source in the Ministry of Finance stated that Mr. Jabr Al-Zubaidi declared, during his meeting with the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Mahmmoud Al-Sheikh Radi, the decision of his ministry to specify one billion dollars (that is, one trillion and 500 billion iraqi dinar to help the unemployed set up small projects for themselves to provide a decent living for their families. He said: work of this project will start with the beginning of next year.

    Iraqi Dinars | Iraqi News and Iraqi Money

    Let the evidence just pore in. This is a Good piece right here to back this up. Members dont run -out and Buy More on this News. You should all, already have enough. It is Christmas Time Now. Have a good one, and Lets be Happy with what we already have. I had to say this, for the simple fact these reports to me says we are there. I dont think if we did order more if we would even recieve it.

  9. #32859
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    Cool Funny....

    Quote Originally Posted by rvalreadydang View Post
    Cheney bought dinar?? how'd i miss that???
    Cause it was moved to the Rumor Section or Posted there. This one is not moving NO WHERE, it is not a RUMOR it is in Print and is on several different Places. How do you guys/Gals do that....WWOOOOTTTT!!!!!

  10. #32860
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    Default Buy more dinar????

    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    I am just Brainstorming this Article.

    The part in Red Above: Think about this. "Willing to Start-up Their Own Business". Basically the ones on Wel-Fare.

    In Blue Above: "Will contribute to defeating terror".

    In Purple Above: "Each family will be given a loan of 10,000 dinars (approx. $6,600) to start the project".

    How in the "HELL" can this not be true? You can not buy a Case of Root Beer for less than $17.00 (25,000nids in the Past).

    Look at the Date of the Article. Plus it is on other News Sites Now with reference back to this one. They have to see this. And it is not Challenged or Changed.

    I am not going out on the limb here, cause you all know I am not no expert. But you know what? I think we are there Gang. look at this scenario.

    1. FIL Enacted we believe.

    2. Our Own believes the HCL this Sunday Is a Done deal. These first to should equal a R/V

    3. This Article. Hand-Out.

    4. Then It Just Floats.

    Makes Pretty Dog Gone Since right now to me. I will have enough ready to get out of dept just in case This is Brain Reckoning. You Guys Feeling the Same Way?
    If this is NOT a missprint wouldn't the dinar gang rush out and buy more if they could????? If I had the money I certainly would buy more dinar.
    Cigarman posts that Dick Cheney has bought 750mil. of dinar. How do we know that? This is looking better and better and better and.........! Come on now R/V!

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