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  1. #33131
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    Cool archangel............

    About time Old Buddy. Been wondering what the Codes have been saying Lately. If you rather PM me, that is Cool. Good to see you back. Alot of Great News from the first page. I have moved all in between. So it is a Good Read.

  2. #33132
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    Default More Dinar!

    Just bought another 1.5 million dinar from Scotia Bank in Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada. Should be delivered by Tuesday (brings me to an even 20 million dinars)! Not buying any more!

  3. #33133
    Banned panhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    About time Old Buddy. Been wondering what the Codes have been saying Lately. If you rather PM me, that is Cool. Good to see you back. Alot of Great News from the first page. I have moved all in between. So it is a Good Read.
    Ahhh come on....Post it for all, most would think it be intresting!

  4. #33134
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    Default British Underestimation of America

    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post

    Well kristin I feel for US members if they do. With the dollar sinking and Iran planning on ditching the dollar too I'd hate to think what the outcome will be. A deep depression for the country.
    Adster - You British have been underestimating us Americans for the last
    230 years.

    Our GDP is $12,300,000,000,000 - one-fifth of the entire world. Our unemployment rate is about 4.7%. Our stock markets are booming.
    Our currency is and will continue to be the envy of the world. We make
    more charitable donations than any other country in the world.

    Iran by contrast has a GDP that is one-twenty-first (1/21) of the U.S.'s
    GDP. Iran, despite is vast oil reserves, is nineteenth in GDP, sandwiched between Turkey and Thailand.

    Are you really trying to tell us that what Iran does or does not do vis-a-vis its business relationships and/or currency will have a serious effect upon the economy of the United States? We don't do business with them as it is.

    During the depths of the Great Depression, our unemployment rate was 25%.
    Are you seriously suggesting that the U.S. is headed for a deep depression?

    You might want to pay attention to what your Prime Minister,Tony Blair, is
    reported to have said in the House of Commons recently when pressed for the umpteenth time about why he stands up for America the way he does.

    His paraphrased response was close to the following:

    "When it comes down to it, a simple way to judge the worth of a country
    is to look at how many people are trying to get in and how many people
    are trying to leave. [In basic reference to the hoards of people who
    constantly clamor to get into the United States.]

    In our [the British] history there have been two persons who have been
    willing to die for you: (1) Jesus Christ, and (2) the American G.I.
    Jesus Christ died for your souls, and the American G.I. died for your

    While we appreciate your sympathetic and empathetic words, Adster, I think we Americans will muddle threw just fine.

  5. #33135
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    ourhouse37, I mean NO DISRESPECT to you. But this person you had a conversation with, is in Left Field in Pony League Style. Chase Exchanges Now. Inscrutable has stated it when he bought more dinars and got smaller Denomination on the same day as well as I have confirmed it several Times. I have a BM Freind. As Far as the Patriot act is concerned, This Law overrides that one even it if there was a Patriot Law that covered it: Presidential Order 13303 Good thing you Thanked her and hung-up before anymore confussing came out. By the way I coundn't resist and bought another 1/2 million (5k notes) for X'Mas Gifts from DinarTrade with the Rolclub Discount.
    No disrespect taken. I just thought it was kind of interesting how one bank that is presumably hooked up with all the other banks in it's franchise can be so ill-informed. Or do you suppose there is some deliberate obtuseness going around? I got almost the exact same party line from Wells Fargo. Very mysterious.
    and if Danny51 is right I'll take back everything I ever said about him.

  6. #33136
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    Quote Originally Posted by Innkeeper1 View Post
    not to throw ice water on this but the only thing that gets me about these type of stories is , if the bank manager really had this kinda (inside) information he and all his tellers would be buying up dinar like crazy wouldnt they?? and everyone else they know.. just seams hard to swallow, I stopped by my local chase and order 1 million more today.. they dont know if it will come in on a saturday or not lets hope cause if it revales b4 monday i doubt very seriously if i would get it for my purchase price..course with sum of these tellers and banks not having a clue whats going on maybe i they tried to sell it to me at their buy price again..
    Chase has told me that once I've paid for my Dinar purchase, it is mine at that rate when it comes in. I ordered today with no problem. and it should be here on Monday. If there IS a reval over the weekend, I will still receive the dinar at the rate I paid today.


  7. #33137
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    Quote Originally Posted by danny51 View Post
    I stopped in my local Bank of America branch today to make a credit card payment and when I was finished with the teller the manager flagged me down on my way out the door. He invited me into his office and he closed the door. I have discussed the dinars with him and have looked them up in his currency exchange book more than once over the last few months. He said to me "Assuming you will be exchanging your dinars with us soon, I would like to review some of our financial services that are available in addition to the savings and checking accounts you already have with us"!! I about fell out of the chair!! He disclosed to me that the extent of his knowledge was that Bank of America was "gearing up" to exchange the dinars both ways and SOON. He also told me that he had purchased dinars from SafeD after I had given him the website URL during one of our discussions in the past. According to the manager, I am the only person in town that has approached him on the subject of dinars and that he had never even heard of buying them before talking to me. Previously there was a female assistant manager that I had looked up the dinars with in their currency book but she is gone now. This is really good news coming from Bank of America in my view. Wells Fargo has been more elusive with me and only states that they will exchange when it is traded on the 4x. Anyway, the manager had a big shiite eating grin on his face when I left after he peddled his financial wares to me for 30 minutes or so. I have never felt better about dinars than I do at this very moment in time!!
    So, danny how did it feel after you got this 30 minute pitch? Were you dazed or did it even faze you that this manager thinks you are about to become very wealthy?

    As, for myself, being treated well by any bank manager would definitely be a change of pace....

  8. #33138
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    About time Old Buddy. Been wondering what the Codes have been saying Lately. If you rather PM me, that is Cool. Good to see you back. Alot of Great News from the first page. I have moved all in between. So it is a Good Read.

    Neno, I've been around, just been a little busy, as for the codes not much to report thats new, I keep on getting multiple dates, frustrates the hell out of me, as for my source, honestly he has been wrong 5 times already on dates so I take whatever he says now with a grain of salt, he keeps telling me it's going to happen anywhere from .01 to .33, now, I am at the point where I am just going to wait it out, luckly I am not in need of money ( Thank the Lord almighty) but, I really want it to happen ASAP for the many great people on this forum who take there time out and contribute as much as they do, hopefully one day (really soon) we can all finally meet.
    P.S. As always Neno and all the mods ............. GREAT WORK.

  9. #33139
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    Just a thought here folks, but if it doesn't reval till the end of the year, that could be a good thing. The reason being is that if it goes this weekend and you cash out next week, you are gonna be paying this years capital gains tax rate, which I believe is 15% (feel free to correct me if this is wrong). But if we wait a few weeks until next year we pay 2007 tax rates, which are lower (wasn't it 0% or 5%). Crazy as this sounds, if it were zero percent I think I would give some money to my government just to say thanks...

  10. #33140
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    Quote Originally Posted by TerryTate View Post
    Just a thought here folks, but if it doesn't reval till the end of the year, that could be a good thing. The reason being is that if it goes this weekend and you cash out next week, you are gonna be paying this years capital gains tax rate, which I believe is 15% (feel free to correct me if this is wrong). But if we wait a few weeks until next year we pay 2007 tax rates, which are lower (wasn't it 0% or 5%). Crazy as this sounds, if it were zero percent I think I would give some money to my government just to say thanks...
    Not me TT, they take in quite enough, and IMHO alot more than they need.
    " May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the armpits of any infidels who stand in the way of the $1.48 reval of our blessed Dinar."--Some Iraqi guy

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