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  1. #33181
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    Here Here!! Seriously, thank you DayDream for all of that deep thought and hard work, but I'm at work right now (such a naughty girl for compulsively checking the website on the taxpayer's dime!!) and anything more than a few sentences is making my head spin a bit!!


  2. #33182
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    Quote Originally Posted by danny51 View Post
    Any person who would cop an attitude, start performing poorly on the job and maybe walk out the door before dinar profits are in his/her hot little hand would be a fool.
    Dosent answer what i was getting at....and of course anyone without profits in hand would be a fool to just walk out of a i agree
    Use common sense...the world may just start look different....its always fun to dream...and you never know they may come true ONE DAY

  3. #33183
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    Quote Originally Posted by billknows View Post
    Now can we finish with the short summary please - with concise points.
    Thanks for the little dig there bill. It was really appreciated.
    It wasn't my intention to make the post long, all the articles I used for reference needed placed in there, making it long.
    This article..

    He expected to Yasiri, a bank dealers with the auction in a statement to the News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent, to witness the auction, the return of normal circulation during the forthcoming meetings due to equal the official exchange rate with the rate of exchange in the local market.

    ..Had everyone stumped. Clintstella even thought it might have meant devalueing the dinar. I myself am still stumped by it. Thats why I threw all this out to the forum. Could it all mean that they will return to 1500IQD then revalue off of it to .66 IQD??? Or have they already based the r/v on it and will open at .66??? All that I posted wasn't meant to be a solution, just something to discuss. Concise and to the point of the whole thing...How does this 1500IQD/1450 IQD fit in with all that I offered? If its still confusing then I wasted 2 hours trying to get my thoughts out to you and you wasted maybe 3 minutes. On to other news I guess.

    Last edited by DayDream; 16-12-2006 at 06:04 AM.
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  4. #33184
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    I need to apoligize to bill..didn't mean to snap but it really bugs me that I took all that time to relay what I think is relevant about the 1500 and 1450 dinar figures. I wanted to cut some articles short, but they mentioned these figures throughout them. I'm sorry I posted it now because it seems to make no sense to anyone, and I am truly sorry I wasted everyones time.

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  5. #33185
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    Thanks for the little dig there bill. It was really appreciated.
    It wasn't my intention to make the post long, all the articles I used for reference needed placed in there, making it long. If it went over your head I apoligize.

    This article..

    He expected to Yasiri, a bank dealers with the auction in a statement to the News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent, to witness the auction, the return of normal circulation during the forthcoming meetings due to equal the official exchange rate with the rate of exchange in the local market.

    ..Had everyone stumped. Clintstella even thought it might have meant devalueing the dinar. I myself am still stumped by it. Thats why I threw all this out to the forum. Could it all mean that they will return to 1500IQD then revalue off of it to .66 IQD??? Or have they already based the r/v on it and will open at .66??? All that I posted wasn't meant to be a solution, just something to discuss. Concise and to the point of the whole thing...How does this 1500IQD fit in with all that I offered? If its still confusing then I wasted 2 hours trying to get my thoughts out to you and you wasted maybe 3 minutes. On to other news.

    I don't blame you for misunderstanding me (it does sound a bit like a dig as I read it now).
    Knowles seems to think that it can't devalue after all that they've done - I think he makes sense - so perhaps instead of .66 it may open at .71 or higher depending on where the increasing value levels off prior to the big adjustment. I enjoy your posts!
    Last edited by billknows; 16-12-2006 at 04:59 AM.

  6. #33186
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    Sorry if already posted.

    Iraq's Maliki promises to target insurgents: W.House 46 minutes ago

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Friday told President Bush he aimed to improve security in Baghdad by targeting "all sources of violence," including insurgents and militias, a White House spokesman said.

    Bush and Maliki, who took office seven months ago as head of Iraq's Shi'ite-led coalition government, spoke for 30 minutes on Friday afternoon via a secure video link, said White House National Security Council spokesman Gordon Johndroe.

    During the conversation, Maliki outlined plans for a national conference on Saturday in Baghdad that is designed to halt mounting sectarian violence that has raised fears of civil war, Johndroe said in a brief statement.

    Maliki "talked about his desire, and the desire of many in Iraq, for a larger core of Iraqi political leaders to come together for the common objective of stabilizing Iraq and promoting the rule of law," he added.

    "The prime minister also talked about providing greater security, in particular in Baghdad by going after all sources of violence, including insurgents and militias," he said.

    Bush reiterated his support for Maliki, and said he was encouraged by his recent meetings with Iraqi Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi and Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, leader of the powerful Shi'ite Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq, according to the spokesman.

    Hashemi told Al Jazeera television on Friday that Bush had called for decisive action to halt the bloodletting when they spoke earlier this week.

    The conference will bring together Kurdish, Shi'ite Muslim and Sunni Arab politicians from Baghdad's ruling coalition, and figures from Saddam Hussein's former Baath party, who have lived abroad since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.

    They are likely to discuss issues ranging from the presence of U.S. and other foreign troops to sectarian militias.

    Bush, facing growing criticism over the war, is considering options ranging from a short-term increase in U.S. troop strength in Iraq to changing the mission there from
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

  7. #33187
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    I need to apoligize to bill..didn't mean to snap but it really bugs me that I took all that time to relay what I think is relevant about the 1500 and 1450 dinar figures. I wanted to cut some articles short, but they mentioned these figures throughout them. I'm sorry I posted it now because it seems to make no sense to anyone, and I am truly sorry I wasted everyones time.


    Don't ever apologize for putting in your time and trying make sense of stuff. Some of us will understand, some of us won't, but a waste of time, I think not. Thank you.
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  8. #33188
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    By Mariam Karouny
    Fri Dec 15, 6:14 PM ET

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq holds a national conference on Saturday designed to halt mounting sectarian violence that has raised fears of civil war and been a major issue behind U.S. President George W. Bush's decision to review his strategy.

    Iraqi Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi said on Friday Bush had called for decisive action to halt the sectarian bloodletting when they met in Washington this week.

    " President Bush is very worried and annoyed (about the sectarian violence)," Hashemi told Al Jazeera television.

    "He made it clear to me saying, 'We cannot remain silent toward the situation, we cannot accept that Iraqis kill each other. Decisive measures are needed to stop the killings. Iraqis are facing a limited chance'," said Hashemi.

    The conference will bring together Kurdish, Shi'ite Muslim and Sunni Arab politicians from the ruling coalition in Baghdad and figures from Saddam Hussein's former Baath party who have been living abroad since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.

    They are expected to discuss issues ranging from the presence of U.S. and other foreign troops to sectarian militias.

    "Around 200 figures have been invited to this conference," government spokesman Ali Dabagh said on Friday.

    The Shi'ite-led coalition government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, who took office seven months ago, has said it would not talk to armed groups with "Iraqi blood on their hands."


    Insurgents draw for support from Iraq's minority Sunni Arab community, once dominant under Saddam. Sunni leaders accuse militias from the Shi'ite majority of infiltrating the police to carry out kidnappings and killings.

    Since the bombing of a Shi'ite mosque in February, thousands of Iraqis have been killed in sectarian attacks and this has complicated U.S. troop withdrawal plans.

    Bush is expected to announce his new policy on Iraq early next year. His Republican Party lost control of both houses of Congress in November mid-term elections partly due to voter disillusionment over Iraq.

    "As we've said many times, reconciliation is obviously one of the key challenges the (Iraqi) government faces," White House spokesman Tony Snow told reporters in Washington on Friday.

    Among issues to be discussed in a series of workshops on Saturday will be a process known as debaathification, which bans former members of Saddam's party from taking part in public office and the military, a major Sunni complaint.

    "The main goal is to reduce the circle of those included in debaathification to include ... only those who committed crimes against Iraqis," said Abbas Bayati, from the powerful Shi'ite Alliance.

    Iraq has held conferences before designed to bring about reconciliation but they failed to stop sectarian bloodletting or bring into the fold some Sunni groups who have boycotted the U.S.-backed political process.

    Some Iraqi officials said they did not expect the conference, which takes place a year after Iraq's first elections for a full-term parliament since the U.S.-led invasion, to produce firm results.

    "This conference is just a waste of time," one government official said on condition of anonymity.

    "Let them talk. More talking will not harm anyone. But I doubt there would be results," said the official.

    (Baghdad newsroom, editing by Ralph Gowling)
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

  9. #33189
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    Default DD: It does make sense...

    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    I need to apoligize to bill..didn't mean to snap but it really bugs me that I took all that time to relay what I think is relevant about the 1500 and 1450 dinar figures. I wanted to cut some articles short, but they mentioned these figures throughout them. I'm sorry I posted it now because it seems to make no sense to anyone, and I am truly sorry I wasted everyones time.


    Every time I post, I seem to "step" in it...I just don't have the talent you do for finding/comparing/analysing. I admire what you put together, and, because I'm relatively new (only a few months) you had the advantage of recalling a lot of posts and filling in some of the blanks. Yes, it does make sense...Much as I'd like a huge RV in two days, it does look like there is at least a good possibility the opening will be .66 and that it may not be realsoon. You have made me better understand why, based on info you gleaned over time. Thank-you...
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  10. #33190
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    Thanks guys! I'm glad (even though it was long) that I was able to relay some (yes there was more ) of my thoughts. Let me clarify this..I don't believe it is the CBI's intention to place 1500 back on the auction as a rate. I just believe they are basing what they want to start the intitial r/v at, on the 1500 or 1450 Official Rate. The articles mention these numbers so much they have to have some sort of meaning. Time will tell I suppose.

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