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  1. #33231
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    Default the price of fish = 1.61

    evening/morning all.
    i had a dream last sleep, $1.61 USD revalue. i woke up with the figure buring a hole behind my eyes!
    not as much as i was hoping for, but ill take it. will give me a life finally anyhow!
    its the first dinar dream ive had.
    unlike cheney, i dont get inside physical info, i get it this way.
    thats not legally insider trading though is it!!!
    its the best news ive had all year. i trust my own sources more than a journalist thats 4 sure.
    going 4 beers...
    good luck to all!

  2. #33232
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    Dec 16 (Reuters) - Following are security and other developments in Iraq as of 1100 GMT on Saturday:

    ZUHRA - Gunmen shot dead tribal sheikh Sattar al-Khadran, the leader of the Bayati tribe in Zuhra village, with a companion just north of Baquba, police said.

    BAQUBA - Two civilians, including a woman, were killed and five wounded in clashes between Iraqi soldiers and insurgents in Baquba's Ameen neighbourhood, police said.

    BAQUBA - Police in Baquba sent the bodies of 10 unidentified people, including a woman, to the city's morgue on Friday, hospital official Shakir Ahmed said.

    BAQUBA - Gunmen killed two policemen when they attacked a checkpoint near a cemetery in Baquba late on Friday, police said.

    MOSUL - A man selling canisters of cooking gas was shot dead by gunmen in the northern city of Mosul, police said.

    BAGHDAD - An Iraqi army unit backed by U.S. troops killed one militant and arrested six people during operations against a death squad leader in a Baghdad Shi'ite stronghold early on Saturday, the U.S. military said.

  3. #33233
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    Default Iraqi PM invites Saddam officers to return to army

    Sat 16 Dec 2006 5:52 AM ET

    (Updates with background)

    BAGHDAD, Dec 16 (Reuters) - Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said on Saturday Iraqi army officers of all ranks sacked after the U.S. invasion in 2003 would be allowed to reapply for their posts in the new army.

    The Shi'ite premier issued the invitation, a gesture towards disgruntled minority Sunnis, at a national reconciliation conference in Baghdad aimed at easing sectarian violence that U.N. officials estimate causes more than 100 deaths a day.

    Shortly after the U.S. invasion to topple Saddam Hussein, U.S. administrator Paul Bremer quickly dissolved the Iraqi army, a decision experts consider a miscalculation. Many of its members then joined the ranks of the Sunni insurgency.

    The Defence Ministry has recruited former officers of Saddam's army in the past but limited the invitation to junior ranks. Maliki's invitation was the first extended to all ranks.

    "The new Iraqi army is opening the door to former Iraqi army officers. Those who do not come back will be given pensions," he told a conference of Kurdish, Sunni Arab, Shi'ite and secular politicians.

    The U.S. military has been training the new, 300,000-strong army as part of a plan eventually to withdraw its own 135,000 troops. Sunnis view the Shi'ite-dominated army with suspicion and there are doubts about its sectarian loyalties.

    Bremer, who governed Iraq for 13 months after Saddam was removed, has said it is not fair to criticise him for disbanding the Iraqi military, which reversed plans by Jay Garner, his predecessor, to use it to help rebuild the country.

    Saddam had used the military to reinforce his hold on power, but some experts argue that former members of the disbanded army, suddenly jobless, went on to help form the insurgency.

    Bremer says the final decision lay with Washington, which approved his recommendation. Supporters of the decision said the military had effectively disbanded itself with thousands deserting in the face of the U.S.-led invasion.

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    The World Trade Organization (WTO) Director hails appointment of chair of Iraq accession working group


    16 December 2006 (Kuwait News Agency (KUNA))
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    The World Trade Organization (WTO) Director-General Pascal Lamy said Friday that the appointment of the Chair of accession working group for Iraq today is an important step in the process of anchoring Iraq in the Multilateral Trading System.

    In a statement to the Kuwait News Agency (KUNA), Lamy added this is a system of rules that provides stability, transparency and predictability to international trade exchanges.

    "But the process of accession to the WTO is always a long and difficult one and will require a lot of work on Iraq's side. I know that Iraq has already provided initial material for the Working Party like a Memorandum of its foreign trade regime and replies to questions raised by its trading partners," he said.

    Lamy stressed that this positive development and the appointment of the chair of the Working Party means that the negotiation can now start in earnest.

    Iraq had requested accession to the WTO in October 2004 and the working group was established two years ago, but there was through the two years no chair to start the process.

    The new chair whose name was adopted by consensus in the General-Council today is Colombian ambassador Claudia Uribe who will proceed in 2007 with the meetings of the working group for the accession of Iraq.

  5. #33235
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    Voices of Iraq : Conference-wise
    Kawthar wrote : On Saturday, December 16, 2006 12:06 PM-BT
    Akram Hakim, called for the implementation of what comes from the decisions of the political forces
    From the hushed Abdulamir and Santa Mikhail
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    Demanded Mr. Akram Hakim, Minister of State for the national dialogue today, Saturday, the Iraqi government will implement the decisions of the political forces and the Iraqi parties.
    The minister said in his speech before the political forces, which was held in Baghdad today, "I urge the Prime Minister to undertake the implementation of the government issued decisions in a serious and responsible committees that would emerge from the political forces."
    Today, the national reconciliation conference in Baghdad attended by representatives of the three presidencies in Iraq in addition to the leaders of the political blocs and figures from outside the political process.
    He added-Hakim in his speech before the adjournment of the meeting for rest that "it is important axes, which were always put during our with the various of opponents of the political process in the inside and outside Iraq is the nature of partnership and compatibility in the management of the country, in addition for the axis of national wealth and access of all citizens, and position of the political entities dissolved specifically military, and position from the uprooting the Baath and make the dealing with him by the judiciary not only by politicians, and position from the militias, which contribute to the violence, and how to deal with the victims of the former regime and the achievement of justice with them. "
    The minister said that he had sent invitations to attend the conference all the Iraqi people regardless of their sects and affiliations, and said, "and sent invitations to attend the conference each Iraqi people, regardless of their affiliations, have focused on those who are outside the political process, which was very much invitations by the group but some of them unable to attend for reasons of logistical and technical. "
    He said : "This congress will be the first conference which will be followed by another meeting for, was keen to be there to be another meeting to discuss what will be adopted as the basis of the conference was the work of the commissions. "

    Hmm...... Meetings?????

  6. #33236
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    from over there!


    Join Date: Jun 2005
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    Final ISX trading on 18 Dec
    I submitted a stock purchase request and received the below email. I like the idea of getting a complete stock portfolio mentioned in the email.

    Dear xxxxx,

    Your stock order will be executed in Monday's trading session dated 18th of December 2006 and once completed my ISX department will provide you with your complete stock portfolio.

    Just a few lines to keep you updated, the ISX will hold its final trading session for this year on Monday the 18th of December 2006. It will hold its annual end year general meeting finalizing its working procedures preparing for next year's trading session 2007. The ISX will resume its trading activities on the 8th of January 2007.

    Best and kind regards,


  7. #33237
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    Agriculture & Farming

    WSU to help rebuild agriculture


    16 December 2006 (Iraq Directory)
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    A team of U.S. colleges, including Washington State University, has been chosen to participate in a $5.3 million program aimed at helping restore Iraq's agricultural economy.

    The Iraq Agricultural Extension Revitalization Project was announced earlier this year by U.S. Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns. On Thursday, he named the schools that will help Iraq develop training programs and marketing strategies as part of the project.

    The Texas Cooperative Extension at Texas A&M University will lead the effort. Other participating schools are New Mexico State University, the Navajo Nation's Dine College, Utah State, University of California-Davis and Prairie View A&M in Texas.

    The group's first effort is developing an extension service, an outreach network to bring agriculture expertise to residents throughout the country.

    "We believe that restoring Iraq's agricultural sector will contribute to overall stability in the country, and the extension system is a tremendous tool to help us achieve this goal," Johanns said Thursday.

    Rich Phillips, senior project manager for NMSU's agriculture college, said a major hurdle for Iraq's agricultural industry will be achieving a normal market. He noted that people have become dependent on agricultural subsidies because their farming industry has been disrupted by the war.

    Iraq's agricultural sector is the second largest contributor to the nation's economy after petroleum and employs a quarter of its work force.

  8. #33238
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    The first political : Eyes turned towards the political parties and forces,

    What initiatives Maliki Will Iraq turn to extricate from the crisis?
    Moving attention to the political parties and forces, which convenes in Baghdad today and continue through tomorrow, Sunday, under the slogan (will Kisah Iraqi political forces and to ensure the success of the political process and reconciliation and concord).

    While politicians expressed cautious optimism they Occasionally attention on the new political initiatives was the official spokesman Dr. Skinner said at a press conference Thursday that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki will present at the conference.
    They believe that politicians Maliki initiatives will focus on a range of subjects has been outstanding and a bone of contention among the opponents of the political process in Iraq, especially the issue of amnesty, and uprooting the Baath, the former army, and the balance of security functions. It seems that the tone of Maliki in recent days strict towards improving the situation in Iraq and call upon all Iraqis to participate without red lines or exceptions except Sadamiin Qaeda and those who aspire to the date back. Sources close to the supreme body of reconciliation that representatives of the armed groups will attend the conference, while the leakage of the (morning) that the two formations of the three formations comprising the Accord Front will not participate in the conference, namely the people of Iraq, led by Dr. Adnan Al-Dulaimi, who is now in Turkey, the National Dialogue Council, led by Khalaf Al-Alyan, who is believed to be found outside Iraq. Thus participate Islamic Party (restructuring in the third compatibility) in the conference.
    The conference until yesterday, Friday, fraught with complete confidentiality could not be told (morning) access to detailed information from members of the dialogue or political figures close to it. But politicians explain that the possibility of convening political figures Iraqi opposition abroad in the background of meetings held by the delegations of authority over the past months in Amman, Damascus, Cairo and Abu Dhabi. According to initial information announced that the table of the Conference focuses on three axes are participating in the political process, and the balance, and services. He said a member of the champion Ani told (morning) : The deteriorating situation has prevented some opposition figures from attending despite the fact that the government has given assurances to them but many fear that obsession is still dominant, as he put it. The politicians that this conference would be the best rules based reconciliation, and said in the meetings conducted by the (morning) they are optimistic that the work will move towards political unification and the vision of the common good, or at least it will be practically the windows of dialogue and frankly range (details p. 3). This is the third conference of the reconciliation after the tribes and the civil society.

  9. #33239
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    Good morning all as some on here do not apprieciate the english humour "are we there yet" what become a catch phrase here in my area in the uk after a tv commercial had kids in the back of the car saying it every minute to the parents.

    Anyway as i have four children to tend to every minute one of them 11 weeks old that is why i do not have the time to seive through all the posts every time i come here so i will ask the qusetion "are we there yet" lol

    and as dates keep comming and going how soon realistically is it likely to happen?

    hey Adster my rv date for november 07 must be looking good for your 50k of dinars eh! with these rumour dates comming and going!

    stay coool everyone i am sure we all joined this for the long haul not a quick buck and hey only 8 more shopping days to christmas and I am sure my 11 week old son Dylan will enjoy playing with the wrapping paper. lol

  10. #33240
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    Economic : : Page economic force and broad vision for economic activity in Iraq and the world
    Goals occasion morning Researchers praised by the enemy station ideological and cultural mission
    Baghdad-Haider spring
    Page followed economic newspaper in the morning the first time since its inception error aims to the vigorous pursuit of improving the economic aspect of the Iraqi comprehensive as this side of the impact of important and effective role in upgrading
    Life in general and the functioning of building the new democratic experiment, and the follow-up of seminars and conferences, internal and external economic coverage of the news concerning the work of both the ministries of trade, finance or industry or even economic organizations is a testimony to the hard work and continuous follow-up on what is going on from economic mobility aims to raise this fact important and vital role in the reconstruction of Iraq.
    It followed an ongoing Maeder views in the minds of economists, in terms of the draft investment law (when it was a draft) to be briefed on the main points of decomposition to analyze before ratification by the House of Representatives as well as to highlight the most important points that came out, which is necessary to attract investors to know by the legislature and activated more.
    Developed through extensive reports and articles Iraqi legislator and citizen alike to the main points contained decomposition to be able to address them. And already been done through highlight the paragraph in Articles land titling for domestic and foreign investors as they had offered morning inter MySQL is a summary of the ideas of a group of economists and thus was actually standing on that paragraph important to be modified. In addition to their many of the things that would upgrade the work of a draft investment law to attract investors on top of these things demand for many of the tax cuts where she met with Mr. Director-General of the Public Authority for taxes and another group of economists to talk about the benefits of this procedure in attracting investors has happened already.
    The follow-up performance of the government
    In addition to Page economic and followed intensively the Iraqi government's efforts to reduce the debt of Iraq as a result of policies of the former regime have highlighted the most prominent tours conducted by Iraqi officials in the Paris Club and the rest of the conference aimed at reducing debt and the most important funeral reached during these meetings and tours ...
    In addition to the follow-up (Page) to the rebuilding of Iraq and the donor countries, which failed to contribute to this, as the continuing deployment of meetings with Iraqi officials to identify the most important aspects necessary to give priority to the rehabilitation and construction as well as the deployment of the most important achievements of conferences and symposiums held outside Iraq for the reconstruction of Iraq ... Page economic and able to take on the most prominent Iraqi citizen and the most important economic projects for the advancement of the Iraqi reality of the country's economic reconstruction of Lebanon's infrastructure, the establishment of refineries and reconstruction, as well as drilling wells and the establishment of factories and laboratories and agricultural and economic partnerships and the establishment of modern methods and the establishment of commercial and industrial exhibitions. As for these projects of great value in building a solid economic base depends on the expertise and competence ...
    Page also able to address some of the economic problems which have had a significant impact on the worsening crisis or high inflation, for example, or the high prices of some essential items in the citizen's life, such as fuel and transport. It handled over the loss of time, the problem is very serious but, the opinion of some specialists is one of the causes of terrorism and the decline of some young people in this dangerous slope. It is the problem of unemployment, which worsened considerably in the last three years until they reached prepared to figures scary now threatens the economic wheel, as well as the security situation as this situation reflects deterioration in the conditions of the Iraqi family in a comprehensive manner. The group met with the finest analysts and economists and investors to know the decision of the Iraqi government to the most important and most treatments to alleviate the unemployment crisis this scourge that threatens all government projects, which some considered at the forefront of the problems that should be offloaded by the government to deal with the risks posed by so might affect the security of the State.
    File inflation
    In addition to Page economic inflation has opened the file that the other danger, which has become embroiled in the incomes citizen and the daily allowance rates, according to rates had become a frightening one hindrance to economic growth and human.
    Where was able to dialogue economic elite other economists to let them know what the most important ways to address this problem, which were just as serious as unemployment. The deal has all the seminars devoted to this purpose, including the establishment of the Iraqi Center for Economic Reform and hosted by the finest economists in the country to put what most can be curbed by this threat to the other is the economic policy that the government intends to set. In addition, it followed consistently monthly inflation rates issued by the Central Bank of Iraq as well as the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation and publish the inflation, as well as the prices of commodities and other goods and services.
    Page economic and through employees and the support of the ongoing
    liberalization has been able to keep pace with the ongoing work of what was going on Iraq economic held outside of conferences, symposia and exhibitions different economic aims to assist Iraq in its reconstruction, as well as meetings aimed to mobilize the greatest possible States to provide assistance to Iraq. It was attended by workers at page most of those conferences Iguetoha media and to know what was going on most of the economic work for Iraq, has attended conferences Iraq reconstruction conferences as well as various donor nations, as well as the Covenant with Iraq and various exhibitions held to the reconstruction of Iraq and in the various countries.
    Economists PRAISE
    The role of the morning
    Abdullah Albandar economic expert. Said. Every morning. The morning is fine. It is a replaying every day, through the gravity of news, reports and articles and published, even become part of an important issue, especially in the economic sphere, through increased awareness of the economic and alert workers in this area to the important issues. I think it has contributed to the process of economic reform is very high.
    With Dr. Majed fictitious expert at the Central Bank of Iraq raises the importance of economic news topics and illuminated workers in this area, and expressed his hope to continue to progress and make further contribution. He said the picture. Page economic and synchronizing all economic events large and small through the arguments and analysis, and I hope to be more in-depth analysis of the economic situation, as all topics vital. For his part, praised Dr. al-Kobaisi Bata expert at the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation important role played by the Sabah Economic and page through the hot topics dealt with according to him.
    He added Al-Kubaisi. Morning attendance at the economic affairs and in particular the challenges facing this aspect is the first offering appropriate solutions to those challenges, particularly in regard to unemployment, corruption, debt and the location of the private sector in the economy.
    He wishes of the al-Kobaisi, to keep abreast of the morning news Iraq's neighboring countries, especially in the economic sphere and economics similar to the economy of Iraq until the discrimination between them and the Iraqi economy.
    Hilal war researcher and expert in the Ministry of Finance. Emphasized that the wishes of all Iraqi monitor his morning as they perform their duty to the fullest is also to say. He adds : "congratulate all workers accomplished this important, because all it is published topics related to the street and consider issues of the hour.
    Kazim Ali Al-Husseini. The assistant general manager of the Economic and Finance Ministry praised all initiatives morning saying that the reason for their durability and famous.
    Husseini said : Sabah contributed to creating what we call general economic culture, and I think they are trying to bring economic concepts to the general understanding, as all topics concerning economic and significantly the lives of citizens and what differentiates the morning it has succeeded in forward between the academic or scientific and practical side.

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