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  1. #33241
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    Economic : The future of the ration-card system in Iraq
    D. Falah behind spring
    Economic researcher
    The effects of the Preparatory Conference, which was held recently in Kuwait once again the subject of the abolition of government support programs, in particular to support supply goods during the discussion draft of the International Covenant with Iraq, under the pretext that these programs are inefficient, and that the cancellation could contribute to the revival of the Iraqi economy. It should be noted that the public distribution system for Supply Commodities is currently one
    Difficult dilemmas facing the Iraqi government. One hand, the system is very effective in reaching the poor, but that is taken by the other hand, it achieves its objectives in an efficient and cost-prohibitive over 20% of government revenue. To aggravate matters there is no safety nets alternative to the present system be effective on a large scale. What should be the policy makers to do on the public distribution system for Supply Commodities? To answer this question, the World Bank experts presented a number of proposals regarding the future of the regime in Iraq we will be discussing in this paper with some emphasis : -
    The first proposal :-speed cancel public distribution system for Supply Commodities : - that this action would have a sweeping impact on the poor who do not have any safety net alternative, as a result of the weakness of flexible production system for the local private sector in responding to the rapid elimination of the public distribution system will be a significant reduction in the foodstuffs and prices will rise substantially and would deteriorate the standard of living of the poor more.
    Second proposal :-provide comprehensive cash payments. Although the cash payments were superior to the food rations they do not lead to distort prices. However, this proposal, will also double the response of the private sector to increase supply in the short term. As well as the presence of the dilemmas of others, mostly for the banking system, banks present unable to deal with this regime to poor communication among themselves or to a lack of branches has in some parts of the country, and the deterioration in the security situation would make the transfer of cash between bank branches or to the families due process is not easy, and the Tenkeez public distribution system will not lead to any provision in the budget in case of compensation to the families full compensation.
    Third proposal :-the introduction of the concept of self-targeting
    Implementation of this proposal faces many difficulties, notably, the difficulty of conducting an inventory to enter the majority of the population, the lack of appropriate conditions and the capabilities to reach statistical diagnosis of living standards and to determine the proportion of poor families covered by the targeting, this type of diagnosis requires detailed data on family expenditure to reach a common understanding on the geographic location and characteristics of the model for poor families. Moreover, many Iraqi families to consider the public distribution system as a right and comprehensive withdrawal of benefits from the middle class may pay to political instability. There are other entrances to belong to self-targeting might also be useful. One of the families asked to re-register on the ration card to prove that it was really poor families. Another demanding information campaign to explain opportunity costs to the public distribution system to the public, can be paid high-income families to voluntarily exit from the system and the reasons for abstinence national sentiment. In short, self-targeting methods can yield substantial savings in the budget with a minimum of administrative costs.

    The fourth proposal : - reduce the number of articles in the ration basket. That would reduce the number of articles to streamline the work of the Ministry of Commerce in terms of the contract on purchase and follow-up exchange and movement of inventory However, the implementation of this measure requires further study to determine which materials should be repealed.
    The proposed V :-improving procurement procedures and financial management through :
    (1) the use of the price contracts and documents more specific and clearer, in addition to making public presentations.
    (2) automation of inventory control systems and link them so that tracking the materials public distribution system in all points.
    (3) the modernization of the regulations Mcnntha beneficiaries and to enable direct implementation in the process of determining the actual eligible.
    (4) the application of modern financial management system and strict permit precise calendar for the cost of the distribution system and avoids waste.
    (5) making the annual audit and reporting corporate function, including the random checking of the stock.

    The action plan include these actions should lead to significant savings in the budget of the public distribution system in the short term, and achieve significant gains through improved procurement procedures and financial management, and this is the reduction of losses arising from waste, theft and corruption.
    جريدة الصباح - مستقبـل نظـام البطاقــة التموينية في العراق

  2. #33242
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    جريدة الصباح
    Page economic force : broad vision for economic activity in Iraq and the world

    Goals occasion morning Researchers praised by the enemy station ideological and cultural mission
    Baghdad-Haider spring
    Page followed economic newspaper in the morning the first time since its inception error aims to the vigorous pursuit of improving the economic aspect of the Iraqi comprehensive as this side of the impact of important and effective role in upgrading

    The future of the ration-card system in Iraq

    D. Falah behind spring
    Economic researcher
    The effects of the Preparatory Conference, which was held recently in Kuwait once again the subject of the abolition of government support programs, in particular to support supply goods during the discussion draft of the International Covenant with Iraq, under the pretext that these programs are inefficient, and that the cancellation could contribute to the revival of the Iraqi economy. It should be noted that the public distribution system for Supply Commodities is currently one

    Babil University completed a number of construction projects

    Seven buildings including sections of the Interior and ten sections seminar
    Imad Al - Babel
    The University of Babylon number of construction projects within the framework of the plan of the university to expand its base of scientific ... He said Hassan al-Abdalzahrh Director of the Department of Engineering : There are a number of projects currently being implemented in the League, and divide them as sources of funding

    Iraq, the future of the market. Kurdistan and the starting point

    A number of heads of major international companies to participate in the reconstruction of Iraq, the second exhibition in Sulaymaniyah :
    Sulaymaniyah : ((envoy morning)) Yasser incumbent
    Fair Cordstan DBX Second International held in the city of Sulaymaniyah last month produced a reality at the level of economically advanced province and the result of broad participation of the major players in global companies.

    Trustees of the Stock Exchange Iraqi President : The time has come for the implementation of the Law on Investment

    An economic report
    Baghdad-Haider spring
    The President called Tabatabai Trustees Stock Exchange that the Iraqi security situation more work Mayaaik Stock Exchange, as well as the investor who faces considerable challenges resulting from this security deterioration, ... However, he pointed out that the status quo

    The Iraqi investments in the Gulf of Oman top flight

    Amman-Abdul Jabbar al-Azzawi
    A statistical report issued by the Jordanian companies got control "morning", a copy of the published list of Iraqi investors in the Jordanian companies registered in the control of the companies since the beginning of this year,

    Businessmen from Iraq and Iran intend to expand trade and economic cooperation

    The Iraqi economy, the international branch of Tehran pledged to ensure the rights of the parties
    Tehran-morning envoy
    The Iranian Economic Forum, organized by the Iraqi chamber of trade and industry in eastern Azerbaijan in cooperation with the Secretariat-the Iraqi economy, the International Center in the city of Tabriz, Islamic Republic of Iran, the weaknesses in the area of economic and trade cooperation between businessmen and traders in both countries. The forum marked touches and frankness and transparency

    JD 1.4 billion and imports from the State Tax

    Contributed to the substantial recovery of the Jordanian economy
    Amman-Abdul Jabbar al-Azzawi
    The value of tax revenue in Jordan during the 10th month of this year to reach about 4 per one billion dinars, on September 3 last t one billion dinars.
    Sources in the Finance Ministry said that the value of tax revenues.

    Water Resources sent 168 contractors in 2006

    The cost exceeded 163 billion dinars.
    Transmitted Directorate General for Economic Affairs in the Ministry of Water Resources, (168) contractors during 2006 and the total cost amounted to (77,5) billion Iraqi dinars, (47,6) million and $ (8,1) million euros belonging to the Ministry and its departments

    Is the staff salaries sufficient to provide the necessary requirements?

    Nouri Sobeih
    One proposal to increase the salaries of the staff which will be introduced in January 1, 2007 to five degrees from the 10th to reach between 40% to 60%, whether it will be after these increases to reconsider a new salary scales for staff on the basis of the certificate seminars and years of service and the assessment of the employee's performance or accrued on the basis of points.

  3. #33243
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    Let's hope this is the weekend for the hydrocarbon law. Meetings this weekend and all.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  4. #33244
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    The arabic WILL NOT translate any one that can read arabic have any ideas what it says?
    the only that I can see is 1949, 9%, 12%

    Lawyer Hassan Hafiz
    The widening phenomenon of unemployment and the deterioration of the economic level to the different classes of people, with the resultant deterioration in the level of service delivery, building shattered infrastructure, which requires him to address Alamrbsourh radical to get rid of this crumbling situation in the forefront of that work to support the local economy of the private sector to play its role in
    These days, quite critical, and the lead role in the economic reconstruction, in addition to the need to work to support foreign investment, where there is talk of a warm, the law on investment these days, given to put forward to the parliament for discussion after it was ratified by the Council of Ministers. Because the of the total economic requirements the new is to work on this orientation of bringing Arab and foreign investments, especially as the lines the first to the investment law refers to openness to the labor market, the direction of home and abroad together, and work to attract investments for capital Arab and world to do that the Advancement of the required, as it said the text of benefit forged to transfer profits to the country of origin that has been returned to capital through the enactment of exemptions and facilitate the investment process, with the necessary guarantees for investors in the maintenance of their money and their rights, with a view to benefit in the building of the fundamental cornerstones at home for the advancement of this country, in creating a prosperous Iraq Looking into what is owned by the respective country of its economic and financial liquidity large, after the capping of the external debt by the members of the Paris Club, in Iraq there oil, Al-Shuryan President in the resources of Iraq's basic infrastructure, that this does not mean unreliable as a source president in the the Iraqi economy, but also that there is a need in the planning of the diversity of sources of income, in spite of the considerable funds generated on the country, because in the homeland other sources overwhelmed the agenda such as water and phosphate in Western Sahara, and also there domestic market a big consumer prosperous, could be easily ignored in the short period to neighboring markets and to the world markets, Arab and international thereafter.
    But ... In order to achieve these ambitions we have to be no political stability which in turn depended on the application of the law and imposing Israeli sovereignty over all segments of society, especially as the Iraq have suffered greatly from the wars It is the blockade and of insecurity, and hence the imposition of foreign occupation, which make these factors collectively, has been working on the destruction of the Iraqi economy and shattering its infrastructure, in addition to the deep frustration caused by the terrorism of the people, has added to it, sectarian conflicts which is the one on a shattering what remains of its infrastructure, and thus had come other immigration towards abroad again, and with them Migration scientists and competent in this country, and thus the life paramilitary unused track, whether the opposition groups had returned to the homeland for sings political stability However, it has suffered a disappointed again assumed where they came from the 2nd, and was sucking the Professor of universities outward and doctors of qualified, and closed the mini-its doors, for this must be radical remedy requires in the introduction work on the rule of law to rebuild a new Iraq worthy of the advancement of if Tassaft hearts and met wills reacted the benevolent on the of friendliness and loving .. The new architecture must rely on
    The open labor market away from the control of the state represented in the public sector, which suffers from chronic diseases and administrative corruption and loitering in production.
    وصحيح ان المشكلات كبيرة ومتنوعة، وان الامر سوف لا يتحقق بسهولة او بلمسة ساحر! ولكن لابد من بداية جديدة صحيحة يخطو بها الاقتصاد العراقي على الدرب، تعتمد على وضع برامج مدروسة وفاعلة في استثمار الاموال المحلية والاجنبية، والذي سيعمل بدوره على امتصاص البطالة ويعمل على مكافحة الفقر خصوصا وان مستوى الدخل المتحقق للفرد العراقي اصبح دون مستوى خط الفقر العالمي! ولهذا فان الاستثمار العالمي سيعمل كثيرا على امتصاص البطالة، التي هي اللقمة السائغة لتجنيد الالاف من العاطلين ودفعهم نحو الانحرافات والارهاب، بدافع من الحاجة احيانا، وبدافع من الانغلاق الفكري في احايين كثيرة.. وهكذا سيتم على المدى البعيد تحقيق فوائد جمة، لعل في مقدمتها: اكتساب مهارات وخبرات جديدة لم يعرفها البلد من قبل، لان الاستثمار العالمي سوف يعمل على نقل آليات التكنولوجيا الحديثة المتطورة الى العراق في المجالات كافة، كما وسيعمل على زيادة الانتاج في معامل متطورة تعمل بالرموت كنترول! إضافة الى ما سيحققه الاستثمار العالمي من ايجاد فرص عمل منتجة ومثمرة، كذلك سوف يعمل على تحقيق مصادر دخل اضافية، تعمل على توفير العملة الصعبة. كما ان هناك صناعات تحويلية، يمكن تصديرها الى الخارج، خصوصا لو تم تشييد مصافي كثيرة في البلد تعمل على تكرير البنزين وانتاج الغازوانتاج الزيوت ذات المواصفات الجيدة لتصنيعها محليا وتصديرها الى الخارج، وإعادة تطوير وتأهيل الطاقة الانتاجية للقطاع النفطي عموما بما يخدم الاقتصاد الوطني، وتصدير الفائض منه نحو الخارج لتوفير العملة الصعبة.. وإذا كانت الاستثمارات تعمل من اجل تطوير الاقتصاد فمن باب اولى انها سوف تعمل على تطوير الملاكات الوطنية في المرافق الاقتصادية المستثمرة، لانهم وعن طريق التماس المتواصل والتدريب كل ذلك سوف يعمل على تحقيق التقدم العلمي والنجاح في تطوير المرافق الحيوية لدينا. وإذا كانت كل من اليابان والهند قد اعتمدت في تطوير اقتصادها على القدرات والكفاءات الداخلية، في تطوير قدراتها الذاتية، فانها ايضا قد استعانت بالرساميل المحلية والاجنبية في بناء اقتصادها المتطور، وعلى الرغم من ان الصين دولة اشتراكية، إلا انها قد استفادت من الرساميل الاجنبية في جلب الاستثمارات لتوظيفها والعمل على الإفادة منها، وإذا كانت اليابان قد خرجت من الحرب ضعيفة الاقتصاد فان الثانية قد كلفتها الحرب ومع ذلك فقد نهضت كعملاق اقتصادي كبير إذ كانت نسبة1949 الاهلية كثيرا حيث لم تعلن دولة الصين إلا عام اما في هذا العام فتشير التقارير الاقتصادية الى نسبة نمو9% النمو فيها في العام الماضي قد وصلت الى وهكذا ايضا نجد ان كوريا الجنوبية قد خرجت منهوكة القوى من الحرب الا انها الان متطورة12%، تصل الى تماما خصوصا في مجال الالكترونيات، ويمكن النظر الى ماليزيا بنفس المنظار واندنوسيا كذلك، إذ ان كلا منهما قد شدت على جراحها ونهضت تبني اقتصادها وتعمر ماخلفه الاستعمار او الحروب، وهكذا اصبح الاقتصاد متطورا في جنوب شرقي اسيا، وحيث ان مناخاتها تتشابه معنا الا في فقرة واحدة ايجابية تعتبر لصالحنا هو (مورد النفط) الذي تفتقر اليه الكثير من تلك الدول كالصين واليابان والهند.
    Whatever the amounts will be monitored or monitored billion for the construction and reconstruction of Iraq, to make the production wheel revolves, the opportunities are very great for investors from the Gulf States and other developed world, and that if achieved would act to raise the standard of living and bringing them Mayamlonh investment, and we hope our aspiration to build a new economy works to absorb widespread unemployment and also worked to raise the level of income for citizens and will have something denied to them previously! In light of security stability is achieved First, in addition to the application of law and justice to be Mr. Almutaa, away from favoritism, kidnapping, assassination and terrorism, which comes on the green and the ground.
    The time has come fully to build the fledgling Iraq at the bottom of the summit, therefore, required is first to stop the bleeding and the realization of the principle of consensus in the political process and reconciliation between the warring factions to limit terrorism in the narrower scope, and hence Qadha'alih to reap the fruits of this development.
    ÌÑíÏÉ ÇáÕÈÇÍ - ÇáÓæÞ ÇáãÝÊæÍ&#201 ; ... äÙÑÉ äÍæ ÇáãÓÊÞÈ&#225 ;
    Last edited by Hope Full; 16-12-2006 at 02:08 PM.

  5. #33245
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    This is what I got when I googled iraq 1949 currency

    Quote Originally Posted by Hope Full View Post
    The arabic WILL NOT translate any one that can read arabic have any ideas what it says?
    the only that I can see is 1949, 9%, 12%

    وصحيح ان المشكلات كبيرة ومتنوعة، وان الامر سوف لا يتحقق بسهولة او بلمسة ساحر! ولكن لابد من بداية جديدة صحيحة يخطو بها الاقتصاد العراقي على الدرب، تعتمد على وضع برامج مدروسة وفاعلة في استثمار الاموال المحلية والاجنبية، والذي سيعمل بدوره على امتصاص البطالة ويعمل على مكافحة الفقر خصوصا وان مستوى الدخل المتحقق للفرد العراقي اصبح دون مستوى خط الفقر العالمي! ولهذا فان الاستثمار العالمي سيعمل كثيرا على امتصاص البطالة، التي هي اللقمة السائغة لتجنيد الالاف من العاطلين ودفعهم نحو الانحرافات والارهاب، بدافع من الحاجة احيانا، وبدافع من الانغلاق الفكري في احايين كثيرة.. وهكذا سيتم على المدى البعيد تحقيق فوائد جمة، لعل في مقدمتها: اكتساب مهارات وخبرات جديدة لم يعرفها البلد من قبل، لان الاستثمار العالمي سوف يعمل على نقل آليات التكنولوجيا الحديثة المتطورة الى العراق في المجالات كافة، كما وسيعمل على زيادة الانتاج في معامل متطورة تعمل بالرموت كنترول! إضافة الى ما سيحققه الاستثمار العالمي من ايجاد فرص عمل منتجة ومثمرة، كذلك سوف يعمل على تحقيق مصادر دخل اضافية، تعمل على توفير العملة الصعبة. كما ان هناك صناعات تحويلية، يمكن تصديرها الى الخارج، خصوصا لو تم تشييد مصافي كثيرة في البلد تعمل على تكرير البنزين وانتاج الغازوانتاج الزيوت ذات المواصفات الجيدة لتصنيعها محليا وتصديرها الى الخارج، وإعادة تطوير وتأهيل الطاقة الانتاجية للقطاع النفطي عموما بما يخدم الاقتصاد الوطني، وتصدير الفائض منه نحو الخارج لتوفير العملة الصعبة.. وإذا كانت الاستثمارات تعمل من اجل تطوير الاقتصاد فمن باب اولى انها سوف تعمل على تطوير الملاكات الوطنية في المرافق الاقتصادية المستثمرة، لانهم وعن طريق التماس المتواصل والتدريب كل ذلك سوف يعمل على تحقيق التقدم العلمي والنجاح في تطوير المرافق الحيوية لدينا. وإذا كانت كل من اليابان والهند قد اعتمدت في تطوير اقتصادها على القدرات والكفاءات الداخلية، في تطوير قدراتها الذاتية، فانها ايضا قد استعانت بالرساميل المحلية والاجنبية في بناء اقتصادها المتطور، وعلى الرغم من ان الصين دولة اشتراكية، إلا انها قد استفادت من الرساميل الاجنبية في جلب الاستثمارات لتوظيفها والعمل على الإفادة منها، وإذا كانت اليابان قد خرجت من الحرب ضعيفة الاقتصاد فان الثانية قد كلفتها الحرب ومع ذلك فقد نهضت كعملاق اقتصادي كبير إذ كانت نسبة 1949 الاهلية كثيرا حيث لم تعلن دولة الصين إلا عام اما في هذا العام فتشير التقارير الاقتصادية الى نسبة نمو9%9 النمو فيها في العام الماضي قد وصلت الى وهكذا ايضا نجد ان كوريا الجنوبية قد خرجت منهوكة القوى من الحرب الا انها الان متطورة12%، تصل الى تماما خصوصا في مجال الالكترونيات، ويمكن النظر الى ماليزيا بنفس المنظار واندنوسيا كذلك، إذ ان كلا منهما قد شدت على جراحها ونهضت تبني اقتصادها وتعمر ماخلفه الاستعمار او الحروب، وهكذا اصبح الاقتصاد متطورا في جنوب شرقي اسيا، وحيث ان مناخاتها تتشابه معنا الا في فقرة واحدة ايجابية تعتبر لصالحنا هو (مورد النفط) الذي تفتقر اليه الكثير من تلك الدول كالصين واليابان والهند.

    جريدة الصباح - السوق المفتوحة ... نظرة نحو المستقبل
    New Iraqi Currency

    Iraq has a cash driven society where banks are seldom viewed as places to store consumer wealth and communications between branches of even the same bank are often difficult to conduct and rely mostly on face-to-face meetings to update account balances rather than the use of automated networks. The flow of funds in Iraq’s economy in general is more often than not, one of funds flowing out from banks with very little recirculation as is experienced in other societies.

    Why does this happen? It’s a result of “learned behavior” including consumer experiences dating back to the end of the first Iran-Iraq war. During this timeframe, the former dictator found the country nearly broke and faced with making millions in stipend payments to returning soldiers. To generate cash, he instructed all banks to stop making payments other than those needed to pay government workers. Most who stored their wealth in the banking system lost everything. Accordingly, the current distrust in the banking system will take time and consumer education to overcome.

    The population of any type of currency in banks given the current security situation makes such movements risky to the extent that it is often difficult for Iraq’s own Ministries to keep current on payments to its own workforces. It’s not an uncommon event for the State owned banks to simply run out of cash to make payrolls, and then call for special Coalition assistance to arrange transports of cash to them.

    When officially introduced at the end of the British mandate (1932), the dinar [consisting of 1,000 fils or 20 dirhams] was equal to, and was linked to, the British pound sterling, which at that time was equal to US$4.86. Iraqi dinar (ID) equaled US$4.86 between 1932 and 1949 and after devaluation in 1949, equaled US$2.80 between 1949 and 1971. Iraq officially uncoupled the dinar from the pound sterling as a gesture of independence in 1959, but the dinar remained at parity with the pound until the British unit of currency was again devalued in 1967.

    One Iraqi dinar remained equal to US$2.80 until December 1971, when major realignments of world currencies began. Upon the devaluation of the United States dollar in 1973, the Iraqi dinar appreciated to US$3.39. It remained at this level until the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War in 1980. In 1982 Iraq devalued the dinar by 5 percent, to a value equal to US$3.22, and sustained this official exchange rate without additional devaluation despite mounting debt. In early 1988, the official dinar-dollar exchange rate was still ID1 to US$3.22; however, with estimates of the nation's inflation rate ranging from 25 percent to 50 percent per year in 1985 and 1986, the dinar's real transaction value, or black market exchange rate, was far lower-- only about half the 1986 official rate.

    The Iraqi dinar was worth $US3.20 before the United Nations embargo that followed Iraq's 1990 invasion of Kuwait. By August 2002 it was trading at just below 2000 to the US dollar, and by mid-April 2003 it had slipped to anywhere between 3500 and 4000 against the dollar. In July 2003 one US dollar equaled about 1,500 Iraqi dinars. Nearly all the bank notes issued after the 1991 Gulf War were without watermark or metal line due to technical difficulties, which is why so many forgeries took place.
    New Iraqi Currency / New Iraqi Dinar

  6. #33246
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    Quote Originally Posted by garthstar View Post
    evening/morning all.
    i had a dream last sleep, $1.61 USD revalue. i woke up with the figure buring a hole behind my eyes!
    not as much as i was hoping for, but ill take it. will give me a life finally anyhow!
    its the first dinar dream ive had.
    unlike cheney, i dont get inside physical info, i get it this way.
    thats not legally insider trading though is it!!!
    its the best news ive had all year. i trust my own sources more than a journalist thats 4 sure.
    going 4 beers...
    good luck to all!
    I had a dream lst night I was eating breakfast with my husband's Norwegian ex-wife and her new husband Barfina. Go figure. I like your dream much better! I'm off for the weekend, good luck to all and God bless!

  7. #33247
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    I found this to be very interesting
    The new and much anticipated issue of notes from Iraq has been released into circulation on 15 October 2003. There are currently six notes on issue. They are in the denominations of 25,000, 10,000, 5,000, 1000, 250 and 50 dinars. (The serial number prefixes use the 'abjad' sequence of the Arabic alphabet, but the first letter, alif, is not used. This suggests that a lower denomination may yet appear, or was considered but ultimately not issued.)
    The notes have bold colours but in most ways are disappointing. They use images from old series, which can be understood, but they do not exactly project a bright new future in the manner that a completely new series of designs might have done. The only new design appears on the front of the 25,000 dinar note, which shows a Kurdish farmer. This appears to be a politically brave move! Details of each note follow:
    • 25,000 Dinar Note
    ◦ FRONT -- Kurdish farmer holding sheaf of wheat. Tractor in background.
    ◦ BACK -- King Hammurabi. Credited with writing the first code of law in human history he founded the First Dynasty of Babylon in 1700 BC, leading Babylonia into a period of great prosperity.
    • 10,000 Dinar Note
    ◦ FRONT -- Abu Ali Hasan Ibn al-Haitham (known as Alhazen to medieval scholars in the West), born Basrah in 965 A.D. His most important work - although he wrote some 200 books - is held to be a seven volume series on optics Kitab al-Manazir, in which he gives the first correct explanation of vision, showing that light is reflected from an object into the eye. He is said to have ‘invented’ the camera obscura. Also, an eminent physicist and mathematician he developed analytical geometry by establishing linkage between algebra and geometry. Alhazen’s work was translated into Latin, and greatly influenced European scientific thought.
    ◦ BACK -- Hadba Minaret, at the Great Nurid Mosque, Mosul, built 1172 A.D by Nurridin Zangi, the then Turkish ruler. The 59m-high minaret leans 8 feet off the perpendicular. That is how it earned its Arabic name Al-Hadba (‘the humped’).
    • 5000 Dinar Note
    ◦ FRONT -- Gully Ali Beg and its 800m waterfall. The 10km gully passes between Mount Kork and Mount Nwathnin, some 60km away from Shaqlawa.
    ◦ BACK -- The second century desert fortress of Al-Ukhether, Hejira.
    • 1000 Dinar Note
    ◦ FRONT -- A gold dinar coin, used in this region until superseded by more modern coins and notes.
    ◦ BACK -- Al-Mustansirya University, Baghdad. Built in the mid-thirteenth century it was the most prominent university in the Islamic world in the Middle Ages.
    • 250 Dinar Note
    ◦ FRONT -- The astrolabe. One of the earliest scientific instruments - able to measure the time of day or night and altitude and latitude - conceived by the Greeks it was further developed by medieval Arab astronomers, who used it to help determine the time for fasting during the month of Ramadan.
    ◦ BACK -- The Spiral Minaret in Samarra, built 848-849 A.D. Samarra was then the Abbasid Empire’s capital city.
    • 50 Dinar Note
    ◦ FRONT -- The grain silo at Basrah. Working at full capacity the facility can off-load and process 60,000 tonnes of grain per hour.
    ◦ BACK -- Date palms. Iraq used to be the world’s largest producer and exporter of dates. Over 600 varieties are grown in-country.
    Nota Bene: Information on the banknotes and the images have been sourced from the website of the Coalition Provisional Authority. Other information on the introduction of the currency is on the website.

  8. #33248
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    The completion of the negotiations depends on the law of Iraqi oil at the present time on whether the central or local government is the last word on oil contracts, which does not seem to be a senior negotiators accepted by the wish.
    .In spite of that, some progress has been made in drafting a federal law of oil, is necessary for investment in the third largest reserves of crude oil in the world (Iraq), but that an official high-level Kurdish official warned that the contracts entered into by not being drafted in its final form yet.
    .The representative of the Kurdish local government in the United States Kobad Talabani to United Press International that the new round of negotiations began in Baghdad, but did not make progress until now.
    .While calling some Shiite and Sunni Iraqi of the negotiations should be the final decision in respect of oil contracts for the Iraqi central government, local Kurdish government is pressing towards making this aspect of the issues that concern the autonomous administrations.
    .And Iraq has about 115 billion barrels of oil reserve was discovered, which is the third largest world's reserves. The hosts most of this reserve is almost in territories under the control of Shiites in the south and Kurds in the north.
    .Reflect negotiations on the Law of Iraqi oil as Iraq, and his fate : Year afraid of the federation, which may result in the denial of the proceeds of Iraqi oil, and looking forward with some Shiite parties in the decision to the role of a strong central government. The Kurds and the Shiite blocs turbaned rights of local competition, they are afraid to try to central government stinginess them in their financial including oil not commensurate with their share of oil justice.
    ر.The mystique of the current Iraqi constitution on the control of oil. At the time, which provided that the current oil only fall within the scope of control of the central government, thereby leaving the new oil or who may discover in the future in a state of uncertainty and instability.
    .According to the explanations of the government and the local Kurdish and others, this means that all unless it is separated and the constitution explicitly states that the terms of reference of the central government, is implicitly under the control of local authorities.
    .Iraqi Kurdistan has almost self-rule since 1991 which is outside the scope of the violence, which replaces Iraq. It started in this situation to develop its petroleum sector, and even the signing of the discovery and production of oil, says the central government as illegal.
    ال .He said Talabani of the Territories sovereignty, must therefore be respected contracts by the central government.
    .He believed that the central government caused severe suffering of the Kurds during most of the years of the last century, but he said that the days when it was held hostage to the Kurds, Baghdad had ended. Kalmtsolin will feel after today.
    من .For his part, Hamed Al-Bayati representative of Iraq at the United Nations that brings central control unanimity on the oil sector, by investors and Iraqis alike.
    .He added that the settlement means that the Territory's decision in the selection of companies and offers, but approval will be to the central government, pointing out that the negotiations will continue until the ratification law.
    .For his part, Mohamed Zain, energy expert on the Middle East, that this is the conflict of the kind we have. He continued that Zain current Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki faces a difficult time to end the violence in Iraq is at the same time puts significant pressure on the government and the Ministry of Oil to transmit oil law to the Parliament.
    .Zine does not believe that this could happen before the end of the current year, although there is no impact of the events in Iraq daily on that. Sees no need to rush in this direction, even if it signed a contract, there are still security problems.
    .And will any of the final results of three major oil : resolving the internal conflict over the control of oil and its proceeds, and prepare ground work for an estimated 20 billion dollars of investment needed by Iraq after years of neglect and mismanagement under Saddam Hussein and because of United Nations sanctions, and the leadership of the United States to war and the continuing attacks by Sunni and Shiite militias. Those points will lead to increased income, which can be used in reconstruction and improving security in the country.
    .Some reports have claimed during the press late last week that an agreement on the Law of oil is imminent, despite the fact that Talabani explain how to deal with each of the remaining issues outstanding.
    .He said that while the Kurds agreed to settle quotas on oil revenues and financial allow the central government to be responsible for revenue collection and redistribution, but it has not been agreement on the distribution mechanisms oil revenue so far.
    .He believed that Talabani constitutional and technical details to enable the territories to obtain the shares of the oil revenue has not been formulated yet final. This is driven by fear that the central government controlled by greed or their sectarian agenda, it will not shift funds owed to the provinces.

    شبكة الزوراء الأعلامية - الخلافات السياسية - الحزبية تعيق الاستثمارات النفطية في العراق

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    a little history
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  10. #33250
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hope Full View Post
    a little history
    Where's that time machine when we need it, i'd like to go back to 1932

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