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  1. #33371
    Investor TerryTate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post

    Yes, there were several small denom notes which did not have Saddam's mug on them, and we know they were never counterfeited, so it would be logical move since these notes were familar with Iraqi's, and that is another reason to reintroduce them as needed.

    As to the buried old Saddam notes, well, if they did so under the airstrip, this would have been a monumental engineering mistake. Being in the road remediation and construction industry, you neve want paper, an organic material under an air strip, or any road for it will deteriorate in time and compress causing major structural strengh issues. Landing stips, in particular are more critical given load extremes and the maintenance interuptions, so I would say this reported disposal method is a myth, or worse, a major mistake. (g)

    Happy Holiday Seasons to all, Mike
    How right you are Mike. As a civil engineer myself, this would definitely be a major no no. Definitely stupid to say the least.

  2. #33372
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    Quote Originally Posted by goldraker View Post
    العراقيCentral Bank opens daily auction of remittances Khazineh denies determine the price of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar 2006-12-152006-12 - 15

    بعد انخفاض سعره لاكثر من اسبوع ارتفع سعر صرف الدولار من جديد في المزاد اليومي للبنك المركزي العراقي رقم'822' لبيع وشراء العملات الاجنبية.After the price down for more than a week the dollar exchange rate rose again in the daily auction of the Central Bank of Iraq No. '822' for the buying and selling of foreign currencies.
    واشار مصدرفي البنك الى ان عدد المصارف المساهمة في هذا المزاد بلغت 10 مصارف ما بين حكومي واهلي.The Musdrvi bank indicated that the number of banks will contribute to this auction amounted to 10 banks between government and people.

    مؤكدا على ان السعر الذي رسا عليه المزاد بلغ 1422 دينارا للدولار الواحد في حين بلغت الكمية المباعة من قبل البنك اربعة عشر مليون و'830' الف دولار في حين بلغت الكمية المشتراة من قبل البنك مليون دولار.Stressing that the price for the auction, the yacht hit 1422 dinars to the dollar, while the quantity sold by the bank fourteen million and '830' thousand dollars, while the quantity purchased by the bank million.

    واضاف المصدر ان الكمية المباعة نقداً الى المصارف وزبائنها بلغت ثمانية ملايين و'820' الف دولار اما الكمية المباعة لاجراء الحوالات خارج العراق فبلغت ستة ملايين وعشرة الاف دولار.The source added that quantity sold in cash to banks and customers amounted to eight million and '820' thousand dollars or quantity sold for money outside Iraq, reaching six million and ten thousand dollars.

    من جانب اخر نفى مصدر مسؤول في البنك المركزي العراقي الشائعات بشأن سعي البنك لتحديد سعر الدولار الاميركي مقابل الدينار العراقي بقيمة الف دينار.On the other hand, denied by an official source at the Central Bank of Iraq rumors on the bank sought to determine the rate of the American dollar against the Iraqi dinar value of one thousand dinars.

    مؤكدا على ان مسألة تحديد سعر صرف الدولار مقابل الدينار العراقي غير مطروحة حاليا لسببين:Stressing that the issue of determining the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar is not arise for two reasons : الاول هو ان القدرات الاحتياطية للبنك غير مطلقة والثاني يعود الى ارتفاع عامل الاسعار.The first is that the reserve capacity of the bank not absolute and the second is due to the high price factor.

    مضيفاً بأن مراقبة الاتجاهات العامة للاسعار تشير الى الارتفاع مقابل عدم التحسن وهو ما يجعل خفض سعر الدولار الى هذه القيمة مستحيلا في الوقت الحاضر بالاضافة الى محدودية القدرات المالية للبنك.He added that control of the general trends point to rising prices for the lack of improvement, which makes dollar reduction to the value impossible at the present time in addition to the limited financial capabilities of the bank.
    واوضح المصدر بأن الهبوط الكبير في سعر الدولار بعد سقوط النظام البائد كان سببة تدفق مليارات الدولارات الى العراق وتوزيعها على الموظفين وفتح الصرف والقيود.The source explained that the significant drop in the dollar after the fall of the previous regime was attributed to the flow of billions of dollars to Iraq and distributed to staff and open exchange and restrictions.

    واشار الى انه في الوقت الحاضر وبسبب التدهور الامني ووصول التضخم الى نسبة كبيرة يجعل انخفاض الدولار امرا غير متوقع اطلاقا.He pointed out that at the present time because of the deterioration of security and access to a large proportion of inflation makes the devaluation of the dollar is not expected at all.

    يذكر ان بعض خبراء الاقتصاد اشاروا الى سعي البنك الى خفض سعر صرف الدولار مقابل الدينار العراقي من خلال السياسة النقدية التي يتبعها والتي تكمن في افتتاح المزاد اليومي لحوالات الخزينة.It is noteworthy that some economists pointed out the Bank has sought to reduce the price of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar through monetary policy of which lies in the opening of the auction, the daily remittances to the treasury.

    It seems to me that maybe we have been getting a lot of mixed messages to throw speculators off. IMO They don't want us knowing what actually is going to happen and when.
    May the New Year bring hope & prosperity to all Iraq and for all of us!

    God bless our soldiers and bring them home safe.

  3. #33373
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysDreaming View Post
    It seems to me that maybe we have been getting a lot of mixed messages to throw speculators off. IMO They don't want us knowing what actually is going to happen and when.
    I don't know that it is anything that sinister or coordinated. I believe that there are people out there that just do not believe that Iraq will succeed, nor do that really want it to. Some people just need to be negative, and are disappointed if positive outcomes actualize.

    We have all handled this attitude in dealing with family or friends who do not agree with investing in the dinar. They will not be swayed into thinking that there is ever a chance at success over there, nor do that want you to think that way either.

    It is amazing how pesimistic some people insist on being. Don't let articles like this sway your thinking. We are right. We have years of research and discussion to support our thinking. This IS A GOOD INVESTMENT.

  4. #33374
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    Originally Posted by MunnyBaggs View Post
    Thanks, Jake. The gradual idea is not really new but it is catching on by a lot of the old time IQD investors. Here at Rolclub we have a lot of new investors (which is great the more the merrier!!!) and I can fully understand their excitement over this. I would love an overnight re-val and maybe once HCL is enacted it will be possible. But slow grow is better than no grow!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by boomcreek View Post
    I've been waiting since February '04, if it happened tomorrow it would be anything but overnight.
    For most of us this will not be an "overnight" investment. However, for the guy that gets his Dinar the day before any major shift in value, it will appear to be an overnight investment.... I would appreciate it either way.

  5. #33375
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysDreaming View Post
    It seems to me that maybe we have been getting a lot of mixed messages to throw speculators off. IMO They don't want us knowing what actually is going to happen and when.
    To me, the article simply acknowledged that the CBI's method of slowly 'devaluing' the dollar to the dinar wasn't accomplishing what they wanted. I didn't read it as, "an r/v of the dinar to the dollar is impossible", and alot of times these translated articles use language/syntax in such a way that one can interpret what they are saying several different ways.
    " May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the armpits of any infidels who stand in the way of the $1.48 reval of our blessed Dinar."--Some Iraqi guy

  6. #33376
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    الخلافات السياسية - الحزبية تعيق الاستثمارات النفطية في العراق- Partisan political differences hinder oil investment in Iraq
    المصدر: الزوراءSource : Zawra
    16 / 12 / 06
    The completion of the negotiations depends on the law of Iraqi oil at the present time on whether the central or local government is the last word on oil contracts, which does not seem to be a senior negotiators accepted by the wish.
    In spite of that, some progress has been made in drafting a federal law of oil, is necessary for investment in the third largest reserves of crude oil in the world (Iraq), but that an official high-level Kurdish official warned that the contracts entered into by not being drafted in its final form yet.
    The representative of the Kurdish local government in the United States Kobad Talabani to United Press International that the new round of negotiations began in Baghdad, but did not make progress until now.
    While calling some Shiite and Sunni Iraqi of the negotiations should be the final decision in respect of oil contracts for the Iraqi central government, local Kurdish government is pressing towards making this aspect of the issues that concern the autonomous administrations.
    And Iraq has about 115 billion barrels of oil reserve was discovered, which is the third largest world's reserves. The hosts most of this reserve is almost in territories under the control of Shiites in the south and Kurds in the north.
    Reflect negotiations on the Law of Iraqi oil as Iraq, and his fate : Year afraid of the federation, which may result in the denial of the proceeds of Iraqi oil, and looking forward with some Shiite parties in the decision to the role of a strong central government. The Kurds and the Shiite blocs turbaned rights of local competition, they are afraid to try to central government stinginess them in their financial including oil not commensurate with their share of oil justice.
    The mystique of the current Iraqi constitution on the control of oil. At the time, which provided that the current oil only fall within the scope of control of the central government, thereby leaving the new oil or who may discover in the future in a state of uncertainty and instability.
    According to the explanations of the government and the local Kurdish and others, this means that all unless it is separated and the constitution explicitly states that the terms of reference of the central government, is implicitly under the control of local authorities.
    Iraqi Kurdistan has almost self-rule since 1991 which is outside the scope of the violence, which replaces Iraq. It started in this situation to develop its petroleum sector, and even the signing of the discovery and production of oil, says the central government as illegal.
    He said Talabani of the Territories sovereignty, must therefore be respected contracts by the central government.
    He believed that the central government caused severe suffering of the Kurds during most of the years of the last century, but he said that the days when it was held hostage to the Kurds, Baghdad had ended. Kalmtsolin will feel after today.
    For his part, Hamed Al-Bayati representative of Iraq at the United Nations that brings central control unanimity on the oil sector, by investors and Iraqis alike.
    He added that the settlement means that the Territory's decision in the selection of companies and offers, but approval will be to the central government, pointing out that the negotiations will continue until the ratification law.
    For his part, Mohamed Zain, energy expert on the Middle East, that this is the conflict of the kind we have. He continued that Zain current Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki faces a difficult time to end the violence in Iraq is at the same time puts significant pressure on the government and the Ministry of Oil to transmit oil law to the Parliament.
    Zine does not believe that this could happen before the end of the current year, although there is no impact of the events in Iraq daily on that. Sees no need to rush in this direction, even if it signed a contract, there are still security problems.
    And will any of the final results of three major oil : resolving the internal conflict over the control of oil and its proceeds, and prepare ground work for an estimated 20 billion dollars of investment needed by Iraq after years of neglect and mismanagement under Saddam Hussein and because of United Nations sanctions, and the leadership of the United States to war and the continuing attacks by Sunni and Shiite militias. Those points will lead to increased income, which can be used in reconstruction and improving security in the country.
    Some reports have claimed during the press late last week that an agreement on the Law of oil is imminent, despite the fact that Talabani explain how to deal with each of the remaining issues outstanding.
    He said that while the Kurds agreed to settle quotas on oil revenues and financial allow the central government to be responsible for revenue collection and redistribution, but it has not been agreement on the distribution mechanisms oil revenue so far.
    He believed that Talabani constitutional and technical details to enable the territories to obtain the shares of the oil revenue has not been formulated yet final. This is driven by fear that the central government controlled by greed or their sectarian agenda, it will not shift funds owed to the provinces.

    Translated version of mid=73
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  7. #33377
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    for those who cant find stik's statistical prediction...

    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #33378
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    Economic : ” "The financial grant allocations" to resolve property disputes within the budget for next year

    Baghdad : Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed
    The source at the Ministry of Finance said the ministry has set the necessary payments, which are disbursed to the solution of ownership disputes within the budget in 2007 to solve the problems of property claims filed by those confiscated money solution to the property dispute.
    The ministry has set Almusdrban amounts to solve tendencies private ownership, which lasted more than three years, he said pointing out that the suspended disbursements to the body to complement its legal procedures

    At the same time he confirmed that the ministry has work to the banks for the purpose of developing real estate construction in all fields through the granting of loans to citizens ranging from (20 30) million dinars as land area of construction, adding that the majority of these properties were returned to the families affected by the policies of the former regime.
    State and the Minister of Finance had said earlier that the ministry will be given financial loans to citizens of those who possess land and want to build.

    Translated version of tid=20
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  9. #33379
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inscrutable View Post
    Very simple solution.

    Here is the word million, مليون if that doesn't suit than download the arabic version of Adobe reader, then copy and paste to google translator. The reason you are getting jumbly translations is because of the arabic font not carrying over correctly.

    Install Adobe arabic at your own risk.

    Do you or anyone else know which language is the translated version? In otherwords, was the article first written in English then tranlslated to Arabic or the other way around?

    It is an English daily based in London, so it is possible it was first written in English. If this is the case, then the Arabic version would be guilty of the mis-translation.

    Is it possible to find out which version was first?

    Just a thought...

  10. #33380
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    Hey OSW. You appear to be lurking. Have you any confirmations on the HCL passing/being implimented tommorrow? Some confirmation would sure be good about now.


    Are we there yet? I'm getting really tired of waiting and I am getting wet from all of the dribbling. Come on you know it is the right thing to do for your country. R/V the thing in 1 large dramtic move to over 1 usd at least (1 sdr will be fine for a start) will ya?

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