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    An era of the Iraqi political forces for national reconciliation

    (Voice of Iraq) - 12-17-2006
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    Baghdad Mazen's :

    Hassan Al-Sunaid, a member of the Iraqi parliament, told the nation »« that the Iraqi political parties will sign a document to establish the national constants in condemning dictatorship and the crimes of Saddam's regime and refused to return and the value of symbols and its repressive policies, no matter how different designations, and the acceptance of the mechanism of the elections, which means that every citizen has one voice.

    The document stresses the renunciation of violence and a conspiracy and aggression in solving the problems between the same groups and political authority and the adoption of mechanisms of dialogue and democracy through faith in the unity of Iraq's land and people and the government and faith in the Arab and Islamic belonging and respect for the constitutional and national constants and faith in the importance of working hard and fast to complete the elements of national sovereignty.

    The document condemns terrorism aimed at innocent civilians and public facilities and respect for human rights and to condemn approach than an organization and treachery against any of the components of the Iraqi society, and consider rescheduling the withdrawal of the multinational forces, part of the national constants, and the completion of building the armed forces on the basis of competence and loyalty to the homeland and defending the interests of the people so as to enhance national sovereignty and prevent the disruption of security and stability in the country.
    And identified this document, which obtained »the homeland« the complete text of, and issued from the supreme body of dialogue and national reconciliation, the objectives of the Conference of the strong political forces in the »support the draft reconciliation for patriotism and providing the requirements of success, and access to the common vision of the ways best to the completion of the elements of national and ending the stage of the international trusteeship, and access to the statement a joint political unifies vision towards the the political process and position from terrorism and from the regional and international relations, as well as to find a state of of acquaintance among Iraqi political forces and access to the mechanisms of civilized and stable for dealing among themselves according to the text of the document.

    The document identified the objectives of the Conference with access to a code of honor among the strongest Iraqi political particularly in the area of ethical means information in the field of criticism directed, and crystallizing a joint political vision and constructive debate on the role and future of the military wings of the political forces and ways of dealing with this dangerous phenomenon, and develop practical proposals to ensure the maximum utilization of experienced, the energies of all the national forces of Iraq (whether in the political process or outside) in the process of decision-making, implementation and policy-making strategy mentally competent to country and the drafting of a special committee to follow up this important project «. Kuwaiti homeland

  2. #33382
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    Default Iraqi Investments CLub

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike5200 View Post
    French company to remove garbage from Dohuk

    Tamar Ramadan, the Governor of Dohuk Province, conducted a meeting with Jan Marine, who represents the French Alind Company that specializes in cleaning services and garbage removal. The goal of the meeting was to begin cleaning up Dohuk Province.

    Both sides agreed that the garbage should be taken to Hunarok cave. It is expected that an agreement will be signed between the company and the governorate of Dohuk.
    Source: The Kurdish Globe


    Posted on Saturday, December 16

    Perhaps they can assist in getting rid of the garbage in parliament and cabinet while they are at it. (g)

    Happy Holiday Season to all, MIke

  3. #33383
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    Hmmmmmmm I wonder.....???

    Saturday, December 16, 2006

    1 Iraqi Dinar = 0.0007396 US Dollar
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  4. #33384
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    I got this from the (DARK SIDE) but i like it.....

    I am a U.S. Soldier stationed in Iraq and i have been here for about 3 months. The lowest denom i have seen is the 250 note and the 100 dinar coin. I`m not saying the guy that posted this is wrong, But im just saying what i see here on the streets of baghdad. Another thing i would like to add is that the iraqis are not wanting to sell their dinar like they used to. They used to be very quick to sell it, and to sell it cheap. The guy i used to buy it from would give me a 1500/1 ratio and would give me 1000 dinar notes if i wanted. Now you can only find very few iraqis that want to sell it and even then, they are only willing to sell it at a rate of 1000/1. Just trying to put some information out there for you guys......


  5. #33385
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    Default Go Munnybags!

    So maybe you can just feel the attitude coming from Moneybags in every post. Never a hint of doubt - never a moment of genuine uncertainty - never a trace of concern that maybe he's just walked right over your best contributions without so much as a glance - so maybe he isn't the sort of person you could just sit down and have a friendly conversation and a beer with - we've all met these types before, right?

    Well, let me just say this - i have absolutely no doubt that when we get real close to a reval, Munnybags will be right there - in all his brainiac glory - encouraging all of us, cheering us along, using his logical formulations to shed a bright light on the path that will lead to us all becoming millionaires!

    Go Munnybags!
    Last edited by billknows; 17-12-2006 at 01:08 AM.

  6. #33386
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mab71 View Post
    I got this from the (DARK SIDE) but i like it.....

    I am a U.S. Soldier stationed in Iraq and i have been here for about 3 months. The lowest denom i have seen is the 250 note and the 100 dinar coin. I`m not saying the guy that posted this is wrong, But im just saying what i see here on the streets of baghdad. Another thing i would like to add is that the iraqis are not wanting to sell their dinar like they used to. They used to be very quick to sell it, and to sell it cheap. The guy i used to buy it from would give me a 1500/1 ratio and would give me 1000 dinar notes if i wanted. Now you can only find very few iraqis that want to sell it and even then, they are only willing to sell it at a rate of 1000/1. Just trying to put some information out there for you guys......


    this is a BIG FAT WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #33387
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    Economic : : Page economic force and broad vision for economic activity in Iraq and the world

    Goals occasion morning Researchers praised by the enemy station ideological and cultural mission
    ر الربيعيBaghdad-Haider spring
    Page followed economic newspaper in the morning the first time since its inception error aims to the vigorous pursuit of improving the economic aspect of the Iraqi comprehensive as this side of the impact of important and effective role in upgrading
    Life in general and the functioning of building the new democratic experiment, and the follow-up of seminars and conferences, internal and external economic coverage of the news concerning the work of both the ministries of trade, finance or industry or even economic organizations is a testimony to the hard work and continuous follow-up on what is going on from economic mobility aims to raise this fact important and vital role in the reconstruction of Iraq.
    It followed an ongoing Maeder views in the minds of economists, in terms of the draft investment law (when it was a draft) to be briefed on the main points of decomposition to analyze before ratification by the House of Representatives as well as to highlight the most important points that came out, which is necessary to attract investors to know by the legislature and activated more.
    Developed through extensive reports and articles Iraqi legislator and citizen alike to the main points contained decomposition to be able to address them. And already been done through highlight the paragraph in Articles land titling for domestic and foreign investors as they had offered morning inter MySQL is a summary of the ideas of a group of economists and thus was actually standing on that paragraph important to be modified. In addition to their many of the things that would upgrade the work of a draft investment law to attract investors on top of these things demand for many of the tax cuts where she met with Mr. Director-General of the Public Authority for taxes and another group of economists to talk about the benefits of this procedure in attracting investors has happened already.
    متابعة اداء الحكومةThe follow-up performance of the government
    In addition to Page economic and followed intensively the Iraqi government's efforts to reduce the debt of Iraq as a result of policies of the former regime have highlighted the most prominent tours conducted by Iraqi officials in the Paris Club and the rest of the conference aimed at reducing debt and the most important funeral reached during these meetings and tours ...
    In addition to the follow-up (Page) to the rebuilding of Iraq and the donor countries, which failed to contribute to this, as the continuing deployment of meetings with Iraqi officials to identify the most important aspects necessary to give priority to the rehabilitation and construction as well as the deployment of the most important achievements of conferences and symposiums held outside Iraq for the reconstruction of Iraq ... Page economic and able to take on the most prominent Iraqi citizen and the most important economic projects for the advancement of the Iraqi reality of the country's economic reconstruction of Lebanon's infrastructure, the establishment of refineries and reconstruction, as well as drilling wells and the establishment of factories and laboratories and agricultural and economic partnerships and the establishment of modern methods and the establishment of commercial and industrial exhibitions. As for these projects of great value in building a solid economic base depends on the expertise and competence ...
    معالجـات MySQL
    Page also able to address some of the economic problems which have had a significant impact on the worsening crisis or high inflation, for example, or the high prices of some essential items in the citizen's life, such as fuel and transport. It handled over the loss of time, the problem is very serious but, the opinion of some specialists is one of the causes of terrorism and the decline of some young people in this dangerous slope. It is the problem of unemployment, which worsened considerably in the last three years until they reached prepared to figures scary now threatens the economic wheel, as well as the security situation as this situation reflects deterioration in the conditions of the Iraqi family in a comprehensive manner. The group met with the finest analysts and economists and investors to know the decision of the Iraqi government to the most important and most treatments to alleviate the unemployment crisis this scourge that threatens all government projects, which some considered at the forefront of the problems that should be offloaded by the government to deal with the risks posed by so might affect the security of the State.
    ملف التضخمFile inflation
    In addition to Page economic inflation has opened the file that the other danger, which has become embroiled in the incomes citizen and the daily allowance rates, according to rates had become a frightening one hindrance to economic growth and human.
    Where was able to dialogue economic elite other economists to let them know what the most important ways to address this problem, which were just as serious as unemployment. The deal has all the seminars devoted to this purpose, including the establishment of the Iraqi Center for Economic Reform and hosted by the finest economists in the country to put what most can be curbed by this threat to the other is the economic policy that the government intends to set. In addition, it followed consistently monthly inflation rates issued by the Central Bank of Iraq as well as the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation and publish the inflation, as well as the prices of commodities and other goods and services.
    ..Page economic and through employees and the support of the ongoing liberalization has been able to keep pace with the ongoing work of what was going on Iraq economic held outside of conferences, symposia and exhibitions different economic aims to assist Iraq in its reconstruction, as well as meetings aimed to mobilize the greatest possible States to provide assistance to Iraq. It was attended by workers at page most of those conferences Iguetoha media and to know what was going on most of the economic work for Iraq, has attended conferences Iraq reconstruction conferences as well as various donor nations, as well as the Covenant with Iraq and various exhibitions held to the reconstruction of Iraq and in the various countries.
    الاقتصاديون يشيدونEconomists PRAISE
    بدور الصباحThe role of the morning
    ..Abdullah Albandar economic expert. Said. Every morning. The morning is fine. It is a replaying every day, through the gravity of news, reports and articles and published, even become part of an important issue, especially in the economic sphere, through increased awareness of the economic and alert workers in this area to the important issues. I think it has contributed to the process of economic reform is very high.
    With Dr. Majed fictitious expert at the Central Bank of Iraq raises the importance of economic news topics and illuminated workers in this area, and expressed his hope to continue to progress and make further contribution. He said the picture. Page economic and synchronizing all economic events large and small through the arguments and analysis, and I hope to be more in-depth analysis of the economic situation, as all topics vital. For his part, praised Dr. al-Kobaisi Bata expert at the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation important role played by the Sabah Economic and page through the hot topics dealt with according to him.
    He added Al-Kubaisi. Morning attendance at the economic affairs and in particular the challenges facing this aspect is the first offering appropriate solutions to those challenges, particularly in regard to unemployment, corruption, debt and the location of the private sector in the economy.
    ..He wishes of the al-Kobaisi, to keep abreast of the morning news Iraq's neighboring countries, especially in the economic sphere and economics similar to the economy of Iraq until the discrimination between them and the Iraqi economy.
    Hilal war researcher and expert in the Ministry of Finance. Emphasized that the wishes of all Iraqi monitor his morning as they perform their duty to the fullest is also to say. He adds : "congratulate all workers accomplished this important, because all it is published topics related to the street and consider issues of the hour.
    Kazim Ali Al-Husseini. The assistant general manager of the Economic and Finance Ministry praised all initiatives morning saying that the reason for their durability and famous.
    Husseini said : Sabah contributed to creating what we call general economic culture, and I think they are trying to bring economic concepts to the general understanding, as all topics concerning economic and significantly the lives of citizens and what differentiates the morning it has succeeded in forward between the academic or scientific and practical side.

    Translated version of
    Last edited by $onedaysoon$; 17-12-2006 at 01:30 AM.
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  8. #33388
    Senior Investor $onedaysoon$'s Avatar
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    الاقتصاديةEconomic : The future of the ration-card system in Iraq

    د . فلاح خلف الربيعيD. Falah behind spring
    باحث اقتصاديEconomic researcher
    The effects of the Preparatory Conference, which was held recently in Kuwait once again the subject of the abolition of government support programs, in particular to support supply goods during the discussion draft of the International Covenant with Iraq, under the pretext that these programs are inefficient, and that the cancellation could contribute to the revival of the Iraqi economy. It should be noted that the public distribution system for Supply Commodities is currently one

    Difficult dilemmas facing the Iraqi government. One hand, the system is very effective in reaching the poor, but that is taken by the other hand, it achieves its objectives in an efficient and cost-prohibitive over 20% of government revenue. To aggravate matters there is no safety nets alternative to the present system be effective on a large scale. What should be the policy makers to do on the public distribution system for Supply Commodities? To answer this question, the World Bank experts presented a number of proposals regarding the future of the regime in Iraq we will be discussing in this paper with some emphasis : -
    The first proposal :-speed cancel public distribution system for Supply Commodities : - that this action would have a sweeping impact on the poor who do not have any safety net alternative, as a result of the weakness of flexible production system for the local private sector in responding to the rapid elimination of the public distribution system will be a significant reduction in the foodstuffs and prices will rise substantially and would deteriorate the standard of living of the poor more.
    Second proposal :-provide comprehensive cash payments. Although the cash payments were superior to the food rations they do not lead to distort prices. However, this proposal, will also double the response of the private sector to increase supply in the short term. As well as the presence of the dilemmas of others, mostly for the banking system, banks present unable to deal with this regime to poor communication among themselves or to a lack of branches has in some parts of the country, and the deterioration in the security situation would make the transfer of cash between bank branches or to the families due process is not easy, and the Tenkeez public distribution system will not lead to any provision in the budget in case of compensation to the families full compensation.
    Third proposal :-the introduction of the concept of self-targeting
    Implementation of this proposal faces many difficulties, notably, the difficulty of conducting an inventory to enter the majority of the population, the lack of appropriate conditions and the capabilities to reach statistical diagnosis of living standards and to determine the proportion of poor families covered by the targeting, this type of diagnosis requires detailed data on family expenditure to reach a common understanding on the geographic location and characteristics of the model for poor families. Moreover, many Iraqi families to consider the public distribution system as a right and comprehensive withdrawal of benefits from the middle class may pay to political instability. There are other entrances to belong to self-targeting might also be useful. One of the families asked to re-register on the ration card to prove that it was really poor families. Another demanding information campaign to explain opportunity costs to the public distribution system to the public, can be paid high-income families to voluntarily exit from the system and the reasons for abstinence national sentiment. In short, self-targeting methods can yield substantial savings in the budget with a minimum of administrative costs.
    The fourth proposal : - reduce the number of articles in the ration basket. That would reduce the number of articles to streamline the work of the Ministry of Commerce in terms of the contract on purchase and follow-up exchange and movement of inventory However, the implementation of this measure requires further study to determine which materials should be repealed.
    The proposed V :-improving procurement procedures and financial management through :
    (1) the use of the price contracts and documents more specific and clearer, in addition to making public presentations.
    (2) automation of inventory control systems and link them so that tracking the materials public distribution system in all points.
    (3) the modernization of the regulations Mcnntha beneficiaries and to enable direct implementation in the process of determining the actual eligible.
    (4) the application of modern financial management system and strict permit precise calendar for the cost of the distribution system and avoids waste.
    (5) making the annual audit and reporting corporate function, including the random checking of the stock.
    The action plan include these actions should lead to significant savings in the budget of the public distribution system in the short term, and achieve significant gains through improved procurement procedures and financial management, and this is the reduction of losses arising from waste, theft and corruption.
    Translated version of
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

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    Quote Originally Posted by coolhand009 View Post
    They also have 50 notes, I have a box with 2 million 50 notes, they were very expensive! I bought them a year ago. Hard to get these one's. Most of my mountain is all 1000,500, 250,50 notes. Please keep us inform of anything new. Thanks

    2 Milllion in 50's?? You're gonna need hard help to move those to the bank. I have a few 50's also.
    There's been so much going on during the last few weeks in Iraq, you just know that something is going to give very soon with the FIL and the oil law on the verge of implementation, this is just a win win situation.
    Unfortunately, I haven't got the time to go through all the news sites and find the relevent information, therefore, would like to thank every member of this site for their invaluable imput. Good luck to you all.

  10. #33390

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