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    Iraq launches last-ditch peace talks
    Bush reiterates support for Maliki ahead of reconciliation talks, encouraged by Iraq leaders’ meetings.
    By Paul Schemm


    BAGHDAD, 17 December 2006 (Middle East Online)
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    Iraq's beleaguered coalition government launches another attempt to draw the shattered country's warring factions into a peace process on Saturday, with the launch of broad-based talks.

    Preparations for the national reconciliation conference have been low-key, but Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's coalition government hopes it will halt Iraq's seemingly inexorable slide into fratricidal bloodshed.

    The government has invited 300 leaders from various groups, including some which have so far stood outside Iraq's post-Saddam political process, but it was not clear how many would brave Baghdad's violence and make the trip.

    Overnight, Maliki called US President George W. Bush by videolink to brief him about the talks, which the White House hopes will be a step toward ending the violence and allowing America's 150,000-strong force to go home.

    "Prime Minister Maliki outlined plans for the national reconciliation conference," said Gordon Johndroe, spokesman for the National Security Council.

    The Iraqi leader also "talked about his desire, and the desire of many in Iraq, for a larger core of Iraqi political leaders to come together for the common objective of stabilising Iraq and promoting the rule of law", he said.

    In a 45-minute discussion via secure video, Maliki "also talked about providing greater security, in particular in Baghdad, by going after all sources of violence, including insurgents and militias", Johndroe said.

    Bush said he was "encouraged" by the good meetings he had had recently with the Iraqi Shiite cleric and politician Abdel Aziz al-Hakim and top Sunni official Tareq al-Hashemi, and reiterated his support for Maliki, he said.

    According to Iraqi officials, one of the key planks of the effort will be the possible inclusion of former members of ousted dictator Saddam Hussein's disbanded Baath Party, some of whom may be allowed to return to public life.

    This will raise hackles among hardline Shiite militants, whose majority community was persecuted by Saddam's Sunni-led regime, but is seen by many observers as a key first step in calming the violent insurgency.

    Tens of thousands of Baathists and Saddam-era military officers were purged from public service in the aftermath of the March 2003 US-led invasion and many went on to swell the ranks of groups fighting the new Shiite-led government.

    There is now a growing consensus that more junior party members not proven to have supported Saddam-era atrocities or the post-invasion rebellion should be allowed into the political process as a gesture of reconciliation.

    Nasser al-Ani, a Sunni lawmaker and the official spokesman of the conference, confirmed that Baathists living abroad were among those invited.

    "Probably some Baathists will attend," he said. "At the very least they will send representatives."

    On Thursday, Maliki's spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh confirmed that the talks would be open to allcomers, without specifically mentioning Baathists.

    Abbas al-Bayati, a member of Iraq's dominant Shiite parliamentary bloc, went further, adding that many Baathists might be allowed to return to their former positions in government, universities and state-run companies.

    "Individual Baathists will participate. They will explain their point of view and their positions," he confirmed.

    "The conference will limit the number of those to whom the law of de-Baathification applies to 2,000 people, he added.

    "The other former Baathists will either be considered retired and receive pensions or can get their old jobs back."

    There has been no discussion of removing Iraq's constitutional ban on the Baath Party as a political entity, but individual former members may be allowed back into a civil service starved of their administrative experience.

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    Speaking on Iraqi Oil Minister Hussein Shahrastani plans selfish and far to solve the oil crisis in Iraq, saying that Iraq will become a source by 2010.

    The minister said at a meeting of the Economic Committee in the House of the presence of a number of journalists that the plan adopted by the current ministry to provide oil derivatives during the next three years is "the addition of units to assist, as next year will see a new unit installed in the Al-Dawra refinery and again by 2008 to the Basra refinery. "
    As for future plans, he said that "the biggest refinery will be built in the Furat and will take 4 - 3 years if they started work because." He added, "after the 2009 - 2010 we will begin to build more refineries, and turn Iraq into a source of imported about 2010."
    He called the House legislation Shahrastani laws needed for investment and opening the door for the private sector and provide allocations for the remainder of the year, and cooperation to activate the anti-terrorism laws "to the fact that terrorism is the first cause of the crises experienced by the citizen. "
    He said that the Iraqi oil ministry allocated six million liters of petrol to solve the fuel crisis in Baghdad, pointing out that several tanks fell today, Monday, to the streets of the capital for the distribution of oil derivatives on the duty families cards allocated to it.
    The minister Hussein Shahrastani "the intervention of political parties and militias and control of the stations and their distribution of gasoline a month ago," but he pointed to the formation of (an emergency committee) to put an end to the excesses that occur in packing plants.
    minister said there was a shortage of at least ten million liters of petrol and other oil derivatives, stressing
    That deficit "can not be covered without resorting to an increase in the sums allocated by the state for importation."
    He ruled out the possibility Shahrastani cover the deficit of the GDP, "the fact that the existing refineries in Iraq is able to provide only about (12) million liters of gasoline in the event of work at maximum capacity, while Iraq needs to (21) million liters per day."
    He has set out the reasons for the current crisis in the oil derivatives, saying "there are attacks (terrorist) against oil pipelines, and problems with neighboring countries for the supply of oil derivatives."
    He explained that there was a "memorandum of understanding signed with the Iranian side to provide us with oil White, and was supposed to be on 18th of this month, but (the agreement) was not implemented."
    Shahrastani also dealt with the problems of Turkish companies and delayed providing Iraq oil derivatives "under the pretext of debt on Iraq since 2003 until the beginning of this year."
    But the minister, however, "after that we were able to reach a settlement, Turkey imposed a contract with us (17) company. Some non-oil. "
    The minister said that Saudi Arabia "apologized for the export of oil derivatives us."
    The official asked the protection of oil installations, Brigadier Hassan Thoeni during the meeting, "Are militias and parties, which dominate the stations packed part of the government?" He added, "if the defense and interior cooperated with us, we were able to eliminate abuses, pointing to the existence of collusion between batches special protection Balananbib oil and saboteurs.
    .Meanwhile, a member of the House of Representatives example Alalosi expedite processing through reflections and under the supervision of the government and the previous government demanded accountability for the failures that led to the arrival of the crisis to what it is wondering why the focus on imports from Iran. The minister pointed out that Iran does not export oil derivatives, but a transit line between the areas of production of derivatives of Turkmenistan (northern Iran).
    For his part, Dr. Al-Mahdi Al-Hafiz restoration of the prestige of the State to impose order in the packing plants and the elimination of abuses and the presence of "collusion between departments and saboteurs and nails a Maijb seen."
    He wondered, Unadim Kana, a member of the Economic Commission for the fate of the amounts withdrawn by the Coalition Provisional Authority (ruled Iraq after the fall of Saddam's regime) on the pretext of honoring debts Turkey minister replied that "the amount owed by Iraq to Turkey more than $ 1 billion, or half the allocation for the Ministry of Oil."
    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

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    The prime minister's statement to the press

    (Voice of Iraq) - 12-17-2006
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    Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki full round talks with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who arrived in Baghdad today to visit during which he reiterated his support for the political process in Iraq and the efforts of the Iraqi government to establish security and stability through increased capacity of the Iraqi forces and given to enable them to assume security tasks from the multinational forces.

    And Mr. Prime Minister, welcomed the British Prime Minister and the delegation accompanying him again thanks to the positions of the British government support for the political process and to the aspirations of the Iraqi people to achieve democracy, as expressed appreciation for the role the British forces operating in Iraq.

    For his part, Mr. Tony Blair : We have come to reaffirm our continued support for your government and the actions are being taken in order to achieve security and national reconciliation and to emphasize the importance of the neighboring countries the same role in support of Iraq and the elected government saying that the Advanced in the British policy towards Iraq and the withdrawal of British forces only after achieving its objectives and should coincide with the increased viability and readiness of the Iraqi forces and the former fixed for all the multinational forces in Iraq.

    The Prime Minister said that a comprehensive review of Almtherh factors in the political and security at the local level, regional and continuing our efforts for the success of national reconciliation and the political forces is being held, will have significant and fruitful.

    The Prime Minister described the steps the new Iraqi government represented in a cabinet reshuffle aimed to develop the performance of the government, and the intention to send envoys and extend an invitation for a regional conference supportive of the political process and the achievements of the Iraqi people since the fall of the totalitarian system and so far, in addition to developing the security plan Baghdad, in cooperation with the multinational forces, and continued preparations according to the timetable to hand over Iraqi armed forces full responsibility in the whole country.

    The two sides held a meeting at the end of a press conference attended by agencies Alaanaba and space stations local and international responded to the questions posed by journalists.

  4. #33494
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    The Parliament of Kurdistan report discusses Baker-Hamilton

    (Voice of Iraq) - 12-17-2006
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    From Hamid Zebari
    Arbil - (Voices of Iraq)

    The National Council of Iraqi Kurdistan (parliament) today, Sunday, an extraordinary meeting to discuss the report of the Baker-Hamilton sector developments in the situation in Iraq.

    He said Mr. Adnan Mufti, President of the Council at the beginning of the meeting that "this meeting dedicated to the discussion of the report and to take an official stance, it and sending a message to the American government to show the position of the Kurdistan parliament of the report."
    He pointed out that the report by the things that are not realistic, but that does not mean the absence of a positive aspects and also that it is necessary to express opinions on the negative aspects of the report. "
    A team from the Republican and Democratic parties, headed by former Foreign Minister George Baker submitted a report last Wednesday (79) contains a recommendation on rescue the situation in Iraq and review in the American strategy in Iraq and to ensure the threat of cutting off (support) from the Iraqi government in the absence of its rapid action to improve the situation in Iraq.

    The mufti "Another time, in which the fate of our people and others long gone beaten Kurds with chemical weapons since the Kurdish people would not be allowed to be governed by one another and also the international situation will not allow, as well as the situation in Iraq would not be allowed to a totalitarian regime."

    He pointed out the importance of the work of pressure on the American administration for failing to abide by the report and said, "If the American administration points out in the report on the Balcard it means going back and return to the Cold War era."

    He added, "the report took into account only the interests of the neighboring countries did not take into account the interests of nationalities present in Iraq."

    The mufti must not remain silent on this report to the presence of lines considered together red lines including Kirkuk red line and we can postpone this issue as well as the case for any change to the constitution which must be approved by a referendum before the Iraqi people.

    The report was called for a postponement of the application of Article (140) of the Constitution and the special situation in Kirkuk.

    He called on the Mufti to reinforce the role of civil society institutions and the development of the democratic process in the province, which he described as the best friend of the Kurdish people.

    For his part, Mr. Omar Fatah Deputy Prime Minister in the government of Kurdistan before the meeting that the report was unrealistic and points out things are not in the interest of the two peoples of Kurdistan and Iraq.
    He added, "We will work to deliver our voice to America and going to struggle, and that this refusal of the people of Kurdistan came to the fact that the report is not in Msalehth."

    The President Masoud Barzani of the Kurdistan of Iraq, had announced earlier this month that he would not abide by the report of the Commission (Baker-Hamilton) on Iraq, because it contains proposals inappropriate and unrealistic.
    He referred in this regard to the report's call to review the constitution Iraqi participation of experts from the United Nations and the development of oil revenues under the control of the central government and the distribution of proceeds on the basis of the population in the regions of Iraq, considering that the control of the regions oil wells run with the new process of national reconciliation. H n

  5. #33495
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    Compatibility denies withdrawal from the parties and forces

    (Voice of Iraq) - 12-17-2006
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    Compatibility denies withdrawal from the political parties and forces,
    From the hushed Abdulamir

    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    The spokesman denied that the political parties and forces, Al-Ani today, Sunday, hailed the withdrawal of the Iraqi Accord Front of the political forces.

    He said Ani, one of the leaders of the Iraqi Islamic Party in a telephone News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent, "The Accord Front did not withdraw from the political forces, and they still continue their participation in the Conference for the second consecutive day."

    The news was reported today in the corridors of the conference on the withdrawal Accord Front of the conference because it does not contain points commensurate with their aspirations.

    And on Saturday began the work of the political forces and parties attended by more than 200 Iraqi political personalities, including Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and members of the Baath party disbanded, and leaders of the political blocs and the President of the Kurdistan region Masoud Barzani, and the absence of the President Jalal Talabani because of his poor health and was attended by his representative.

    It is scheduled to conclude its work today, Sunday,.

    The Conference decided on Saturday formed four committees prepare the decisions of the Conference.

    He hailed Ani "to the four committees started in the formulation of resolutions of the conference is likely to end today of the formulation."

    The two major Ktltan bloc chest and the Front National Dialogue had boycotted the conference.
    U p

  6. #33496
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    HELLO everyone i am new to the forum and just wanted to Thank everyone for all the great info, you are all outstanding. Well one thing i can say is I just got back from Iraq a few months back and i was able to see first hand all the positive things going on ie: big contracts being given to the locals and reconstruction all over. so this is defintly a plus and i am glad i invested, again thank you all

  7. #33497
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gloribee View Post
    This is great news, not what I was hoping for, but good non the less. Remember they can poke a reval in at anytime of the day. While I do not see a reval today, I suspect one is coming real soon. We were looking at a .66 for a while there. As I stated there was no word across the pond on this, I'm still hearing ( unconfirmed reports) an amount larger than this. I hope they are right.

    I hope you are right, but let's not forget the statement about having the dinar reaching 1350 by the end of the year. When it goes below that is when I will be getting really, really, really excited. Right now I am just merely really excited!!!

    Are we there yet? I'm getting really tired of waiting and I am getting wet from all of the dribbling. Come on you know it is the right thing to do for your country. R/V the thing in 1 large dramtic move to over 1 usd at least (1 sdr will be fine for a start) will ya?

  8. #33498
    Senior Member DinarDevildog's Avatar
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    Thumbs up can someone explain please

    i llok at the CBI website and see the auctions, but what does it mean when the dashes are there, is it they had a auction but didnt sell anything so the onlything that happen was the rate drop, and is it good for us

    Number of banks 12 -----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1400 -----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $ ------ -----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $) 24.930.000 -----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) ------
    Total offers for buying (US $) 24.930.000 -----
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  9. #33499
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    Ladies and gentlemen distinguished
    وبركاتهPeace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings
    ا ان.Your participation in this conference is proof of your strong interest and concern for the safety of Iraq, which is going through in difficult situations, and the acceptance of the principle of dialogue and overcoming the rejection prior reference extremely important to move forward.
    .It has been a year since the first free parliamentary elections in Iraq in its modern history, in the light of a permanent constitution voted on by millions of Iraqis and which formed the first government of national unity in which all the components of the Iraqi people.
    .The great interest shown by the government of national unity to the security did not prevent her from moving forward in the rebuilding process in the economic, industrial, agricultural, trade and the provision of services and infrastructure development. The projects in the fields of reconstruction is under way or under preparation and implementation within the planned future in the process of reconstruction in all provinces have them. We have provided a big budget will be able to make a qualitative leap in all critical areas, including help in providing job opportunities for the unemployed.
    .The government has managed the national unity and cooperation with the parliament during the last six months in achieving significant spread in different areas, it has been the law of investment, which will help economic development and attract capital, national and foreign legislation and the liberalization of the import of fuel. The government put the final touches to the draft law oil, which is the cornerstone of achieving justice in the distribution of natural resources, most notably oil, which is the property of all Iraqis, as the government endorsed the draft National Housing, which will contribute to solving the problem of housing in the country and the government is working in cooperation with the United Nations and the international community to achieve the Charter of the International Covenant is the Charter, which will provide support internationally and regionally for reconstruction projects and construction.
    .We must all of us, brothers, to abandon the culture of imposing our views on others by force as the approach adopted by the dictatorial regime, which has dragged the country over the past decades to the devastation of war.
    ان.The sensitive stage through which Iraqna Aziz requires us to do the same team spirit to get practical and concrete results and to Anktefi slogans and speeches, National reconciliation is not just a recitation without the intention to convert them to see and feel the exercise of the citizen on the ground and has partners in the political process and assume responsibility for its implementation consequences.
    انفقط.We want national reconciliation to paint a picture of the political reality of the new Iraq to tell our people that their political and parliamentary bloc, and even those that opposed the political process, believes that the cessation of bloodshed in Iraq and ending the sectarian tension and repair damage to the social Bensejeh principle objectives is for all of us to achieve the positions and actions, not just with words.
    ايها السيدات والسادةLadies and gentlemen
    .Our goal is not to hold this conference and the conference which preceded overblowing only hopes and aspirations but also identify the risks and challenges facing the country, and we strongly believe that national reconciliation is played rescue and the only way to reach the content to achieve security, stability and prosperity, because the other alternative is, God forbid, death and destruction and the loss of Iraq and undermining national unity. منها.That the government of national unity, which we formed on the basis of consensus among the parliamentary blocs participating in the political process, means broadening the base of responsibility in the face of challenges, and serious mistake evading responsibility or evasion.
    .That participation in the government of national unity is the responsibility of national solidarity, and it is not right for any of us to reap the fruits of the democratic process without incurring consequences or that is not shy to stir up sedition and spreading a culture of hatred and uncovering the past that we wish to remain in the stomachs of the history books.
    .We believe that national reconciliation is not a political slogan but a strategic vision of a government which works by two nested one of providing security and the consolidation of stability and the other to accelerate the process of reconstruction and rehabilitation in all governorates.
    .We call for a serious review of the current political formations and reconstruction on a national basis and the formation of a framework or expanded national front that includes all the political components and be above narrow loyalties and affiliations and paving the way for efficient and specialized elements for the management of affairs of the country away from sectarian and nationalistic quotas and partisan.
    ايها الاخوة والاخواتDear brothers and sisters
    .Call upon the Your conference the distinguished take clear positions, coupled with the to working to strengthen the capacity of our Lebanese and military in the face of terrorist organizations and takfiri and their allies from the remnants of the ousted regime, to those who Aemnon the political process nor dialogue and depend culture of a heresy of others and killing and to incite sectarian subversion of an attempt to restore the wheel of history backwards, and He revealed that the realized these delusions for the owners of the sinister intentions and stress for leaving for the slightest doubt on the seriousness of armed organizations and militias on security and social peace and the necessity of of national unanimity that the weapon must be the However the government only to ensure security and the imposition of the rule of law. While recognizing the role of supervisor by some militias to topple the dictatorship, it is necessary to resolve these militias and integrating them in various State institutions.
    انف.The national unity government is determined to tackle the heavy legacy left by the former regime and redress for its victims and therefore you announced the formation of a martyrs, which would mean the auspices of the families of the martyrs of Iraq from various affiliations also embarked on the establishment of an institution of political prisoners to compensate Amalhaq them from injustice and unfairness.
    .The new Iraqi army has opened its doors to members of the former army officers and rank and the government of national unity is ready to accommodate those who have the desire to serve the country on the basis of professional and commensurate with the size of the army and absorptive capacity. Regardless, the government will pay pensions to all those who Itim assimilated into the army. Iraq today needs to be protected by a strong army of enemies and be loyal to the nation and not the First Army Privileges and military coups and reckless adventures.
    ان .The army officers are the people who are dear to us all respect and appreciation, and we seek to fight at all locations to take advantage of their energies, skills and experience to help us build our armed forces and the handover of security in all provinces and appreciation for the role played by the coalition forces in Iraq helping to get rid of the dictatorship, the government was aware that the time has come to take full responsibility on the security issue in the country. It has been agreed between the Iraqi government and multinational forces to expedite the process of transferring security duties to Iraqi forces. The multinational forces will be awarded and support the Iraqi armed forces, pending completion of the transfer of full security functions.
    ايها السيدات والسادةLadies and gentlemen
    .We differentiate between the Baathists who were not Ttltkh their hands the blood of our people and those who have committed the most heinous crimes against Iraqis and continue today, shedding the blood of innocent people, assassinations and bombings, car bombs and the destruction of the infrastructure, in order to distinguish between the two cases does not hurt the first category, in order not to go second class of the justice of the law.
    .On this basis I call on the House of Representatives to conduct an audit in paragraphs constitutional and in accordance with the constitutional rules of fairness in the media, chopping and guarantee the rights of the families of those involved in eradication action embodiment of the principle of tolerance and care for all Iraqis. We must deal with all the thorny issues and complex as a commitment to the Constitution, believing that the House distinguished form a committee to conduct constitutional amendments agreed with us in this vision.
    ايها الاخوة والاخواتDear brothers and sisters
    .The time has come for a cabinet reshuffle to activate joints life in the state and its various. Here, I must emphasize the importance of the contribution of the political blocs participating in the political process in a serious and effective action to speed up the process of a cabinet reshuffle which, we believe, is necessary at this sensitive stage.
    ايهاالسادةLadies and gentlemen
    .The foreign policy pursued by the government of national unity depends primarily on the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries and not to allow any country to interfere in the internal affairs of Iraq. We have visited most of the neighboring countries to improve relations with these countries in the political, economic and security. We can say that we have succeeded in overcoming many of the outstanding problems between Iraq and neighboring countries.
    .During the coming days, the Iraqi government would send delegations to visit the region to consult with them on the support of the political process in Iraq. In the light of its willingness to assist in the security conditions in Iraq, we will call for the convening of a regional conference confirms and supports Mahaqkh achievements of the Iraqi people and support the democratic government of national unity and to stand by her in the face of terrorism, and the success of national reconciliation.
    .We refuse to turn Iraq into an arena for conflict of regional and international powers also invite your ruling parties refused to condemn the policy of Foreign Affairs and sectarian incitement and luck to hatred and violence.
    الاخواتDear brothers and sisters
    .When you see a decent crowd Oh, I see you picture of the future of Iraq, which work together to be free, sovereign, secure and prosperous. When to see political parties and organizations that you represent, I believe firmly that it must be transformed into workshops, and to strengthen the national social fabric and perpetuate national unity.
    .Iraq will remain a big house and Aziz, who ensure all with different views and beliefs and that loyalty must be to Iraq first and not the party or sect or nationality. Iraq to the Iraqis and not the right of any party in the new era that is pursuing a policy of marginalization, exclusion and discrimination against the other, Vabraghi equivalent of a fellow Iraqi in rights and duties and national unity goal of a sacred religious and secular law.
    ايها السيدات والسادةLadies and gentlemen
    .We must remember in this national meeting all of our people Almadhin Aziz, the Iraqi pause honor and glory of the martyrs and their families and the wounded and widows and orphans, those who have sacrificed their lives and made the dearest they have to keep strong and dear Iraq and united. Disappointment, pointed to the enemies of the people who Astshluwa bloodshed and have committed sins and violated sanctities monarchy and religiously God.
    والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.May peace and God's mercy and blessings.

    موقع الرافدين _ كلمة رئيس الوزراء السيد نوري كامل المالكي في مؤتمر القوى السياسية للمصالحة الوطنية

  10. #33500
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinarDevildog View Post
    i llok at the CBI website and see the auctions, but what does it mean when the dashes are there, is it they had a auction but didnt sell anything so the onlything that happen was the rate drop, and is it good for us

    Number of banks 12 -----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1400 -----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $ ------ -----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $) 24.930.000 -----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) ------
    Total offers for buying (US $) 24.930.000 -----
    Total offers for selling (US $) ------ -----
    the ------- means no sale . thay did not sale any dinar and yes it is very good . CBI has been biying up all the dinar

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