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  1. #33531
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    2004.....1380-1400/1 with 1.5 billion in reserves
    2006.....1400/1 with 15 billion in reserves +

  2. #33532
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    Cool Hummmmmm,

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    not always. and this will be moved since its in no capacity going to be fifty words long. not a chance in hell can i think of enough stuff to say to keep it in this thread so theres no sense in trying even if i wanted to which i dont.
    Well, I am watching you...... What is that 5 words. Just stay on topic please.

    I have a couple Links here, that another member wants me to post for them.

    United Press International - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper

    Iraqi Unions Attack Oil Privatization -- Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA)

    PLATFORM - Iraq - النفط في العراق

    Last edited by neno; 17-12-2006 at 05:50 PM. Reason: Fixed the Links..Sorry

  3. #33533
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    Exclamation 90% of Iraqis Say 'Worse Off Than Under Saddam'

    90% of Iraqis Say 'Worse Off Than Under Saddam'
    By: Aljazeera on: 16.12.2006 [04:14 ]

    Citizens in Iraq and in the US hope to see an end to
    the presence of American troops in Iraq
    More than 90 per cent of Iraqis believe the country is worse off now than before the war in 2003, according to new research obtained by Al Jazeera.

    A survey of 2,000 people by the Iraq Centre for Research and Strategic Studies found that 95 per cent of respondents believe the security situation has deteriorated since the arrival of US forces.

    The findings follow a poll by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal that found that less than one in four Americans approves of George Bush's administration’s handling of the conflict in Iraq.

    It also comes as armed men attacked the convoy of Iraq's vice-president and as up to 30 Iraqis were kidnapped in Baghdad on Thursday.

    NBC reported that only 23 per cent of respondents backed the president's strategy, representing an 11-point drop since the last NBC poll in October.

    Nearly seven in 10 respondents said they felt less confident the war would come to a successful conclusion, NBC said. Fifty three per cent said the US did not have an obligation to killed or wounded American soldiers to remain in Iraq.

    'Very poor' government

    Bush has said he is considering options for changing US policy in Iraq following the results of the bi-partisan Iraq Study Group report, but has said he will not be rushed into any decision.

    Your Views

    "Bush and Blair, with their key aides, should be sent to trial for treason and crimes against humanity and maybe corruption."

    Van Zwam, Dendermonde, Belgium

    Send us your views

    Nearly 66 per cent of respondents to the Iraqi survey thought violence would decrease if US forces were to leave.

    Thirty-eight per cent were also "unconfident" that Nuri al-Maliki, the Iraqi prime minister, would be able to improve the situation in Iraq and nearly 90 per cent described the government's implementation of its commitments and promises as very poor.

    Of the respondents, 36.5 per cent said they felt the official security forces were unable to keep control in the country.

    90% of Iraqis Say 'Worse Off Than Under Saddam'

    A good example is the 10K handout which never came!

    This government must do something real good and real quick to win trust of their own people!

  4. #33534
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    Well, I am watching you...... What is that 5 words. Just stay on topic please.

    I have a couple Links here, that another member wants me to post.

    Iraqi Unions Attack Oil Privatization -- Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA)

    Sorry Neno-the 1st and 3rd links do not work.

  5. #33535
    Senior Investor $onedaysoon$'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jetsa View Post
    2004.....1380-1400/1 with 1.5 billion in reserves
    2006.....1400/1 with 15 billion in reserves +

    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  6. #33536
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    Default thanks to you, DinarDevilDog

    DinarDevilDog: Thanks for your service in Iraq, and also for posting what you saw there.

  7. #33537
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jetsa View Post
    2004.....1380-1400/1 with 1.5 billion in reserves
    2006.....1400/1 with 15 billion in reserves +
    Sorry Jetsa. I must still be half asleep or something. I'm not sure what the correlation is other than the 10x increase in reserve amounts. Was it in 2004 that the rate value dropped dramatically? Again, sorry for the possible silly question.

  8. #33538
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    Cool Ok...

    Quote Originally Posted by One Oar View Post
    Sorry Neno-the 1st and 3rd links do not work.
    Go Back to them Now. They are fixed.

  9. #33539
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    What an interesting morning this has turned out to be! Here's my 2 cents:

    The next window of time I would expect a reval isnt until the end of this month, two weeks from now at the earliest. At this point, it wouldnt make any sense to do it any earlier. Wait until Dec 31 and then do it first thing on Jan 1. Accountants like to start and end accounting periods neatly . . .there would be no budget adjustments to reflect a value increase for the few days left of 2006 if they did it before. They could start a brand new year, a brand new budget with a brand new value . . .assuming the Iraqi Government runs a Jan 1 to Dec 31 accounting year.

    Why make life more difficult and do it in the middle of a month? I'd wait until the end of a quarter, or year end to do it. Nothing like a fersh start . . .and then I could put the tax burden off until I file my 2007 tax return in April 2008 . . .by then Im sure we could have all exploited every loophole to keep the $$$ in our pockets and not our respective governments

  10. #33540
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    Vipor, I read a post that in 2004 there was a rate of 1380-1400 and it was reported at that time that they had 1.5 billion USD in reserves. Now, 2 years later, we revisit that rate and have 10 times the reserves plus gold etc.

    It just sorta struck me as odd, a kind of no method to their madness sorta deal (although I am of the camp that thinks that their method, or plan, has been known and set in motion for a long time).

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