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  1. #33621
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsfletcher View Post
    Why do dpeople do this shiite? check out the link. I'm sure Neno saw this, another person crying lop in 07.
    Do you have a link where this was posted?
    May the New Year bring hope & prosperity to all Iraq and for all of us!

    God bless our soldiers and bring them home safe.

  2. #33622
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    Lets stay positive and not think about this zero lop. Perhaps these are the additional notes that will be distributed soon! Again, lets take the high road! With the acceptance coutrywide, the current currency is the best money going.

  3. #33623
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Day View Post
    Forget the lop (ain't happenin'...), but is this real?

    Read what's along the r/s border... New Hope New Future
    Also check out the serial number. On all of the NID its all in arabic, yet this one isn't

  4. #33624
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysDreaming View Post
    Do you have a link where this was posted?
    Truck and Barter: Iraqi Dinar Discussion: December 14, 2006 - ...

    it's near the bottom, a poster named Hsiv Qnay
    When there is confidence in any currency, stability and growth are the next to follow..

  5. #33625
    Banned Lakeway's Avatar
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    Cool Mike...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike5200 View Post
    A letter to US president Geroge Bush

    The Honorable George W. Bush
    President of the United States of America
    The White House
    Washington, D.C., USA

    11 December 2006

    Dear President Bush,

    My name is Mohammad Sadik; I am the president of Salahaddin University, the oldest and the largest university in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, with a student population of 23,000. I am an academic and not a politician but I am a friend of you and all the Americans, as is 99% of the population of our Region. I want to emphasize the word FRIEND as I want it to be the centre of my address to your Excellency.
    The Kurds who fought with America in 2003 are very grateful to you and the men and women of the US Military for liberating Iraq from the tyrant Saddam. After the liberation of Iraq in April 2003, many American people, both civilian and military, have visited our Region and discovered for themselves that the peoples of the Kurdistan Region are their true friends.

    May I take a moment to explain that we are many peoples. While predominantly Kurd, we are also Turkmen, non-Kurd Christian, Arab, Armenian, and others. The regrettable threat of violence in other parts of our country has provoked thousands of families to flee to our Region where Arab Shia and Arab Sunni and Christians live side-by-side in peace and security. All are safe under the security of our Kurdistan Regional Government.

    In 2005, I heard Chat Blakeman, the American Consul in Kirkuk, speaking to his daughter on the phone from Erbil and describing our Region to her: “My daughter, I am in a part of Iraq with wonderful people, the Kurds. Its like if I ever have a flat tire they would all come to my rescue and change the tire for me because they love Americans. Do not worry about me; I am now in a safe place”.

    In January 2005, American planes attacked one of our student dormitories in Erbil City in the middle of the night. I came out immediately and made the statement that it is a mistake made by our friends and I am sure no harm was intended. It turned out to be a mistake; apologies were made at the time and accepted. I felt as the president of the university I had the duty to preserve this love and friendship between the Americans and the peoples of the Kurdistan Region.

    Mr. President, I have read the Baker-Hamilton report and fully appreciate the volatile situation in Iraq and the Middle East region. However, I want you to consider one thing and that is that Americans have been greeted nowhere else in the world with flowers from an entire nation, except in the Kurdistan Region. Having said this, the Baker-Hamilton Commission paid no visit to our Region to discover the value and meaning of our friendship. They formed their conclusions from a severely limited, isolated view inside the Baghdad Green Zone.

    The solution to the Iraq problem will only be achieved with the help of your friends in the Middle East region who are very few. The peoples of the Kurdistan Region look forward to your policy statement on Iraq and not to the Baker-Hamilton report. The people of our Region have grown beyond the bitter experiences of betrayals and neglect, most notably those of 1975 and 1991. Please do not allow the memories to rekindle fears that it will happen again. Please do stick with your friends here.

    I believe you, as the President of the United States, have the responsibility of keeping the good relationship between Americans and the peoples of the Kurdistan Region intact. Our Region is the only place in Iraq where you can have a safe base among friends.

    I look forward to hearing your policy statement on Iraq.

    Yours sincerely,

    Mohammad Sadik (PhD),
    President, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan-Iraq

    Where did this come from?

    This should be printed in every paper in the country IMO.

    Thanks Mike.

  6. #33626
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    Reconciliation Conference ends without exception important recommendations exchange

    (Voice of Iraq) - 12 - 18-2006
    This issue was sent to a friend

    Reconciliation Conference ends without the recommendations of the task except for the lucrative pay of Saddam's army officers

    Constitutional amendments to the Commission emphasized the need to adhere to the prohibition of the Baath «» and prevent its members from assuming leadership positions

    BAGHDAD : «» Middle East
    The Iraqi national reconciliation conference in Baghdad yesterday, without significant results except for a key recommendation, for the payment of pensions to the salaries of officers in the Iraqi army of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein dissolved.

    A spokesman for the Conference champion Ani, for the French news agency, said that «the main practical recommendation, is to distract the pensions of former Iraqi army officers, but the rest of the recommendations, it is within the scope of slogans and good intentions, which need to be tested on the ground». It quoted the French Press Agency to Ani said, that care are concerned, in particular, the disbanded Iraqi army officers, who number approximately 350 thousand.

    The conference is split into four committees, discussed four issues are the constitutional amendments and the army, militias and expand political participation. The head of the army, Najib Salhi (Chairman of the Free Officers Movement, which participated in the political process and the legislative elections, but is not represented in parliament), in the final public meeting of the Conference, the Committee recommends «the auspices of the former military, by granting them salary pension rewarding». He added, «let's be realistic, the former army (in the era of Saddam Hussein) had a million military and the current Army could not absorb all of this number, and should therefore pay pensions rewarding them».

    He suggested the formation of Al-Salihi, a special committee of the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, in his capacity as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, to discuss how to care for former military, stressing that they are «sons and the sons of Iraq with the spirit of national». The committee also demanded the return of compulsory military service in Iraq, which was abolished after the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003.

    The reconciliation conference, which was Maliki hopes to include parties from within the political process, and opponents have opened the day before yesterday, without the participation of any representative of the opposition outside Iraq. Although Maliki adopt a conciliatory toward former Baathists, declaring that the army doors open to those who wished to return, and calling on him to review the work of the rules of uprooting the Baath, but the absence of representatives of the opposition groups, rescinded, cast a shadow over the effectiveness of the initiative.

    The Conference was held also in the absence of mass chest and two Snitin involved in the political process, and the Iraqi List, led by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, and any representative of the opposition outside Iraq. The Iraqi prime minister had called, in a speech at the opening of the conference, the Iraqi parliament to reconsider the rules work of the Ba `ath party. However, there is no reference to this call, in the recommendations issued yesterday from the four committees, which split by the conference, which examined four cases, are the constitutional amendments and the army, militias and expand political participation.

    On the contrary, the Commission on constitutional amendments in the recommendations, the need to reaffirm the commitment to «Articles 7 and No. 137 in the new Iraqi constitution, which was approved in 2005, which provide for the prohibition of the Baath Party and the prohibition of any former member of the Baath Party leadership position in the state, unless they have left the party ten years before the fall of Saddam's regime».

    But Ani explained that Scott recommendations of the conference call Maliki, due to the fact that «reconsidering the law abolishing the Baath purview of the Chief Minister, who is to be presented by the proposal to amend this law to the Parliament». Participants suggested «ban armed militias and the integration of its personnel in the civil administrations, and cleared Iraqi forces from abusive elements belonging to the militia». And the American administration to pressure the Iraqi government to solve the sectarian militias, especially the Mahdi Army militia, affiliated to the movement of Shiite leader Muqtada al-Sadr, accused of contributing to the fueling sectarian violence, which has dropped from 120 people per day according to the United Nations.

  7. #33627
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    I wanted to see what the current M2/reserves looked like compared to the numbers from 2004 here's what I found in the CBI key financial spreadsheet...

    December 2004
    Exchange rate: 1460

    M2: 12.254 trillion dinar(8.39 billion USD)

    Net foreign assets: 7.35 billion USD
    (Gold and SDRs,
    Cash in CBI Vaults)

    November 23 2006
    Exchange rate: 1446

    M2: 14.4 trillion dinar(9.9 billion USD)

    Net foreign assets: 13.71 billion billion USD
    (Gold and SDRs,
    Cash in CBI Vaults)

    with 14.4 trillion M2, a 25% reserve requirement, the dinar could easily be valued at 1 usd = 270 IQD

    Something else really caught my attention. the M2 shown for September was 18.92 trillion dinar but for the week ending on October 5th the M2 is shown as 13.16 trillion. Somehow they managed to reduce the M2 by 5 trillion dinar and we missed it. By the week ending November 23rd the M2 had increased to 14.41 trillion. What concerns me is that we didn't see any thing that should of tipped us off to the fact that they removing 5 trillion dinar from circulation and during the auctions that we've seen over 2 trillion dinar pulled from circulation the M2 has increased by 1 trillion. I'm very confused about this decrease/increase in M2. Hopefully someone can help me out.


  8. #33628
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    Cool Mike5200

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike5200 View Post
    A letter to US president Geroge Bush

    The Honorable George W. Bush
    President of the United States of America
    The White House
    Washington, D.C., USA

    11 December 2006

    Dear President Bush,

    Get me a link, and I will have it Printed in My HomeTown Paper. It will grow around here from that. I might even have it sent to the Dallas Paper if you can get this.

  9. #33629
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lakeway View Post
    Where did this come from?

    This should be printed in every paper in the country IMO.

    Thanks Mike.
    Kurd and Kurdistan United Kurdish Voice KURDISH MEDIA/UNITED KURDISH VOICE

  10. #33630
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Day View Post
    Forget the lop (ain't happenin'...), but is this real?

    Read what's along the r/s border... New Hope New Future
    no it's not real. come on. the serial number is not in arabic.

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