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  1. #33701
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    Iran ready to connect سيكونThe Iranian side is preparing to start installing optical-fiber cables in preparation for the link with Iraq via the telephone network. An official source in the company of the Iraqi Telecommunication and Post in a press statement that would link.

    Through the city of Jalula. He added that this project will develop the commercial realities of cities throughout Iraq after it suffered from the weakness of the telephone network. He said the company had created a special sites for the installation of devices which relay provided grants to Iraq from the World Bank and Japan.
    Translated version of
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  2. #33702
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiko View Post
    Things are looking very very good!

    Not looking for a RV anymore now until new fiscal year, they need the last days to fix that HCL.

    Hell I am curious how they are gonna start their 2007!!

    Maybe, still think it could hit anytime once the oil law is announced. But without doubt 2007 will be our year.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  3. #33703
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Default Gingrich calls for Marshall Plan to revive Iraq's devastated economy

    No link sorry!!!

    How would Gingrich act now? He says he would pitch a sort of hybrid of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal and Harry Truman's Marshall Plan. It would provide economic resources in Iraq to create jobs and rebuild infrastructure. Gingrich proposes giving "every able-bodied person" a job to do and a wage to receive.

    Money and personal security, he says, bring stability. For all the talk of religious strife, Iraqis want food to eat and safety on their streets as much as anyone.

    Gingrich says the region should then be flooded with goods that would first be given to and later, ultimately, bought by Iraqis, with money from their new paychecks.

    This perspective is a historical one. No surprise there. Gingrich has a vast knowledge of history.

    Part of that history is the disdain many conservatives had - or still have - for FDR's New Deal, with its many public-works programs designed less to accomplish public tasks than to put money in people's pockets. But he believes a similar plan in Iraq would be a critical adjunct to purely military efforts.

  4. #33704
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Dollar demand down in Iraqi Cenbank auction
    By Dergham Mohammed Ali
    Baghdad, Dec 18, (VOI) – Demand for the U.S. dollar was lower for the second session running on Monday, reaching $12.125 million compared to $24.930 million on Sunday.
    The Iraqi central bank said in its daily statement it covered only $12.95 million of received bids at $4.645 million in cash and $7.450 million in foreign transfers.
    The exchange rate was 1,388 dinars, 12 dinars lower than Sunday’s rate. None of the eight banks that participated in Monday’s auction offered to sell U.S. dollars.
    Ali al-Yasseri, an exchange company owner who participated in the auction, told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI) that this would have a negative impact
    Iraq-Currency :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq
    Last edited by rvalreadydang; 18-12-2006 at 01:28 PM.

  5. #33705
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post

    Maybe, still think it could hit anytime once the oil law is announced. But without doubt 2007 will be our year.

    Love it! When our man Adam takes a slightly more aggressive posture on the dates/timing, you KNOW we're in for a great ride.
    Great stuff folks!

  6. #33706
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    Thanks for reminding me what a price these brave young men and women are paying so I can spend Christmas with my family free of the chaos that Iraq and Afganistan are enduring.

  7. #33707
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Talking Link

    Quote Originally Posted by pipshurricane View Post
    No link sorry!!!

    How would Gingrich act now? He says he would pitch a sort of hybrid of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal and Harry Truman's Marshall Plan. It would provide economic resources in Iraq to create jobs and rebuild infrastructure. Gingrich proposes giving "every able-bodied person" a job to do and a wage to receive.

    Money and personal security, he says, bring stability. For all the talk of religious strife, Iraqis want food to eat and safety on their streets as much as anyone.

    Gingrich says the region should then be flooded with goods that would first be given to and later, ultimately, bought by Iraqis, with money from their new paychecks.

    This perspective is a historical one. No surprise there. Gingrich has a vast knowledge of history.

    Part of that history is the disdain many conservatives had - or still have - for FDR's New Deal, with its many public-works programs designed less to accomplish public tasks than to put money in people's pockets. But he believes a similar plan in Iraq would be a critical adjunct to purely military efforts.
    Last modified Mon., December 18, 2006 - 12:00 AM
    Originally created Monday, December 18, 2006

    Gingrich calls for Marshall Plan to revive Iraq's devastated economy

    By MATT TOWERY, The Times-Union

    Newt Gingrich this week spoke boldly on Iraq, which is the same way he spoke on just about everything when he was speaker of the House in the 1990s.

    He sees the emergence of aggressive, defiant regimes, coupled with an ungovernable spread of terrorism, as dual threats that make for a holistic threat against world peace and stability.

    Gingrich believes President Bush must use his likely upcoming address on Iraq's future to link America's effort there to interrelated threats.

    How would Gingrich act now? He says he would pitch a sort of hybrid of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal and Harry Truman's Marshall Plan. It would provide economic resources in Iraq to create jobs and rebuild infrastructure. Gingrich proposes giving "every able-bodied person" a job to do and a wage to receive.

    Money and personal security, he says, bring stability. For all the talk of religious strife, Iraqis want food to eat and safety on their streets as much as anyone.

    Gingrich says the region should then be flooded with goods that would first be given to and later, ultimately, bought by Iraqis, with money from their new paychecks.

    This perspective is a historical one. No surprise there. Gingrich has a vast knowledge of history.

    Part of that history is the disdain many conservatives had - or still have - for FDR's New Deal, with its many public-works programs designed less to accomplish public tasks than to put money in people's pockets.

    But he believes a similar plan in Iraq would be a critical adjunct to purely military efforts.

    Gingrich became a critic of the handling of the war in 2003, when his basic message was that act one of the military venture, the invasion of Iraq, had gone swimmingly, but that act two had never been written, much less staged.

    This Sunday, the former speaker will return to the same television venue where he voiced those concerns three years ago, NBC's Meet The Press. He'll likely revisit those previous comments with host Tim Russert.

    Nobody's saying Gingrich's ideas are flawless. Certainly not me, and not even him. Yet it's becoming abundantly clear that Bush intends to stay in Iraq. Further, he may authorize a significant number of additional troops to go there.

    If so, the Gingrich Plan could become not only possible, but unavoidable. After all, the fiercest criticism of Bush among endless criticism has been the lack of "a plan." Gingrich offers one - beyond just bombs and bullets.

    If Bush's promised change of direction isolates Iraq as the only world danger, and if he offers only more of the same in fighting that conflict, then Gingrich believes America might as well pull out its troops and quit.

    If it comes to that, he says, our nation's weakened "establishment" will have lost its resolve to address the bigger, uglier picture.

    That would be the one that could threaten our existence in the years to come.

    Last edited by pipshurricane; 18-12-2006 at 02:53 PM.

  8. #33708
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    Default Midnight Jan 1st, 2007

    We'll see a major adjust in dinar value Midnight Jan 1st, 2007

  9. #33709
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Iraq's Economy is Booming - Newsweek: International Editions -

    Blood and Money

    In what might be called the mother of all surprises, Iraq's economy is growing strong, even booming in places.
    morning all.

    "there are great fortunes to be made in the rise and fall of any empire."
    Rhett Butler, "Gone with the wind."

    nothing new under the sun, as willie shakespeare said.

  10. #33710
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    Quote Originally Posted by billknows View Post
    Will see a major adjust in dinar value Midnight Jan 1st, 2007
    How does Bill Know ?

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