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  1. #33861
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    Default Just a guess?

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post

    their business year doesnt start until the 2nd. we know they are starting the budget with the revalued dinar. how hard is it to guess? and what time zone are you having this fantasy about??

    dont just make random statements without a IN MY OPINION notation or I THINK or SEEMS TO ME.


    Obviously, no one actually knows beyond any doubt, that we will have an "all out" reval on Jan 2nd., so how can you say it's easy to guess?

    [COLOR="Red"]Based on my understanding of the information presented by key members, I feel strongly that we will have a significant change at Midnight Jan 1st., 2007.

    I say Midnight because sophisticated electronic banking systems move to the next day at precisely 12;00 Midnight.

    Governments, banks, large corporations, small businesses and even individuals, frequently plan significant changes to coincide with the New Year.

    Afghan currency made its' meteoric rise to .02 USD at precisely 12:00 Midnight on Jan 1st., 2003 (with no warning and no long and drawn out incremental increases)

    I would like to congratulate the many members here who do such superb analysis of the current events as they are unfolding! It's a pleasure to be even a tiny part of such an optimistic and clever group of investors!
    Last edited by billknows; 19-12-2006 at 02:00 AM.

  2. #33862
    Senior Member Elfwizard's Avatar
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    ummm, I thought they allready told us that they wanted 1250 to the dollar for the 2007 budget? Or am I missing something?
    Most people can't be trusted, so we should have laws against guns, which most people will abide by because they can be trusted.

    I love Animals, They taste good.

  3. #33863
    Banned lndmn_01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elfwizard View Post
    ummm, I thought they allready told us that they wanted 1250 to the dollar for the 2007 budget? Or am I missing something?
    Actually they said they were going to move the rate to 1000 to the dollar. then they said they weren't. Later they said they would move the rate to 12XX to the dollar. Then they said that was wrong. The last thing they said was that they would increase the rate by 13%. I guess we'll see!

  4. #33864
    Senior Investor MOM2TWO's Avatar
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    Question Oh No

    Hey Y'all,
    Just got off the phone with my dealer/friend. He told me that they got another shipment in today. I asked him how this could be because apparently the cbi is no longer putting anymore dinar into circulation. Fearing that I was dealing with counterfeit, I asked him to call his boss. He then called his boss at home, and his boss apparently said that he was not worried at all about counterfeit that his guys are still purchasing from the cbi direct. What??? How is this possible???

    I have checked my dinars from this company, and it seems that they are legitimate.

    Please give me your thoughts. BTW, I have used someone from this business.. in Houston. I know through PM's that others have used the same.

    Distributors of Fine American Gold, Silver, & Platinum Coins Note: all coins prices are not accurate. - Home

    Thanks in advance!!!
    Last edited by MOM2TWO; 19-12-2006 at 03:10 AM.

  5. #33865
    Investor Vipor's Avatar
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    Default Not dinar news but related to the economy.

    We can expect oil prices to increase next year.
    High oil prices can be good news.

    Oil is the lifeblood of the world economic system. At first sight, the good health of the global economy depends on sound circulation and so requires more oil, rather than the recently announced production cuts. But oil is also a finite resource.

    If stable, high prices need not be a disaster. For the most part, they provide the right incentives for consumers and producers.

    Last week, the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries announced that from February next year it would cut output by half a million barrels a day. This followed October's cut of 1.2 million barrels a day. Opec justified its decision in terms of high stocks and growing spare capacity.

    A more likely explanation is that Opec is more concerned about the likely future level of oil prices. Only three years ago, Opec tried to maintain a price band fluctuating between $22 and $28 per barrel. With crude prices above $60 for most of the past 12 months, Opec believes that the world economy can afford to pay more for its oil. The recent cuts in production are probably aimed at keeping crude prices above this $60 floor.

    Oil producers were not the only ones who failed to foresee the strong expansion in global demand for oil, and the growing dependency of the world economy upon it. Some of this rise in demand has been just cyclical and therefore temporary, but a structural increase has also occurred. This has been due to the growth acceleration in energy-intensive emerging markets, most noticeably China and India. Furthermore, the decline in the US currency, which started in 2002, means that more dollars are now needed to buy each barrel of oil.

    It is the volatility of oil prices, not their level, that is most damaging to the world economy. Stable prices reduce uncertainty for oil producers and consumers, allowing them to make long-term investment decisions. Even better, higher oil prices can provide the profits needed to improve supply infrastructure, at both the extraction and refinery levels. Higher prices also make it worthwhile to invest in alternative energy sources and in conservation.

    Tax raises

    In the meantime, national governments could increase the price of polluting by raising taxes on petrol. But given the cowardly unwillingness of most western governments to raise taxes further (or, in the case of the US, at all), higher crude prices would at least help change the incentives faced by consumers.

    Unfortunately, all that glitters is not black gold. Several downsides also exist to the proposed Opec production cuts and consequent high oil prices. Furthermore, higher oil prices mean that some poor countries will be unable to continue subsidising petrol or will see their fiscal positions deteriorate.

    Altogether, high oil prices can be desirable, provided they are stable. The Opec cuts are far from a calamity.
    Gulfnews: High oil prices can be good news

  6. #33866
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    نفطية242 billion dinars Dhi Qar budget for next year and invest three oil fields ال

    مواطنNasiriyah - up to the citizen
    مليار دينار.An informed source in informing the Dhi Qar Monday that the budget allocated to the province for the coming year 2007 amounting to 242 billion dinars.
    لحمارThe source said : "The Security Council, the preservation adopted during the a meeting to discuss the priority of projects proposed by the services concerned, the allocation of 20 Billion Dinars for the Health Department of Thi Qar, five billion dinars of water resources f six billion dinars of the Directorate of the police, and three billion dinars of the Directorate of sport and youth and 10 billion dinars for higher education and scientific research and 25 billion dinars for Roads and bridges and 35 billion dinars in the education sector and 15 billion dinars of the Directorate of water and 20 billion dinars of the Directorate of sewage and 35 billion dinars to the municipalities and 20 billion dinars of the Directorate of the distribution of electricity and 2 billion dinars of the Directorate of the nationality of of Thi Qar, five billion dinars for projects the local administration, four billion dinars for the Chambers and the Department of Justice and six billion dinars for Communications and postal and two billion dinars of the physical planning 2.75 billion dinars for financial services and 10 billion dinars for rehabilitation of Sadr City and 6.25 billion dinars for rehabilitation of industrial sectors on what has been the allocation of 600 million dinars for the establishment of the Office of the Electoral Commission and 9.4 billion dinars for the completion of projects in 2006." The source added : "It has been the exception and the ministries of transport and trade, oil, agriculture and social welfare networks and the south-west of the amounts allocated in the budget." It is noteworthy that the Dhi Qar had described the previous budget of 165 billion dinars Balmekheph disappointing called modified to cope with the population density and the need for preservation of the reconstruction projects. Completed South Oil Company based in the city of Basra Asthoudaratha to invest in three oil fields in Dhi Qar neighboring production capacity of 530 thousand barrels per day. An engineering company Monday : "The fields prepared for the national investment among the field of the town of Nasiriyah 300 thousand barrels a card and hand Gharraf card 120 thousand barrels Rafidain card and 110 thousand barrels per day." He added : "The company's plan also included investment Artawi gas field, which is the third field to invest in gas after the Rumaila and the donkey

    جريدة المواطن العراقية

  7. #33867
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    BAGHDAD : condemnation, undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance and other officials on charges

    (Voice of Iraq) - 12-19-2006
    This issue was sent to a friend

    BAGHDAD : condemnation, undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance and other officials on charges of financial and administrative corruption. The integrity accuses Americans b «smuggling minister of electricity» prison.
    Baghdad life-19 / 12 / 06 / /

    The central court sentences on four officials at the Finance Ministry, after it convicted of involvement in financial and administrative corruption, as Director of the details of the escape and integrity minister of electricity whichever Samurai prison accused of helping Americans «».

    He stressed the carp director of the «life» «that the sentences for three years issued against Deputy Finance Minister, Karim Mahmoud Faraj, Director General of the Department of Financial Accounting, and an expert in accounts and official detachment of the private sector in the ministry after his involvement in the cases of misappropriation of funds and the signing of contracts secret».

    »He added that the initial provisions are discriminatory and that it was banning».

    He pointed out that the four accused officials of the same case and sign contracts outside the scope of their powers with the companies not known as Nour «» morning. He explained that the integrity would move a number of cases of fraud and waste of public money against a number of ministries and will require officials and former ministers to investigate the case, along with the issuance of warrants for the arrest of a number of officials in previous governments.

    The Special Criminal Court issued sentences to a group of former officials on charges of corruption and administrative waste state funds the last sentence of Ziad Qattan, the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Defense, sentenced to 60 years and began procedures to restore integrity to Iraq through the International Police (Interpol).

    It revealed the details of the escape of integrity and minister of electricity whichever Samurai prison inside the Green Zone, after a two years imprisonment on charges of abuse of public funds.

    The carp, that the Samurai «» fled with the Americans, explaining that the vehicle running Touqta day before yesterday the police station in the Karada Mariam affiliated to the Ministry of Interior in the green region (center of Baghdad) and the American soldiers stormed the place and opened Samurai, then was taken to an unknown destination ». The court dropped the charges of squandering public money on the Samurai last week, but the director said that «nolle prosequi does not mean the end of legal prosecution in the face of other charges filed against him in court and appear before the judiciary for investigation», considering the escape Samurai »« dangerous precedent.

    It is noteworthy that a previous attempt to smuggle Samurai during the trial when an American force entered the courtroom and is the minister of the hands of the guards and Iraqi اصطحبته to the American embassy, which returned to the Iraqi authorities after the formal claims.

  8. #33868
    Senior Member Bubba Dinar's Avatar
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    Default Well

    Quote Originally Posted by MOM2TWO View Post
    Hey Y'all,
    Just got off the phone with my dealer/friend. He told me that they got another shipment in today. I asked him how this could be because apparently the cbi is no longer putting anymore dinar into circulation. Fearing that I was dealing with counterfeit, I asked him to call his boss. He then called his boss at home, and his boss apparently said that he was not worried at all about counterfeit that his guys are still purchasing from the cbi direct. What??? How is this possible???

    I have checked my dinars from this company, and it seems that they are legitimate.

    Please give me your thoughts. BTW, I have used someone from this business.. in Houston. I know through PM's that others have used the same.

    Distributors of Fine American Gold, Silver, & Platinum Coins Note: all coins prices are not accurate. - Home

    Thanks in advance!!!
    I don't think the CBI cares what is shipped out of the County since it never affects the amount in circulation in Iraq. Anything coming into the USA will never make it back to Iraq anyway.. Eventually it willl be stored in the Fed vaults as foreign reserve..
    Last edited by Bubba Dinar; 19-12-2006 at 03:51 AM.

  9. #33869
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    Cool If Posted My Bad.

    Gingrich calls for Marshall Plan to revive Iraq's devastated economy
    By MATT TOWERY, The Times-Union

    Newt Gingrich
    this week spoke boldly on Iraq, which is the same way he spoke on just about everything when he was speaker of the House in the 1990s.

    He sees the emergence of aggressive, defiant regimes, coupled with an ungovernable spread of terrorism, as dual threats that make for a holistic threat against world peace and stability.

    Gingrich believes President Bush must use his likely upcoming address on Iraq's future to link America's effort there to interrelated threats.

    How would Gingrich act now? He says he would pitch a sort of hybrid of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal and Harry Truman's Marshall Plan. It would provide economic resources in Iraq to create jobs and rebuild infrastructure. Gingrich proposes giving "every able-bodied person" a job to do and a wage to receive.

    Money and personal security, he says, bring stability. For all the talk of religious strife, Iraqis want food to eat and safety on their streets as much as anyone.

    Gingrich says the region should then be flooded with goods that would first be given to and later, ultimately, bought by Iraqis, with money from their new paychecks.

    This perspective is a historical one. No surprise there. Gingrich has a vast knowledge of history.

    Part of that history is the disdain many conservatives had - or still have - for FDR's New Deal, with its many public-works programs designed less to accomplish public tasks than to put money in people's pockets.

    But he believes a similar plan in Iraq would be a critical adjunct to purely military efforts.

    Gingrich became a critic of the handling of the war in 2003, when his basic message was that act one of the military venture, the invasion of Iraq, had gone swimmingly, but that act two had never been written, much less staged.

    This Sunday, the former speaker will return to the same television venue where he voiced those concerns three years ago, NBC's Meet The Press. He'll likely revisit those previous comments with host Tim Russert.

    Nobody's saying Gingrich's ideas are flawless. Certainly not me, and not even him. Yet it's becoming abundantly clear that Bush intends to stay in Iraq. Further, he may authorize a significant number of additional troops to go there.

    If so, the Gingrich Plan could become not only possible, but unavoidable. After all, the fiercest criticism of Bush among endless criticism has been the lack of "a plan." Gingrich offers one - beyond just bombs and bullets.

    If Bush's promised change of direction isolates Iraq as the only world danger, and if he offers only more of the same in fighting that conflict, then Gingrich believes America might as well pull out its troops and quit.

    If it comes to that, he says, our nation's weakened "establishment" will have lost its resolve to address the bigger, uglier picture.

    That would be the one that could threaten our existence in the years to come.

  10. #33870
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    Lightbulb Time line?

    I was hoping and praying that we were going to see an RV in April 2006. If you look at the SDR rates. Most of the reporting or valuations has been done in April. Now knowing for some time that the IMF. Is recommending that the CBI, reach the rate. Of about 1260 by the end of March. So after March going into April in when I think we will see the RV!

    Any thoughts?

    Oh ya check out the movie Millions! That will be us, cute story 3 stars!

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