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  1. #33901
    Senior Member Dinar-Excited's Avatar
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    Smile Christmas Presents!!!

    Give it to them as Christmas presents!!!

    I had that same trouble but after talking about is so much they seem to understand. Also I can not shut up about the investment so they bought some just to shut me up.

    Keep a positive mind.

    I have my MOJO back!!!!!!


  2. #33902
    Senior Member Cyberkhan's Avatar
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    Good night all...finally got the baby to sleep and I am goin to try and do the same...

    I have a hunch we are going to see 1375 with a little over 8m sold at auction.

    I have to say that this is getting more and more exciting...these large jumps are lets see some even larger ones. I still have been practicing my W**T but it isn't puuurrrrfected yet, nor is my kitty wiggle. Wow, I need some sleep. Good night

    Dinar Dreams and Caviar wishes
    Last edited by Cyberkhan; 19-12-2006 at 08:48 AM.
    I just need $1.47.

  3. #33903
    Senior Member Dinar-Excited's Avatar
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    Smile Swim Suit already packed!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post

    Don't forget clint and the hot tub, kitty.

    Don't worry Adster I have my swim suit packed and ready to go!!!

    I just pm'd Clint I did not know if I would get service or not. But I am getting some Internet service not great keeps kicking me off but I guess that's because I am borrowing someone else's connection OOPS!!! But I have to keep up with RC and AD and the AUCTIONS while I am away.

    Don't forget the Dinar Cup I plan on kicking Butt.


    Keep a positive mind.

    I have my MOJO back!!!!!!


  4. #33904
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar-Excited View Post
    Don't worry Adster I have my swim suit packed and ready to go!!!

    I just pm'd Clint I did not know if I would get service or not
    . But I am getting some Internet service not great keeps kicking me off but I guess that's because I am borrowing someone else's connection OOPS!!! But I have to keep up with RC and AD and the AUCTIONS while I am away.

    Don't forget the Dinar Cup I plan on kicking Butt.


    Oh I think clint will oblige with 'servicing'.!!!

    Merry xmas kitty, get those golf lessons in, my backs progressing and hope to play more than just a 'drinking' part, lol.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  5. #33905
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Kurdish, Iraqi premiers discuss unresolved issues, oil revenue
    18 December 2006 (BBC Monitoring)

    Text of report entitled: "Nuri al-Maliki meets Nechirvan Barzani"; carried by Pro-Kurdistan Democratic Party, KDP, Peyamner website on 18 December
    Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki received Kurdistan Region's Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani at the Council of Ministers' headquarters on Monday morning, 18 December 2006. In the presence of the two deputies of the Iraqi prime minister, the two sides discussed the unresolved issues between the regional government and the centre, including oil revenue.
    It is noteworthy that the Kurdistan Region's prime minister is visiting Baghdad to find a solution for unresolved issues with the central government.
    Source: Peyamner website, Arbil
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  6. #33906
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Iraq : a big leap in the price of fuels
    (صوت العراق) - 18-12-2006
    (Voice of Iraq) - 12 - 18-2006
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    بغداد - عادل مهدي الحياة - 18/12/06//
    Baghdad-Adel Mahdi life-18 / 12 / 06 / /

    تسود سوق المنتجات النفطية في العراق فوضى ارتفاع الأسعار على نحو غير مسبوق في ظل تشكيك شعبي بقدرة المسؤولين في وزارة النفط على تلبية حاجات المواطنين من المشتقات النفطية، خصوصاً الغاز المنزلي والمازوت قبل حلول فصل الشتاء على رغم تأكيدهم وجود مخزون كبير من المشتقات النفطية.
    Dominating the market of oil products in Iraq, the chaos of the price increase in an unprecedented manner in light of the skepticism of the ability of popular officials in the Ministry of Oil to meet the needs of the citizens of oil derivatives, in particular domestic gas and diesel before the onset of winter, despite reiterating the existence of large stocks of oil derivatives.

    وارتفعت أسعار المنتجات النفطية إلى أعلى معدلاتها في السوق السوداء، فقد ارتفع سعر اسطوانة الغاز إلى 25 ألف دينار (18 دولاراً)، فيما بلغ سعر الليتر الواحد من المازوت ألف دينار. ونقلت وسائل الإعلام عن مواطنين ان آمالهم بقدرة وزير النفط حسين الشهرستاني على إنهاء أزمة المشتقات النفطية ووضع حد للشبكات التي تتلاعب بحاجة المواطنين قد تلاشت، فالحلول التي اقترحها لم تكن بمستوى الفساد المستشري في كل مفاصل شبكة توزيع المشتقات من المصدر الى المواطن. وأوردت وسائل الإعلام الحكومية تفاصيل عن نشاط ما يطلق عليهم اسم «البحارة»، أو السوق السوداء، الذين ما زالوا سادة السوق، ومقرري سعر الوقود. ويتهم مواطنون مسؤولين في الوزارة، بـ «إغماض عيونهم» عن تجاوزات يومية في محطات التعبئة والتوزيع، وعن تواطؤ مع مافيات تتلاعب بمصالح المواطنين. وحذر مواطنون من نشوء أزمة وقود واسعة، في حال استمرت وزارة النفط العراقية بتجاهل أسباب الأزمة الحالية، والارتفاع الجنوني في أسعار المحروقات وعدم وضع حد لنشاط السوق السوداء.
    The prices of petroleum products to the highest rates in the black market, it increased the price of gas cylinders to 25 thousand dinars (18 dollars), while the price per liter of diesel thousand dinars. The news media about the ability of citizens to their hopes and Oil Minister Hussein Shahrastani to end the crisis of oil derivatives, and put an end to the networks, which plays need citizens have vanished, the solutions proposed by the level of corruption was rampant in all joints derivatives distribution network from the source to the citizen. The news media organizations details of the activity are called «» sailors, or the black market, who are still ******* of the market, the price of fuel makers. Citizens and accuses officials of the Ministry, b »« blind eye on abuses in the Journal of packaging and distribution, and collusion with the mafiosi manipulate the interests of citizens. He warned citizens of a crisis, fuel range, in the event of continued Iraqi Oil Ministry to ignore the causes of the current crisis, and the crazy rise in the prices of fuels and put an end to the activity of the black market.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  7. #33907
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    You people have just had too much to drink

    .... me thinks


  8. #33908
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Understanding between Iraq and Syria to combat terrorism
    (صوت العراق) - 19-12-2006
    (Voice of Iraq) - 12-19-2006
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    دمشق ــ منذر الشوفي
    Damascus Munther Stables
    وقع وزيرا الداخلية السوري بسام عبد المجيد والعراقي جواد البولاني امس في دمشق مذكرة تفاهم للتعاون المشترك بين البلدين خاصة في مجال مكافحة الارهاب وتطوير المراقبة الحدودية علي ما اعلنت وكالة الانباء السورية سانا. واوضحت الوكالة ان المذكرة تنص علي التعاون المشترك في مجالات الهجرة والجوازات ومكافحة الارهاب والجريمة وتبادل المطلوبين في البلدين". واوضحت ان المذكرة تنص علي التعاون لتطوير المراقبة الحدودية وتبادل المعلومات حول انماط الجرائم المنظمة في ما يخص الجرائم الاقتصادية والمخدرات والتزوير وسرقة السيارات والاثار وتهريبها". وقد وصل البولاني الي دمشق الجمعة في اول زيارة له منذ عودة العلاقات الدبلوماسية بين البلدين نهاية تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر الماضي. وكان اعلن عن استئناف العلاقات الدبلوماسية بين العراق وسوريا في 21 الشهر االماضي بمناسبة زيارة وزير الخارجية السوري وليد المعلم الي بغداد التي كانت الاولي التي يقوم بها مسؤول سوري علي هذا المستوي الرفيع منذ سقوط نظام الرئيس العراقي السابق صدام حسين في 2003،وتتهم الولايات المتحدة سوريا بايواء انصار النظام السابق والجماعات الاسلامية المتطرفة والتغاضي عن دخول المتمردين عبر حدودها الي العراق لكن دمشق تنفي هذه الاتهامات.
    The Syrian Interior Minister Bassam Abdel Majid, the Iraqi Jawad who is in Damascus yesterday a memorandum of understanding for joint cooperation between the two countries, particularly in the area of counter-terrorism and the development of border control as announced by the Syrian News Agency SANA. The Agency explained that the memo stipulates joint cooperation in the fields of immigration and the fight against terrorism, crime and the exchange of wanted people in the two countries. " The memorandum provides for cooperation for the development of border control and exchange of information about the patterns of organized crime in respect of economic crimes, drugs, forgery and car theft, and smuggling antiquities. " He arrived in Damascus Friday, who is on his first visit since the restoration of diplomatic relations between the two countries, the end of November last year. It had announced the resumption of diplomatic relations between Iraq and Syria in the 21 month Aalmadi occasion of the visit of Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallim to Baghdad, which was first carried out by the Syrian official at such a high level since the fall of the regime of former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein in 2003, accuses the United States of Syria of harboring supporters of the former regime and extremist Islamic groups and overlooking the entry of insurgents across their borders to Iraq, but Damascus denies these accusations.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  9. #33909
    Member explorerhot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phone guy View Post
    Mr. curious, here what constitutes a senior member.....?
    You were a Junior member(under 30 posts) when you ask this question 40 mins ago.. you should be a senior member real soon.(100 posts)
    Last edited by explorerhot; 19-12-2006 at 09:01 AM.

  10. #33910
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phone guy View Post
    I know I said I was leaving but real quick have you heard the rumor that the kurds wont except less than a 1.20:1 GO KURDS

    Kurds hold the cards as the majority of the oil is in the North. Sure Maliki will back down and give them what they want.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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