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  1. #3391
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    Quote Originally Posted by ourhouse37
    work week you know, I'm not able to spend as much time as I'd like on this exciting thread. Refresh my memory, what is to happen on the 28th again? Adster, any rumbles anywhere?

    Hi Ourhouse37,

    In one of the posts earlier on it was said that we could see RV by the end of June; in connection with ISX opening in July. All just speculation nothing concrete. I am hoping June is the magic month though. Got my dinar boogie shoes on.


  2. #3392
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    amen brother.

  3. #3393
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    Hi there Adster,

    Bruce is wonderful people. I have been keeping intouch with him with little orders and he is just wonderful about it. I have been recommending him to anyone who PMs me about Dinar. He always sends email to make sure I know what I am doing. Just great people. I told him I was referring him and he said he did not mind at all. Thanks. Link is in my sig and email for questions. He is just great.

    Cheers to Bruce, when this pegs.


    Quote Originally Posted by Adster
    Ok guys, news from Bruce my supplier, as Portugal are still in the World Cup and that being his home country he's offering the Special cash price of US$902 per million (5 % off normal credit card prices) - this applies to Bank wires/transfers or transfers by Moneygram. This will last as long as they will which could only be until Saturday when they play England in the q/finals!!!
    Goooooo Dinars dance.

  4. #3394
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    adster what do you mean if it hits on july 3 we should get in before it GOES PRIVITE what do you mean by that

  5. #3395
    Senior Member clueless's Avatar
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    he is talking about solidinvestment in that part of his signiture, not about dinar
    Last edited by clueless; 27-06-2006 at 02:27 AM.

  6. #3396
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    Sholmes21, Adam is talking about SI. It is rumored it will go private with membership at 100,000 members. Not long now about 1,070 positions open yet. Open a free account if you do not have one. make a deposit ,and watch your money grow. A lot of us members here are due to get paid July 3 , and the SI program will go private shortly after. Once private the door for membership closes. BOB

  7. #3397
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    hello all,

    never posted on this forum, however great supporter of the dinar and looking forward to the reval.
    always excited to read all your posts.

    i read this on another forum, it was translated from Arabic:

    Baghdad- Yasser acting Secretary-haven
    Finance is operating tens of thousands of unemployed retirement law.
    The ministry of Fiance and the Central Bank a proposal to lift the value of the Iraqi dinar returning to normal, and is this proposal and supported by the World Bank.
    This announcement ( this morning ) Finance minister Jabr Al statement said: we have suggested to the governor of the central bank raising three zeroes on the Iraqi dinar, and the lifting so that the value of the dinar was equal to the dollar.

    perhaps Mike or Adster can reflect.
    see the link below


    dafit ( Netherlands )

  8. #3398
    Senior Investor Raditz's Avatar
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    27 June 2006 (Financial Times)

    Iraqi Shia politicians claimed yesterday that seven minor insurgent groups had contacted the government to request a truce, the day after Nuri al-Maliki, prime min-ister, declared a nationalreconciliation initiative aimed at convincing guerillas to join the politicalprocess.

    The claim by Hassanal-Sunaid, a high-ranking member of Mr Maliki's Dawa party, was made to AP news agency and could not be independently verified. Insurgent groups have often disavowed statements made on their behalf.

    However, Mr Sunaid's statement was a virtually unprecedented admission by a member of the ruling Shia-led United Iraqi Alliance of contacts with the insurgents, still a delicate subject among the formerly dispossessed Shia majority, and an indication that Mr Maliki may be taking over responsibility for the negotiations.

    Until now, negotiations with insurgent represent-atives had gone through the office of Kurdish President Jalal Talabani, with the Shia group standing aside.

    Mr Sunaid named six of the seven groups - the Mohammed Army, the9 April group, the Heroes of Iraq, the al-Fatah brigades and the Brigades of theGeneral Command of the Iraqi Armed Forces, and the al-Ashreen brigades.

    He did not mention larger networks such as al-Qaeda, Ansar al-Sunna or the Islamic Army of Iraq.

    The groups listed are thought to be mostly linked to the more nationalist branch of the insurgents and some have criticised more radical networks, including al-Qaeda, which engage in attacks on civilians.

    However, several of these are also thought to be linked to senior members of the former ruling Ba'ath party or high-ranking officers in the military and security forces, whose rehabilitation would be anathema to many Shia hardliners.

    The question of how to circumvent such sensitivities while still making a meaningful peace initiative isperhaps the key challenge for Mr Maliki as he moves forward from Sunday's declaration.

    In an indication of how delicate the process is, Mr Maliki's statement fell short of the bold proclamation some of his allies predicted he would deliver and used vague language to describe his key proposals.

    It addresses all the big concerns facing the country - terrorism, foreign occupation, human rights abuses, corruption, militias, the ban on former Ba'athists holding public office - withoutactually spelling out what can be done about any of them.

    For example, the statement offered an amnesty to detainees but excepted those involved in "crimes or terrorist acts or crimes against humanity".

    This is language that is normally associated with terror attacks against Iraqi civilians, but which couldbe extended to exclude anyone who fought US or Iraqi government forces.

    Even before the initiative was announced, some Iraqi leaders said it would be less a road map to a solution than a set of principles to build consensus across the country's deep sectarian divide.

    It suggests that Mr Maliki, unlike his predecessor, Ibrahim al-Jaafari, is willing to take risks to find a political solution to the insurgency, a goal embraced by Washington and the Kurds but much less so by the Shia.

    It was praised by Sunni leaders - a rare reception for any declaration coming from the government - but has been received less warmly by the prime minister's fellow Shia - particularly by followers of radical Shialeader Moqtada al-Sadr, who think that de-Ba'athification policies should be strengthened rather than abolished.

    Some Iraqi politicians have suggested that more substantive progress canbe made at an Arab League conference on Iraq scheduled for the first week of August

    This is good news!
    Nothing is impossible, the impossible only takes longer time!

  9. #3399
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Fack me guys, read this!!!!!

    Wow, just got up to find this elsewhere, this could have been leaked by mistake! if not and the site is credible which I'm sure it is as they're no dinar dealers then it sounds like we could be as good as there!!! If the finance minister and CBI and World Bank are happy then it would just have to be put through parliament to be agreed and we're there!!! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!.

    Not too late to buy some last minute dinars, pm me for details.

    The Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank a proposal to lift the value of the Iraqi dinar Iraqi returning to normal, and is this proposal and supported the World Bank. This announcement l (morning), Finance Minister Jabr Al statement said : We have suggested to the Governor of the Central Bank raising three zeroes on the Iraqi dinar and the lifting so that the value of the dinar was equal to the dollar
    Last edited by Adster; 27-06-2006 at 08:39 AM.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  10. #3400
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kozmar
    Hi there Adster,

    Bruce is wonderful people. I have been keeping intouch with him with little orders and he is just wonderful about it. I have been recommending him to anyone who PMs me about Dinar. He always sends email to make sure I know what I am doing. Just great people. I told him I was referring him and he said he did not mind at all. Thanks. Link is in my sig and email for questions. He is just great.

    Cheers to Bruce, when this pegs.


    Goooooo Dinars dance.

    Yea he's a great bloke, look forward to meeting him when this baby hits.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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