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  1. #34161
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    A sudden rise of the Iraqi currency against the dollar. And doubts the existence of manipulation
    -بغداد (اصوات)- Baghdad (votes)
    لها.The dollar? Foreign currency conundrums which depend the most money in the economics of the world has lost its mind in Iraq after the fall of the former regime have become transaction was publicly and without little control or financial control of a court.
    .Witness the dollar these days is dramatically reduced for reasons which may unaware citizen causes, and rising food prices and increases market Flamingly after the sharp decline in the dollar's exchange rate, she went (prospects) to the companies, Capital Region in Baghdad to know the reasons for this sudden put down to the citizen.
    وقد :We met with Mr. Hamza Jawad at the director of a major financial company, and asked him :
    - - What causes the decline in the dollar rate?
    .He replied : that the sudden and rapid decline indicates the existence of hidden Iyad certain plays in the movement of the dollar, this decline is a natural process, because the natural disembark be gradual. In general, the dollar affected by supply and demand, it is known that the withdrawal of large quantities and this leads to rapid fluctuation; because circulation among citizens is not limited circulation can affect such impact on the market.
    - - Atqsid that this external circulation, or is it from the inside?
    لا.I can not identify bodies, and everything there that the dollar suddenly put to the market in large quantities, put tens of millions in minutes and are speculated upon by the people, and during the hour down the dollar exchange rate, I do not know who put this quantity suddenly. If I came back to economic reality, the logical dollar at this stage must be witnessing remarkable rise; because the pilgrimage season may accept and pilgrims performing Hajj Islam demand for the dollar in this period, a period of the pilgrimage be significant demand must be rising dollar rather than decreases, but contrary to what happened and this strange.
    .Frankly speaking, I tell you that such a sharp rise will be followed down the process and always be in this form, which presents a large quantity of the dollar then ran out of the market and the latter is aggrieved citizen.
    - هل- Do you believe that the decline in the dollar rate in this form would affect the rapid movement of the commercial market?
    .Affect significantly and negatively on the citizen and any decline of the dollar in general leads to harm citizens, because the citizens in general handle the dollar, but for the trade movement, it remains in Iraqi dinars, and to do so would harm the citizens.
    - - Going on in the Iraqi street is that one of the reasons for the decline in the dollar rate is the demand for the Iraqi dinar by the Arab countries, so what do you think?
    .We had heard so any that some Arab countries began circulation Iraqi dinars, I think that this is the face of health, and must be controls to prevent any leakage to the outside of the Iraqi dinar, but was not the main problem in my opinion.
    .In general I want to tell you that the Iraqi dinar must be measured not at the expense of the dollar or other foreign currencies such as the euro, for example, but we must measure the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar in the interior of the country.
    إنّ .Now that the local market will increase the prices of commodities at risk of the dollar falling to preserve the value of goods in Iraqi dinars, which leads to increased value of the dollar. For example, the fridge بثلاثماءه sold dollars when the exchange rate (200.000) dinars, and when its rate of exchange (100.000) dinars remaining value of three hundred dollars, and the trader is trying to increase its value to five hundred dollars to balance the value of the Iraqi dinar, and this is causing a problem and the harm to the citizens that if the dollar traders offering their goods in dinars, and if the dollar rose offering their goods in dollars.
    :We met after a bank staff who refused to reveal the name and announced it the following question :
    - ما- What are the reasons that led to the dollar decline? What is the impact of this decline on the local market?
    إنّ .The new Iraqi currency that had been a source of confidence for the citizens in terms of strength and efficiency, this may be the first reason. The second reason, the opening up of trade with neighboring countries, and the confidence of those countries led to the new currency traded outside Iraq and demand has become much.
    .As it is known in the former foreign trade such as trade in cars and other specific dollar does not satisfy foreign merchant dinars Iraq, but now, after going down to accept the new currency trader space of the Iraqi dinar has led to strength. Also, there is a third reason is the availability of large quantities of the dollar inside the country, where a humanitarian associations and other dollar deal, all provided quantities of the dollar.
    .According to the law of supply and demand will shrink the value of the dollar. As for the commercial market activity is obvious this market down the dollar. Note that the withdrawal of funds has become a big business and that the movement had witnessed remarkable activity in the markets.
    - - What is the value of the Iraqi dinar in the neighboring Arab countries? Is it the same value in the home?
    .I think that the exchange rate more, as one of traders told me that the greatest value of the Iraqi dinar in the neighboring countries.
    )And then we met with Mr. Hamid Abdel-Hassan's home banking capital, where he made his opinion, and we thank him in the issue of climate and the exchange rate, he said : I think that this change in the exchange rate was due to the circulation space and the high demand for the Iraqi dinar, as well as there are many external transfers of up to Iraq to put an enormous amount of the dollar and the short of what I thought about the reason that the exchange rate. (End

    Translated version of

  2. #34162
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gloribee View Post

    as soon as possible i'll send you a full interpretation abuot the page that you send it to me
    but in general, this paper wich sign by all the leader ships in iraq to work on (PEACE PLAN ) and they was sayying that we will stop the sactarian violance in iraq and we will work togather to get this contry better and to make the iraqi people stop killing each other .
    just give me two days i'll pass to you the the full translations for this paper
    take care ,

    Hope this helps Susie, as he says, I'll get a word by word back in a couple days.


    if everyone remembered i asked for a translation of that link that scolled and had all the signatures on it. here is the translation from another members translator:




    Wa Ali (my translator) can do this word for word but it is easier for him to read it and tell me what it means. This is an official policy pertaining to the city of Baghdad. This will go into effect after Ramadan. He explained to me how Baghdad is divided into three major sections. These sections are governed by tribal leaders of each section. All these leaders have signed this document at the bottom of the page, by doing so they have agreed to this policy. It says each leader will be held responsible for the peoples actions in their given sections They also agree to pass along any rules or policies to their people, and that their people will abide by these policies.

    #1 If the tribe leader has a problem with his people, he is to report to the governing body of Baghdad.

    #2 The military can and will be authorized to be used on any issue if seen fit.

    #3 If any reports are issued to news media by sections, these news reports can and will be investigated for truthfullness.

    #4 The tribal leaders will be brought together periodically to discuss any matters going on in their sections.

    He did say after reading this document , he said this is very good for the country of Iraq!!!

    He also said that he was going to contact his family ASAP to purchase dinar.

    Hope this helps.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 20-12-2006 at 10:35 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #34163
    Banned Lakeway's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    if everyone remembered i asked for a translation of that link that scolled and had all the signatures on it. here is the translation:

    Ramadan?? That has come and gone right??

  4. #34164
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    if everyone remembered i asked for a translation of that link that scolled and had all the signatures on it. here is the translation:

    AFter ramadan? This means things are in the works!

  5. #34165
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    The Republic of Iraq
    The Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Media Bureau
    Press statement
    Monday 18 / 12 / 2006

    Mr. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki will meet with the Prime Minister of Kurdistan and the delegation accompanying him

    He met Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki in his office official in Baghdad this morning, the delegation of the government of Kurdistan headed by the President of the Territory Najirfan Mr. Barzani has discussed Mr. Prime Minister, with the draft law of oil and the means ,to approval and entry into force for the benefit of all the Iraqi people ,and centered the oil project to turn oil revenue to the federal treasury which is distributed to the regions according to population ratios and Mahromih these governorates.

    Do we know the out come of this meeting?

  6. #34166
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hope Full View Post
    The Republic of Iraq
    The Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Media Bureau
    Press statement
    Monday 18 / 12 / 2006

    Mr. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki will meet with the Prime Minister of Kurdistan and the delegation accompanying him

    He met Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki in his office official in Baghdad this morning, the delegation of the government of Kurdistan headed by the President of the Territory Najirfan Mr. Barzani has discussed Mr. Prime Minister, with the draft law of oil and the means ,to approval and entry into force for the benefit of all the Iraqi people ,and centered the oil project to turn oil revenue to the federal treasury which is distributed to the regions according to population ratios and Mahromih these governorates.

    Do we know the out come of this meeting?
    This was on the 18th wasn't that when the official gazzett went down????

  7. #34167
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    Al-Sabah : the first page of the newspaper Sabah

    The defense is preparing to receive thousands of officers salaries rewarding

    Work is to implement the recommendations of the parties
    Believes the recommendations of the interested parties to begin the Ministry of Defense receive thousands of officers who decided to return them or refer wishing to retire. According to sources (morning) that a special committee study the salaries of these officers to count the period after April 2003, and calculating the salaries of highly lucrative for those who sent them in retirement.

    Maliki intervene to find a solution to the pilgrims caught in desert Arar

    After Saudi authorities with the pretext of taking them augmentation at the number authorized by the
    Enter Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to solve the problem of pilgrims caught in desert Arar after Saudi authorities with the introduction of a large number of them. A source in the Prime Minister's Office : that the Al-Maliki, the Minister of Foreign Affairs to move quickly and take advantage of all channels for this purpose.

    Bahrain's King warn you!

    Books Editor in Chief
    It seems that many of the Arab states as well as the Iraqi neighboring states seeking to perpetuate the Iraqi crisis, which stems from the notion that Iraq Mazuma and scattered, and the area of conflict to the best of the same democratic Iraq of the sovereignty and independence could play a giant in the region.

    The release of ten other officials of the Red Crescent kidnapped

    The Secretary General of the Iraqi Red Crescent Mazin Abdullah said yesterday that he was released on a ten other officials of his organization who were abducted on Sunday from its main office. Abdullah said to Agence France Presse yesterday, "was released on ten disembark from the car and left near a market in Baghdad."

    Barzani and Mani looking to the country's conditions and the process of national reconciliation

    Prime territory Cordstan Massoud Barzani with the Representative of the Secretary-General of the Arab League in Baghdad Mokhtar Lamani situation in Iraq and the process of reconciliation. A statement by the Democratic Party of Kurdistan received (morning) : a copy of that Barzani met at the residence,

    أمانة مجلس الوزراء و هيئة الحوار و المصالحة يعزيان باستشهاد الشيخ حردان البرهان

    And his
    The Secretariat sent to the Council of Ministers and head of the supreme body for dialogue and reconciliation letter of condolence to Sheikh Ali al-Azzawi proof of the death of his brother Sheikh Hardan and a number of his colleagues after being targeted by factions and gangs they

    Judge calls on the international community to support Al-Maliki

    Baghdad morning
    The Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Ashraf Qazi, meeting regional and international support for Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in his efforts to achieve national reconciliation. Quoted in a statement issued by the Office of the United Nations in Iraq received a copy (morning)

    FM : Saudi Arabia does not intend to intervene to protect any party in Iraq

    The position is one of all communities
    Riyadh-up morning
    Denied the Saudi Foreign Minister, Prince Saud Al-Faisal yesterday, Tuesday, the information about the readiness of the Kingdom to interfere in Iraq in support of the Year, stressing that the Kingdom is on the "distance itself" from all parties in this country.

    Report attitude : Anbar, Basra and not prepared to take over security responsibility

    Asher escalation of violence by 22%
    WASHINGTON - up morning
    A quarterly report by the American Department of Defense (Pentagon) that there were only two provinces not yet ready for transfer of security responsibility from coalition forces. The report, issued two days ago.

    Gathering parliamentary support for the peaceful coexistence in the northern governorates

    Form deputies from the different parliamentary blocs political groups to support a peaceful coexistence in the governorates of Iraq. He was to assemble the new name (the Association off the north) and the aim of this assembly, as confirmed by advertisers to address problems and find solutions to the pending file

    جريدة الصباح

  8. #34168
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    I noticed an awful lot of the news sites have'nt updated today, very few have, but nothing much, is today a holiday of some sort?

  9. #34169
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by day dreamer View Post
    This was on the 18th wasn't that when the official gazzett went down????
    not sayin nothin but the next two days coming up are really good number days.

    franny, were almost there!!

  10. #34170
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    Economic Sales : trade exceeded nine billion dinars.

    An economic report
    The company's sales exceeded general trade construction materials amount eight billion dinars last month. With sales of almost central market of one billion dinars for the month of September.

    An official in the Construction Materials Trading Company of the Ministry of Commerce. In a press statement. The company achieved during last October sales of wood and iron materials, sanitary materials imported and local totaling eight billion and 270 million and 950 thousand dinars included the processing of citizens under the marriage contract and leave the building and the various government departments, these articles.
    For his part, explained the source in the company of the central markets of the ministry also disclose that the company achieved during last September sales amounted to 964 million and 399 thousand dinars through branches in Baghdad and other governorates.
    He said sales of Shopping Centers and markets of Baghdad hit 794 million and 664 thousand dinars. With sales amounted markets governorates 169 million and 738 thousand dinars.
    He pointed out that the total income for the company central markets will hit 371 million and 359 thousand dinars for years
    جريدة الصباح - مبيعات التجارة تجاوزت 9 مليارات دينار

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