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  1. #34181
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    A source at the Ministry of Industry denies news burglary and theft of salaries

    (Voice of Iraq) - 12-20-2006
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    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the governmental communications
    Media Relations
    Press Release Press release /
    Wednesday, 12-20-2006

    A source at the Ministry of Industry and Minerals deny that a number of affiliates of armed robbery and theft of salaries

    Denied official source at the Ministry of Industry and Minerals Matnaglth some of the media yesterday, Tuesday, that a number of affiliates of armed robbery and theft of their salaries.

    The source confirmed that the bacterial-affiliated to the Ministry of Industry and Minerals.

  2. #34182
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    Default U.S. Defense Secretary Arrives in Iraq

    BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - New Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Baghdad on Wednesday, armed with a mandate from President Bush to help forge a new Iraq war strategy. He made the unannounced trip to the battlefront just two days after taking over at the Pentagon.

    Gates went in pursuit of advice from his top military commanders on a new strategy for an increasingly unpopular, costly and chaotic war - one he has conceded the U.S. is not winning. His trip so soon after taking office underscored the Bush administration's effort to be seen as energetically seeking a new path in the conflict.

    "The whole purpose is to go out, listen to the commanders, talk to the Iraqis, and see what I can learn," Gates told reporters as he boarded his aircraft in Washington on Tuesday.

    Gates and Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, were scheduled to meet with U.S. and Iraqi military and political leaders.

    As they flew to Iraq, the Los Angeles Times reported that Army Gen. John P. Abizaid, commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East, has submitted plans to retire and will leave his post in March.

    Abizaid was among those expected to meet with Gates and Pace in Baghdad. His four-year term as chief of the Central Command, or Centcom, was to have ended in July but a spokesman earlier had said he agreed to stay until "early 2007" at the request of former defense chief Donald H. Rumsfeld. The Times quoted one recently retired Army general as saying Abizaid wanted to retire earlier, but was blocked by Rumsfeld.

    The top U.S. commander in Iraq, Gen. George Casey, has indicated in recent months that he also may not stay much beyond the end of this year.

    Shortly before Gates' arrival, the U.S. military in Iraq announced that a senior al-Qaida leader had been arrested in Mosul on Dec. 14 and that security responsibilities in Iraq's northern Najaf province were handed over to Iraqi forces earlier Wednesday. It was not clear whether the announcements were timed to coincide with Gates' visit.

    On Tuesday, Bush told The Washington Post he is ready to boost the overall size of the U.S. military, acknowledging he agrees with recent complaints by top generals that the forces have been stretched too thin by the worldwide campaign against terrorists. He used no figures, but said he was asking Gates to produce a plan for the expansion.

    Gates' trip to Iraq comes with the Bush administration under intense pressure from Congress and the American public to sort through options for a war that has caused the deaths of more than 2,940 U.S. troops and cost more than $300 billion. More than three-and-a-half years after the U.S. invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein, the conflict now involves insurgents and bloodshed between Sunnis and Shiites that seems on the cusp of civil war.

    Bush is considering choices ranging from a short-term surge of thousands of troops to bring the escalating violence in Baghdad and Anbar province under control, to removing combat U.S. forces and accelerating the training and equipping of Iraqi security forces.

    There are about 140,000 U.S. troops in Iraq, more than a third of whom have combat duties.

    Gates' visit also follows the release of a grim Pentagon report that revealed a 22 percent increase in violence in Iraq since August, and a steady decline in confidence Iraqis have in their government.

    It is Gates' first trip to Iraq as defense secretary.

    He went there earlier this year as a member of the Iraq Study Group, a bipartisan commission that spent nine months assessing the situation in Iraq. It produced recommendations that include phasing out most U.S. combat troops by early 2008, increasing military training for Iraqis and including Iran and Syria in regional efforts to end the violence.

    Rumsfeld resigned last month the day after Democrats swept elections to win control of the House and Senate next year. Their triumph was powered by an American electorate that many believe was signaling has lost patience with the conflict.

    When Gates was sworn in Monday, he promised to visit Iraq "quite soon" to hear from military leaders.

    "Failure in Iraq at this juncture would be a calamity that would haunt our nation, impair our credibility, and endanger Americans for decades to come," said Gates, 63.

    During the ceremony at the Pentagon, Bush said Gates will bring a "fresh perspective" to the Defense Department, and will help the country forge a new way forward in Iraq.

  3. #34183
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    No. (747) in 20 / 12 / 2006

    Iraq : the market for securities achieve an increase in the general indicators

    Baghdad : Ali Jasim The last meeting was held circulation of Iraq market for securities of this year's rotation (32) shares of the company while the number of shares traded by (315) million shares valued exceeded (482) million dinars through the implementation (282) and closed Almehrabam the market (25.288) points, up by (0.035) from the previous meeting. It indicators circulation achieved shows rise in the index of the service sector and the decline in the banking sector index, industry, hotels and stability of the insurance sector index and investment, has been trading on the agricultural sector.

    In the banking sector have been circulating shares (9) companies banking rose during which rates shares the Bank of Babel rate (5.26%), decreased rates the shares (6) companies : the Islamic bank rate (5.88%) and Bank of Egypt Iraqi rate (4.55%) and Bank Alorka rate (2.78%) and the Bank of the Middle East by (2.63%) and the Asian economy rate (2.5%) and, finally, the Bank of Baghdad rate (2.38%). It maintained the Iraqi Investment Bank on the same exchange rate at the previous meeting, while the circulation for the first time, the share of bank Cordstan after the Board of Governors approved the inclusion of market shares in the market and the banking index closed b (36.386) points by a low (0.153%) than in the previous meeting. The share of the banking sector of the number of shares traded has exceeded (232) million shares, or amount (73.9%) of the total number of shares traded in this meeting and the value of (305) million dinars, or (63.2%) of the total volume. The Iraqi investment bank has the highest proportion in terms of the number of shares traded and the volume of trading amounted to (44.1%) and (42%) respectively in terms of the number of shares traded and the volume of transactions of the banking sector, following the circulation of more than (102) million shares valued exceeded (128) million dinars. Either the services sector has been the circulation of the shares of (5) companies rose of which he rates the prices of the shares of (4) companies are : the City of Games Rasafah a rate of (13.04%), the highest rate of the rise in the meeting and the company of elite General Contracting a rate of (5.26%) and the company of the globe for real estate investments, a rate of (2.94%) and Company Secretary of the real estate investments by far (2.94%), while maintained the Iraqi company for land transport on the same rate the price of IMPREGILO at the previous meeting and closed off the indicator service consumption b (73.286) points, up by far (1.093%) from the the previous meeting. The manufacturing sector has been the circulation of the shares of (11) Company rates declined prices of shares of (4) companies are : Company Bireh Timor, with (14.29%), the highest rate of the decline in the meeting and Company of electronic industries a rate of (9.09%) and the company of food industries a rate of (6.45%) and the company of the sewing modern a rate of (5.26%), and maintained (7) companies on the same rates the prices of their shares at the previous meeting is a corporation the Nineveh for Food Industries and the company of carpets, upholstery and Company Baghdad for packaging materials, and the company of Baghdad carbonated and Company dates the Iraqi Industries Corporation chemical and Company metallurgical industries and bicycles and closed off the indicator industrial b (11.083) a point of by a low (0.395%) from the the previous meeting. The company achieved Baghdad for carbonated beverages, where the highest proportion of the number of shares traded and the volume of trading in the industrial sector amounted to (48.3%) and (42.1%), respectively, of the number of shares traded and the volume of trading in the industrial sector, after the circulation of more than (23) million shares worth more than (23) million dinars. In general was the circulation (32) out of a total of (93) listed companies, rates increased prices of shares (5) companies and the rates dropped prices of shares (13) is a company with maintained (13) is a company at the same rates prices previous company and the Bank Cordstan circulation for the first time, but still (27) the company stopped trading because of the its annual general and the implementation of decisions of its public and (11), the company suspended from trading by the Securities Commission of Iraq.

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  4. #34184
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    Iran : the euro replaced the dollar in foreign dealings

    Tehran and agencies : Iran said it would replace the dollar euro in its external transactions, as well as for deposits of foreign government, and it seems that this step has been taken in response to pressure exerted by the United States on the Iranian banking regulations.

    The spokesman Gholam Hossein important for the Iranian government in a press conference on Monday that "the government ordered the Central Bank to swap dollar Balior to avoid the problems that arise in the remittance business.

    He added that Iran is not calculated in euro dollar revenues, including the proceeds of the sale of oil and they are also changes in the same direction on the reserves abroad. The Iranian press reports that Iran has started since 2003 reserves conversion of the dollar to other currencies, encouraged by the efforts of American pressure to isolate Tehran because of its nuclear program. Meanwhile, Reuters news agency that he had not immediately clear whether that meant that Iran started new efforts to convert foreign currency reserves from the dollar to other currencies. The Central Bank of Iran announced on the total foreign exchange reserves or details of the currency and gold, but media reports recently hinted that the dollar could represent 30% of Iran's reserves. His inspiration : so far, instead of assigning the budget and foreign exchange earnings on the dollar, and the reliance on the dollar, are changing this computational method. He added : "We think the oil revenues, we receive on the basis of the dollar and what seems to us in the budget will be based on the Saudi riyal exchange rate against the euro is the dollar. The inspiration that "there will be the adoption of the dollar, and started the implementation of this change already on the reserve currencies abroad. He added that an economic institutions Iranian government informed the opening of letters of guarantee in euros instead of dollars in the future. Bankers say that most of the international banks have already stopped transactions with Iran dollar because of the pressure from Washington, and is converting most of the funds currently in euros or other currencies.

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  5. #34185
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Wow, nice to wake up to! Another $83 made! Looking good folks, looks like they will surpass the IMF recommendations. Great to see it drop by the day, wait until those drops get bigger and we get the one big one!

    No rumours today folks, will keep it 'buttoned' from now on!

    Oh, and good morning to all!!!

    Adster, Somehow I missed your link to the dinar spreadsheet. Could you please send it to me or refer me to a posting so I can download it. Thank you .

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  7. #34186
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    No. (747) in 20 / 12 / 2006

    "Financial" declares the readiness of banks to grant loans for housing ministries, municipalities and water resources.

    Baghdad : Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed Jabr said in a statement Zubaidi, the Minister of Finance that Iraqi banks affiliated to the ministry was prepared to grant the companies affiliated to the ministries of housing and construction, water resources and municipal loans for projects to be implemented by the ministries in support of the upgrade for the performance of these companies from the considerable experience in the implementation of projects for the construction of bridges, factories, productivity distributed throughout Iraq. This came during a meeting between the Minister and ministers of those ministries were discussed during the meeting, the budgets of the ministries of 2007 and service projects and strategic outlook implemented by the concerned ministries through optimal investment for next year budget plan, which will see explosive in the area of infrastructure in Iraq. The Minister of Finance, Mr. stressed the importance of upgrading projects to be implemented within the framework of the plan in 2007 because the Ministry was serious in supporting projects that serve all citizens and achieve high rates of achievement and the emphasis on the absorption of labor and that is the Iraqi experience and competence in the field of reconstruction and take the private sector to participate in the completion of these projects. The Foreign Ministers detailed explanation of the plan projects to be implemented by the ministries concerned, which is the backbone of the reconstruction operations in Iraq. This meeting was attended by a number of officials in Alozara T. concerned.

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  8. #34187
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    Todays press in Baghdad.

    9-In the meantime the quest for the reduction of inflation. Frenzied speculation to circumvent the procedures the Central Bank.

    6-developed plan for the coming years. Baghdad Secretariat concluded contracts worth one billion dinars in 1000.

    7-Water Resources discuss with Turkey and the reality of shared water.

    8-wage reduction studies evening. Baghdad University : the speedy recruitment of graduates and the commitment of the top students Uniform

    4-housing complexes for employees of higher education.

    Three 20-thousand Iraqi security element implement the new Baghdad security plan early in 2007.

    2-construction of housing units for families of the martyrs and Almenfelin.

    -Syria and Iraq agree on the fight against terrorism and exchanging wanted persons.

    8-An Iraqi delegation is a tour of the Gulf next week to discuss the strengthening of security and stability.

    4-Minister of Tourism in the province receives a delegation of companies (Lebanese - Emirates-Cordstaneh).

    in the last session of the Iraq market of securities for 2006. A large demand for the shares of the investment bank and the Iraqi invading Baghdad.

    4-dinar and the continuation of the rise of a decline in the sales dollar.

    4-In a meeting attended by Massoud Albar adulterer and Adel Abdul Mahdi. Talabani, Blair agree to the establishment of an association for the moderate forces.
    5- عشرون ألف ينفذون خطة امن بغداد في الخامس من الشهر المقبل.Twenty-five thousand security plan connecting Baghdad on the fifth of next month.

    Iraqi Presidency

  9. #34188
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    U.S. Hands Shiite Holy City to Iraqi Forces

    20/12/200620 / 12 / 2006

    NAJAF, Iraq (AFP) - Iraqi commanders have taken charge of security in the Shiite holy city of Najaf as its province became the first to be handed over by the US military to its local allies.NAJAF, Iraq (AFP) - Iraqi commanders have taken charge of security in the Shiite holy city of Najaf as its province became the first to be handed over by the U.S. military to its local allies.

    Hundreds of Iraqi police and soldiers attended a ceremony in the city's football stadium at which authority for planning and ordering security operations passed to the provincial governorate.Hundreds of Iraqi police and soldiers attended a ceremony in the city's football stadium at which authority for planning and ordering security operations passed to the provincial governorate.

    "Our heroes! Our brothers in the Iraqi police and army!" called Najaf's Governor Assaad Abu-Gelal. "We need the area to be free of militias so that only the police and army can carry guns. I'm proud of you.""Our heroes! Our brothers in the Iraqi police and army! " Called Najaf's Governor Assaad Abu-Gelal. "We need the area to be free of militias so that only the police and army can carry guns. I'm proud of you. "

    US commander Brigadier General Vincent Brooks said: "Today marks a historic event for the great country of Iraq.U.S. commander Brigadier General Vincent Evidence said : "Today marks a historic event for the great country of Iraq.

    "The Iraqi police and Iraqi Army can assume overall responsibility for all law enforcement and security activities. This is a terrific success for Iraq, achieved through the policies of the Iraqi government," he said."The Iraqi police and Iraqi Army can assume overall responsibility for all law enforcement and security activities. This is a terrific success for Iraq, achieved through the policies of the Iraqi government, "he said.

    While coalition forces remain ready to support local troops if needed, their commanders now believe day-to-day operations in Najaf can be handled by Iraqis, a small step closer to the end of the US mission in Iraq.While coalition forces remain ready to support local troops if needed, commanders now believe their day-to-day operations in Najaf can be handled by Iraqis, a small step closer to the end of the U.S. mission in Iraq.

    Nevertheless, Brooks promised his Iraqi comrades: "We will be quite literally up the road."Nevertheless, Evidence promised his Iraqi comrades : "We will be quite literally up the road."

    British and Italian forces have already passed control of two southern provinces to local governors, but Wednesday's ceremony was the first of its kind in the more volatile US-controlled regions of central Iraq.British and Italian forces have already passed control of two southern provinces to local governors, but Wednesday's ceremony was the first of its kind in the more volatile US-controlled regions of central Iraq.

    More provinces are expected to follow suit in the coming weeks.More provinces are expected to follow suit in the coming weeks.

    "In a few days we shall see a transfer of security in the three provinces of Kurdistan," Iraqi national security adviser Mowaffaq al-Rubaie said in Najaf."In a few days we shall see a transfer of security in the three provinces of Kurdistan," Iraqi national security adviser Mowaffaq al-Rubaie said in Najaf.

    "The government is moving in the correct direction to get full sovereignty. It will keep trying to get responsibility in the hands of Iraqis.""The government is moving in the correct direction to get full sovereignty. It will keep trying to get responsibility in the hands of Iraqis. "
    Najaf's population is predominantly Shiite and the area has been spared the worst of the sectarian fighting that has blighted the region around Baghdad.Najaf's population is predominantly Shiite and the area has been spared the worst of the sectarian fighting that has blighted the region around Baghdad.

    But it is also the home the mausoleum of the Imam Ali, the holiest site in Shiite Islam, and has been the target of some of the most symbolic and dangerous violence of Iraq's four-year-old conflict.But it is also the home the mausoleum of the Imam Ali, the holiest site in Shiite Islam, and has been the target of some of the most symbolic and dangerous violence of reads four-year-old conflict.

    In August 2003, five months after the US-led invasion that overthrew Saddam Hussein's regime, a car bomb near the shrine killed 83 people, including the powerful Shiite leader Mohammed Bakr Hakim.In August 2003, five months after the US-led invasion that overthrew Saddam Hussein's regime, a car bomb near the shrine killed 83 people, including the powerful Shiite leader Mohammed Bakr Hakim.

    The blast was a sign of the mayhem that was to engulf the country as rival militias and insurgent groups battled for supremacy in the post-Saddam era.The blast was a sign of the mayhem that was to engulf the country as rival militias and insurgent groups battled for supremacy in the post-Saddam era.

    In August 2004, US forces fought a pitched battle for more than three weeks with the Mahdi Army, an illegal Shiite militia answering to radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, whose men had seized the town centre.In August 2004, U.S. forces fought a pitched battle for more than three weeks with the Mahdi Army, an illegal Shiite militia answering to radical cleric professionals ranks, whose men had seized the town center.

    Sadr was eventually forced to back down, but went on to turn his notoriety into a political and military powerbase. Today, the Pentagon regards the Mahdi Army as the most dangerous faction in Iraq's sectarian war.Sadr was eventually forced to back down, but went on to turn his notoriety into a political and military powerbase. Today, the Pentagon regards the Mahdi Army as the most dangerous faction reads in sectarian war.
    In August this year, as Iraq plunged deeper into bloodshed between Sunni and Shiite factions, a Sunni suicide bomber triggered an explosive vest at a police checkpoint just yards from the shrine, killing 35 people.In August this year, as Iraq plunged deeper into bloodshed between Sunni and Shiite factions, a Sunni suicide bomber triggered an explosive vest at a police checkpoint just yards from the shrine, killing 35 people.

    Despite the violence, hundreds of thousands of Shiite pilgrims from Iraq, Iran and beyond still visit the shrine every year. That most manage to do so in safety has been taken as a good sign by US commanders.Despite the violence, hundreds of thousands of Shiite pilgrims from Iraq, Iran and beyond still visit the shrine every year. That most manage to do so in safety has been taken as a good sign by U.S. commanders.

    A city-wide curfew was in effect during the handover ceremony, but the US military said it would not be handing over command if it did not think Iraqi forces were ready for the responsibility of maintaining security.City-A curfew was in effect during the handover ceremony, but the U.S. military said it would not be handing over command if it did not think Iraqi forces were ready for the responsibility of maintaining security.

    Controversially, Najaf province endorses the use of Shiite "popular committees" to operate a neighbourhood-watch style security programme in various districts, which some see as a threat to government control.Controversially, Najaf province endorses the use of Shiite "popular committees" to operate a neighbourhood-watch style security program in various districts, which some see as a threat to government control.

  10. #34189
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    20 كانون الاول 2006

    trade exceeded nine billion dinars.

    An economic report Baghdad-Sabah The company's sales exceeded general trade construction materials amount eight billion dinars last month. With sales of almost central market of one billion dinars for the month of September. An official in the Construction Materials Trading Company of the Ministry of Commerce. In a press statement. The company achieved during last October sales of wood and iron materials, sanitary materials imported and local totaling eight billion and 270 million and 950 thousand dinars included the processing of citizens under the marriage contract and leave the building and the various government departments, these articles. For his part, explained the source in the company of the central markets of the ministry also disclose that the company achieved during last September sales amounted to 964 million and 399 thousand dinars through branches in Baghdad and other governorates. He said sales of Shopping Centers and markets of Baghdad hit 794 million and 664 thousand dinars. With sales amounted markets governorates 169 million and 738 thousand dinars. He pointed out that the total income for the company central markets will hit 371 million and 359 thousand dinars for years.

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    No quorum in the House of Representatives until the Eid Al-Adha holiday! . Parliament is considering formation of a commission of inquiry with Dulaimi on the background of a "Istanbul"

    Baghdad / commoners hailed The absence of a quorum of the House without holding a formal meeting on Tuesday. The meeting of the 59 declared open had been postponed more than once because of the presence of a quorum of 50% of the total number of members (275 members) plus one. Accordingly was yesterday held a consultative meeting with the parliamentary hearing for the first reading of a number of draft laws.

    The deputy asked to remain anonymous, said that the likely continuation of consultative meetings until the end holiday Eid Al-Adha holiday and the pilgrimage season, and because of the departure of many members to perform Hajj. The House of Representatives discussed the statements of some members of the House of Representatives on the mass of the Iraqi Accord statements to the Istanbul conference, "the support of the people of Iraq" in the past few days, and on top of Adnan Al-Dulaimi, a large number of the council members in their interventions of this meeting is that these statements inflame sectarian conflict in the draft are in the interest of national reconciliation. The Foreign Relations Committee in the House of Representatives issued a statement Astankaria on these statements and denounced Turkey's role in convening this conference. As announced by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and Dr. Khalid al-Attiyah agency that the presidency of the Security Council would consider forming a parliamentary committee to investigate with Adnan Al-Dulaimi and other senators about their statements in the Istanbul conference. She called for the Committee on Foreign Relations, the government summoned the Iraqi ambassador in Turkey in protest at Turkey embrace the conference, as demanded in a statement issued yesterday got (long), a copy of summoning Ambassador of Turkey to Iraq and to inform the invocation by the Iraqi government, and invited the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki not to send a delegation to Turkey in the delegations to be sent to neighboring countries and to reconsider the trade and economic relations between the two countries.

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