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  1. #34251
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    That would be Great. Considering everytime we have a Newbie that post that saying from the Xe site. I know first hand cause that was my first post from my Aussie Buddy's. Remember?

    Oh yes, in the 'last time you'll see this' thread somewhere! Wow, now we're going back!

    If I had a dinar for everytime someone has posted this on the 5 forums I frequent I'd have not needed to have paid for any dinars stashed away here!
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  2. #34252
    Senior Investor Inscrutable's Avatar
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    Ozzie would have enjoyed this ceremony.

    Iraqi soldiers eat frogs, rabbit at handover ceremony - Yahoo! News

    NAJAF, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraqi soldiers bit the heads off frogs and ate the heart of a rabbit as signs of courage on Wednesday at a ceremony to transfer Najaf province, home to one of Shi'ite Islam's holiest shrines, from U.S. to Iraqi control.

    I think this will ease some violence now.

  3. #34253
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inscrutable View Post
    Ozzie would have enjoyed this ceremony.

    Iraqi soldiers eat frogs, rabbit at handover ceremony - Yahoo! News

    NAJAF, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraqi soldiers bit the heads off frogs and ate the heart of a rabbit as signs of courage on Wednesday at a ceremony to transfer Najaf province, home to one of Shi'ite Islam's holiest shrines, from U.S. to Iraqi control.

    I think this will ease some violence now.
    That's just gross. Couldn't they just slap each other around to prove their manhood? Or get a Hemi??

  4. #34254
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    Quote Originally Posted by IITB View Post

    I believe the reason that Chase is not keeping pace with the CBI , is "why make such a small profit on the short term goal , when so much more can be made on the long term gain."
    What I mean by that is, if they nickle and dime their customers by the day, it would not be near as profitable, as holding on for the R/V ( THE BIG BANG ) when people will be lining up around the block with millions to do business with them.
    The R/V is eminent,and they damned well know it !!!! JMHO
    Merry X-mas all
    I sincerely trust the R/V is not eminent; I trust that a compassionate heart within us is eminent.
    I can, however, certainly support an imminent R/V like today or Jan 01/07.
    No offense meant; I'm just feeling like a grade school kid who used to win all the spelling bees and I just couldn't resist this. Please chalk it up as some light-hearted levity.

  5. #34255
    Senior Investor $onedaysoon$'s Avatar
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    posted this a few days ago
    just incase anyone missed it

    great info links for Iraq Government

    ÇáÍßæãÉ ÇáÚÑÇÞíÉ ÇáÇäÊÞÇáíÉ
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  6. #34256
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    AR RAMADI, Iraq(Dec. 20, 2006) -- AR RAMADI, Iraq – Call it one-stop shopping for Iraqi and Coalition Forces. A detachment of civil affairs Marines, who call themselves “The Forgotten Four,” are keeping Marines and soldiers connected to the Iraqis in Al Anbar Province.

    Marines with Detachment 4, 4th Civil Affairs Group carry out missions in the Ramadi area, including working at the Provincial Civil Military Operations Center in Ramadi, Iraq, where one major operation is to pay out claims to Iraqis.

    “Our biggest operation is opening up the entry control point so that we can pay out claims for local nationals who have claims for damaged property,” said Gunnery Sgt. Matthew A. Knight, PCMOC Chief, 4th CAG.

    There is one large team that runs the PCMOC, and a second smaller group that runs security at the Government Support Team, located on Camp Blue Diamond, Ramadi, Iraq, Knight said.

    When Iraqis are injured or their property is damaged due to perceived Coalition Forces actions, such as the destruction of a house or a car, the people usually hire an attorney. These attorneys are familiar with the process 4th CAG Marines use to determine whether the Iraqi’s claim is valid.

    Marines who work the ECP at the PCMOC search the Iraqis before they enter. They do everything from visually inspecting Iraqis to checking for weapons on them.

    “When they walk in I visually inspect them,” said Lance Cpl. John F. Snow, a team assistant, 4th CAG. “If I see something unusual, I have them lift the item of clothing blocking it and visually inspect.

    “We haven’t had attempts to bring weapons in, but if we did, we would recognize it by the shape,” Snow said. “I’m looking for things to be wrong, like weapons or shape of weapons.”

    Marines from the 1st Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, Company B, provide perimeter security while the 4th CAG Marines provide internal security, Knight explained.

    After searching the Iraqis, Marines guide them into the waiting area where they wait to be seen, Knight added. It’s the responsibility of the Marines to schedule appointments for the individual Iraqi attorneys to bring their clients in.

    The scheduling process varies from person to person, said Cpl Marissa C. Ferkovich, 4th CAG team assistant.

    When it is time for the Iraqi to be seen for a claim, they have already seen the Coalition scheduler to get an appointment, Ferkovich said.

    Iraqis can have someone else, such as a local attorney, do this for them but in order to have their claim reviewed, the Iraqi with the claim must actually be here on their appointed date and time, Knight explained.

    “They are scheduled for months in advance and there are no walk-ins,” Ferkovich said.

    On their given appointment, Iraqis and their attorney meet with an Army attorney from1st Brigade Combat Team, Judge Advocate General, who makes the trip to the PCMOC from Camp Ramadi.

    “The Army attorney listens to the case and determines whether or not they have a valid case and if the damage was caused by the Coalition Forces actions,” Knight said.

    “A lot of cases are pending and we reschedule them because we need more paperwork or more evidence,” Ferkovich explained. “Sometimes they’re denied on the spot, it’s all situational.”

    It is up to the Coalition attorney to decide the merits of a claim, and it is often the records of significant Coalition Forces events that can provide the needed proof. Likewise, when there is no log record of Coalition Forces’ significant events for a particular claimant’s case, it may result in non-payment of the claim, Knight said.

    Sometimes additional evidence is required for a cases’ validity.

    Another way for someone to make a case for a valid claim is to provide photographic evidence for damages that are consistent with Coalition Force actions. Other times, a claimant will bring a chit, which is a piece of paper signed by a Coalition Force member specifically given to that claimant for documenting damages, Knight explained.

    As far as payment for valid claims, a Marine disburser makes payments as directed by the Coalition attorney who has reviewed their case, Knight said.

    And in the event the JAG finds a claim to be valid, they pay out amounts on what the damage is. As far as specific amounts for payment, they are done on the monetary value, paid out in Iraqi dinar, to compensate for the damages to physical property, or whatever else damage may have been done, Knight said.

    “In talking to the CF attorney’s, anecdotal evidence would suggest that about 50 percent of our potential claimants will not be compensated,” Knight said. He added this can be due to a number of factors, but usually, it is catastrophic damages in an area with no correlating Coalition Force significant event occurrences.

    On a normal day, Iraqi lawyers will ask Ferkovich to schedule more claims than they came in for, she explained. Sometimes the Iraqi person themselves can schedule claims without a lawyer. Another situation that turns up is when lawyers are friendly with each other, so if one lawyer cannot make a case, another lawyer will take his claims for him.

    “Normally, a person will come and in about a four-to-five hour period they’ll be seen by an attorney and their claim will be denied or approved depending on the case,” Knight said. “I think it’s important that people understand what the PCMOC does, and I think what a lot of people really don’t get is that this PCMOC really is a clearing house for all of the Coalition Forces in Ramadi.”

    The Army Corps of Engineers moves through here; the Department of State move through here, Knight explained. The 4th CAG Marines also have Army Civil Affairs come through, and of course the Marine Corps Civil Affairs.

    “Our function is to support all of the military within Ramadi by acting as a bridge between the local government here by making direct liaison with the Al Anbar government, to include the Provincial Governor and his associated Director Generals, and Coalition Forces that are operating anywhere in Al Anbar, but especially in Ramadi,” Knight said.

    This is done by providing a location for Coalition Forces to meet with these various officials at the PCMOC, by trying to coordinate various projects throughout the province, Knight explained. This avoids duplication of efforts on the parts of all the various entities operating here.

    As far as Knight’s Marines go, he believes the experience they are gaining through working out of the PCMOC cannot be matched anywhere in the Marine Corps.

    “They meet with high-ranking civilian and military officials and have the opportunity to interact with persons that their rank might normally preclude them from meeting with,” Knight said. “In running the claims center, the Marines have the opportunity to meet the Iraqi people and hopefully put a positive and human face on the CF efforts in Al Anbar Province.”

    paid out in deeeeenarrr not usd

    Marine Corps News> Iraqis Claims Addressed by 4th CAG Marines

  7. #34257
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    We have a New Programmer. The one RC had in the US, I had all his contact info. Since Marek changed Programmers, he has all that info and he is off setting up our portal Investments. I have left Messages and skypes to him. When he logs on he will see it. Until then we will have to deal with it like all the suggestions have been.
    neno, whats a portal investment?

  8. #34258
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiko View Post
    Next thing to watch out to: ICI
    didnt sgs pass the word that ici was to happen on the 20th? thats today! or yest for iraq if it occurred there... maybe we'll hear something shortly...
    unless its good news in which case we might not!

  9. #34259
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    Quote Originally Posted by addict View Post
    Good news, maybe the U.S will get off Iraq's back now. This should really push the RV for an earlier date.

    From another perspective...widely under-reported by the mainstream could see the United States as the "wind under (Iraq's) wings".
    Enjoy lots of really bugs your enemies...if you still have any.

  10. #34260
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    Cool Not here Please.

    Quote Originally Posted by crave681 View Post
    neno, whats a portal investment?
    Marek (Admin) has all the news and info here:

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