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  1. #34441
    Investor Vipor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trapper t View Post
    Hello all, just a Q for all how far will the rate of the dinar have to drop before we will be at a break even mark? i was trying to calculate this and I think I need it to be around 1030 to the dollar and I will be at even money!! ( I am no math genus lol)
    Great luck to all
    Trapper, I posted this a few days ago. Might want to check it out.

  2. #34442
    Senior Investor Hardwood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trapper t View Post
    Hello all, just a Q for all how far will the rate of the dinar have to drop before we will be at a break even mark? i was trying to calculate this and I think I need it to be around 1030 to the dollar and I will be at even money!! ( I am no math genus lol)
    Great luck to all
    Depends on how much you paid per million. For me, break even is at 1220. I bought from SafeD a year and a few months ago.

    Their rate is getting higher every day....a very good sign for all of us

    (To determine your break even, take the total value of your dinars and divide that by the total you spent for them, including shipping)
    Last edited by Hardwood; 21-12-2006 at 04:34 PM. Reason: Helpful formula
    Do unto know the rest...

    Here I am getting my Dinar News Fix waiting for that "Bold Adjustment"

  3. #34443
    Member ForceReK0n's Avatar
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    I know this. I was speaking wishful thinking.

    And it sure would be nice though. This ride has been long and I am tired!


    Quote Originally Posted by PaulieThaGreat View Post
    They mean bring it down to 1260 in the first part of 2007.

  4. #34444
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Guys, the dinar has increased by almost 6% to the dollar this month and 11.5% this year. Wait until next year comes.
    Forget next year. This reval is coming in this year. IMF wants that oil law done.

  5. #34445
    Junior Member dumfatnhappy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trapper t View Post
    Hello all, just a Q for all how far will the rate of the dinar have to drop before we will be at a break even mark? i was trying to calculate this and I think I need it to be around 1030 to the dollar and I will be at even money!! ( I am no math genus lol)
    Great luck to all
    pm me your email and I'll send you a spreadsheet that will tell it ALL to you

    it's very cool


    " If you're looking for can find it between s**t and the dictionary..."

  6. #34446
    Junior Member dumfatnhappy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hardwood View Post
    Depends on how much you paid per million. For me, break even is at 1220. I bought from SafeD a year and a few months ago.

    Their rate is getting higher every day....a very good sign for all of us

    (To determine your break even, take the total value of your dinars and divide that by the total you spent for them, including shipping)
    @1030 he would have paid $970 per mil


    " If you're looking for can find it between s**t and the dictionary..."

  7. #34447
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    The prime minister's statement to the press -

    (Voice of Iraq) - 12-21-2006
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    Thursday, 21 / 12 / 2006

    Press statement

    Premier emphasized Mr. Nuri Kamal Al-Maliki that the majority of of terrorist acts that happen in Iraq politically motivated and that the Sadamiin and their allies from Altkverein betting on the lack of stability and security in the country and in the desperate attempt to re-wheel of history backwards, This came during his reception of today the American Defense Minister Robert Gates Foundation in Baghdad that transported the sovereignty confirmation support President George Bush for the government of National Unity as well as support of the United States for What had been in the discourse of Mr. Prime Minister in the Conference political forces for national reconciliation which concluded its work in Baghdad recently regarding the government's intention to the prosecution of the outlaws.

    And Mr. Prime Minister, that the Iraqi forces and cooperation with the multinational forces had completed the finalization of the Baghdad security plan which would be implemented during the coming period in accordance with a new vision.

    Following his meeting with the Prime Minister attended the American Secretary of Defense Robert Gates in the Joint Security Committee meeting between the two countries.

  8. #34448
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    The resentment of the Iraqi people away half of the members of Parliament for pilgrimage

    (Voice of Iraq) - 12-21-2006
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    Its collapse shut amid security

    Opinion of deployed personnel and the resentment of the Iraqi people away half of the members of Parliament for pilgrimage

    Baghdad-file Press

    Parliamentary sources said that the Iraqi parliament suspended its Iraqi can in the coming weeks after travel most of its members to perform the Hajj and others travel to other countries and that the quorum had not been reached in most of its half during the past period since the end of summer break, which pays many of the Iraqis to express their displeasure at the performance of its members and the lack of access to the level of responsibility in addressing the concerns of Iraqis.

    Indicate Iraqi sources from within the Council told (file Presse) that more than half of the members of the Council have registered to perform the Hajj after the give the Council exception for its members travel for pilgrimage and the plane empty without competing with citizens took so many of whom to the investment of this opportunity, which seemed to be almost free of charge for members, With Others stated that some members of the Council had registered the names of some members of protections personal, their relatives and their families within the lists of pilgrims what prevent many citizens from performing opportunity the pilgrimage at a time will not longer the Council for traveling to the pilgrimage discontinuity officially could reduce the salaries.

    In what has become an interview Iraqis from frequent absence of the members of the Council and non - had shown indifference of concerns of their people and citizens who elected them, was the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies the Iraqi had issued a decision severing amount of half a million dinars for each member for each day on the absence of, ie the equivalent of 350 dollars, but that some Iraqis Ihmson among them that members of the Council, will pay the this amount to be paid for not their presence because earn tenfold or more as a result of business they take during the Svrathm abroad, and dealing to facilitate the the activity of foreign trading companies in Iraq allocates them the banking commissions capitalizing of their circumstances and to bring it closer to some ministers from within Katham parliamentary.

    Titan resentment of the performance of members of the House and especially compete to perform the Hajj, exploiting the facilities granted to them to declare the source from the office of the religious authority have deployed opinion Mohamed Ag prevent MPs to Makkah this year, so as not to disrupt the meetings of the House and the time to address the concerns of citizens.

    He said Firas Karbasi, media coordinator for the Office of the Shiite religious authority, Sheikh deployed personnel,
    The Declaration of Ayatollah have deployed to this fatwa came during a meeting with members of the House of Representatives in his office in Najaf, Iraqi interpreted Karbasi reason have deployed opinion, saying, "because it is believed that members go on a pilgrimage to hamper the work of Parliament, which will cause the lack of quorum for the meetings (half of the members plus one), to the detriment of the interests of the people."

    The Coordinator media that members of parliament who intend pilgrimage this year "numbered (176) members, "according to his statement, pointing out that" most of whom have had the opportunity pilgrimage once or twice before. "

    The House of Representatives consists of the Iraqi (275), which means that the number of those who intend pilgrimage this year more than half of the members which interrupt the parliamentary sessions because of the absence of a quorum.

    Prior to Sheikh have deployed criticized by the Parliament to lift its one-month, during the month of August of this year, the summer holiday of deputies. The ills that have deployed at the time that the files and the many issues raised in the House of unbearable granting its members annual leave.

  9. #34449
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    The presidency of the Court of the Territory-a statement to the press

    (Voice of Iraq) - 12-21-2006
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    Press statement

    On the visit of the President of the territory Cordstan Mr. Massoud Barzani to Baghdad, the Office of the President issued the following statement : Territory -

    Mr. Massoud Barzani, head of the territory Cordstan visit to Baghdad during the period from 24 \ 11 \ 2006 \ 12 \ 21 2006, and the aim of the visit is to Chaurma all parties and political figures to build a political and wholesome popularity of the government and examining ways to help Alsitarhali uncontrolled security situation in Baghdad and some other regions of Iraq. The visit was aimed also reaffirmed the commitment of the Alcordstani the political process in Iraq, and advance with the others to safety. Alcorde constant presence in Baghdad confirmed the fact that the Kurds and the leadership Alcordstaneh part of the solution, and presentations are in the service of the people of Iraq and Cordstan.

    And in the context of the visit of sovereignty, has been holding numerous meetings with His Excellency President Jalal Talabani, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and many of the ministers, for the purpose of emphasis on the support of the federal government and addressing the security and administrative obstacles they face. And there were meetings and dialogue sessions between sovereignty and political party leaders in order to develop the idea of establishing or building front bench moderate parties and the believers of democracy and the Constitution and federal state in Iraq, facing Front and mass terrorism and sectarian violence. Action Front, in order to build a state of law against those who sow chaos and the rebel Justice.
    The Chairman of the territory Cordstan great efforts and strenuous efforts to the convergence of views between different bodies, and despite the lack of access to a final declaration that "front" but he was taking serious steps in this direction and there is a continuity of meetings and the same approach to reach agreement between the parties and committed serious federal democratic Iraq.

    And through the presence of President Barzani in Baghdad has been holding meetings at the Alcordstani between the two politicians of the two Democratic Alcordstani and the National Union Alcordstani to strengthen coordination between the two sides in all areas that convulse Cordstan and Iraq, and in this regard met sovereignty Baeza bloc alliance Alcordstani in the House of Representatives Iraqi and Minister Kurds in the federal government to discuss the program of work and the different actors in Baghdad and I sovereignty directives of the meeting and asked them to coordinate more among themselves and with the legislative and executive in the province.
    And in the field of diplomatic move, the President received at his office in the province of Baghdad majority of foreign ambassadors living in the capital, Baghdad, and exchanged views with them on the situation Alcordstani and the Iraqi situation in general. , Issued the security situation in Baghdad, talks with foreign diplomats, in addition to the relations between the various States and Iraq, and Cordstan.

    During the presence of the President of the Territory in Baghdad has been the publication of the report of the Baker-Hamilton of the United States of America, and which contains several recommendations on the Iraqi situation. After studying the report in detail, sovereignty issued a statement rejecting the report as a means of solving problems and the crisis in Iraq, stressing Aliaattabr recommendations of the report are far from the Iraqi reality and was in the interest of other countries and regional.

    And in many of his meetings with the American Ambassador and Western diplomats. When the president of the province confirmed that, in the case of application of the recommendations, this leads to the harmful consequences of American and Western interests, in addition to the interests of the Iraqi people in general and Cordstan in particular.

    The President Barzani in the meetings that people Cordstan gains, which have become part of the reality could not be excessive in any way and form, it came as a result of enormous sacrifices of the people and also that the gains Constitutional including Article (140) can never back down. Sons Cordstan inhaled the air of freedom and not abandon them at all cost.
    And it is known that the head of the province, said in his meetings with government officials Alvedralihali improve and develop relations between the territorial government and the federal government to resolve outstanding problems between them and participated in the meetings which were held between the Prime Minister in the government of the province, Mr. Nigervan Barzani and the government delegation accompanying him, with the head of the federal government, also participated sovereignty at the trilateral between representatives of the coalition forces and the Iraqi government and representatives of the Albshmarteh to study ways of joint action and coordination in the military field.

    It should be noted that President Barzani was attended by the political forces of national reconciliation and delivered a speech in which he Alcordstaneh constants, which are based on a system of democratic and federal Iraq and the faith in the Constitution and counting ditch work to build a just and tolerant of dry ditch, racial and sectarian violence. And the president of the fire of violence and terrorism and sedition up in the end to everybody, if not extinguish it.

    And President Barzani has received a telephone call from the President of the United States of America, George Bush to assure him and reassure the people about Cordstan continuity of support to build a democratic and federal Iraq, and said that he understood the concern of people Alcordstani after the publication of the Baker-Hamilton. President Bush and the price of the positive role of the President Barzani in his attempts to reunite the political parties in Iraq.

    During the visit of British Prime Minister, the President of the province participated in the joint meeting between the President and Vice-President of the Republic and many others with government leaders, Mr. Tony Blair, to explain the Iraqi situation and invited the President of the British Prime Minister to visit Cordstan, where security and Alaskarar and freedom. And he wished to visit.

    Sovereignty and had held a meeting with a delegation of the American Congress and discussed with them the security situation of Iraq, and how to get out of the Iraqi crisis.

    And at the end of his visit, met with President Barzani in his office, Mr. Robert Gates and the new American Secretary of Defense. Mr. sovereignty and a minister in the picture of the Iraqi situation and Alcordstani reflections on the current and future issues.
    This and has returned sovereignty to Cordstan after the end of the visit.

    The presidency of the Court of the Territory

  10. #34450
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    Default, which was the cheapest of all sites, has jumped from $740 per million 3 weeks ago to $815 per million (25ks) and now they only offer 10k and 25ks.....

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